Opinions Stories Questions

The dream

I had a twin sister named Charlotte, we were very much identical.

No one could identify who is who among us except our parents.

But along the line, Charlotte fell sick and died two weeks to her wedding.

But before her death, Charlotte made me and our parents promised her never to announce her death to her fiance (samuel) cause she doesn't want him to be heartbroken.

Charlotte also made a wish to me that she wants me to marry her husband in her place, she wants me to pretend to be her (Charlotte) and get married to Samuel so he won't be aware of her death.

At first I found it awkward to do that, but then I had to fulfil my sisters last wish.

My parents immediately arranged for the wedding so that samuel won't suspect anything.

We lied to samuel that I charity travelled for an important errand for my father and poor samuel believed he was marrying Charlotte because we are identical.

Now few years after marrying samuel and having kids, Charlotte doesn't want to let me be.

She kept appearing in my dream and physically telling me to tell samuel the truth so she can rest in peace.

Now how am I going to bring myself to tell samuel the truth after 5 years of lies and deceit.

Show some love. Gift @yungalfa something as TIPs
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