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Planning Ahead

Think about your upcoming plans for the day, week, year, and beyond.

Maybe you want to start a business.
Maybe you want to raise a family.
Maybe you want to write a book.
Maybe you want to travel the world.
Maybe you want to start a ministry.
Maybe you want to volunteer in your city.
Maybe you want to plant a garden.
Maybe you want to pay off debt.

Scripture tells us ā€¦

ā€œMany are the plans in a personā€™s heart, but it is the Lordā€™s purpose that prevails.ā€
ā€­ā€­Proverbsā€¬ ā€­19:21ā€¬ ā€­NIVā€¬ā€¬

Making plans isnā€™t a bad thing. In fact, the Bible tells us that we will harvest what we plant (Galatians 6:7), so we should be diligentā€”not lazyā€”to wisely prepare for the future. But we must simultaneously hold those plans loosely, because God knows the full picture of our lives.

God is always working in and through His people, giving them the desire and power to do what pleases Him (Philippians 2:13). But sometimes, we require rerouting. Sometimes what we want isnā€™t in His plan.

But even when we donā€™t get what weā€™ve hoped for, He always has our good and His glory in mind. 

Jesus modeled how to surrender His own plans by literally giving His life up for usā€”for our freedom. And, even though it wasnā€™t easy, our lives and our futures look different because Godā€™s purpose prevailed.

So today, make a list of some of your plans and dreams. Then hold your hands out in front of you, and visualize giving all of your dreams and plans over to God. Picture all of those plans evaporating from your hands. Then, ask God to show you which plans He wants to give back to you and if there are any new dreams Heā€™s longing for you to receive.


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