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Mindviewers Stories

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Fall from glory

There was a time, some years back, when I used to visit a particular stream. In this stream, there was a man who caught my attention. He would spend hours scrubbing one part of his body, and then move to another part, repeating the same action over and over. This went on for so long that I became curious and asked around about him.

What I found out left me speechless. This man was once a very brilliant individual who had studied medicine. After he graduated, he secured a job abroad. His future seemed so bright, and everyone was proud of him. He made all the necessary arrangements to travel; his visa, documents, everything was in order.

But on the day he got to the airport, something strange happened. He started acting abnormally, as if he had lost his mind. He couldn’t continue his journey, and they had no choice but to bring him back home.

It wasn’t long before people began to suspect that something spiritual was behind it all. After investigations, it was revealed that his mother was responsible. She had cast some sort of spell or done something spiritual to him, and that was why he lost control.

May we never find ourselves in such situations. Put your faith in God, stay prayerful, and always ask for His guidance.

@thestephen would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Mon, 21st Oct. 2024.
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Befitting correction

Befitting correction
My father always warned me about one thing whenevet I was playing with stones. He always warmed me never to throw stones up in the sky He would repeat this every time he noticed a stone in my hand.
But I loved it, There was something magical about picking up a stone, feeling its weight in my palm, and then throwing it high into the air. I would watch it fly, with excitement as I aimed for the bright blue sky. The joy it brought me was like nothing else. One of my friends was the one who taught me the bad habit.

I remember those afternoons spent in the open field near our house, sunlight pouring down like liquid gold. I'd stand there, surrounded by tall grass swaying gently in the breeze, and pick up stone after stone. Each one had a different shape, size, and color. I would imagine that if I threw them hard enough, maybe they could reach the clouds. It was a simple thrill, just the feeling of freedom and my own little adventure, aiming for the sky and nothing else.

But my dad never liked seeing me throw stones, maybe because I was a girl but he tried to make me understand that a stone thrown too high can come down with great force and it might land on someone’s head or it could hit something important, like a glass window, and then I'll have to deal with the consequences. He always told me this.

Despite his warnings, I couldn’t help myself, I would hide when my Dad wasnt looking and continue with my habit, but deep down, I knew my dad’s words were wise, just didn’t think it would happen to me.

Then one afternoon, everything changed. I was playing in front of our compound after throwing my selected stone high up in the sky, I saw it go above the tall palm trees and above roof tops.

I stood there in shock, my heart was pounding as I processed what had just happened. That crash sounded all too familiar like a shattering glass.
Till today, I cannot tell all that my buttocks saw in the hands of my father.
After the inhabitants of the house that I broke their glass window came to report to my parents.

@lydia would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 17th Oct. 2024.
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At Checkpoint

At Checkpoint
I took my seat on the bus that was set to take me home, many things about the bus was getting me uncomfortable especially the sound of the engine.
It was going to be a long day, and the road was long and dry. It was 3hr journey to my house.

As we approached a police checkpoint ahead, the bus came to a halt, and my heart sank because they will be waisting more of our time. Instead of conducting a proper check on everybody, they were busy moving their eyes up and down through the passengers, and like a scene from a Nollywood movie, they picked three of us out from the crowd, two women and one guy.

One officer barked that we stepped forward, and then I felt fears running through me. What had we done to deserve this? Was it the way I was dressed? My sunglasses or my jeans? With hesitant steps, we approached them, and truth be told, I was scared.

As we stood by the bus, the officers instructed us to identify our belongings. I felt like a criminal. I slowly pointed at my bag. The officer’s expression was hard as they roughly went through our things, and I couldn’t shake the thought: Will they find something? Something that would turn this moment into a nightmare? Because I had some paracetamol and septrin tablets.

Do you have anything illegal on you?
one officer threw the question at me. I began to stammer but I was able to say no afterwards as I shook my head.

@china would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 17th Oct. 2024.
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The Mid-night Thief

The Mid-night Thief
In the middle of the night, at around 01:00, I was still watching a movie with my phone since I couldn't sleep, and there was no power supply, so you can imagine everywhere to be dark and quiet. The compound I live in, has two blocks with 15 rooms in each, facing each other. The two ends has a gate, but on that night, the caretaker forgot to lock one of the gates.

