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"If you dare touch Celine!" he groaned.

"A dying man still has the lungs to care for others? haha... Let me tell you something, I'll be leading men to wipe out your Drill faction after I'm done cooking you.
As for Celine. Although master wants her dead, I'll eat her first before sending her to you, but I doubt master would want you two to reunite in hell. He would probably send her to an enemy's brothel. After all, she's a sl*t. Hahaha…"

Hearing that, fourth brother's heart shook. Hurting Celine would mean everything he had worked for would be in vain. He knew he would die no matter what, so he ignored himself and begged for his girlfriend's life.

"Please, please don't, I'm sorry for killing your sister, it was an accident."

Tenth brother's face froze for a moment before it turned sinister. "When did apologies start working in this country? Why am I not aware? Second brother, are you aware?" The tenth brother turned to look at the gate.

Second brother with a cold face was pushing a cart with a large pot of piping hot water into the cell.

"Apologies and regrets are alien words in 'Paradise in hell'." The second brother replied.

"Fourth brother, you heard that. Your luck is over. I wonder why master had left you alive for so long. You can have your bath now, your bathing water is ready."

The tenth brother pointed at the large pot with dense vapor escaping from it. His lips had a smirk playing on them.

Number Ten and number four had always been enemies. Their hatred for each other dated back to high school. Even after they became Maverick's people, the two remained each other's nemesis.

Number four didn't blink before he raped and killed number ten's sister and claimed she was killed by their enemies. Although number ten knew, he couldn't report to Maverick because he had no evidence.

Ever since then, his hatred for number four tripled and that was why the minute Maverick decided it was time to get rid of number four, number ten immediately exchanged his task with number three and took his place to torture number four.

Number four glanced at the foggy vapor and hurriedly shook his head, "No, no, you cannot do this to a human!" he screamed.

Number ten laughed mockingly, "You used to do worse than this to our enemies, remember? And you enjoyed it a lot. Especially when you push them into a pool of acid and watch them struggle until they die."

Number four needed to get out of this place even though it means attacking their loyalty. "Master will do the same to you. He will kill burn you alive when he finds out–"

Number ten immediately cut him off. "And that's why I cut my coat according to my material. I don't overstep my boundaries and I'm not as greedy as you. I'm content with what I'm given."

He wasn't a greedy type, nor the kind to betray his master. However, he has a secret that must not be revealed. The secret doesn't call for his death, but because their master was unfathomable, he might just ask for his head when the secret is revealed.

So that is why number ten stopped number four from saying more.

The tenth brother scooped water from the pot and threw it at the fourth brother.

Soon, screams that could tear a house down filled the cell.

Meanwhile, Maverick left the underground prison and returned to his study room. The dark room behind the shelf led to the underground prison where he tortures his trusted subordinates who betrays him.

He gives them a terrible ending to remind them of what the result of betraying him would be.

"Mulan, say something, you've been like this since you came here. What is it?"

A woman in a red knee-length lace dress asked as she patted the crying Mulan on her lap.

The woman looked elegant and sophisticated. Her shoulder-length hair was let down. Her face glowed with youth even though she was almost fifty.

"Ma, it's… it's… " Mulan hiccuped and burst into another round of sobbing.

"Calm down child, talk to me when you are ready." The woman said, still soothing her back.

"Mom, what is going on?" A lady of equal beauty walked in from the entrance. She has a resemblance to the woman sitting. Just that she was younger and looked proud and arrogant.

Her white crop top over a pair of black shots complimented her sexy and men-hunting figure.

She has the type of body society calls 'the hourglass figure'. Her smooth, fair, straight long legs took her to the executive butter-colored couch in the extravagant sitting room.

Standing in front of the woman she called mother, she looked down at Mulan in a condescending manner, waiting for an answer.

"Gorgeous, you are back. How did your trip go?" The woman asked while checking out her daughter.

"As always. Tiring... What is she doing here?" The lady gestured to Mulan with her jaw.

The woman sighed, "I also don't know why she's crying. She seems too hurt to say anything."

"Does that mean my older brother has finally crushed her? I have been waiting for that good news for the longest time. I'm glad he finally did. Mom, I'll be in my room now," she snorted in disdain and strolled away with her shoulders straight and chin raised to the sky.

