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Happy Ending Stories & Experiences

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Full time Job

Full time Job
My friend called asking for help logging into her account on Chrome. She was pretty frustrated because she’d been trying to sign in each morning, only to find herself locked out yet again when she check back.

As I listened to her explain the situation, I could almost picture her there, scratching her head in confusion. So, I calmly explained that simply logging in with her email and password might not be the best option. I told her that it was more prescribable to really use the Google sign-in option to log in directly.

But oh boy, she was one of those people who just didn’t get the simplest things on the internet or smartphones. It didn’t help that she kept interrupting, trying to make a point where there isn't, it was just her usual way of doing things. I could feel my patience wearing thin, but I really wanted to help her.

I found myself chuckling softly as I guided her step by step. It felt like we were in a tech version of building up a Web or something bigger. I gave details to every single directive. From clicking Google, inserting her email, how to recover her email password, how to confirm "not a robot"!!

It was a long process, almost like it stretched out for ages, but finally, after what felt like 3 years, she managed to maneuver through the options and successfully signed in with her Google account.
I could feel her tension soften as she cheered from the other side of the line.

Later that evening, she checked back in, and called to tell me that she was still logged in. I couldn’t help but feel satisfied, it was like I accomplished a lot in one day. It’s funny how something as simple signing in from Google could seem like a full time job.

My friend, if you read this story, no vex oo, na the only story wey dey my head I talk 😂 and you know I'm not a story writer and too much story no dey my head.

@bibianeby would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sun, 20th Oct. 2024.
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No expense, not much anger

disclaimer: this story does not promote football or foster its relations

Today I spent more than half the day in a nearby hotel, completely busy all through watching football matches.
This hotel that I went to had a good comfortable setup with a giant screen TV. It was like being watching the match live.

There was just one problem with this hotel. Whenever people gathered to enjoy the matches, the staff would go around questioning everyone about buying drinks or something from the hotel. It was like a secret tactic of theirs to make more sales, and I could see their faces beam whenever people start to stream in to catchup with any match.

As I settled down in a well positioned seat, I noticed they were going table by table,questioning everyone and taking orders. My heart began to race. You see, I had no cash to lavish. The thought of standing there and admitting I had no money made unsettled.

So, when they reached my table, I put on my best serious face and smiled like I had nothing troubling me. They asked, What I would like to order.

I’m just waiting for my friend, I exclaimed with an indifferent expression, hoping they will just get moving past me already.
It worked I managed to dodge the billing.

After everything, they won my team, so imagine if After I squandered my money only for them to score my team 2:1?

@victorugochukwu would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sun, 20th Oct. 2024.
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From desire to reality

From desire to reality
There was a beautiful bag that always caught my eye whenever I walked by the boutique. Its lovely design and bright colors drew me in, and I found myself dreaming about owning it. Every time I saved enough money to buy it, life seemed to throw unexpected expenses my way, usually a medical bill or something related to family.

Determined not to let this bag get away from me again, I came up with a plan. I talked to the shop owner and asked if I could pay for it in installments. To my relief, she agreed. This was my chance! I made the first payment and walked away feeling hopeful and excited.

The first month went well. I carefully kept track of my spending, and each time I made a payment, I could almost feel the bag in my hands. But just when I started getting into a good rhythm, life threw me another curveball. I had to deal with a family issue and ended up with an unexpected expense that drained my savings. Suddenly, I was struggling to make the next payment.

I felt frustrated and defeated, but the thought of that bag kept me going. I refused to give up. After a few days, I picked myself up and thought of ways to make some extra money through freelancing, selling things I didn’t use anymore, and taking on odd jobs. Little by little, I started to rebuild my savings.
Finally, after what felt like forever, I made the last payment.

The day I walked into the boutique to pick up the bag, I could hardly contain my excitement. When the shop owner handed it to me, I felt like a rich person.

@bestie_love would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sat, 19th Oct. 2024.
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Entertaining Myself

I recently started watching the popular show called Superman and Lois. I began just two days ago, and wow, I must say that I really liked it.

This show is about Superman, who is a superhero, and Lois, who is a brave reporter. Why am I evening explaining the movie to people who probably have watched all the series on earth 😅What I loved about it is that it wasn’t all about fighting and loud explosions like some other superhero movies. Instead, it told a nice story about their family and how they deal with everyday life.