I was still enjoying my movie in a very quiet midnight inside my room, when NEPA flashed a two seconds power supply and it went off again, what followed was commotion of somebody that was inside our compound, running with all his might towards the gate, and makes his way out. It was a thief, he was frightened by the flash, knowing that he could be seen and dashed out immediately.

The activity of thieves has increased rapidly within a short space of time in the area I live. I was wondering the level of discomfort the thief had to go through because of doing something bad. We woke up the next morning to find a phone on the floor, it didn't belong to anybody in the compound, it belonged to somebody in our neighboring compound. The phone fell from the thief while he was running when no one was pursuing him.

The neighbor was happy that her phone was returned, the phone was stolen through the window while she was asleep and she thought she'll never see it again, she was lucky, who knows how many phones was stolen that night. To do good is much easier and peaceful, than to do bad, but these thieves would never agree. Imagine the way he ran when NEPA flashed, such stress is not necessary. Everybody in the compound made a joke out of it, it was really funny, the thief almost got an heart attack because of the flash.

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Last night, after nearly a month of uninterrupted power, the electricity went out, so I decided to sit outside under a tree for some fresh air. Soon after, one of my neighbors joined me, and we started talking about football. Before I knew it, another neighbor joined, and the group kept growing until we were six men, chatting about everything possible on earth.

Seeing how the night was turning into an unexpected hangout, I sent my niece to buy drinks for everyone. The blackout had turned into an impromptu reunion. We talked for hours, sharing stories and jokes, with nobody eager to leave.

It wasn’t until much later that I realized how late it had gotten. We had been talking for more than four hours, and while the conversation was lively, I knew we all had things to do the next day. I felt responsible for bringing the night to a close.

In a respectful way, I gently reminded everyone of tomorrow’s responsibilities and encouraged them to head home and get some rest. No matter how much fun we were having, I didn’t want to keep them up any longer.

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A girl in my neighborhood got into an argument over her unpaid electric bill. She not only refused to pay but also insulted the bill collector. That same night, her electricity was disconnected. The situation could have been resolved by paying the bill and reconnection fee, but she remained stubborn, claiming she had the right not to pay.

By morning, the issue grew, and it turned out she had personal problems with the bill collector, accusing him of hitting her. Although the guy denied it, several witnesses backed her claim. After a lot of back and forth, the compound settled the matter by asking both the girl and the bill collector to provide a crate of drinks each, alongside her settling her bill and reconnection fee.

The guy complied with the decision and provided the crate of drinks as agreed. Meanwhile, the girl asked for a grace period of four days to settle her bill and reconnection fee.
Had she resolved the issue calmly from the start, she could have avoided extra costs and stress.

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Trauma in daytime

Trauma in daytime
Yesterday was such a crazy day for me.
It started when I wanted to cross the road. I looked left, then I looked right to make sure no cars were coming. It was safe, so I took careful steps across the road.

After I jejely crossed, I saw a small gutter, like a little ditch, but it was kind of deep. It had just finished raining, so the gutter was full of water. I jumped over it carefully. Not like I chose to jump over it, it was along the road and its normal to leap over it and yesterday wasn't the first time.

But just as I landed on the other side, my phone slipped out of my hand and fell into that muddy gutter. I felt my adrenaline kick in because I quickly jumped back to grab my phone. I reached into the water and managed to pull it out. But it was all wet and muddy.

I pressed the power button on my phone. It turned on for a moment, this gave me a little hope. But then, it turned off again. I pressed it again, and it turned on but then shut down again.
This saying that someone will be on his own and troubles will locate him, is so true.

I took my phone to a technician Staughton from there. I was scared it wouldn’t work again. The man repairing looked at it carefully and started to fix it. I waited and waited, feeling nervous. After what seemed like eternity, the man smiled and said, “Your phone is working"
The relief ehhn, at that point, my brain started returning to normal and it occurred to me that I never even bargained the price.

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From setback to success

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

Meet Mary, a young woman who lost her job due to company cuts. Devastated, she felt lost.

But instead of giving up, Mary used the setback as an opportunity. She started a small business, pursued her passion for baking, and now runs a successful bakery.

