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sorano✓☆ 🏆26 🌟73Christian Nwachuku
1h 40m

Love in full bloom

Love in full bloom
Yesterday was supposed to be a great day. My girlfriend had promised to come over to my place, and I was excited to spend some quality time with her. I took my bath early, feeling refreshed and ready for the evening ahead. As I was getting dressed, I reached for my trusty body deodorant (Riggs perfume), only to discover that it was empty. I couldn't believe it! I had been using it for a while now, and I loved the way it made me feel confident and attractive.

Determined not to let this minor setback ruin my plans, I quickly rushed to the nearby supermarket to buy a replacement. But when I got there, I was shocked to see that the price had doubled I couldn't believe it. I had been buying this perfume for a while now, and I had never seen such a drastic price increase.

I was torn. Part of me wanted to just buy the perfume anyway, but another part of me was hesitant to pay such a high price. In the end, I decided to just pay it, hoping that it would be worth it. As I applied the familiar scent, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. Maybe this evening wouldn't be a total loss after all.

But as I waited for my girlfriend to arrive, I couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment. Why did the perfume have to run out now, of all times? And why did the price have to increase so suddenly? I pushed the thoughts aside and focused on enjoying the evening ahead. After all, sometimes life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and it's how we respond that matters.

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sorano✓☆ 🏆26 🌟73Christian Nwachuku
7d 5h

A day of chaos

A day of chaos
I left my music player at a friend's house to charge. He's a friendly guy who often has lots of people over, so I was a bit worried about my belongings. But I asked him to keep an eye on it, and he said he would, so I trusted him. Then I went to work, hoping to have a good day.

Unfortunately, I had a terrible day at work. A client was very angry with my boss because he hadn't finished a project on time. The client came to our office and was very mean to me. He even threatened to call the police and have me arrested! Luckily, he didn't, but he told me to pass on a message to my boss, which made me feel really uncomfortable.

I was really upset and stressed out after that. I was looking forward to listening to some music to calm down and take my mind off the awful day I had. Music always helps me relax and improves my mood. But when I got back to my friend's apartment, I found out that my music player had been stolen! I couldn't believe it.

I was so annoyed and frustrated. I didn't know what to do. I had been counting on listening to music to lift my spirits, and now it was gone. I felt like everything was going wrong. First, the terrible day at work, and now my music player was stolen. It seemed like the universe was conspiring against me.

I decided to just go to sleep and hope that things would get better the next day. Sometimes, a good night's sleep can help put things into perspective and make you feel better.
I just had to move on and focus on the good things in my life, even if it felt like everything was going wrong at that moment.

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The Joy in the sight of Food

The Joy in the sight of Food
I had been awaiting the arrival of the foodstuffs that my family was supposed to send me for the last three days. Anticipating their delivery, I planned and set aside a specific time to pick them up from the nearest bus stop, which was just a stone's throw away from my school.

As I waited at the bus stop, I received a call from the driver who was in charge of delivering the foodstuffs, only to my dismay, when I understood that a mix-up had occurred. He informed me that my foodstuffs was actually at another bus stop located a considerable distance from my school. My heart sank as I realized that I would have to spend more than I had budgeted for transportation to retrieve my stuffs.

Reluctantly, I counted out three times the anticipated amount for transportation. When I finally received my foodstuffs and got home, I couldn't help feeling a bit regret at the unexpected additional cost. However, as I stared at the comforting sight of my foodstuffs, my disappointment disappeared. I couldn't help but acknowledge that the joy it brought me outweighed the frustration I felt over the extra cause that I spent. After all, food is life and happiness for me. Hence, I decided to simply let go of the thought of the money I had lost on transportation.

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My life as a Farmer

My life as a Farmer
I experienced childhood with a little homestead, where my family raised harvests and creatures. Since early on, I assisted with tasks, learning the worth of difficult work and commitment. In the wake of finishing horticulture school, I got back to assume control over the homestead. The early years were trying, with eccentric climate and harvest disappointments. However, I continued on, exploring different avenues regarding new methods and looking for direction from experienced ranchers. Gradually, our ranch started to prosper. I wedded my young life darling, and we had two wonderful kids. They cherished assisting with ranch errands, and our homestead turned into a genuine family undertaking. We extended our tasks, adding a dairy and a homestead market. Years passed, and our ranch turned into a staple locally. We facilitated ranch visits, showing youngsters supportable cultivating rehearses. Our ranch market turned into a well known objective, offering new produce and hand crafted items. At some point, our homestead was perceived as a model of feasible farming, and we got a lofty honor. Our persistent effort and devotion had paid off. We celebrated with our local area, thankful for the help and love that had made our homestead a triumph. As I peered out over our flourishing ranch, I realize that this was my blessing from heaven. I was carrying on with a day to day existence I adored, encompassed by individuals and land I esteemed. Our ranch had turned into an image of trust and success, an update that with difficult work and assurance, the sky is the limit.