The pictures were really clear and pretty, and I liked how calm everything felt. Even though there were some action scenes, they weren't super intense, like in those big movies with lots of battles, like the Avengers.

It was nice to just sit back and enjoy the moviw without feeling too much excitement. I liked getting to know the characters and watching how they solved their problems together. Okay let me get back to my movies now. One more episode to go before I sleep.

@jachi would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Fri, 18th Oct. 2024.
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Fun in the Dept.

Fun in the Dept.
Today was one of the active days in our faculty week, it was a costume day.
We had been earlier encouraged to wear outfits that creates diversity and made us look apart and showcased our uniqueness. Some of us dressed as doctors, others as lawyers, while a few old school styles. The variety of costumes was too many to count, ranging from clowns to other ver y funny attire that transformed us into characters from different worlds.

I found myself taking up multiple roles, acting as a cameraman capturing the great moments and other events that l thought looked like creativity around me.
The sun was shining brightly overhead, but we didn't let the heat stop us. Everyone was laughing, posing for photos, and enjoying every bit of the event.

It was such an interesting day, filled with joy and lots of fun. I loved every moment of it, I can’t deny it. The energy and creativity everyone brought to the occasion made it truly unforgettable.

@destinyhunter would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 17th Oct. 2024.
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Treasure amongst the bunch

Treasure amongst the bunch
My family decided to put together a big grocery bag for me after I have complained, lamented, cried and pleaded. What did I not do..
I was so happy because my food supplies had run low for over 2 weeks before, and I couldn’t wait to see what they had picked out for me.

When they brought in the big bags, I could hardly contain my excitement. My heart raced as I imagined all the yummy snacks and meals I could make. I couldn't wait to unpack everything. These days, ordinary roadside food vendors sold a plate for at least #1700, anf this amount had dug a big hole in my pocket.

As I opened the bags, I started taking out all kinds of goodies: melon seeds, rice, and my favorite breakfast cereals. But the best part was yet to come. When I reached the bottom of the bag, there it was ! a big bucket of onions!
It might seem funny, but I just love using onions in my cooking. They make everything taste so much better and just the other day, I went to get just a ball of onion across the street and they sold one little thing to me #300, I couldn't stop regretting that day.

I carefully took the bucket out and looked at it with a big smile on my face. The onions looked so fresh. I imagined all the delicious dishes I could make and how I wouldn't have to be spending that too much just to buy onion.

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Last night, after nearly a month of uninterrupted power, the electricity went out, so I decided to sit outside under a tree for some fresh air. Soon after, one of my neighbors joined me, and we started talking about football. Before I knew it, another neighbor joined, and the group kept growing until we were six men, chatting about everything possible on earth.

Seeing how the night was turning into an unexpected hangout, I sent my niece to buy drinks for everyone. The blackout had turned into an impromptu reunion. We talked for hours, sharing stories and jokes, with nobody eager to leave.

It wasn’t until much later that I realized how late it had gotten. We had been talking for more than four hours, and while the conversation was lively, I knew we all had things to do the next day. I felt responsible for bringing the night to a close.

In a respectful way, I gently reminded everyone of tomorrow’s responsibilities and encouraged them to head home and get some rest. No matter how much fun we were having, I didn’t want to keep them up any longer.

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Evening service

Evening service
It has been about four months since I last attended evening church service. Usually, if I miss the morning service, it’s because of school or a big assignment that needs to be handed in by Monday. But today was different.

I accidentally overslept and woke up around 8 AM. I had overworked myself watching football matches the night before.
When I realized the time, I knew I wouldn’t have enough time to take my bath and get ready for morning mass. I felt a little sad, but then I told myself that I could go to the 5 PM service instead.

So, I got busy with chores as I waited for the evening. When it was time, I got ready and made my way to the church.
It felt really nice to experience how the evening atmosphere usually is in church again! I was happy to see that most of my classmates were also there.
I bet we all enjoyed it, everyone was radiating smiles when the service ended

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A trip for clothes

I went to the market to buy clothes, and everything was going fine until I realized I had forgotten my phone with the earpiece at one of the stalls. I had placed it down while paying and completely forgot about it in the rush. When I got to the bus stop and couldn’t find it in my bag, I quickly made the decision to go back and search for it. It wasn't as easy as I make it sound in this story. I was restless and the worry on my face was a moisture of anger and uncertainty.