Mary's story teaches us: adversity is not defeat. It's a chance to rediscover, reinvent, and rise stronger.

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Intense Fight For Power and Money

Intense Fight For Power and Money
Last week was local government elections, and in my local government, what followed after was chaos. I went to vote, it wasn't that peaceful, but at least it was not deathly and destructive yet, until the night after the elections. The people didn't agree with the results, they claimed it was rigged, and wanted something done about it.

I got home after a stressful day at the election ground, I had my shower and eat, and just when I about resting, I started hearing sounds. I started hearing gunshots, people running and screaming, these gunmen literally burnt houses, something I couldn't bring myself to understand why. Is this how to retaliate to a rigged election? obviously not.

I locked myself in, the compound I live has high walls and a gate, I really hoped they didn't break through the gate to attack us. A guy in the compound went out and joined the gunmen causing the chaos, they were obviously being paid by somebody who people suspect to have the lost the election, to carry on this act. In a couple of minutes, the gunshots became more intense, I thought it was the police.

It was a rival gang of whom rumor carriers couldn't comprehend, six innocent people died in the process, houses and properties were destroyed. People will do anything for power and money these days, it was a very tragic incident, I had to travel out of the place for some days till everything was back to normal. The guy from our compound who joined the chaotic display was gunned down in the process.

These guys were paid to do these things, but now that they're dead, what happens to the money? Power and money are very good, but not worth doing something bad for. The community was deserted completely, it's now that people have started returning there, the election result still remains, but the damages done can't be undone. I didn't get caught up, next time, I'll be sure to travel to a place far away, to avoid stories that touches the heart.

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The Accident Scenario

The Accident Scenario
About a month ago, a guy came to buy food at a restaurant close to my workplace, he looked like a Yahoo boy because of his dressing, his dreadlock and his flashy car. He joked with the lady that sold rice and stew for me, that he is going to use her for rituals. The lady and every other person took as a joke, although an expensive joke.

The guy left with the food in his car, and it wasn't up to 20 minutes, we heard that the guy knocked down three people to death instantly with his car on his way to wherever he was heading to. The most mind-blowing thing we heard is that he winded up his window glass, sat comfortably in his car after killing this three people, and eating rice and stew in a takeaway.

We wouldn't have believed our ears, if not for the fact that we saw him buy the rice and stew from the restaurant beside my workplace, where he joked about using the lady for ritual. The guy was eating comfortably in his car after taking the lives of three people, people knocked on the car and gestured that he winds down his window mirror or comes down from the car, as people began to question his act.

He didn't feel any remorse or regret or any sign of sympathy for what he had just done, he replied them by saying that none of them has money enough to talk to him in a disrespectful manner, and that they should call the family of the people he killed so that he can pay them and move on with where he was headed. This was very clear, to me I believe that he killed them deliberately for money rituals, I know I'm right.

The police came and took the guy to their station, I haven't heard about how they handled the case from there. But today, I saw the guy again at the restaurant close to my workplace, he was there to buy the same rice and stew from the same lady, I was terrified when I saw him. I don't know if this is the new update; eating rice and stew after claiming lives. I prayed deep down that if it's his plan again today to kill people, that it won't work.

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from the roof

from the roof
My Dad once told me a funny story from when he was still a student. He said in their neighborhood, The EFCC, which is a group that checks for bad people, we all know what they do came to visit.
Everyone was scared because they were knocking on doors and some doors were broken.

He said that people started to hide because they didn’t want to be seen. My dad was really scared too, but he stayed quiet in his room. He listened as he heard loud bangs and people whispering.

The EFCC went from house to house, searching for people. They knocked louder and louder and all of a sudden, the noises died down and they head their vehicles zoom off.

After they left, everyone was curious about what happened. They came out of their hiding spots to see what happened by checking each room one by one. Then, they opened the door to a room next to my dad’s. When they walked in, they saw it was empty. But my dad said that as they were about closing the door, they heard a loud noise crash to the floor.

The guy who lived in that room had been hiding on the roof, But when he heard his neighbour's voice might have tried to come down but slipped and fell down through the ceiling.
Dust and pieces of the ceiling were everywhere.
He was covered with dust and cobwebs as he remained on the floor and laughed at himself, everyone was laughing despite the tension earlier.

