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Relationship Stories & Experiences

Read interesting Relationship stories from this online community.

An epistle of love

As I sit down to pen these words, my mind reflects back to the very night we first met, it was really in night class. I can remember we were preparing for our first anatomy exam "upper limbs" Your voice, like a melody in the darkness, drew me in, sparking a connection that has only grown stronger with time.

I think that night we were unable to secure a class so we decided to use the coscharies quadrangle, story leading to stories one of which was you exposing me to the fact that you had a twin sister. And just deep into the night you slept on my laps. Being a nice guy that I am, I pulled out my outer shirt to cover you from the cold weather.

Our friendship, forged through late-night conversations and shared experiences, has become a beacon of light in my life. Your trust in me, inviting me into your world with open arms, is a gift I cherish deeply.

Lol 😂 just remembered the very night that tested the depths of our connection. It was a night like no other, filled with anticipation and longing, as I waited patiently for your roommate to depart.

Minutes stretched into hours, and the stillness of the night enveloped me as I stood outside your door, consumed by the desire to be near you. In those solitary moments, I felt the weight of our friendship and the strength of our bond, urging me to persevere despite the uncertainty.

And then, like a whisper in the darkness, your message arrived, a beacon of hope illuminating the path ahead. With bated breath, I watched as your roommate finally left, clearing the way for us to be together.

Stepping into your presence that night was like stepping into a dream, a dream where time stood still and the world faded away, leaving only the two of us in its wake. I held you close, cherishing the fleeting moments we had together, knowing that every second was precious beyond measure.

As I reflect on that night, I am reminded of the depth of our friendship and the lengths we are willing to go for each other. It is a testament to the bond we share, forged through countless shared experiences and unwavering trust.

In you, I have found not only a friend but a kindred spirit, someone who understands and accepts me in a way that words cannot express. Our friendship is a treasure beyond compare, a guiding light in the darkness, leading us through life's twists and turns with grace and resilience.

Despite the challenges we've faced, whether it be waiting anxiously for your roommate to leave or navigating encounters with security personnel on my way back, our connection has remained unwavering.

As I reflect on the journey we've embarked on together, I am filled with gratitude for the moments we've shared and the memories we've created. Your presence brings joy to my days and comfort to my nights, and for that, I am truly thankful.

So here's to us, to the late-night conversations and the shared laughter, to the moments of quiet understanding and unwavering support. May our friendship continue to grow and thrive, illuminating our lives with its warmth and grace.


@sorano would win 2000 NGN in if this story gets 15+ likes and higher likes than other stories of Sat, 27th Apr. 2024.
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Infinity′s melody

In the realm of hearts entwined,
Where love's sweet melody is defined,
Two souls in a dance divine,
A love story for all time.

Brush strokes of passion on canvas bare,
Aiden's guitar, Luna's flair,
In harmony, their hearts declare,
A love beyond compare.

Through distance and trials, they endure,
Love's flame forever pure,
In whispers soft and melodies sure,
Their bond shall always endure.

In the village, their tale is sung,
A love that forever young,
In the tapestry of life, they're strung,
A love song never unsung.

© Essey

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My relationship with a tree

My relationship with a tree
There's one memory that always brings a smile to my face – the African giant star apple tree, known as Odara in Igbo land. This towering tree, with its robust, well-built stems and broad leaves, held a special place in my heart. Climbing its branches gave me a unique sense of freedom and peace.

The ventilation up there was unlike anything else. The way the wind whispered through the leaves and the gentle sway of the branches made it my go-to spot. From that lofty perch, I had a panoramic view of the surroundings. I could see my home in the distance, surrounded by other neighboring houses. Watching the children play and the world go by gave me a sense of being in my own little kingdom.

Of course, the allure of Odara was not just the breathtaking view. It was also the abundance of delicious star apple fruit. The fruits were incredibly sweet, and plucking them after a long day at school was the perfect way to unwind. The joy of snacking on those succulent fruits under the shade of the tree is a memory I cherish dearly.

However, there came a day when my idyllic relationship with that majestic tree took an unexpected turn. In a moment of carelessness, I lost my footing and came crashing down from the heights I so often sought solace in. The fall left me shaken and, more importantly, shattered my trust in my arboreal haven. The injuries weren’t severe, but the experience robbed me of the carefree enjoyment I once found in climbing the Odara tree.

After that fateful day, my love for the tree waned. I missed the innocent and carefree moments of my childhood, spent in the embrace of the African giant star apple tree.

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When love blossoms

Daniel and Blessing found each other in the most unexpected of places a quiet church service on a Sunday morning. Daniel, with his warm smile and gentle demeanor, struck up a conversation with Blessing during the after-service fellowship. Their shared love for faith and community quickly formed the foundation of a deep friendship.

