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Dominion Okon @grandmaster

Dominion Okon @grandmaster

Grandmaster At Island Of Relevancy
You are who you choose to be, not what others make you.☝️
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About grandmaster
Username: grandmaster
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Name: Dominion Okon
Gender: male
Age: 21 years old
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From: Akwa Ibom, Nigeria
Joined: 27th Mar 2022, 4:14pm
User ID: 4615

Forbidden Help That Costs

Forbidden Help That Costs
In one of our examinations, something happened between my coursemates that dropped our jaws. My coursemates; Emmanuel and James got themselves into a very terrible situation. Emmanuel is a very brilliant guy that writes exams without any help, James on the other hand has never written exams without expo as his main source which he couldn't do without.

While an examination was ongoing, one of the supervisors from a distance, sited James acting suspiciously and told him to stand up, James was using his phone to write the exams. While the supervisor was walking towards him, James passed his phone to Emmanuel to help him hide it. Emmanuel, though a brilliant student, was only help his coursemate to escape severe penalties.

The supervisor searched James and couldn't find anything on him, and so decided to search Emmanuel who sat close in front of him. And of course, the supervisor found the phone with Emmanuel, the lecturers in the exam hall were really disappointed, being that they know Emmanuel to be very intelligent. Emmanuel and James were accused of joint partnership in exam malpractice, their scripts were torn and they were sent out of the hall. we couldn't believe our eyes.

This served as a big lesson to us, how can you spend hours studying everyday, and at the end you decide to risk it for somebody that clubs everyday without studying. To help people is good, but in this scenario, it is bad to render any help of this kind, because if you are caught doing so, you are in big trouble and it will cost you so much. Emmanuel has failed that course because of trying to help James from getting caught, James didn't deserve that help, Emmanuel should have let him carry his cross.

@grandmaster would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Wed, 16th Oct. 2024.
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Lybia is one of the countries that I see as people who behave abnormally, imagine what they did to the Super Eagles, confirms that I wasn't wrong with the way I've always felt about them.
“Libyan Football Federation president resigns - Punch Newspapers”

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Toughest made the Easiest

Toughest made the Easiest
Today's exams was the best I've ever faced in the university, I didn't expect it to be so easy, right from the beginning of the semester, but it surprised me. The course title is Engineering Mathematics III, and as easy as it was to me, many came out lamented about how tough it was for them.

From the beginning of the semester, the lecturer that is taking the course doesn't allow anybody to enter the lecture hall again after he has started lecturing. He gives assignment every week, to be typed and printed, and submitted in the next class, anybody that doesn't make it to the lecture hall on time won't submit, as the door would have been shut.

The course had a practical aspect where an application called MATLAB is used to calculate the Engineering Mathematics. The practical was held twice in a facility outside the school, not too far from school, and it was already fixed by 4 pm, you're sure to be tired by this time of the day after stressing yourself from the beginning of the day. The practical was our C.A.

In all this, I was very active and participated in all, I never missed a lecture, did all the assignments and never went late to the lecture. The lecture was always by 8 am every Tuesday, and I was quite very afraid of the course, so I took it as a priority. I would leave my house by 6:45 am, just to make sure I'm there on time, and believe me, the attendance was very poor, only 20 students will show up in a department of 85 students. I personally did my assignments, studied in excess, I was fully involved.

The reason why the exam was very easy for me, and why it's difficult for others is very clear now. We all prayed concerning the course, it is the toughest of all, but only few could smile after the exams. God would only help those who help themselves. I told my coursemates as we walked back home, that there's no secret or shortcut to success, even God won't do anything in cases such as this. Study and God will help you understand and retain it, otherwise, you're on your own.

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Journey Of The Fittest

Journey Of The Fittest
The first time I had to leave my state for the first time, to another state for my university education, where I didn't have any relative. It was a moment I will never forget, I had to tearfully say goodbye to my friends and colleagues at place of work, I cried like a baby. My parents asked me where I'll sleep before renting a house for myself, I told them not to worry and travelled without any hesitation.

During the journey, I refused to let myself get bothered with how I'm going to sleep, bath or go about things, I just kept thinking about my family and friends, and how much I was missing them already. I arrived the state late in the evening and got to the university gate by 8 pm. Walking into the university, it was so cold, and quiet, with street lights shining on a long and wide interlocked path.

I found myself where to sit and relax, it's been a long journey and I was really hungry and tired, but saw no where to buy food nor snacks, and it was certainly not gonna be a night for a premium rest, because I had nowhere to sleep. I called my family to tell them that I had arrived, my father asked if I had where to sleep, I answered yes and told him I was fine, because I didn't want to stir up worries and unnecessary tension.

I went there with my school bag which contained my clothes, cup, sponge, soap, toothbrush, and my documents, it's funny, the way my house had a basic set of house tools. I felt safe inside the school environment, so I looked for a convenient, safe and hidden spot which was the veranda of the school library, laid some clothes on the floor and slept on it. The night very cold with cold breeze blowing in a turbulent manner, I couldn't sleep well, but I sha slept.