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Whirl wind

It was my first time seeing a whirl wind that was moving with a lot of force.
I was on a bus going to the market when my eyes caught a cloud of dust. Actually a smoke of thick dust was rotating around a particular region.
I was engrrossed with the view even the people in the bus joined me as we glanced closely at what actually was causing the dust but we didn't see anything causing it.
Was just the wind playing with the dust, I thought. The only thing making it weird was thatit made very Sharp noises and it was my first time witnessing one moving so violently.

The bus driver slowed down and we had the opportunity to look and see what this whirl wind was going to do as if was taking the path leading towards the direction of the marketplace.

Lucky enough the market women had taken shades before it hit their tables, carrying heavy gallons of oil high up in the sky with tables, some fruits, stones, bags, etc.
It carried them very high up in the sky and then dispersed them far away.I never saw something like that before, I thought it was going to be an interesting view but then it turned scary like in the movies.

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Levels in Perfume

Levels in Perfume
I thought the perfume that I bought smelled great and was sure others would notice it too. But then, a friend of mine came to visit, and everything changed.

The moment she walked in, the smell of the fragrance he wore immediately entered my nose, filled the room and instantly brought me joy.

The scent was so strong and captivating that it made mine feel a little inferior.
I could tell this because as we stepped outside, whenever he passed by, people would comment on how great he smelled. It was not like my perfume wasn't good, but his own dispersed far and stronger. I felt like people would need to hug me really closely to even notice my perfume.

I later found out that he bought his perfume for 15,000 Naira, while mine was only 8,000 Naira. Even though the prices differed, he said it wasn’t a competition. But honestly, who has 12,000 Naira to spend on perfume?

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Good Convincing

Good Convincing
I had my mind made up on getting a body spray specifically, the red RIGGs body spray.

I called the vendor to ask if she had the red riggs, the ones that I had my heart set on, I have used it before and I knew that it smelt good.

Unfortunately, she informed me that they were out of stock. But almost immediately, she offer a recommendation which was the black riggs body spray.

Usually, I stick to what I know and love, so I insisted on getting the precise red riggs. But the way she spoke about the black rigs hypnothised me. She was just too sure when she made comparisons between the both. After some deliberation, I decided to try the black rigs instead. What do I have to loose?, and it was still thesame price.

The next morning, just before school, I applied the spray and instantly I was contented with what it smelt like. Throughout the day, I noticed people acknowledging the the fragrance.

After I got the 3rd commendation, I concluded that the black was more befitting for me

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Fuel Scarcity Palaver 😁

Fuel Scarcity Palaver 😁
I boarded a Keke this evening and asked the rider how much it would cost to my destination.

"300 naira."

"300 naira kwa?" I queried, surprised. "Since when? No be 250 again?"

"The price of fuel increased," he said. "It's been 300 naira for a week now."

I thought it was reasonable, so I agreed to pay.

Soon, this pregnant girl flagged down the Keke and joined me. She didn't ask for the cost of transportation, and the rider didn't offer it to her.

At our destination, she gave the rider a 500 naira note and he tried to give her a 200 naira note in return.

"My change is 250 naira na, not 200 naira," she protested.

"No, ma, the rider said, "it's 200 naira. It's 300 naira from XYZ to here."

"Na lie!" the girl screamed. "The place I just went to this afternoon and paid 250 naira. Is yours different? Abeg, give me my 250 naira balance."

"Madam, it's 300 naira from there to here," the rider insisted. "You can ask anyone. I'm not lyi—"

Before he could finish, the girl grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and yanked him out of the Keke.

"Give me my 250 naira change! Give me my 250 naira change!" she screamed.

The rider tried to remove her hand from his shirt, but she retaliated by pushing him.

As he was about to push her back in anger, I jumped in and held him back.

"Oga, please don't push her," I begged.

"Why will she push me like that?" he barked.

"Ignore her," I said. "If you push her back now, she might fall and lose her baby. You can see she's pregnant."

"I'm not pregnant, please," the girl said from behind me.

"You're not?" I asked, and turned in surprise.

"No," she answered. "Why would you even say that?"