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The interview

I was running to my job interview when I had the feeling I should have remembered something. I forgot about it and concentrated on being at the interview on time. On my way I felt something falling off me but I never paid attention to it, but when I arrived the company's office I discovered my CV was missing. I was clothed with fear as I searched through my bag in panic, but my CV was as good as gone. So this time I had to board a bike back home so see if I left it there I did but found nothing it was like my village people were having a group meeting for me that day, I headed back to the interview to see what comes out of it but to be honest I lost hopes already.
I felt guilty for being so carefree and realised that I would have to go into the interview without the important paper. I told my interviewers what the unforseen happenstance that ensued and expressed my sincere apology.
I was shocked that even as my CV was missing my interviewers still wanted going on with the interview. In order to compensate for the absence of a résumé, I tried so hard to tell them about my abilities and also my expertise vocally. I was shocked ,the interviewers commended my confidence and communication skills and how much they liked my ability to adjust to the circumstances. Upon concluding the interview, Later that day, to my surprise, I got a call offering me the position. It gave me important insight into how to be flexible and quick to react in difficult circumstances.

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Extreme disappointment

Tonight was supposed to be easy. I was getting ready to go out and thought I had everything I needed. But when I reached for my charger, something unexpected happened. The charger head suddenly broke, and sparks flew everywhere! I was so surprised.

I had been looking forward to a trip that I thought wouldn't cost too much. But when I checked the prices, I was shocked again. They had doubled! I felt terrible. What was supposed to be a fun and relaxing journey had turned into a financial disaster. I just stood there, staring at my broken charger and feeling like my plans had been ruined. It was a really bad start to the evening.

I had been counting on that charger to keep my phone charged during my trip. Now it was useless. And to make things worse, I didn't have enough money for the trip anymore. I felt frustrated and disappointed. I had been so excited, and now everything was falling apart. I didn't know what to do.

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Water with Taste

Two days ago, I went to buy a bag of water. I expected to pay the usual 250 Naira, but to my surprise, the price had gone up to 400 Naira. It was a bit of a shock, but I really needed the water, so I paid the new price.

When I got back to my place and took a sip, the water tasted weird. It didn't seem right, so I decided to do a chemical test. To my dismay, the water didn't pass the test. I had paid 400 Naira for water that didn't meet my standards. I felt frustrated and disappointed.

I went back to the seller to explain the issue, hoping to either get a refund or exchange the water. However, the seller was uncooperative and refused to take the water back or give me my money back. Feeling stuck, I had no choice but to throw the water away because I couldn't stand the taste.

The next day, I went to a nearby shop to buy water again, but this time I made sure the previous seller saw me. I wanted her to know that I didn't appreciate the way she had treated me. I bought a different bag of water from a different seller, and even though she seemed disappointed, I didn't care.

I felt better knowing I had stood up for myself and made it clear that I wouldn't tolerate being treated unfairly. I won't let anyone take advantage of me, especially when it comes to something as essential as water.

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sorano✓☆ 🏆26 🌟73Christian Nwachuku
28d 9h

Business Travel

Business Travel
I had a important business deal to attend to at home, so I boarded the first bus to get there as quickly as possible. But, little did I know, the journey would be a challenging one. As soon as we hit the road, we got stuck in a traffic jam.

After several hours on the road, a heated argument broke out between two men. Their loud voices and angry words made everyone uncomfortable. I hoped it wouldn't get out of hand.

Just as the argument started to die down, the bus was pulled over by a police officer. He boarded the bus, searching all the male passengers for anything suspicious. I held my breath, wondering what was going on. The search felt like it took forever, but eventually, we were allowed to continue our journey.

The road itself was a nightmare. Potholes made the bus sway throwing us around. I held on tight, praying the bus wouldn't break down or worse.

