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My Mother′s Healing

My Mother′s Healing
A very long time ago, I think I was about 9 years old as at then, something happened in our family that really touched everyone, even the smallest of us that was about 3 years old, felt it the same way we all felt it. I remember the tension in the house, the lost appetite, the sleepless nights, the tears, the worries. I'm the eldest child, and I remember having to comfort my younger siblings during that time, it was a very critical time in our family and even till today, we still remember it, how God turned things around for us.

One day, my mother's neck started swelling, it was very painful as she could not eat or drink or even swallow saliva, she was always awake at night due to the pains and crying and praying for God to heal her. She went for a test, the test result was very scary, she was told that fibroid was growing in her neck and the only solution will be a surgical operation in the neck. It was during holiday, because I remember we were always at home, assisting my mother to refill a small container with sand for her to spit saliva in, since she couldn't swallow. My mother didn't eat for days, she slimmed down and even as a kid, I lost appetite for play, food and many others.

She went to the hospital and booked a day for the operation, and about two weeks to the operation, a stranger met her on the road and told her that God sent him to tell her not to go for the operation, that she will be healed. My mother was very surprised, she never told anyone about the illness, neither did we, she instructed us not to tell anyone about it, so really it was God. The day of all other days came, where the tension, cry, lost of appetite and so on climbed to the fullest, my mother wanted to go to the hospital for check-up on how fatal the fibroid had grown and if she still had much time left. I remember I was eating with my siblings in the kitchen when my mother walked in and told us she was going to the hospital, and that she doesn't know how her visit to the hospital will be, she said this in a breaking tone as if she was about crying.

And immediately, we lost appetite, tears started rolling down from my eyes, and my siblings started crying too, my mother at this point could not hold her tears anymore, all of us cried including the last born. My mother tried to console us, but how could we be consoled when she was still shedding tears. My siblings and I immediately remembered God as the great healer and physician, and so we said a little word of prayer for my mum while tears was still flowing, that God should heal her. We watched her leave for the hospital, the cry didn't stop, and I prayed so hard that it shouldn't be the last time I'll ever get to see my mother, everyone had lost appetite for everything. She returned from the hospital with a happy and nervous mood, the test result showed that the fibroid in her neck had disappeared without traces, and she was completely fine, as no illness could be found in her. She was nervous because the throat was still swelled, but amazing the throat returned to it's normal form within two days, and she was fine as if she was never sick, the illness vanished the same way it appeared. God had healed her and kept her alive for us, since then I see it that God is fast to act when children cry and are heartbroken, it might be.

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