Me: looking down to her stomach 👁️ 👄 👁️


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Real-time movie

Real-time movie
It's been very long I witnessed a physical fight, like a year or two.
During the early hours of the morning I started hearing some shouts and screaming from close.

I quickly wore my clothes, I open my door and then I headed to find out where the noises and sounds were coming from.

It was my neighbors they were two living in the same room.
And when I opened the door, they where both standing up in Anger struggling and fighting over the bed.

Staring at the scene then, I was trying so hard to understand what the dispute was all about but the more I looked at the two, the more I enjoyed the movie.

Yes, I should have made efforts to separate them but they already had enough company inside trying to separate them.

One was fleshy while the other one was what we called slim feet. I watched as the fleshy one throw a slap first, Then the slim one staggered back and then with a frightening speed dived and pinned the heavy one on the floor. At that point the people who were already inside finally separated them and ended my movie.

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My experience

My experience
It was a sunny Monday morning in Abraka, Delta State, when I decided to visit UBA Bank for the first time. I had some money to deposit, and I figured it was time to start saving properly. Dressed in my best outfit, which wasn’t much, I made my way to the bank. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was determined to get things done.

When I got to the bank, it felt like I had stepped into another world. The building was big, shiny, and very modern. Everything about it looked fancy. The glass doors were spotless, and there were people everywhere, some in suits and others in casual clothes like mine. I couldn’t help but look around, wondering how this place worked.

I got to the entrance and noticed the big glass door. It looked heavy and didn’t have any handle to pull or push. I paused for a moment, unsure of what to do. I stood there, thinking maybe I should ask someone how to open the door, but everyone seemed so busy, moving in and out of the bank with ease. I watched as some people walked straight up to the door and it opened for them like magic. I was fascinated. I thought maybe they knew some secret to opening it. So, I stood there, staring at the door, trying to figure out the trick.

Minutes turned into an hour, and I was still standing there, hoping for my turn to experience the “magic door.” Every time someone walked in, I would step forward slightly, thinking maybe this time it would open for me too, but nothing happened. I waited and waited. The sun was hot, and I started sweating, but I didn’t give up.

After two long hours of standing there, feeling confused and a bit embarrassed, the security man finally noticed me. He walked up to me with a smile on his face and said, "Oga, you dey wait to enter?"

I nodded, feeling a bit shy, “Yes, but I no know how this door dey open.”

The security man chuckled, walked to the side of the entrance, and pressed a button. Just like that, the door slid open smoothly. My eyes widened in surprise. I couldn’t believe what had just happened! It was like magic! I walked in, still trying to process how a simple button could open such a big door.

As I entered, I looked around the bank again, amazed at how everything worked. The air conditioning was cool, and the place looked so organized. People were moving around quickly, and the staff behind the counters looked professional.

That day, I successfully deposited my money, but what stayed with me the most was that door. I couldn’t stop thinking about how something as small as pressing a button could make such a big door open. It was a day I would never forget—my first day at UBA Bank, a day filled with confusion, surprise, and a little bit of magic.

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A headache from water

A headache from water
I went to a small shop run by a woman near my home because I needed some water. I picked up a bag of sachet water and thought that the story would end there, but it didnt.

When I took a sip, I noticed something was off. The taste was strange and not good at all. I tried to manage it and act as if it was a minor thing, but soon after, I started to get a headache. I hadn’t had a headache in a long time, and I couldn’t understand why it was happening now just some minute after I finished one sachet of water.

It was clear to me that the water was making me feel this way. I wasn't a doctor, but I could tell something was wrong.

So, I decided to put the sachet of water aside. I went to another shop and bought a new bag of water. This one tasted better and felt right.

After this occurrence, I doubt if I will be buyibg water from that very shop again, I can't be rushing my health or loosing my money.

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Costly Experiences

Costly Experiences
Once upon a time, few years back when I was staying with my uncle, after I managed to learn how to drive his Hilux without any assistance, he gave me some basic driving tips that will helpful to me and ensure safety, I analysed all and spotted out one of them not to be completely true.

The man had been driving for years, and a young learner like me who just started driving, doubted this one tip he gave me. He told me that driving speed along a wet road, or when rain is falling, is very dangerous as the tires might slide on the road when the brake is applied, making it difficult for the car to stop. I doubted this, because looking at the tires, it has enough sturd, even the road is very rough, so I couldn't imagine water that is not slippery like okro water, to be capable of reducing friction that much.