The school security came to me and asked why I was sleeping there, I narrated my story to them and they left me in peace. Very early in the morning, around 5 am, I woke up and took my bath in a running tap I found there, I used my cup as a scooper to pour the water on my body, brushed my teeth and changed my clothes, and once everywhere was bright, I quickly bought snacks to eat and went about my registration and clearance activities.

At the end of the day, I returned to my sleeping spot and this time a very heavy rain fell, it was terrible cold throughout the night, I was shaking. The same security met me again and I told them I wasn't able to go in search for a house to rent, and they understood. Woke up very early again, bathed, brushed and once it was morning, I decided to go and find a house, I prayed to God that I didn't want to walk up to 15 minutes before finding a house to rent.

Surprisingly, I walked straight to a house that had only one vacant room, God had answered that prayer, faster than I imagined, I rented that house. My landlady asked when I'm moving into the house, I told her I've moved in already. There was nothing in the house, so I slept in the floor, at least it was better than sleeping outside in the cold. I gradually purchased the house equipments I needed, and began my university journey in earnest, I find this story inspiring. I wanted to see how unique my survival skills are and how best I could take care of myself. I did great.

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Striking Balance

Striking Balance
The past few days have been very tough, I have an exam that is coming up in a week's time, and I've spent almost all my time preparing very hard to make sure the exam doesn't humiliate me. I started making the study very intensive to the extent that I will even forget to eat and rest, only one agenda on my list, and that is to read without ceasing.

I started feeling sick and always weak, my eyes almost red in colour, started losing focus anytime I try to study, sleep always showing up in a very funny way. Still, I force myself to study and get to sleep very late in the night, which will result in headache and some sickness symptoms when I wake up in the morning. I made myself restless, day and night, I wasn't comfortable anymore.

It can't be malaria, I took malaria medicine about one month ago, so I decided to try something new. I made a new schedule for when to eat, sleep, play, and study. I tried as much as possible to make sure I don't exit limits. Wake in the morning, clean up, bath, eat, relax a bit, study for some time, rest, bath eat, read again in the night and sleep. I suspected I had forced myself too much to focus on studying alone, ignoring food, play and rest, I had to correct it.

In just few days, I was fine, no more sickness symptoms, and I was able to concentrate more whenever it was time to study. Studying is good and expected of a student, but I discovered you can't ignore sleep, food and some leisure time, all are very important, or else it will take a toll on you and you might end up breaking down. The body can't take so much stress, sitting in one place throughout the day and night made me look like an HIV patient, but the moment I stopped neglecting sleep, food and leisure time, I was fine and studying became even more effective.

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Costly Experiences

Costly Experiences
Once upon a time, few years back when I was staying with my uncle, after I managed to learn how to drive his Hilux without any assistance, he gave me some basic driving tips that will helpful to me and ensure safety, I analysed all and spotted out one of them not to be completely true.

The man had been driving for years, and a young learner like me who just started driving, doubted this one tip he gave me. He told me that driving speed along a wet road, or when rain is falling, is very dangerous as the tires might slide on the road when the brake is applied, making it difficult for the car to stop. I doubted this, because looking at the tires, it has enough sturd, even the road is very rough, so I couldn't imagine water that is not slippery like okro water, to be capable of reducing friction that much.

About two years later, I got employed in a nursery, primary and secondary school to work as a school bus driver. On this fateful afternoon, while I was still driving the pupils and students back to their homes, rain started falling heavily, it was so big that I could not see the road clearly, yet I had to keep moving, because I was running late and the parents started calling. As at the time I finished dropping the last student, it was already late in the evening, and the rain had just stopped. I was on my way back to the school to park the bus, and I was driving fast, because I didn't want to get home late.

I was still driving with speed down a road that is very sloppy, and I spotted a car some meters in front of me that is about to use the u-turn. I matched down my brakes, the car didn't stop, rather it was sliding down the road and the tires was really making a loud noise. I won't lie, I feared I'll die that day, I was terrified to see my life flash before my eyes. The luck I had is that the other side of the road was free, and so the car made the turn just before I got to it, and then my car started slowing down and the brakes started working again. There was nothing wrong with the brakes, the car was too fast on a wet road, that incident cleared my doubt about what my uncle has been telling me. Learnt from experience, but it could have cost me my life, I should have made my research since I didn't believe the man, it's not everything that we will learn by experience, it could be disastrous, learning by research is much safer in this situation.

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It's very obvious that the palliative won't change anything, the government should think of creative ways to eliminate the hardship in this country, otherwise it will mean they don't have what it takes to rule this nation.
“Hardship: Palliatives not the answer, Abdulsalami tells FG - Daily Trust”

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My Mother′s Healing

My Mother′s Healing
A very long time ago, I think I was about 9 years old as at then, something happened in our family that really touched everyone, even the smallest of us that was about 3 years old, felt it the same way we all felt it. I remember the tension in the house, the lost appetite, the sleepless nights, the tears, the worries. I'm the eldest child, and I remember having to comfort my younger siblings during that time, it was a very critical time in our family and even till today, we still remember it, how God turned things around for us.

