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Over the week, I witnessed a funny incident that left me thinking
I was on my way to Nyanya in Abuja in a tricycle(keke). Suddenly, we reached hold up and there was go slow.
We were moving slowly, a guy quickly hurdled through the cars intending to cross the road when a reckless driver that was hurrying to move forward bashed the guy's leg
the guy then asked the driver why he did that but before the driver could say a word, the person he was carrying in the car began to rain curses at the guy, the guy became furious and retaliated with his own curses, suddenly the guy said, u are a poor man I don't blame you
The man became silent and couldn't utter a word, the guys word really broke him
So, I learnt from this experience that we should be careful how we treat others, let's learn to show love

232 NGA

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