The woman stared after her daughter's back and shook her head. 'This girl is becoming more and more difficult to understand, ' she thought.

"Ma, I'm sorry for bothering you. I think I should leave now." Mulan tried to get up but the woman pulled her back.

"Don't take her words to heart. You should already be used to her by now." The woman let go of her and smiled bitterly.

"Since she cannot be with her brothers, all she can do is envy all the ladies that could get close to them and you are one of the few ladies that have access to them, so I hope you understand, Mulan."

Mulan wiped her pretty face and nodded. "Yes, ma. I'm sorry for letting my emotions get the better of me. I would have done the same as Piper if I were in her shoes."

Mulan sounded pitifully low, just like her countenance at the moment.

"It's good you understand." The woman nodded. "So what happened? What has my son done?" She asked.

"Ma, Maverick, he, he got married…" her river of tears broke and flowed uncontrollably.

"What do you mean Maverick got married?" The woman frowned deeply. What kind of a joke is that?

"I'm serious, Ma. This morning… " Mulan narrated all that happened in the mansion, including Jeslyn spanking Valen.

"What!!" The woman jolted from the couch and stood on her feet with anger stroking her face.

"She raised her hand on my grandson?!" She thundered.

"Y– yes, ma," Mulan answered with a nod. She also got up and stood beside the woman with her head lowered.

"How dare that wench touch my precious grandson!? What family is she from?"

Mulan stayed silent.

"I asked you, what shithole is she from?!"

Mulan flinched. "I– I don't know Ma. She doesn't seem to belong to the top families–"

"Did you carry out a thorough investigation on her?"

"No, ma, I wasn't–"

"Then stop assuming you already know everything. My son cannot have anything to do with low lives." Maverick's mother gave Mulan a death glare.

"Y– yes ma, I'm sorry for–"

"You should return home for today. I want to be alone… I need fresh air." She said with a scowl.

What fresh air? Was Mulan a fresh air suppressor? It was obvious she didn't want to have her around anymore for insinuating that her son married a nobody.

"Y– yes ma, I'll take my leave now. I'll come see you in two days. "


The woman watched as Mulan picked up her black purse and walked out. " Useless," she spat.

Maverick's mother bit her painted red lips and narrowed her eyes. "Ren, when are you going to see me as your mother? Is it until I DIE?!" She screamed the last part and swept off the fruits on the table. She was hurt, and heartbroken, and furious!

How can children get married without informing their mothers? Yes, she might have done wrong in the past, but that was in the past! Why can't her sons let it go?

"Lu Hao, see what your children turned into." She chuckled in rage, "what was I expecting from the children of an evil doer like you?"

After a while of lamenting, she took a deep breath and sat on the couch. "My sons are not allowed to marry without my consent. They are not allowed to marry who they choose. They can only marry whichever girl I choose for them."

With that in mind, she grabbed her phone from the table and dialed a number. After a few rings, the call was answered.

"Do a thorough background check on that girl in my son's life… I won't protect you if he finds out." With that, she disconnected the call.

Her eyes shone with hatred and something else. It was not known who it was directed at, but it certainly wouldn't end well with that person.

Outside the house, Mulan entered her luxurious red car and put on the seat belt before turning to look at the white mansion she just came out from.

Her sorrowful eyes changed. She glared at the house with a sly smile playing on her lips. "Go do your job, worthless woman," she murmured before stepping on the accelerator and zooming off.

Inside Piper's room…

The sexy-looking lady was seen in a dimly lit bedroom. Her room was identical to Maverick's. Dark and dangerous with a feminine touch.

She pulled out a picture from her drawer and stared at the image for a while with longing in her eyes before getting into her king sized bed.

"I went for a shoot and just came back. I spent six months there and to be honest, the place was horrible. It was supposed to be one of the best places in country M, but I didn't know why it felt lonely and bad until I got home.
It was because you weren't there and I was missing you. Breathing in the same air as you gives me life, I just confirmed it.
Do you know what happened at the set? I was made to shoot a bed scene with Feng Long, best male actor. He is really hot and knows how to turn a lady on with only his looks, but sincerely I felt nothing at all. He couldn't get me aroused.