I went back to the market, hoping it wasn’t gone. When I got to the stall, I saw the woman who had sold me the clothes. To my relief, she smiled and handed me my earpiece with the phone. She had noticed I left it behind and kept it safe for me.

Out of gratitude, I offered her 500 naira as a token of appreciation. I knew it wasn’t much, but I wanted to show how grateful I was for her honesty and kindness. To my surprise, she gently refused the money, saying, "You’re like my daughter. I wouldn’t take money from you."

Good people still exists, that's how my new phone would've gone forever with earpiece.

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Helping hands

Helping hands
Today, I was in my room just relaxing when Suddenly, I heard a loud shout and then a door bang. I quickly put on my shirt and went outside to see what was happening.

I saw my neighbor standing at his door. He looked scared and was looking into his room. I walked over to him and asked him what happened that made him shout in such way.

He said that his wire caught fire.
I couldn’t help but smile because it sounded funny that someone's wire cat he's fire and then he abandone his house.

I went into his room to look. When I stepped inside, I saw that there were some wires on the floor, and they were puffing out smoke.

I turned off the wall switch so it would be safe. Then, I fixed the wires. I used some tape to make them tight and that was all the work needed.

I smiled back at my neighbour who was already beaming in joy. He kept saying thank you and how grateful he was until I was out of sight

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New Year′s Resolution

New Year′s Resolution
I Was Sitting On My Sofa Pondering Whether It Was The Last Night Of The Year And Whether I Should Start Making Lists 🧾 Of My Resolutions For The Next Year.
Year After Year, I Made Spirited New Year Resolutions Only To Forget Them The Very Next Day, So Funny Right...?
But This Year I Decided To Make It Different.

My Main New Year Resolution Was To Shed 10 Pounds And As Time Goes On, I Will Gradually Make An Increase To That Figure. My Weight Has Been An Issue Since Childhood And This Year I Vowed To Change That. My Goals Were To Go To The Gym 4 Days A Week, Stop Consuming Carbonated Drinks With Too Much Added Sugar, Increase Water Intake, Take In Lots Of Fruits And To Increase Vegetables Portion At Every Meal.

From The Social Norms On January 1st, I Woke Up With A Fighting Spirit As Usual. I Had To Carry My Gym Bag And Exercise For The First Time In The New Year. There Were Other Peeps There, Who Were Also Into Their Exercise Routines Within The Gym. After The Following Days, It Took Me Few More Weeks To Stick To My Healthy Plan, Routine And Lifestyle.

My Attitude Of Motivation However, Began To Reduce By Mid-April. The Scale Read The Same As The Last Time I Looked At It. With Time I Started Coming Up With Reasons Not To Go To The Gym🏋️ And Of Course I Eventually Returned To The Old Habits Of Eating And Eating😭

I Then Felt Like I Really Let Myself Down; But With Time, Something Got My Attention Of Which I Contacted My Friend Jobravo With Whom I Share The Same Objectives Of Boosting My Body Fitness With. Nathaniel & Chinwe Thought That It Would Be Best To Do Their Resolutions In Pairs For Encouragement & Supportive Purposes, Which I Thought Was A Sweet And Cool Thing ToDo, Instead Of Exercising Or Playing Sports Individually.

We Physically Did Some Exercise Checks And Prepare Our Meals According To The Recommended Nutritional Value Which Will Help In The Fitness Process. I Kept On With A Proper Schedule Throughout The Year With The Help Of Jobravo.

So, On The Next New Year’s Eve I Stepped On The Scale Which To My Greatest Surprise I Realize I Have Lost 15 Pounds[Surpassing My Initial Weight Loss Goal]. Though, Looking Skinny Than Expected Which I Still Had Few Routine Checks ToDo But It Was Already Getting To That Time Of "The Best I Could Do At Those Particular Times."
With Time, I Also Resolved That Making Sensible Changes Is Gradual But Having People To Support One In Attaining These Goals Makes Them Seem Realistic, Easier And Achievable.

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From hair loss to hair goals

From hair loss to hair goals
Here's a heartwarming story with a happy ending:

From Hair Loss to Hair Goals

"Meet Sarah, a vibrant and confident woman who once struggled with hair loss due to alopecia.

