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Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect
Last two Sundays, I found myself drawn to the idea of joining the church choir. It wasn't something I had ever considered before, but there was a pull in my heart, urging me to give it a try. With a mix of excitement and nervousness, I approached the choir director after the service and expressed my interest in joining.

With a warm smile, the director welcomed me with open arms, assuring me that everyone was welcome in the choir, regardless of their singing ability. Encouraged by his words, I eagerly attended my first choir practice later that week.

As I stood among the other choir members, I couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging. However, as we began to sing, I quickly realized that my voice was not quite as polished as the others.

Despite my initial self-doubt, I pushed through, determined to give it my all. I may not have hit all the right notes, and my timing may have been off at times, but there was something extraordinary about the experience. The harmonies and melodies lifted my spirits, filling me with joy and a sense of fulfillment.

As the week went by, I continued to attend choir practice faithfully, eager to improve my singing skills and contribute to the group. With each session, I gained more confidence in my voice, learning to blend in with the others and play my part to the best of my ability.

Sure, I may not have played my part perfectly, but that didn't matter in the end. Today, I received a special commendation from the choirmaster.
It was kinda renewing when he pointed out to other choristers to follow in my footsteps.
What could be more gladdening?

@kingsleysom would win 2000 NGN in if this story gets 15+ likes and higher likes than other stories of Sun, 28th Apr. 2024.
Show some love. Gift @kingsleysom something as TIPs

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