As they spent more time together, Daniel's kindness and compassion shone through in every interaction. He was always there to lend a listening ear or offer a helping hand. Blessing found herself drawn to his unwavering goodness, admiring the way he carried himself with grace and humility.

Yet, beneath her admiration for her friend lay a secret longing a feeling she dared not speak aloud. Blessing found herself falling for Daniel, captivated by his essence and the depth of their connection. But as a woman in a society where the fear of rejection loomed large, she kept her feelings hidden, burying them deep within her heart.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as their friendship blossomed and grew stronger. They shared laughter and tears, dreams and fears, navigating the ups and downs of life together. Blessing cherished every moment spent with Daniel, treasuring the bond they shared.

But as much as she yearned to tell him how she felt, the fear of ruining their friendship held her back. What if he didn't feel the same way? What if confessing her love only drove him away? The uncertainty gnawed at her, leaving her paralyzed with indecision.

Meanwhile, Daniel remained oblivious to the turmoil brewing within Blessing's heart. He valued her friendship above all else, grateful for the comfort and joy she brought into his life. Little did he know, her feelings ran deeper than mere friendship, hidden beneath a facade of smiles and laughter.

One fateful day, as they sat together in the quiet serenity of the church courtyard, Blessing found herself unable to contain her emotions any longer. With trembling hands and a racing heart, she finally confessed her love to Daniel, laying bare her soul before him.

To her surprise, Daniel's reaction was not one of rejection or indifference, but of understanding and acceptance. He confessed that he too had been grappling with feelings he couldn't quite articulate, unsure of how to broach the subject without risking their friendship.

In that moment of vulnerability, their bond deepened even further, transcending the boundaries of friendship to embrace something more profound and meaningful. Together, they embarked on a new chapter of their lives, guided by love, faith, and the enduring strength of their friendship.

As they walked hand in hand, their hearts intertwined in a beautiful dance of love and companionship, Blessing realized that sometimes, the greatest risks were worth taking, and that true love was always worth fighting for. And in Daniel's embrace, she found solace, knowing that their love story was only just beginning.

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How Emeka wants to snatch my girlfriend

How Emeka wants to snatch my girlfriend
Congratulations to me!!!

After many years of feeling the solitude and isolation of being single, I'm finally in a relationship with someone special.

However, something odd happened yesterday that left me feeling worried and hurt. I don't know if you've experienced something similar in your relationship, but I feel like I should share my experience.

So yesterday, while i was in the room with the apple of my eye, her phone rang. She picked it up and left the room without saying a word.

My curiosity got the better of me, so I decided to follow her. When she noticed me, she became defensive and refused to answer the call.

As I tried to take the phone from her, I saw the name of the caller on the screen "Emekslagbenz".

Please if your name is Emeka, you live in lagos , and you drive a Mercedes Benz, have some respect and leave my relationship alone!!!😐

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The dying feelings

The dying feelings
Today, I made the decision to treat myself to a classy restaurant supper. I had no idea that this would turn out to be a really funny dinner experience. Upon entering the restaurant, I couldn't help but notice a girl who had taken a seat and was savoring a platter of delicious beans and plantains. She had a captivating attractiveness that drew my attention, in addition to the fact that she was enjoying her meal. I couldn't help but watch her from my table, which was directly across from hers, and sneak peeks. She looked back at me, and to my astonishment, though with a lighthearted smile, she caught my stares. It felt like fate had a whimsy sense of humor, so this was unexpected and even more delightful. After she finished her dinner, I plucked up the bravery to approach her, encouraged by our little exchange of glances. Some other time, I thought, we could start a conversation and maybe have a fun evening together. She dined with poise and elegance, relishing each meal like a princess. I was captivated, certain that this girl was someone genuinely exceptional. But my amazement was short-lived as she got up to go. I was surprised to discover leftovers when I looked at her dish because I had assumed there would just be a few nibbles left! It appeared that she had deliberately left some food unfinished, maybe to show off her manners or make an impression on someone. That small gesture broke the trust I had established and left me bewildered. By not eating to the end, who was she attempting to impress? I was unable to understand the logic behind it. Disappointed, I watched her go out without moving, mentally doubting the entire thing. Please don't hold it against me; I was riveted to my seat, considering all the possible explanations for why she could have left so much food on her plate, but I couldn't think of any decent ones. It was too easy to see the pride.

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The Moonstone Curse

The Moonstone Curse
In the heart of a mystical realm, where legends intertwined with reality and magic wove through the very fabric of existence, there lay a hidden treasure of untold power—the Moonstone. This precious gem, said to hold the essence of the moon itself, bore a curse that had plagued the land for generations, casting a shadow of misfortune over all who possessed it.

The tale of the Moonstone curse began with a young princess named Elara, whose beauty and grace captured the hearts of all who beheld her. In a moment of hubris, Elara dared to claim the Moonstone for herself, believing that its radiant light would bring prosperity and joy to her kingdom.