After what felt like an eternity, we finally arrived in my hometown. It was already 9 pm, and I knew my parents would be fast asleep. I let myself in with a spare key, not wanting to disturb them. I crept into the house, exhausted but relieved to be home.

That was when I realized my ATM card was gone! I desperately searched my room, but it was nowhere to be found. I must have lost it while I was sleeping on the bus, but I had no idea if it fell out on the bus or outside. There was nothing I could do than block it to avoid story that touches the heart

I went straight to my room, collapsed onto my bed, and fell into a deep sleep. The journey had been exhausting, but I was safe and sound at last.

The next morning, I woke up refreshed and went to greet my parents. They were surprised to see me, not knowing I had arrived the night before. We hugged, and I told them about my eventful journey.

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betty✓★ 🏆111 🌟84Bethrand Chibuike
29d 8h

Price Bargains

Price Bargains
It was a quiet day at school, so me and my friend Pat decided to take a walk through the market on our way home. Pat wanted to buy a reading table, so we were checking out different shops to find the best deal.

As we wandered through the market, we noticed that the sellers were asking for high prices. They probably thought we didn't know much about bargaining because we were just boys. Pat tried to negotiate at two shops, but the sellers didn't budge on the price.

I felt bad seeing Pat having a hard time, so I stepped in to help. I went to another shop and asked for the price of the table. The seller gave us a fair price, but I didn't stop there. I bargained and managed to get an even better deal. Pat was so surprised and happy, he couldn't believe we got such a good price.

To celebrate our successful bargaining, Pat bought me some treats to take home. He wouldn't stop smiling, from what he budgeted for purchasing the table, he still had #3000 left.

We walked home with big smiles on our faces, feeling proud of our little adventure at the market. Pat was more happy as he felt the naira notes in his pockets, he knew he wouldn't be walking home with any penny if by chance, I didnt render the expertise help which I learnt from my mother.

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No to fairly Used

No to fairly Used
buying used electronic devices. I prefer the reliability and assurance that comes with brand-new products, knowing they have the full capacity and will last for a long time. However, fate had other plans for me when my power bank suddenly stopped working. It was an emergency, and I had no choice but to find a replacement immediately. I couldn't afford a new one, so I reluctantly settled for a fairly used power bank.

Despite my initial reservations, I found a reasonably priced used power bank. After scrutinizing it for any visible damage, I took the plunge and purchased it. It was a relief to have a power bank in hand again. However, my relief was short-lived.

After just a day of use, it became evident that the power bank's battery capacity had significantly diminished. It struggled to hold a charge and would deplete far too quickly. I couldn't help but feel disappointed. My initial reluctance toward used gadgets felt vindicated. I regretted my decision and wished I had found another solution.

Nevertheless, I had no other choice but to continue using the power bank. Despite its reduced capacity, it still served the basic purpose of charging my devices in times of need. While it wasn't ideal, it was still functional, and for now, that's what mattered the most. I learned a valuable lesson about the risks associated with buying used electronic devices and the importance of thorough inspection before making such purchases. For the time being, my less-than-perfect power bank continues to serve its purpose, teaching me to make the most of what I have.
For an advice. Do not buy any power bank or other electronic device which is fairly used as you might be wasting funds that could serve better purpose.

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Today being 1st of June, I came across an unwise customer who after printing his
paper work, ask how much was his bill? which probably his boss was the supposed person to make payment for the paper work.
Boy: Gooday Sir! calling... his boss on phone, I am done with the paper work
and my charged bill is 3,500
Boss: Okay please give the phone to the typist let me ask for a discount
Typist: Goodday sir, you total bill for the job is 3,500 but you can bring 3,000 as your discounted price.
Boss: Thank you, give the phone to my boy.
Boss: Please tell the typist to send the account number or pay the typist the sum of 3,000
Boy: The typist don't receive transfer but you can send to my account let me make transfer to the typist
Boss: Okay just pay the typist and come and collect the cash at home since you can make transfer.......
Boy: okay sir.
Boy: Please typist I have 2500, I will come and balance you the remaining balance tomorrow
Typist: No..... my management won't accept part payment, pay complete, I even gave you people discount and you are telling me that you will give me later, why didn't you tell your boss that your money is not complete, so he can send you the total bill.
Boy: You cause it because you won't accept what I have because I have told my boss I can make transfer, ooooooooooooooo................
Typist: I don't have anything to say pay me my complete bill
Boy: How can I pay you when my cash is not complete and I can't call my boss again.
Typist: That is your business, you better pay me or I will not let you go......
Boy: Agitated, let me call my oga again, calling..................
Boss: You are a stupid fellow, why won't you come and collect it at home or better give me a nearby POS account number , so I can make the transfer:
Boy: I am sorry sir.
Boss: I don't know how you will pay the bill but for your foolishness, trek home and
collect the money.
Boy: Okay sir, trekking and lamenting................. uncultured boss everywhere.