At 25, Sarah's hair started falling out in clumps. She tried every treatment, from medications to wigs, but nothing seemed to work.

Feeling self-conscious and defeated, Sarah withdrew from social events and hid behind hats and scarves.

One day, Sarah decided to take control of her hair journey. She:

Started researching natural hair growth remedies.
Changed her diet to include hair-boosting nutrients.
Began practicing self-care and stress-reducing techniques.

Months went by, and Sarah's hard work paid off!

Her hair started growing back – thick, healthy, and full of life!

With her newfound confidence, Sarah:

Started a hair care blog to help others.
Became a hair coach, inspiring others to love their locks.
Rocked her natural hair, embracing its uniqueness.

Today, Sarah's hair is her crown, symbolizing strength, resilience, and self-love.

Lesson Learned:

Never give up on yourself. Every struggle is an opportunity to grow.

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At the construction site

I recently followed my nephew to a building site that was still under construction. As we walked through the empty rooms, dust was everywhere, making it clear that work had been on hold for a while. My nephew explained that he had stopped construction because he ran out of funds.

We continued to go through the rooms, sharing ideas on how to restart building and what was the better plan to beautify the environment around the house.
While we were talking in one of the rooms, out of nowhere, a live snake dropped from the roof and landed right on his shoulder. I was too shocked to do anything and could only scream. Thankfully, the snake came off him and ran away.

Despite the scare, my nephew wasn’t hurt, and I thank God it didn’t turn into something worse. It could’ve been a lot more dangerous, but we left there unharmed.

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Enjoyed the day better

Enjoyed the day better
After church services, I returned back to my lodge feeling hungry, my stomach sang like it was just newly signed to a record label.
I had some beans remaining in those sagged bags under my kitchen cabinet that it's cibtents had sustained me till now.
Cooking today was just out of place.

Nonetheless, I still pondered on which was better and more better, to cook or buy two plates of food outside.
If I was to cook, it'll take at least 2000k from my pocket just to buy the condiments, and some extra loss: gas, strength and spices.
But if I was to purchase food, it would only cost 2600k for the two plates, my strength would be conserved and i wont have to waste my gas.

I was about to conlude my decisions when a thought hit me: soup would last you more than a day.
The thought rang in my head over and over and then I took up a pen and wrote down the required condiments for cooking egusi soup and also gauged it with my budget, the cost arrived at 3700k after calculations.

I went ahead with my plans, skipping to the last part. The soup came out so nice that I lick the plate after eating.
Currently, only remembering that my pot of soup is full and that there's an assured meal after lectures tomorrow gives delights me.

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Surprising fortune

Surprising fortune
Today was all spent on my Dad's assignment, I focused on the sheets in front of me, carefully following the instructions my dad had to given, and I took my time to make sure everything was neat and orderly.

After I finished, I handed the sheets to my dad with a proud smile. He glanced over my work and nodded.

Immediately he finished reviewing all the sheets, he handed me #2000.
My eyes shined in shick and happiness.
Two thousand naira felt like a small fortune, especially for a Sunday afternoon task

After I pocketed my riches, I thought about how I will spend my earnings. Maybe I'll use a part of it to get some snacks or save it until I returned to school? Regardless, I felt proud not just because of the money, but also for completing the task my dad had trusted me with. It was a simple assignment, but it meant a lot to my dad, he was to submit it back to the headquarters the next day and he had no time to do it himself.

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Sweatcoin challenge

Sweatcoin challenge
In September, my friends and I decided to take on a challenge through the Sweatcoin app, which required 150,000 steps for the month. We all saw it as a fun way to make memories, so we agreed to do it together. On a Saturday morning, we kicked things off, starting our walk at 7am.

By 11am, I had already reached 70,000 steps. But as much as I wanted to keep going, my body had other plans. I told my friends I couldn't continue, and they quickly agreed that it was time to stop before any of us fainted in the name of winning.

We found a nearby restaurant and decided to take a break. We ordered rice, ate, and rested there until about 1pm. It was a well-needed break to rest after the long walk. Feeling somehow refreshed, we trekked halfway back home before catching a tricycle for the rest of the journey.

When I finally got home, I checked the app and saw that I had managed to hit 76,000 steps for the day. Even though I didn’t reach the goal, I felt satisfied with my effort. Most importantly, I cherished the time I spent with my friends.
At the end of the day, the challenge wasn't just about contest anymore but the fun and memories we created together.

