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On Monday, we noticed an upside down feature on this web, at first I thought it was an error and reported it, I thought it was going to be fixed and let's move on with the normal system.
However, this was not the case, as I noticed a completely confused selection system yesterday, one of which I was a beneficiary in the @openheavens, a perfect example was when @borah commented on the last second on opinion quiz, when it clearly writes _first to comment wins.

After studying the sharing feature update, I have come to a Mexican standoff that it's a confusing and tiring system.
I had to come up with these suggestions.
1. We can keep the share before commenting but eliminate the 30 minutes before deadline
2. If it can't work that way, it's better to stick to the old pattern of sharing before placing a withdrawal
3. Let us see those who have shared in descending order or whatever so no one feels cheated, cause you'd just come onboard to see 4 shares, we don't even know who they are, what's the proof that they were the first to share.
4. This feature nullifies the need to target the last second struggle, cause you won't win if you ain't the first to share
5. There are 1000 milliseconds in 1second, so yes, they did submit in the last second but not everyone came last, and I believe this was the system we used before this downgrade. No two people can comment exactly same millisecond, sane nanosecond and picosecond, it's impossible.
6. Lastly, if this feature has to stay, let the title be changed to first to share wins so we won't bother sharing, with the assurance of losing in the end. This way, I'll just forfeit a competition the moment I see 1 share already, we got a life outside the internet, no matter how unique, I can't spend all day here.

I'm sure they are many who are displeased with the feature, not one, two, three or four. There are sections needing innovation, the opinion section was working perfectly @mindviewer
I will be grateful if there's a review, it wouldn't hurt

Opinion Poll

The last person to comment (sensibly) on 26th Oct. 2023, between 12:00pm to 12:59pm wins 200 NGN.
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