But as night fell and the Moonstone glowed with an ethereal light, a darkness descended upon the land—a darkness that whispered of ancient curses and forbidden desires. The curse of the Moonstone awakened, its malevolent energy seeping through the kingdom like a venomous mist, tainting all it touched with misfortune and sorrow.

As the days turned to nights and the curse's grip tightened, the once-prosperous kingdom descended into chaos. Crops withered, waters turned foul, and whispers of betrayal and despair echoed through the halls of the palace. Elara, burdened by the weight of her actions, sought to undo the curse that she had unleashed, but the Moonstone's power was too potent, its magic too twisted to be undone by mere mortal hands.

Desperate to break the curse and save her kingdom from ruin, Elara embarked on a perilous quest to seek the counsel of the Moonstone's guardian—a mysterious figure known only as the Oracle of Shadows. Through treacherous forests and haunted valleys, Elara journeyed, her resolve tested at every turn by the malevolent forces that sought to claim her soul.

At the heart of the realm, beneath the light of a blood-red moon, Elara confronted the Oracle, a shrouded figure cloaked in darkness and mystery. With a voice like a whispering wind, the Oracle revealed the truth that Elara had long sought to uncover—the Moonstone's curse could only be broken by an act of sacrifice, a selfless act of love that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

With a heavy heart and tears in her eyes, Elara made her choice—to relinquish her claim to the Moonstone, to break the curse that had tormented her people, and to embrace a destiny forged in courage and compassion. In a blinding flash of light, the curse was lifted, the darkness dispelled, and the realm bathed in the soft glow of the moon's nurturing light once more.

And so, as the first light of dawn broke over the kingdom, Elara stood as a beacon of hope and renewal, her spirit unbroken by the trials she had faced, her heart filled with the light of redemption and the knowledge that even the darkest of curses could be overcome by the power of selfless love and unwavering courage.

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How we do it back then

How we do it back then
Back in the days no smart phone, the negotiation were done face to face, women were scared of their men, once they say yes to one man,they hardly accept another man. Every relationship were aiming at marriage. There was no cooking gas not to talk of my gas just finished,no woman ever talk about urgent 2k, s€$ 👉👌 were honored. I could remember giving Palm kernel nut to my woman in school and she appreciate it and share it with her friends, LOVE WAS SO SWEET.
Na so we use to enjoy life until satan introduce cold stone and Dominos pizza, Sugar daddy and Yahoo boys. 😂😂😂

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The long awaited result

That feeling every student should have whenever a semester result is to be released, the case of Alex and Maya,was not exception as they found themselves engulfed in the anticipation of their semester results. With most of the grades released, there was just one elusive result left to unveil.

Despite their nerves, Alex and Maya tried having a reflection on how their exams went, exchanging stories of challenging questions and moments of clarity. Each conversation fueled their anticipation, building an image of success in their minds.

Days turned into weeks, and still, the final result remained unreleased, shrouded in mystery. Frustration grew as they tried to rationalize the delay, but no explanation surfaced.

In their shared moments of waiting, Alex and Maya found solace in each other's company. They encouraged one another, reminding themselves of the hard work they had put in throughout the semester.

Finally, the long-awaited moment arrived. The result was released, sending a surge of excitement through the dorm room. With bated breath, they checked their grades, only to find that while they had passed, the outcome fell short of their expectations.

Disappointment lingered in the air, but amidst the sea of mixed emotions, Alex and Maya found strength in their bond. They acknowledged their achievements, however small, and vowed to learn from the experience.

As they navigated the aftermath of their anticipation, Alex and Maya discovered the resilience that comes from facing challenges together. With renewed determination, they set their sights on the future, ready to tackle whatever obstacles lay ahead.

In the end, the journey of anticipation had taught them valuable lessons about perseverance, friendship, and the unpredictable nature of life. And as they closed the chapter on this semester, they did so with heads held high, knowing that they were stronger for having endured the wait together.

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Let′s Solve It

Let′s Solve It
I woke up that sunny morning with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. My friend and I had just returned from a registration process that felt like a never-ending trek of 2,000 miles, even though we hadn't left the school campus.

As we stared at the long list of courses we needed to register for, my aching legs rebelled against the idea of traversing the vast campus to reach their respective faculties and centers. I saw my friend's determination to conquer the tasks at hand, but my energy levels were rapidly depleting. I hesitated, wondering if my legs could handle the exhausting series of journeys.

It was then that my friend saw my hesitation and offered words of encouragement and support. "We're in this together," they said, with a reassuring smile.

Buoyed by their confidence and support, I found the strength to press on. With my friend by my side, we ventured into the maze of campus buildings, racing against the clock to complete our registration tasks.

As we made our way from one faculty to the next, time seemed to warp around us. The seemingly endless distances melted away as we guided each other through the bustling corridors. My friend's unwavering support and our shared determination transformed a daunting experience into an adventure.

