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Journey to the bank

Journey to the bank
I needed to visit the bank today to sort out some urgent issues, and I had planned to leave before 11 am. However, as luck would have it, I found myself running late and scrambling to be ready to leave by 1:23 pm.

I hurriedly made my way to where I could get a tricycle (keke) to transport me to the bank. Although I had to pay a small fortune for the ride, it was the quickest option at the time.

Upon reaching the bank, I was surprised to be welcomed and attended to promptly. Despite the initial hurdles, the staff worked efficiently, and I was able to resolve my matters in less than three hours. It was a relief to have everything sorted, despite the time it took.

However, the cost of transportation back home was another blow. I couldn't believe that for a 15-minute journey, I had to pay another hefty sum to the keke driver. It made me reflect on the fact that these drivers, often underestimated, earn much more than many government workers. It was an eye-opening realization.

Finally, I returned home safely, albeit with a pounding headache, the result of the stress and the long hours out. All in all, it wasn't a bad day.

@angeltalented would win 2000 NGN in if this story gets 15+ likes and higher likes than other stories of Thu, 2nd May. 2024.
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I′m not a thief

After finishing secondary school, I worked as a sales girl for a while.
I remember that day as if it were yesterday because it was one of the most horrible days of my life.
Note that my boss was always in the shop except when he travels to Kano to buy goods which was usually toward the end of the month for about two days. Apart from those two days, he was in the shop 24/7. Whenever he travels like that, whatever goods I sold was paid directly to his account.

I was surprised when he called me on a monday to say he won't be in the shop because of an urgent matter and that whatever cash I accured at the end of the day should be given to his brother who also owned a shop next door.

I worked diligently that day, I made about 32k which I gave to his brother as directed, I locked up the shop at my usual closing time and went home.
On coming to the shop that fateful Tuesday, I found my boss was already there and was going through the log of what I sold the previous day.
I greeted him and set about cleaning the shop. When I finished, he called me over and the following conversation ensued:

Him:How much did you sell yesterday

Me:Thirty two thousand sir

Him:But I'm seeing a total of thirty five thousand here

Me:I don't understand

Him:I summed up all the items you sold yesterday and it is thirty five thousand, yet you submitted only thirty two, where is the remaining three?

I was shocked and thought that he might have calculated wrong. I asked him to check again and we checked together and arrived at thirty five thousand. He asked me if I borrowed anybody his money or sold anything on credit, both of which I did not do.
My boss called his brother and this grown ass men started blasting me, they insulted the living daylight out of me and called me all sorts of names, told me to bring my parents the next day so they could see that their daughter was a thief.
Throughout that day, I was not myself, I kept wondering what could have happened to the money. My boss didn't let me out of his sight, even to go and ease himself, he'd call his brother to come and stay with me in the shop.

Towards evening, a woman came, she collected daily contributions from people who signed up with her and I suddenly remembered that I gave her three thousand as my bosses contribution for the previous day. I could not believe how it escaped my mind, probably because my boss always gave her the money himself.
Mystery solved, neither my boss nor his brother apologized for all the name calling. I closed from work that day, went home and never went back.

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