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My client was too greedy and played too smart

My client was too greedy and played too smart
As a biogas specialist, I was contacted about a year ago when a prospective client who later turned to my client seeks for my expertise to set up a biogas plant for him. He negotiated and I accepted his proposed offer.

The installation took us about three days to complete, we did all the necessary things and left.

Four (4) months later, the same man called for urgent help.


During the period we were setting up his own personal biogas plant in his farm. I noticed his eyes were fixed all through on us, so this man was trying to actually tap our knowledge so he can fix for his farmer colleagues and get paid for the job done. So when he contacted me the second time he revealed what happened, how he got a contract and could not get the desired results. He pleaded for help so as not to spoil his face among his colleagues, but you know what? I charged him double the amount because he had already damaged everything.
He was too greedy and played too smart. He could have humbly approached me to train him how to set up biogas.

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