Before I knew it, we had accomplished our mission with time to spare.

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John and Joseph

John and Joseph
In the bustling town of Quirktopia, where laughter filled the air and mischief lurked around every corner, there were two best friends who set the standard for hilarity and chaos—John and Joseph. These two were inseparable, their bond forged in a shared love of pranks, puns, and all things absurd.

John, with his mischievous grin and quick wit, was the mastermind behind most of their escapades. He had a knack for turning even the most mundane situations into uproarious adventures, leaving a trail of laughter in his wake. Joseph, on the other hand, was the unwitting accomplice, his earnest demeanor often leading him into the most ludicrous of predicaments.

One sunny morning, as the town square bustled with activity, John and Joseph were struck with a stroke of inspiration—a plan so audacious, so outrageous, that it would go down in Quirktopia's history as the most memorable prank ever pulled.

The duo set their sights on the town's annual Cheese Festival, a celebration of all things dairy that drew crowds from far and wide. Armed with a wheelbarrow, a bucket of rubber chickens, and a healthy dose of mischief, John and Joseph donned their most ridiculous costumes and dove headfirst into their plan.

As the festival kicked off with a parade of cheese-themed floats and marching bands, John and Joseph emerged from behind a giant cheese wheel, clad in capes made of Swiss cheese and wielding rubber chickens as though they were swords. The sight was so absurd, so utterly ridiculous, that the townspeople couldn't help but burst into fits of laughter.

What followed was a whirlwind of chaos and hilarity—a chicken-throwing contest that ended with chickens landing in the most unexpected places, a cheese-eating competition that saw Joseph accidentally mistaking a block of soap for a particularly pungent cheese, and a impromptu dance-off that had the entire town square shaking with laughter.

But the pinnacle of their prank came when they convinced the mayor that the town's prized cheese sculpture was haunted by the ghost of a cheese-loving pirate. The mayor, a notoriously superstitious man, fell for the ruse hook, line, and sinker, leading to a series of comical capers that had the whole town in stitches.

As the Cheese Festival drew to a close and the sun began to set over Quirktopia, John and Joseph basked in the glow of their prank-filled day, their faces flushed with laughter and their hearts brimming with the joy of shared antics. They knew that no matter where their adventures took them, they would always have each other—and the memories of their hilarious escapades in the town of Quirktopia—to keep the laughter alive.

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Worst Nightmare

Worst Nightmare
Once upon a time, there was a couple who seemed perfect together from the outside. They shared laughs, dreams, and promises of forever. But behind closed doors, their relationship was toxic.

He was controlling, constantly monitoring her every move and isolating her from friends and family. She felt suffocated, but she was too scared to leave because he had convinced her that she was nothing without him.

As time went on, the emotional abuse escalated into physical violence. She bore the bruises and scars in silence, too ashamed to seek help or confide in anyone. She lived in constant fear, never knowing what would trigger his rage next.

Despite the pain and suffering, she couldn't find the strength to break free. She felt trapped in a cycle of love and fear, hoping that things would change but knowing deep down that they never would.

In the end, it took a wake-up call—a moment of clarity—for her to realize that she deserved better. With the support of loved ones and the courage to leave, she finally escaped the clutches of her worst nightmare and began to rebuild her life piece by piece.


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The uncertainty of the future

From a tender age, Chioma possessed an unwavering passion for storytelling, her voice weaving tales that transported listeners to distant lands and enchanted realms.

But fate dealt Chioma a cruel hand when her parents perished in a tragic fire, leaving her orphaned and alone. Taken in by her stern uncle, who prioritized practicality over passion, Chioma's dreams of becoming a revered storyteller seemed destined to wither away like forgotten embers.

Forced to abandon her aspirations, Chioma found herself trapped in the confines of her uncle's expectations, her days consumed by mundane chores and menial tasks. Yet, the yearning within her soul for the art of storytelling never waned, a silent flame flickering amidst the darkness of her reality.

One moonlit night, as Chioma sat beneath the whispering branches of an ancient baobab tree, she stumbled upon an old manuscript hidden within its hollow trunk. The pages, weathered with age, revealed tales of courage, resilience, and the enduring power of dreams.

Inspired by the forgotten stories of her ancestors, Chioma made a vow to reclaim her destiny. With quiet determination, she began to pen her own tales, weaving together the rich tapestry of Igbo folklore with her vivid imagination.

Word of Chioma's storytelling prowess spread like wildfire, drawing villagers from far and wide to gather beneath the same baobab tree where she had once found inspiration. Through her stories, Chioma ignited a flame of hope in the hearts of those who had forgotten how to dream.

Though the path ahead was fraught with challenges and uncertainty, Chioma knew that as long as she held fast to her dreams, she would always find her way back home. And under the blanket of stars, amidst the whispers of the wind, Chioma's voice rang out, carrying the stories of her people into the night.