I had 59 bad takes. Hahaha… funny right? You must be wondering how a record breaker, a seasoned professional actress like me could manage to do that.
Simple. I feel nothing, no chemistry whatsoever for any man but you. It wasn't until I started to imagine you as him was I able to perform beyond imagination and to top it all, I made the idiot cum several times. Since that day, he hasn't stopped bothering me.
What should I do to him? Should I just kill him off? Or play with him a little? Will you have my back if I offend his people by ruining him?" She sighed and put the picture aside.

"I know the answer already. But what should I do? This feeling is driving me crazy. I just want to feel your touch one more time. Even a slap or a shove would do. Just to feel your flesh touching my burning skin."

She closed her eyes while imagining the love of her life trailing his long, smooth, and sexy fingers on her body.

She grabbed his hand and lowered it to her melons. Caressed them in a way that pleasured her and slowly lowered his hand to her fanny.

It was already dripping slime, so it was easier for his fingers to slide in without hindrance.

"Hmmm..." she let out a throaty moan and flattened her tummy as she took in a deep breath.
He lowered himself in front of her and slowly spread her long legs to get in between. He leaned in, sniffed her delicious opening, and tasted it with his tongue. Then he captured the outer lips with his mouth and snaked his tongue around her butter bean.

While she was 'diddling Miss Daisy', she had a painful look on her face. Her exercise wasn't painful, but the feeling of falling in love with someone who will never reciprocate her love was.

How did she fall in love with this person? He detests her, but she sees him as her oxygen.

When did it start?

Was it when she saw him killing someone or when he was being kind to someone?

Piper doesn't know but one thing she understands was that she needs him very badly and she's going to get him, come rain, come shine. It doesn't matter if she has to sell her family to him.

The next morning, Jeslyn was seen sunbathing beside the blue–colored pool. She was laying on a lounge chair with her face up and her hands crossed on her chest.

She was wearing a bikini and a hat was placed on her face to protect her eyes from the morning sun.

The tranquil atmosphere was interrupted when Valen walked to stand a few inches away from her, looking furious.

"Get down from my lounge chair!"

He had repeated those words a few times already, but still, Jeslyn wouldn't react.

"Hey!!" Valen screamed but got no response from Jeslyn.

He turned to look around him and saw guards patrolling the compound. It wasn't known if the eye contact between Valen and one of the guards was coincidental or not, but when their eyes met, Valen waved him over.

The guard hurried to him and bowed. "Little master."

"Throw that woman into the pool and spread a clean cloth on my chair," Valen instructed.

The guard's lips twitched and he slowly raised his head to look towards Jeslyn. Seeing what she was wearing, he immediately shifted his gaze back to Valen.

His look wasn't up to two seconds. He knew better than to ogle his master's woman in the presence of his son.

And also, his master does not announce his arrival. Maverick might just appear behind him and catch him staring at his almost-naked wife. What would happen then?

His eyes won't see the darkness of the night and brightness of day. Maverick was that wicked.

Looking at Valen, the guard silently shook his head. If this order was given for him to throw another person into the pool, he would have gladly done it, but that lady lying there was said to be the master's wife!

The guard didn't know what to do. Offending any of the two was equivalent to pleading for a quick death. However, he has no choice but to make a pick.

The big guard debated for a few seconds before his knees hit the floor and he bowed his head. "Little master, please punish this disobedient subordinate!"

The angry-looking Valen didn't wait for another second before he nodded and screamed. He pointed toward the mansion, "Go receive your punishment!"

"Thank you, little master!" The guard bowed again, got up, and hurried away.

Getting punished by Valen was heavenly compared to getting punished by Maverick or Rex.

Valen searched around the place with his eyes. He wasn't intending to let Jeslyn be.

Seeing a servant watering the lush-trimmed flower bed that was taller than him, Valen narrowed his eyes at the drop of water being sprayed on the plant and curled his lips as a wicked thought flashed through his mind.

Valen walked up to the maid and without formalities, grabbed the hose spray from her and walked back to stand a few inches from Jeslyn. He pointed the spray at the oblivious Jeslyn before turning the sprayer on.

Feeling the coolness of liquid on her pale shiny skin, Jeslyn jolted up in alarm, making the hat fall off in the process. The waist scarf she tied loosely on her waist also came off.



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