About two years later, I got employed in a nursery, primary and secondary school to work as a school bus driver. On this fateful afternoon, while I was still driving the pupils and students back to their homes, rain started falling heavily, it was so big that I could not see the road clearly, yet I had to keep moving, because I was running late and the parents started calling. As at the time I finished dropping the last student, it was already late in the evening, and the rain had just stopped. I was on my way back to the school to park the bus, and I was driving fast, because I didn't want to get home late.

I was still driving with speed down a road that is very sloppy, and I spotted a car some meters in front of me that is about to use the u-turn. I matched down my brakes, the car didn't stop, rather it was sliding down the road and the tires was really making a loud noise. I won't lie, I feared I'll die that day, I was terrified to see my life flash before my eyes. The luck I had is that the other side of the road was free, and so the car made the turn just before I got to it, and then my car started slowing down and the brakes started working again. There was nothing wrong with the brakes, the car was too fast on a wet road, that incident cleared my doubt about what my uncle has been telling me. Learnt from experience, but it could have cost me my life, I should have made my research since I didn't believe the man, it's not everything that we will learn by experience, it could be disastrous, learning by research is much safer in this situation.

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Dawn Laziness

Dawn Laziness
There are days you wake up in the morning and you feel like staying on bed and cancelling all activities you had for the day, maybe because you feel lazy at that point. This is the feeling I had one Friday morning, I had lectures by 8am and I didn't feel like going for the lecture, I was still on my bed till 7am. I had to summon some courage to be able to get up from bed and prepare for the lecture.

This is a lecture that I have never missed right from the beginning of the semester, but that day looked different, I don't know why. I got to the lecture hall some minutes after 8am, and the lecturer wasn't there, it was strange because the lecturer was always there before 8am. I started thinking that I had stressed myself by coming for the lecture, I should have followed my mind and relaxed on my bed. I waited alongside my coursemates, the lecturer later arrived some minutes to 9am.

Immediately we were seated, he told us to bring out a sheet of paper and get ready ready to write a test. We were surprised at first, no one saw it coming, it was an open test and the lecturer gave us only one question to answer. The question was "set 10 questions for yourself and answer", and we were given only 10 minutes, I was happy that my efforts of leaving my bed to school was not in vain. At least I was able to set and answer 7 questions for myself.

A lecture I had never missed from the beginning of semester, and just because of one day display of laziness, I would have missed such an easy test. Because of what happened that day, I don't allow myself to fall for early morning laziness when I have important things to do, it could be disastrous. I was happy walking back home, I would have gained nothing if I remained in the comfort of my bed when I had lectures. I met one of my coursemates on my way home who didn't come for the class, he missed the test and was so angry that the lecturer didn't announce the test.

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The useful thief

By 5am, a man had been caught sneaking into someone’s house to steal. People in the area rushed out of their homes, armed with sticks, stones, and anything they could grab. They dragged the thief out into the open and noticed his leg was crippled, but no one cared about that. In the town I stayed, the law was simple, any thief caught before sunrise faced a harsh punishment. Many times, that meant being beaten to death or even burnt alive.

The crowd wasted no time. They started hitting him, raining blows from all directions. As they began discussing how to burn him, a man stepped out from the back of the crowd, shouting for them to stop. He begged the crowd to let the thief go, saying it wasn’t right to kill him, especially in his condition. But nobody listened. The people were too angry, and they were already preparing to light the fire.

Desperate, the man made a bold offer to pay them ₦50,000 for the damages caused by the thief. That got everyone’s attention. ₦50,000 was no small money, and slowly the crowd began to calm down. After some discussions, they agreed. The man handed over the money, and the thief, badly beaten but still alive, was set free.

Word later spread that the man who intervened was the thief's older brother. He had been living in another town for some time and had only recently returned. He couldn’t stand by and watch his younger brother get killed in such a brutal way. Family is family, no matter the shame or situation. He did what he had to do to protect his own.

Today, that same thief owns two estates and has become a respected man in the community. I still imagine how things could have gone differently if his life had ended that morning.

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