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More in a relationship

More in a relationship
So few years ago, a male neighbor of mine had the beautiful chocolate skinned girl he was dating.

The girl was a pure definition of beauty, moderate ass, sizable boobs, flat tommy and a magical smile. There was nothing else Emeka my neighbor looked for in a woman that wasn't in his woman Angela. When ever she comes to visit him, we his neighbour stares in excitement. They have been dating for 4years. In his words, She was his type of woman.

But everything changed when Emeka met this chubby girl in his friends wedding. He started to get to know her. It was on like Emeka, because since his history he hasn't dated a chubby girl before, he just don't like them and the chubbiness of this particular girl was a bit more, but Emeka didn't mind.

After few months of Emeka getting to know this new girl Chioma. He told me that he was ready to get married. That he has finally found what he was looking for. I asked him what about Angela. In his words he said Angela will be alright.

So two months after getting to know Chioma, He had already gone to meet her parents for proper introduction. After the introduction He started making arrangement for bride price. It was as if a spell of love has been casted upon my neighbor Emeka.

He started buying everything he needed for the bride price, he bought most of the things and kept in his kitchen. One time his girlfriend Angela came to visit and saw all the goodies her boyfriend bought and she asked babe do you want to start selling food stuffs? this one that you have almost the whole food stuff in your kitchen?

She was already wearing his long button shirt because she planed on spending the night in his boyfriend place. She asked the question and Emeka replied her without smiling. I want to marry. He said. But you haven't proposed. Angela said smiling. Emeka didn't say a word. Wait babe don't tell me you are proposing. You are too local. Anyways I will marry you. She said smiling and came into the bedroom and kissed Emeka.

Emeka pulled her out since she wanted to start getting intimate again, Angel You won't be angry. Emeka said. why should I be? Angela asked. Its not you okay. Its me. What I want; I'm performing my traditional marriage rites in two weeks. Emeka finally bursted out.

It felt like a shock to Angela, because she didn't remember ever doing a formal introduction with Emeka with her parents. Are you, are you breaking up with me? Angela asked after getting the whole thing that is finally happening. And you allow me find out like this? She asked. I didn't know how to tell you. Emeka said.

Four whole years Emeka? Four whole years and you do this to me? Angela said with tears. We the neighbors could already hear their voices from outside even though it was inaudible. I never promised you marriage. Emeka said. Our relationship was perfect but I wanted something more. Emeka said. Something like what exactly? I will do it. Just tell me. Angela said begging Emeka. There was silence in their room for some seconds. I am moving out of this house after our traditional marriage rite. Emeka said.

Have you been cheating on me in this relationship? Angela asked, trying hard to control her tears. Have you? She asked. No babe. No. Emeka said. Don't call me that. Angela said. I met her few months ago, like two months ago. He said. Just two months and you threw away what we had going on for four years? She asked with her eyes full with tears. I'm sorry. He said.

Angela with tears left the house that night. Emeka went ahead to marry his new chubby girl after barely a year of meeting her. After the traditional wedding he sent the white wedding invitation card to Angela now his Ex.

We went for the white wedding, but that day I decided to fast, I wouldn't want to hear a story of The ex poisoned the food shared in the wedding. So I fasted. But the thing here was nothing happened, the wedding went as smooth as possible.

But before the wedding ended we were informed that Angela committed suicide.

Morals: Ladies when you start a relationship with a man and you want something more, please let the man know, so that you can know exactly where you are, if you are to continue or not.

Lastly, Don't be like Angela, Suicide is never an option, When you give yourself a chance to live, it shows that there are possibilities for you to find Better.


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The Unexpected Smile

The Unexpected Smile
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily who had an insatiable craving for oranges. Every day on her way home from school, she would pass by the bustling fruit section of the market, her mouth watering at the sight of the vibrant, juicy oranges. However, she was always short of money, so she could never afford to buy them, much less any additional fruits.

One particularly sunny day, as she strolled through the market, she paused in front of the array of colorful fruits, silently longing for the oranges and other fruits she couldn't have. Just as she was about to continue on her way, she heard a familiar voice calling her name. To her surprise, two of her male friends, David and Jake, were waving at her from a nearby fruit stand.

As if answering her silent prayer, they motioned for her to come closer. Lily approached, her heart pounding with curiosity. With beaming smiles, the two boys handed her a bag filled with the most luscious oranges and an assortment of other fruits. Lily stared at them in disbelief, trying to comprehend the unexpected gift.

"Surprise! We thought you might enjoy these," Jake said with a mischievous grin.

Lily was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. She couldn't believe her luck as she accepted the generous gift. She was touched by the consideration and kindness of her friends in fulfilling her heart's desire for fresh fruits, especially the oranges she had been longing for.

