Proctected by God
My mum wanted to let us know the power of prayer and decided to tell us something that happened to her while she was still very young and wasn’t married at that time. My siblings gathered around, including me, to hear of this incident that she didn’t forget for such a long while. My mum was triggered to tell us this story because of our last born who likes to sleep whenever prayer sessions are going on in the house, as a way of encouraging all of us.
She said that on that faithful day, she had finished dressing to go out to somewhere, and as usual, she prayed before leaving. But the moment she stepped outside, a voice told her to go back inside and pray, she went back inside and prayed as the voice had told her. After praying, she left the house, and again the voice told her to go inside and pray again, she started wondering what could be wrong, but she obeyed and went back inside to pray. The voice still told her to go and pray the third when she wanted to leave again, and she obeyed and went back the third time to pray before finally leaving for where she was going to.
My mum said that she was still living in her village that time, and the place was very undeveloped as at then. She navigated a road that was very lonely, quiet and bushy. A man stepped out from the bush and blocked her, while calling out to another man inside the bush to bring something which later turned out to be a cutlass. According to my mum, she was still standing there and didn’t attempt to escape. The first man carried up the cutlass to strike my mum, but his hand became stiff and he couldn’t execute the action no matter how hard he struggled, it was as if something was holding his hand so he could not swing the cutlass. But he was able to put the cutlass back gently, the second person decided to try and the same thing happened again. They gave up after they could not swing the cutlass at my mum, looked at her in shock and made way for her to pass.
My mum passed and got to where she was going safely, that voice that told her to pray must have been God and He had delivered her from death that day. She saw the two men in church the following Sunday, they miraculously repented after that encounter, they also wanted to find out and get involve in wherever my mum worshipped, because it was very clear to them that it was not an ordinary being that protected her, it was the supreme and almighty God. We were very much surprised to hear this story of hers.
She said that on that faithful day, she had finished dressing to go out to somewhere, and as usual, she prayed before leaving. But the moment she stepped outside, a voice told her to go back inside and pray, she went back inside and prayed as the voice had told her. After praying, she left the house, and again the voice told her to go inside and pray again, she started wondering what could be wrong, but she obeyed and went back inside to pray. The voice still told her to go and pray the third when she wanted to leave again, and she obeyed and went back the third time to pray before finally leaving for where she was going to.
My mum said that she was still living in her village that time, and the place was very undeveloped as at then. She navigated a road that was very lonely, quiet and bushy. A man stepped out from the bush and blocked her, while calling out to another man inside the bush to bring something which later turned out to be a cutlass. According to my mum, she was still standing there and didn’t attempt to escape. The first man carried up the cutlass to strike my mum, but his hand became stiff and he couldn’t execute the action no matter how hard he struggled, it was as if something was holding his hand so he could not swing the cutlass. But he was able to put the cutlass back gently, the second person decided to try and the same thing happened again. They gave up after they could not swing the cutlass at my mum, looked at her in shock and made way for her to pass.
My mum passed and got to where she was going safely, that voice that told her to pray must have been God and He had delivered her from death that day. She saw the two men in church the following Sunday, they miraculously repented after that encounter, they also wanted to find out and get involve in wherever my mum worshipped, because it was very clear to them that it was not an ordinary being that protected her, it was the supreme and almighty God. We were very much surprised to hear this story of hers.