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Just the blare

Just the blare
I looked around my room, hoping something would just make me happy or less moody. But, nothing good to My sight . I just wanted to feel light but after staring, to see, nothing came out, plus I was tired of pressing my phone.I was definitely in a downcast mood, but I had to do something to change it after glancing at my bluetooth. And then it hit me, music would do it.

I rushed over to my speakers, I didn’t care about anything else at that moment. I just wanted some good tunes to play away the weight in my mind. And then I connected my phone, raised up the volume.

My room felt alive. I could feel the beats shaking the walls, vibrating into my soul. It felt like the music worked because for moment it started distracting me away from all those heavy thoughts.
I didn’t want to hear anyone’s opinions, and I didn’t care about the world outside. All I wanted was to let the sound fill my space, to drown out everything else, even if just for a little while. Neighbors always complain in meetings about loud music, but if only I was to disobey today, then no troubles.

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Reviving my wardrobe

Reviving my wardrobe
I had been moving some things around when I caught sight of a familiar figure passing by, it was all these people that carried sewibg machines in hand, someone who sews and patches clothes.

I had this one short in mind that I've been wanting to stitch but my head was occupied with a million other things, but the sight of that tailor triggered the need to have the work done. I made my way to the bag where I had sput away clothes needing repair, thinking I’d find just the one.

As I unzipped the bag, Wetin my eyes see shock me. I hadn’t realized it until then, but aside that one short that i was looking for to repair, there were several more clothes that I thoufht I lost. Some were favorites I had worn often, while others were gifts that I had set aside due to small tears or loose seams. I couldn’t believe my eyes. So I just picked the bag itself and gave it to the tailor.

When all was said and done, the repair cost me just 1,000 Naira. I'm calling it just because the price was way lesser than the value of those clothes. Now, I had my seven good clothes back, hot boy in town.

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Designers added to collections

Designers added to collections
It was a really nice day after returning from church, I decided to unpack my clothes and rearrange them, then my eyes caught a jean that my aunt sent me. It was a pair of baggy shorts that I was really excited about.

Back then, When I first opened the package, I couldn't help but admire them, it was the blue dark colored type, my preferred jean colour.

Unfortunately, when I tried it on, it just didn’t fit. I was disappointed because I really liked the style, but I decided to reserve them for later. I carefully stacked them in my box, thinking that one day they’d be perfect for me.

But as time passed, I forgot about the shorts until today.
As I opened the box, I realized, oh damn, the shorts.
Guess what guys?
As I tried it on, it fitted every single curve, let me talk less.
One more added to my collections.

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Getting better

For the past few days, I’ve been really sick, feeling drained and just trying to get by with some medication. Unfortunately, it wasn’t helping much, and I was still feeling miserable. But today, I decided to push myself and take a short walk outside, hoping some fresh air would do me some good.

After passing by the first street, I got an unexpected call from a friend I hadn’t heard from in over a year. It caught me off guard because we hadn’t spoken in so long. He told me he had a surprise for me and asked for my account number. I was curious, so I sent it without thinking much of it.

A few minutes later, I received an alert for 10,000 naira! When I asked him why, he simply said he felt I could use the money since he hadn’t seen or heard from me in a long time. It was such a random and kind gesture that it completely changed my mood.

I was so grateful and excited that I temporarily forgot about how sick I was feeling. I ended the walk right there, deciding to treat myself to some yoghurt with the money. I will get better from here.

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Good Convincing

Good Convincing
I had my mind made up on getting a body spray specifically, the red RIGGs body spray.

I called the vendor to ask if she had the red riggs, the ones that I had my heart set on, I have used it before and I knew that it smelt good.

Unfortunately, she informed me that they were out of stock. But almost immediately, she offer a recommendation which was the black riggs body spray.

Usually, I stick to what I know and love, so I insisted on getting the precise red riggs. But the way she spoke about the black rigs hypnothised me. She was just too sure when she made comparisons between the both. After some deliberation, I decided to try the black rigs instead. What do I have to loose?, and it was still thesame price.

The next morning, just before school, I applied the spray and instantly I was contented with what it smelt like. Throughout the day, I noticed people acknowledging the the fragrance.

After I got the 3rd commendation, I concluded that the black was more befitting for me

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