With the bag of fruits in hand, Lily joyfully skipped her way back home. The load of citrusy goodness felt like a treasure, and she knew she would be greeted with a burst of happiness from her family. As she entered her neighborhood, her neighbors couldn't help but notice the radiant smile on her face and the bulging sack of fruits she carried. They could tell that something extraordinary had happened to Lily that day.

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“Beyond Borders: A love story of Service & Soulmates

Beyond Borders.
Once upon a time, in the heart of Nigeria, there was a vibrant youth corps member named Itoro, Itoro was a young Akwa Ibomite that was born and grew up in Port Harcourt where his parent resided, he was into sports back in the university of Port Harcourt and had an athletic body build, needless to say he was handsome, eager to make a difference during his National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) year. Assigned to a rural community in the eastern part of the country, Itoro found himself immersed in a world of new experiences and challenges.

It was during one of his community development projects that Itoro first laid eyes on Chiamaka, a local schoolteacher with a smile that could light up the entire village. She was black, tall, elegant and passionate about education, dedicated to improving the lives of her students.

As Itoro and Chiamaka crossed paths while working on various projects together, they discovered a shared love for community service and a desire to make a lasting impact. They spent countless hours brainstorming ideas, organizing events, and collaborating on initiatives to uplift their community.

Despite their cultural differences and the challenges they faced, Itoro and Chiamaka's friendship blossomed into something deeper. They found solace in each other's company, sharing dreams, aspirations, and the occasional laughter amidst their busy schedules.

As the months passed by, Itoro realized that Chiamaka was not just a friend but someone he couldn't imagine his life without. With the support of their friends and the community, Itoro mustered the courage to express his feelings to Chiamaka.

To his delight, Chiamaka felt the same way, and their bond grew stronger than ever. Together, they continued to serve their community with passion and dedication, inspiring others with their love story and commitment to making a difference.

When Itoro's service year came to an end, he made a promise to Chiamaka to return and build a future together in the village they had grown to love. With hearts full of hope and determination, they bid farewell to their fellow corps members, knowing that their love story was just beginning.... To be continued...

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Forbidden love: Episode Finale

Forbidden love: Episode Finale
Episode 4

The Whispers Intensify

As whispers about Emily and Liam reached a crescendo, the town became a hotbed of speculation. Their secret rendezvous, once hidden in the shadows, now danced on the edge of discovery. Friends turned into watchful eyes, and the clandestine nature of their forbidden love became harder to maintain.

The Risky Escape

Faced with increasing scrutiny, Emily and Liam knew their time was running out. In a daring move, they planned a risky escape to a secluded spot outside town. A place where they could be free from judgment and prying eyes, if only for a brief moment. The tension built as they awaited the cover of darkness to make their getaway.

The Confrontation

Unbeknownst to Emily and Liam, their families were closing in on the truth. The brewing storm finally erupted as their secret hideaway was discovered. A confrontation unfolded, emotions running high as the feuding families faced the reality of their children's forbidden love. The town held its breath, uncertain of the consequences that would follow.

*Episode Finale*

The Breaking Point

The confrontation reached a breaking point, and Emily and Liam's love story hung in the balance. Torn between loyalty to their families and the undeniable connection they shared, the young couple faced an impossible choice. The town watched, divided between traditions and the hope for a love that defied generations of animosity.

The Unveiling of Truth

In a surprising turn of events, buried family secrets emerged, shedding light on the roots of the age-old feud. The revelation forced the town to reevaluate long-standing grudges, questioning the validity of the conflict that had kept Emily and Liam apart. The unfolding truth sparked conversations about forgiveness, unity, and the power of love to transcend the barriers of the past.

The Path to Redemption

As the town grappled with newfound knowledge, Emily and Liam seized the opportunity to forge a path of redemption. United against the backdrop of shifting perceptions, they became a symbol of hope and reconciliation. Families that once stood divided found common ground, inspired by the courage of two young hearts who dared to challenge the status quo.


In the aftermath of the revelation, Emily and Liam's love not only survived but became a catalyst for positive change. The feuding families worked towards reconciliation, and the town learned the transformative power of understanding and acceptance. Emily and Liam's forbidden love ultimately became a beacon of unity, reminding everyone that love, when given the chance, has the strength to mend even the deepest divides.


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Forbidden love: Episode 3

Forbidden love: Episode 3
Episode 3

The town's whispers about Emily and Liam's secret romance grew louder. Despite the challenges, the young couple continued to meet in hidden corners, seeking solace in the company of each other. The wind carried their shared dreams and whispered promises, intertwining with the secrecy of their forbidden love.

As their connection deepened, Liam presented Emily with a small, carefully crafted gift – a symbol of his affection. A delicate piece of art, hidden away from prying eyes, became a tangible reminder of their shared moments and the strength of their bond amidst the tumultuous backdrop of their feuding families.

