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Let′s Solve It

Let′s Solve It
I woke up that sunny morning with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. My friend and I had just returned from a registration process that felt like a never-ending trek of 2,000 miles, even though we hadn't left the school campus.

As we stared at the long list of courses we needed to register for, my aching legs rebelled against the idea of traversing the vast campus to reach their respective faculties and centers. I saw my friend's determination to conquer the tasks at hand, but my energy levels were rapidly depleting. I hesitated, wondering if my legs could handle the exhausting series of journeys.

It was then that my friend saw my hesitation and offered words of encouragement and support. "We're in this together," they said, with a reassuring smile.

Buoyed by their confidence and support, I found the strength to press on. With my friend by my side, we ventured into the maze of campus buildings, racing against the clock to complete our registration tasks.

As we made our way from one faculty to the next, time seemed to warp around us. The seemingly endless distances melted away as we guided each other through the bustling corridors. My friend's unwavering support and our shared determination transformed a daunting experience into an adventure.

Before I knew it, we had accomplished our mission with time to spare.

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