Loose Dogs

There is this boy that was sent to a fenced round compound with a gate, and there was dog in that compound. The boy was sent there by the mother, on an errand to somebody. The boy entered the compound and met with the dog which displayed its initial reaction to strangers. The dog, as usual, wasn't pleased with the boy's presence, but the boy had to complete his errand mission.
The landlord of the house was outside there, and assured the boy to come in that the dog won't bite. And you know this belief that when you see a dog and you don't run, that it won't attack you, the boy applied the rule and walked further into the compound. The boy wasn't there to see the landlord, so the landlord sent for the person the boy came to see. Suddenly, the landlord had something urgent to attend to inside the house, so he went inside.
The boy was outside there alone, waiting for the tenant he came to see to come out, what took the landlord inside the house must have been an emergency, so he literally forgot the boy. Nobody really witnessed what happened after the landlord went inside, all they heard was the boy's shout, and when they surfaces outside, the dog had the boy's throat in its jaw's grip. The dog was very violent and aggressive, nobody knew why the dog attacked.
People gave suggestions that the boy might have touched items in the compound, ignoring the dog's bark, since the landlord said it won't bite. The boy couldn't talk, he was rushed to the hospital, but died after some days, a very tragic event. I don't know how the family will react and how the landlord will react, but I believe that if you must have a dog in a rented apartment, it should be chained or cage, short and simple. A rented house is bent to have plenty visitors, that's undisputed.
There's no way I'm walking into a compound that the dog is loose, even if the owner says I should come in, I won't oh, because even the owner doesn't know the mind of the dog, it can do anything at any time.
The landlord of the house was outside there, and assured the boy to come in that the dog won't bite. And you know this belief that when you see a dog and you don't run, that it won't attack you, the boy applied the rule and walked further into the compound. The boy wasn't there to see the landlord, so the landlord sent for the person the boy came to see. Suddenly, the landlord had something urgent to attend to inside the house, so he went inside.
The boy was outside there alone, waiting for the tenant he came to see to come out, what took the landlord inside the house must have been an emergency, so he literally forgot the boy. Nobody really witnessed what happened after the landlord went inside, all they heard was the boy's shout, and when they surfaces outside, the dog had the boy's throat in its jaw's grip. The dog was very violent and aggressive, nobody knew why the dog attacked.
People gave suggestions that the boy might have touched items in the compound, ignoring the dog's bark, since the landlord said it won't bite. The boy couldn't talk, he was rushed to the hospital, but died after some days, a very tragic event. I don't know how the family will react and how the landlord will react, but I believe that if you must have a dog in a rented apartment, it should be chained or cage, short and simple. A rented house is bent to have plenty visitors, that's undisputed.
There's no way I'm walking into a compound that the dog is loose, even if the owner says I should come in, I won't oh, because even the owner doesn't know the mind of the dog, it can do anything at any time.