One day, my mother's neck started swelling, it was very painful as she could not eat or drink or even swallow saliva, she was always awake at night due to the pains and crying and praying for God to heal her. She went for a test, the test result was very scary, she was told that fibroid was growing in her neck and the only solution will be a surgical operation in the neck. It was during holiday, because I remember we were always at home, assisting my mother to refill a small container with sand for her to spit saliva in, since she couldn't swallow. My mother didn't eat for days, she slimmed down and even as a kid, I lost appetite for play, food and many others.

She went to the hospital and booked a day for the operation, and about two weeks to the operation, a stranger met her on the road and told her that God sent him to tell her not to go for the operation, that she will be healed. My mother was very surprised, she never told anyone about the illness, neither did we, she instructed us not to tell anyone about it, so really it was God. The day of all other days came, where the tension, cry, lost of appetite and so on climbed to the fullest, my mother wanted to go to the hospital for check-up on how fatal the fibroid had grown and if she still had much time left. I remember I was eating with my siblings in the kitchen when my mother walked in and told us she was going to the hospital, and that she doesn't know how her visit to the hospital will be, she said this in a breaking tone as if she was about crying.

And immediately, we lost appetite, tears started rolling down from my eyes, and my siblings started crying too, my mother at this point could not hold her tears anymore, all of us cried including the last born. My mother tried to console us, but how could we be consoled when she was still shedding tears. My siblings and I immediately remembered God as the great healer and physician, and so we said a little word of prayer for my mum while tears was still flowing, that God should heal her. We watched her leave for the hospital, the cry didn't stop, and I prayed so hard that it shouldn't be the last time I'll ever get to see my mother, everyone had lost appetite for everything. She returned from the hospital with a happy and nervous mood, the test result showed that the fibroid in her neck had disappeared without traces, and she was completely fine, as no illness could be found in her. She was nervous because the throat was still swelled, but amazing the throat returned to it's normal form within two days, and she was fine as if she was never sick, the illness vanished the same way it appeared. God had healed her and kept her alive for us, since then I see it that God is fast to act when children cry and are heartbroken, it might be.

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A Day In The Labouratory

A Day In The Labouratory
It was another chemistry practical day in the laboratory with my colleagues, with the lecturer addressing us on how to go about the practical in a simple way, at first we were nervous because it was our first time to carry out that particular experiment, but then the lecturer explained everything in details, till I understand how to carry-on the experiment without any further assistance.

The lecturer divided us into eight groups and I happened to be in group two, he then appointed one person from each group as the group leader, and I was among the people he appointed. The experiment was to be conducted per group, and as group leaders, we were asked to meet the laboratory assistant who is a woman in her 60s, sign and get the apparatus we are to use for the practical, which we did. The rule was that the apparatus must be returned complete, and in good condition, otherwise the group will pay for any damage or loss.

We started the experiment without any further waste of time since we had just two hours to make sure we finish the experiment and make our reports, I understand how to go about the experiment as the group leader, so I was leading. All of a sudden, one of the apparatus (a conical flask) we were using for the experiment went missing, I was terribly scared because I knew if we couldn't find it, that would mean that we will pay for it. And then I saw my colleague that is in another group with two conical flasks, I approached him and told him about the missing conical flask on our table and asked how he managed to be in possession of two conical flasks when we were assigned only one.

He told me that he went back to the laboratory assistant to get another conical flask, I doubted it and told him that I will go to the laboratory assistant and find out if he is telling the truth, he told me to go and ask. I went straight to the Lab assistant and she told me that we are to use the one conical flask she assigned to us for all the experiments, I wanted to be sure so I asked if she had given any of us a conical flask just few minutes ago, and she said she didn't. I was enraged, went back to the guy and asked why he lied to me, he couldn't say a word, I yelled at him why he would have the intention of jeopardizing this practical for me and trying to put my group into problem. He knew that any loss or damage of any of the apparatus will be paid for by the group, and he still didn't care about the penalty we would face. I was really angry, my tone was so high that my fellow colleagues starting pleading that I should calm down, the guy couldn't say a word, his lie had been exposed, I took the conical flask and return to my group's table.

It took me sometime to bring back my concentration in the experiment, as I kept wondering such level of wickedness the guy displayed, he obviously thought that I won't be able to meet the laboratory assistant and ask about the conical flask. I used to hear some of our colleagues saying bad things about the guy, and I was never closed to the guy before, but on that day, the guy had proven the things I had been hearing about him to be true, he didn't even apologize. He had put himself in a situation where his heart will skip anything he sets his eye on me till we graduate and I don't think I will ever have anything to do with him, not to talk of recommendation, some people are just naturally wicked and are to be avoided at all cost.

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