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Easter Feast

Easter Feast
As the night deepened, anticipation for Easter morning filled the air. With excitement brewing, I patiently waited till midnight for the electricity to return, eager to embark on my culinary journey. At last, the lights flickered on as the clock struck twelve!
I wasted no time in gathering my supplies, which included juicy tomatoes, colorful peppers, and fragrant spices, in order to make a delectable half stew to commemorate Easter's arrival. I slowly blended the tomatoes and peppers into a smooth, colorful combination, each swirl bringing me closer to the delicious dinner that was waiting for me.

Stirring the stew, I wondered if I was the only nyctophilic person in this residence, all lodge occupants had gone silent in sleep. For quite a long while, there was a greater tendency to cook at night, I found no peace in cooking under daylight. Why sleep at 10pm? Are we chickens or what? The aroma of the stew penetrated my nostrils — such a delight, it was time to retire for the night.

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I returned from church, worn out from the scorching sun. Relaxing for some minutes before preparing rice will be ideal but this moment was short-lived. First, the smell of fried ripe plantain poked my nostrils then the aroma of chickens followed suit. 'What's going on, this is just Easter,' laying down won't satisfy my curiosity, I sprung to my feet and headed for the balcony, there — 3 ladies were busy frying, each a full chicken.

Surely, this wasn't a dream, these traitors had been laying strategies and planning for this very day. I couldn't bear the sight anymore and retreated into my room, grabbed a drink and gulped down half of its content.
Took few minutes to decide and resolved to visit the market, maybe I'd get a good meat to level up this stew. At the end of the market tour, we had just enough to spice things up.

The important thing was being thankful for coming this far, the last day of the month; one well spent and filled with lovely moments worth cherishing.

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