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Cloudy Heart

Nse, a dedicated and committed member to the service of God sat at a corner of the church with folded arms and a sullen face, his countenance worsening as time passed. Two weeks before this, he had fallen from the faith and was suspended to serve as a deterrent to those who held high positions within the Church.

He thought about many things, 'What will people think of me? How will I face my wife whom I had swore to remain faithful with forever? What about these people who respected me as an Elder and a spiritual guide?'
The guilt washed over him more and more until he dropped his head in shame and then, the preacher noticed a soul who felt isolated from the gathering. Few minutes later, Nse, overwhelmed with thoughts dozed off till the sermon was over.

"Brother Nse," the preacher softly called him out of sleep, "Have you forgotten you are a leader?" Feeling a mix of embarrassment and remorse, Nse apologized to the preacher and promised to stay awake. But instead of leaving it at that, the preacher extended an unexpected invitation. "Brother Nse, why don't you come with me for a walk? Sometimes a breath of fresh air can revive the spirit."

Nse, still feeling embarrassed, hesitated for a moment but ultimately agreed. He followed the preacher as they left the church and strolled along the quiet road. As they walked, the preacher spotted a fruit vendor by the roadside, his barrow loaded with fruits. He approached the vendor and purchased a large, ripe watermelon. Nse watched curiously, wondering why the preacher had made this impromptu purchase.

The preacher handed the watermelon to Nse with a smile. "Here, Brother Nse, have a slice. It will refresh you as we walk." Nse's face flushed with embarrassment once again. "Reverend, I appreciate your kindness, but isn't it a bit embarrassing to eat a watermelon while walking on the road?"

The preacher chuckled and replied, "Embarrassment is a burden we often carry unnecessarily, Brother Nse. Sometimes we need to drown out its noise and simply enjoy the blessings that life offers us. As they continued their walk, Nse savored the watermelon, its coolness providing relief from the hot day. Finally, he couldn't contain his curiosity any longer and asked the preacher, "Reverend, why did you ask me to eat the watermelon?"

The preacher with a light tone replied, "Brother, before you ate the watermelon, you thought about the embarrassment it will bring. People did see you eating it but what more can they do? You see, drowning in more guilt will not heal you. God has forgiven you seeing how sober you are and having taken a decision to change."
He paused and continued, "This is not the time to mourn but to seek His face and grow daily in the faith, when you have concluded with your restoration, we will restore your role. And at that time, I pray you are better, a changed and stronger person."

They prayed briefly, exchanged pleasantries and went their separate ways

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