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Not the Best Choise

Not the Best Choise
always saw my music box (mp3 player) as the best. it was a limited edition, mind you it wasn't that expensive. when I saw the music box online, I had to quickly call the seller, I didn't have money, except for the few pennies left.

I needed a music box, it fills in the mood when its boring, it keeps the room lively and moreover, it entertains a visitor rather than a quiet atmosphere. There were many things that I needed a music box for and it wasn't a bad or reckless expense to me.

until I got the music box in my hands did I realize that it had not a good bass, it wasn't up to size to what I saw on the picture displayed online. But then, it had some unique features also, it's battery lasted extraordinarily more than the regular and it had this spectacular display of light display when on. I had to content myself with the its good side

Well, I assumed myself a contented, but deep down, I knew that I had made a bad choice ordering a product that wasn't tested and trusted, all for wanting to stand out. Till now, I am yet to know the name of the music box that I bought with my innocent money.

Two days ago, I visited a friend and he had this Zealot speaker. I stood in awe as the room lit up in the most energetic uproar of its bass.
It left me to know that its always better to go for things that have already been tested and proven good than going for something you have no knowledge about.

As for my own music box, it is still serving its purpose though.

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sorano✓☆ 🏆26 🌟73Christian Nwachuku
2mo 3d

The act of kindness

The act of kindness
I was visiting a construction site one day when I saw a group of men standing outside, looking hopeful. They were clearly looking for work, and I could sense their desperation. One of them approached me, a tall, lanky man with a kind face. He introduced himself as Ayo and explained that they had been coming to the site for days, hoping to get hired for a day's work.

As we chatted, Ayo shared a heartbreaking truth. "Some days, we go back home hungry if there's no job," he said, his eyes cast downward. I was taken aback by his honesty and felt compassion. Without thinking, I reached into my pocket and pulled out 5,000 naira. "Here, take this," I said, handing it to Ayo.

But what happened next surprised me. Ayo took only 1,000 naira from the money and handed the rest to his friends. "We share what little we have," he explained with a smile. I was amazed by their selflessness and generosity, especially in the face of such hardship.

Despite their struggles, they had not lost their humanity or their sense of community. And in that moment, I realized that sometimes, it's the small acts of kindness that can make the biggest impact.

From that day on, I made it a point to always carry some extra cash with me, hoping to encounter more people like Ayo and his friends, who reminded me that even in the toughest times, people with a good heart exist.

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betty✓★ 🏆111 🌟84Bethrand Chibuike
2mo 4d

My Book Review Journey

My Book Review Journey
Reflecting on my journey into the world of book reviewing, I can't help but chuckle at my initial assumptions. I had thought it would be a breeze, and I didn't see the value in undergoing any training for it. After all, what was there to it besides catching a few typos and grammatical errors, right? How hard could it be?

In my naivety, I smugly thought that reviewing books would involve nothing more than skimming through the pages and nitpicking at errors. Little did I know that I was about to embark on a comical journey of enlightenment.

It was a somewhat humbling experience when I decided to casually read a tutorial article on book reviewing. Flipping through the pages, I was caught off guard by the sheer depth and complexity of the process. Reviewing books wasn't just about proofreading - it involved a myriad of skills and sensitivities that I had never even considered.

I realized that it entailed spotting intricate phrasal errors, recognizing inappropriate and vulgar content, and even detecting plagiarism. The idea of having to read the same book three times for thorough analysis left me feeling a bit overwhelmed. Suddenly, my casual blase attitude towards book reviewing morphed into a comical concoction of awe and respect for the professionals in the field.

In a strange turn of events, I found myself enrolling in a course for book reviewing. Despite my initial skepticism, I plunged headfirst into the material, eager to absorb all the knowledge it had to offer. What I discovered was that this seemingly straightforward task was, in fact, a craft that demanded years of expertise and experience.