Feeling the weight of their forbidden love, Emily and Liam turned to prayer for strength. Seeking guidance from Allah, they asked for the courage to face the challenges ahead, for protection from the judgments of others, and for the perseverance to hold onto their love against all odds.

Amidst the trials, Emily and Liam managed to steal moments of happiness. A shared smile, a stolen kiss – these fleeting instances became precious treasures, fueling their determination to defy the norms and hold onto the love that blossomed against all odds.

However, as their love story unfolded, a storm brewed on the horizon. The town's suspicion intensified, and the families, unknowingly inching closer to the truth, added another layer of complexity to Emily and Liam's forbidden love. Episode 3 leaves readers on the edge, wondering if their delicate romance will withstand the challenges that lie ahead.


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Forbidden love: Episode 2

Forbidden love: Episode 2
Episode 2

Despite the challenges, Emily and Liam continued their secret meetings. Finding hidden spots in the town, they shared stolen moments, laughter, and whispered conversations. The town started buzzing with gossip about the mysterious connection between the girl from one family and the boy from the other.

As their romance blossomed, so did the tensions. Emily's friends and Liam's confidants warned them about the risks of their forbidden love. The weight of the town's expectations pressed down on them, adding an extra layer of difficulty to their relationship.

Emily and Liam couldn't escape the shadow of their families' feud. The pressure mounted as they struggled to keep their growing love a secret. The fear of discovery loomed, making each stolen moment more precious and their bond more intense.

Liam, burdened by the expectations of his family, faced a dilemma. The forbidden love he shared with Emily clashed with the duties he owed to his kin. Caught between loyalty and love, Liam grappled with the difficult choices ahead.

As tensions reached a breaking point, Emily and Liam found themselves at a crossroads. The town's disapproval and their families' expectations forced them to make a difficult decision. Episode 2 leaves readers on the edge of their seats, eager to discover how Emily and Liam will navigate the challenges that threaten to tear them apart.


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Forbidden Love

Forbidden Love
Episode 1

The First Day at the Market Square

In a busy market square, Emily and Liam first met. Emily, full of energy, walked around, while Liam, a mysterious newcomer, checked out the stalls. Their eyes met, making a connection that felt like a silent promise.

B. Falling for Each Other

In the days that followed, Emily and Liam couldn't help but like each other. They met near the flower stand, and their connection grew stronger. Stolen glances turned into smiles, creating a strong pull between them.

Forbidden Alliances

As Emily and Liam's feelings deepened, they faced a big problem. Their families didn't get along, and it was against the rules for them to be together. Emily felt torn between love and loyalty, while Liam struggled with family expectations.

The Boy's Daring Escape

To overcome the challenge of their families not approving, Liam decided to escape. One night, he sneaked out of his family's home, moving quietly through the town to reach the outskirts. Liam aimed to meet Emily and bridge the gap between their forbidden love and the tough reality of their feuding families.


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** Married Against My Will**

Episode 4

I didn't stop running not when I was at the edge of escaping, I knew if they should get a hold of me.

I won't even livē to tell the story of what had happened to me.

I had already committed an āb0minātion, for h¡tting my husband.

I couldn't let them caught me.

I ran for my life, pāntìng hēāvily, I removed the grasses from the path way.

with my heart be@ting hēāvily, I jumped down , to the other side of monizull kingdom.

I stopped at the bus stops, there were alot of buses and trailer, people were entering the bus.

“ Lagos Lagos ” the driver announced, more people came rushing inside his bus.

I knew exactly, that was the bus that would take me to the big city,

I walked towards the bus,

the bus driver looked towards me

“ Lagos??” he asked

I nodded frantically “ five Kobo ” he said indicating, with his hands.

I brought out my coweries , handling it to him

“ what kind of n0ns£nse is this?” the driver asked in æñger

I was puzzled “ that is money ?

“ bush and local girl, would you leave here now ” the driver barked āggr£ssively

I jolted from my stands,

I slowly away from the bus stop, I watch as the bus take off, till it was out of sigh.

It was almost dawn, I was a bit w0rried and c0nfused.

I was still gazing at the road, when a the lady setting her food caffeine called me.

“ Good day ma ” I greeted

“ what are you doing here at this time ? don't you have a home to return to ? " she asked

" no I don't " I answered

“ you don't have a village ? " she asked in d¡sb£lief

“ no I....” I paused as my stomach grūmbled, due to huñg£r, It was so £mbrassing that I took my eyes away from hers.

“ I understand, you must be one of those girls who had ran away from home, my dear know that the big city is full of adventures and still it still cru£l out there ” she said adviced

but she stopped, seeing that I don't head to her advice, she doesn't understand would she ?

“ come help wash those d¡rty plates, and then I would give you some food ” she said.

after washing the numerous numbers of d¡rty plates, she served me rice and cold water, I quickly ate up the food.

I rested my back on the plastic chair, relaxing and same time letting the food to digēst.

after some few hours of helping her wash the remaining plates and her pots, she was about to leave since it was almost dark.

“ you need to find where to pass the night at, this place is not too good for girls to sleep, I would have taken you home to pass the night, but I can't, my husband needs to approve of me taking a str@nded str@nge in ” she mumbled an apology.

“ I would be fine out here ” I said encouraging my self.

“ take this ten Kobo and keep for yourself ” she said opening her apron ( wallet containing money )

“ thank you so much ma , God bless you ” I thank her, on my knees

“ no no , get up ” she said helping get on my feet.

I helped her packed her pots and plate on her wheelbarrow.

I watched as she rolled away from the road.

I walked āimlessly along the road, I was still w0ndering who would help me, when I suddenly būmped on someone.

“ are you blíñd ? ” the man asked me fū''ri0usly.

“ am so s0rry Mr, ” I apologized, as I raise my head to meet his face.

The village typewriter.

“ chioma, what are you doing here ?" he asked his face all p@le.

I hesitated a bit before I spoke.

“ I ran away from home ” I mumbled with my face down.

“ what?, why ?" he asked in āst0nishment

but I remained silent, I didn't want to say anymore words.

he nodded in understanding, knowing the reason I had run away from home.

“ I fully well understand, where are you going?" he asked

“ I don't have any place to stay ” I replied

“ this place isn't sāfe for girls, as na¡ve as you are, come along with me ” he mentioned.

I knew I shouldn't trust him, his eyes were staring lū''stfully at my br£āst, I knew he was no better than chief.

but I couldn't rējected his offer cause this place wasn't sāfe for girls.

I nodded at him, as he led the way to his house.

my eyes scanned everything looking at the whole place.

I had never seen so much cement house, only the king in our village owns a small cement house.

I had always knew we were living in b0ndāge.

The house was gray with green windows, I could not tell where the house began and where it ended, because it was joined to the other houses in the street, I had never seen such houses not even in those books I had read.

“ why does this houses looked joined ?" I asked him

he raised his brows, seemly surprised, that I know about houses or even has seen one.

“ I had seen houses in some books that I had read " I answered his unasked question.

he nodded before he spoke

“ this house is an estate building, you haven't seen such houses before ”.

He unfasten the keys, he opened the door into what looked like a tunnel, but it was a hall, a hall with flowers walls!

it was narrow and it seemed at first as if there were no windows, we climbed stairs upon stairs untill it seemed to be approaching the roof of the house, he opened one door and showed me into the room.

with a single bed at one end and a new settee, and a small table at the middle where book were scattered all over and a typewriting machine.

“ this is where you would live with me ” he said turning towards me.

“ you may go have your bath, in there ” he said gesturing to the bathroom.

“ follow me let me show you how things do work here ” he said as he led me towards the bathroom.

“ this the tap, and this the shower, just turned it on and off like this” he said twisting the tap Holder.

I nodded frantically, but I didn't move.

“ okay, I would give you some pr¡vācy, but if you ever encountered any pr0blēm don't forget to call me ” he said turning away, after staring at me for some few minutes.

been sure that he was gone, I slowly took of my clothes.

and sipped into the shower, the warm water touch my sk¡n, making me involuntarily mo@ning in relief.

I stood under the shower for some minutes, before I driēd my b0dy with the towel and wore my clothes back.

I pull the door opened and was sh0cked to find him at the door staring at me.

my gaze were on him.

“ I...I..I was just checking on you ” he stut"tered amist his word.

but I didn't respond, he was basically watching me the whole time n@k£d, any man who was caught in the act, in my village is been st0ne to d£ath, it was a law that had been there since the days of our forefathers.

“ I will go check something outside”

he awkwardly walked out of the room, even before I could respond.

I gently sat on the bed for some few hours, touching and looking at any book, I could fine on his table.

my eyes trailed on the a particular book title “ Beyond My Walls ” by Kelly James library, it wasn't only interesting but the suspense on every chapter, didn't let me drop the book.

I yawn sleepy, my eyes were now blū'rry, I carefully place the book on his table before dosing of to sleep.

I was still sleeping, when I felt someone car£ss¡ng me, I didn't though much to it.

the hand kept c@rēssing me, but my eyes flew opened when I felt someone touching my th¡'ghs.

my eyes opened from sh0ck and it slowly turned to t£rror.

there he was half n@kēd, staring at me intensively.

“ what are you doing ?" I asked him in a hushed voice.

“ come on, you are not a child and certainly not a v¡rg¡n, ” he spoke staring at me

“ am sorry but I don't want to do this please”

“ am sorry, you would have to satisfy my urge, I am hū'ñgry and I need you to satisfy my huñgēr ” he spoke staring at me intensively

“ then go eat , I am not your food” I barely spoke before he pulled me into the small bēd.....

Episode 5 typing......


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