As I delved deeper into the course, I was astounded by the depth and intricacy of the art of book reviewing. I learned to appreciate the nuances, the subtleties, and the complexities that I had dismissed so carelessly in the past.

The course opened my eyes to a whole new world of understanding and appreciation for literature, and it even extended beyond the realm of reviewing. It taught me to approach texts with a different perspective, and my writing skills improved as I developed my ability to analyze and critique.

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Job of tree felling

Job of tree felling
As I stood by and watched, three men were hard at work, each with their own task in the daunting mission of bringing down this towering presence in our community.

One of the men was fervently digging out the soil around the roots of the Palm tree, his face contorted with concentration and effort. The second was perched up on a higher ground, cutting off the root branches that extended further. Meanwhile, the third man skillfully tied a sturdy rope around the base of the palm tree's stem, making sure it was secure and tight.

At first, it seemed like a straightforward and easy job, with the men methodically and confidently going about their tasks. But as the minutes turned into an hour, it became evident that this was no easy feat. I found myself drawn closer to the scene, curious as to what was causing the delay.

Upon closer inspection, I discovered that the stubborn roots were putting up a fierce fight, bouncing back the blades of the tools and resisting the men's efforts to sever them. It was a testament to the resilience and strength of nature, and I couldn't help but be startled at how stubborn the tree was.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the men dropped their tools and gathered around the rope. They began to chant in unison, their voices mixing in unison of ridiculous and determined phrases, as they pulled forcefully on the rope at intervals of three seconds.

The tree began to sway, and for a moment, it seemed as if it was taunting the men with its refusal to fall. But on the seventh pull, with one final heave, the giant palm tree yielded to the relentless efforts of the men. With a deafening crack, it crashed to the ground, shaking the earth and filling the air with the scent of freshly severed wood.

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How I escaped from street robbers

How I escaped from street robbers
Heading to pick up my laptop from the repair shop was like going on a mission. I'd been without it for days, and I couldn't wait to have it back. I was pumped to catch up on work and chat with my friends online. It was going to be awesome.

But as I walked down the street, I noticed some sketchy-looking people hanging around. They seemed like trouble, and I got this uneasy feeling in my gut. I clutched my bag tighter, feeling a bit nervous.

Then, one of them stepped in front of me with a mean grin. He demanded I give them my stuff. My heart raced as I realized they were trying to rob me!

I tried to walk past them, but they surrounded me, blocking my way. I knew they wanted my laptop with everything in it, and I wasn't about to let them take it.

So, I swung my bag at one of them and took off running. They chased after me through the streets, but I was determined to keep my laptop safe.

Finally, I made it to the repair shop, out of breath but relieved. I grabbed my laptop and walked away, feeling grateful to have escaped without any harm. It was like something out of a movie, but I was just glad to have my laptop back in my hands.

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Business deals

I went to Onitsha on a hot, sunny morning, ready to install some light bulbs in a fancy two-story house. The journey was supposed to be smooth, but it wasn't. The roads were rough, full of bumps and holes, and the traffic was crazy tight.

Getting bulbs in the market was another headache. It was packed with stalls, people shouting prices, and everyone trying to get a deal. It felt like being lost in a jungle.

After ages, I finally got the bulbs and made it to the client's house. It was impressive, standing alive and proud despite the chaos of the city. But the job wasn't a piece of cake. Trust me, I came there prepared for wiring and installation, so no dulling.

Despite the mess, I stuck with it. Slowly, the house started lighting up, and it felt good to see it come to life. Finishing up, I felt proud. Despite the rough journey and market madness, I got the job done. At the end of the day , I was happy, knowing I'd made someone's home a bit brighter.

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angeltalented✓☆ 🏆43 🌟85Angel Chidiebube Mbaoma
2mo 26d

Journey to the bank

Journey to the bank
I needed to visit the bank today to sort out some urgent issues, and I had planned to leave before 11 am. However, as luck would have it, I found myself running late and scrambling to be ready to leave by 1:23 pm.

I hurriedly made my way to where I could get a tricycle (keke) to transport me to the bank. Although I had to pay a small fortune for the ride, it was the quickest option at the time.

Upon reaching the bank, I was surprised to be welcomed and attended to promptly. Despite the initial hurdles, the staff worked efficiently, and I was able to resolve my matters in less than three hours. It was a relief to have everything sorted, despite the time it took.

However, the cost of transportation back home was another blow. I couldn't believe that for a 15-minute journey, I had to pay another hefty sum to the keke driver. It made me reflect on the fact that these drivers, often underestimated, earn much more than many government workers. It was an eye-opening realization.

Finally, I returned home safely, albeit with a pounding headache, the result of the stress and the long hours out. All in all, it wasn't a bad day.

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Hunt for a place to charge

Hunt for a place to charge
The familiar hum of electricity was missing, and a sense of unease settled over me. I glanced out the window and saw that the entire neighborhood was shrouded in darkness. A total blackout. My mind raced as I wondered how long it would last and how we would manage without power.

Two days passed, and the neighborhood had transformed into a silent, eerie landscape. With everyone's phones drained of power, the need to find a charging station became urgent. A few of us banded together and set out on a mission to find a place to recharge our phones. After searching for what seemed like hours, we stumbled upon a small hotel nestled at the edge of the neighborhood. Without a second thought, we hurried inside, desperate for access to electricity.

To our surprise, the staff didn't seem to mind as we huddled around the nearest available outlet, plugging in our phones. As the battery indicators began to climb, we were greeted by a friendly waitress who seemed genuinely intrigued by our sudden appearance. The prospect of being discovered made us uneasy, and we braced ourselves for the inevitable request to leave.

However, our fears quickly vanished as the waitress inquired about our needs and how we could support the hotel. Flustered and caught off guard, we mumbled about only needing to charge our phones and leaving as soon as they were juiced up. Embarrassed by our seemingly freeloading behavior, we realized we had unfairly imposed on the hotel. Immediately, she looked at us, nodded, and assured us that it was okay.

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The Deaf Boy

The Deaf Boy
Some days, I am just tempted to do things because I find them funny, and other times I do them because I am concerned about the attention or care I'd get from the recipient.

It can be a bad idea. If not terrible.

Some months ago, my sister and I decided to go to the main market for provisions and other stuff we might or will be needing. There are many shops close to the house, but from experience, we were so sure we will get those things at a lesser price if we buy them at the market.

When we got to the main market, we stopped at a plastic shop to get a bucket, and I tipped my sister on what I wanted to do. She encouraged it. Some days, we don't need sisters. Oh, I am kidding. 😄

I took the bucket which I was interested in, walked a bit inside the shop - it was a large building, and we looked around for the shop owner.

Detecting the owner of the shop, I waved as a form of greeting. She voiced out her greeting and asked me if that's all I wanted.

I demonstrated that I needed a plate and a spoon. Anytime I ask for something, and she gives me another thing, I'll make a crying sound and turn to my sister to explain.

The woman later realized that "I don't talk," so she also started demonstrating.

When I was done buying, I decided to ask for the total price.

"Ma, how much is everything?" I asked and waited for her response.

She didn't say a word to me. She was actually dumbfounded...in her mind, what could she be thinking?

The Deaf Boy!

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sorano✓☆ 🏆26 🌟73Christian Nwachuku
3mo 21d

My Original Charger

My Original Charger
One fateful day, catastrophe struck. My loyal charger, which had faithfully powered my phone for so long, went missing without a trace. Panic came in as I checked every part of my house, hoping to find it. Unfortunately, it was nowhere to be located.

With my phone's battery draining and no charger in sight, I set out to buy a replacement. Filled with determination and a sense of urgency, I set out into the crowded streets, trekking through a series of shops and vendors in search of a way out.

Eager to reclaim the seamless charging experience I once knew, I set out to procure my own Samsung charger. However, upon reaching the store, I was met with a harsh reality: the price far exceeded my expectations. Shocked and disheartened, I reluctantly left the store, my dreams of a reliable charger slipping through my fingers.

I went into many stores, each offering a solution to my charging issues. However, with each purchase, my hopes decreased as the chargers proved to be unsuitable replacements for my beloved missing charger. They were slow and inefficient, and some even caused my phone to overheat, which was a nightmare I could not handle.

As I walked away from the store, feelings of frustration and disappointment weighed heavy on my heart. Nonetheless, I refused to be defeated by a mere charger.

I vowed to continue my search, whether through saving up for the charger or exploring alternative avenues. For the journey to reliable charging was far from over, and I was determined to see it through to the end.

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