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borah ✓☆ 🏆48 🌟90
Nwachuku Deborah @borah

Nwachuku Deborah @borah

Grad and a Beauty ❤️
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About borah
Username: borah
Influence: 48, Audience: 90
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Name: Nwachuku Deborah
Gender: female
Age: 22 years old
Account Privacy: public
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From: Delta, Nigeria
Joined: 26th Nov 2022, 8:50pm
User ID: 29452

The Deal breaker

Back in my first year of university, there was this guy who started showing interest in me. I could tell right away that he liked me, but I wasn’t really ready to reciprocate those feelings. One big reason was that I knew I was almost two years older than him, and that just made me feel like we were on different levels. Still, he didn’t give up easily.

He even went as far as telling two of my friends that he liked me. Of course, they came to me, trying to play matchmaker and pushing me to give him a chance. But I wasn’t having any of it. I told them to stop bothering me about him, and that was that. But this guy wasn’t backing down. He’d bring me food during night classes, and on Valentine’s Day, he surprised me with a watch.

I decided to be plain with him. I told him I knew he liked me and wanted to get closer, but I was two years older than him. I thought that would make him back off because, in my mind, it was the only way to send him away. Surprisingly, he said it didn’t matter to him. But I could tell he was nervous, like he didn’t know how to respond to the age thing.

After that conversation, things changed quickly. The next day, he started acting different, no more teasing or calling me those sweet names he used to throw around. He started keeping his distance and eventually stopped talking to me altogether. It was like he’d decided that was the end of the road.

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He doesn’t seem to care much about the real issues facing Nigerians at home. Instead of focusing on the pressing problems here, he’s busy flying off to represent us at summits
“Tinubu Mandates Shettima to Lead Nation’s Delegation to 2024 CHOGM in Samoa - THISDAY Newspapers”

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Treating myself good

Treating myself good
Yesterday, I decided to treat myself to a nice Sunday meal, something I rarely do. I headed to the market to gather all the ingredients I needed. However, my experience was not so good when I encountered a market seller who really tested my patience. I wanted to transfer 200 naira for my purchase and collect cash to buy some fufu, but she insisted that I send 250 naira. Apparently, the extra 50 naira was for her charge fee. I couldn’t believe it, especially since I had already spent over 4,000 naira there.

Despite my annoyance, I decided to overlook the situation and paid the 50 naira charge. It was frustrating, but I didn’t want to ruin my mood over it. After all, I was looking forward to enjoying my meal. Once I got home, I started preparing the ingredients. I sliced the okra, cooked the fish and beef, and in just a few minutes, my soup was ready.

Finally, I sat down to enjoy my meal, and let me tell you, it was worth all the effort. Each swallow was sweet, and the combination of the okra, fish, and beef was just perfect.
What made it even better was knowing that this meal would last for a few days. I could enjoy the leftovers and remind myself of the satisfying experience of making something delicious from scratch.

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A day to remember

Back in my university days, there was one chaotic day I’ll never forget. A seminar class was announced early in the morning around 6am, but I was still fast asleep. When I woke up around 9:30, I realized the class was scheduled for 8:30. Instead of checking with anyone if the lecturer was there, I just started preparing desperately.

As I hurried out, my shirt got caught on the door and tore badly. I was frustrated, but I quickly threw on another shirt and rushed out. On my way, while trying to run, I hit my foot on a tree root. My big toe started bleeding, but I couldn’t stop, I just had to make it to class.

I finally arrived, only to find that the lecturer hadn’t even shown up. I waited an hour in pain and frustration. Then, our class rep called, saying the class was canceled.

Everyone was overjoyed by the news, but I was sitting there, feeling completely drained and annoyed by all the unnecessary stress.

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An unfortunate injury

Last week, I had some extra cash and decided to try hiking for the first time. The company in charge offered a reasonable price, and they even provided us with protective gear and a guide to show us the way. Our transport was fully covered both ways, and they gave us some snacks to keep us going.

At first, everything was going great. The weather was nice, and the journey was manageable. But then, I lost my stamina and slipped, breaking my ankle before we had even made it halfway up the mountain. It was painful, but I thought maybe I could push through and keep going with the group.

Unfortunately, the pain was too much, and I realized I couldn’t keep up. The guide was really kind and offered to stay behind with me, but I didn’t want to hold him back. I told him he should continue with the rest of the group and enjoy the hike. After all, my injury shouldn’t ruin his experience.

They gave me some first aid and made sure I was in a safe place while the others finished the hike. I waited patiently, trying to stay positive even though I was disappointed about not making it to the top.
When the hike was over, the guide returned to help me. He supported me as I hopped back to the vehicle, and we all made our way back together. Over half of my money was refunded too 😹 It's well

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It never made sense

After church yesterday, I decided to do some cleaning in my room. As I was sweeping and dusting off my old books, I came across upon a course textbook from my university days. I remembered how much I hated that subject back then. It brought back memories, mostly of frustration and night classes filled with confusion.

Out of curiosity, I decided to sit down and flip through the notes. As I read through the pages, something interesting happened. Concepts that had once seemed impossible to know started to click, everything began to make sense. I couldn't believe it was the same content that had driven me crazy before.

I thought about all those late nights I spent attending extra classes, desperately trying to understand the subject. I recall feeling overwhelmed, sitting in the back of the class, staring at the lecturer, and wondering why I couldn’t grasp what everyone else seemed to find so easy. I worked hard, but all I managed to get was a D.

But now, looking back, those memories don’t feel so bad. They remind me of my perseverance and that it’s okay to struggle sometimes; it’s part of the journey

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Wasted two weeks

After joining my friends on Catizen, I was really excited about qualifying for the airdrop. We had been playing for weeks, putting in time and energy. The day came for us to check if we made it. My friend was the first to check hers, and I immediately noticed the change in her expression. She went from smiling to frustrated in a matter of seconds. I asked her what she got, but she didn't say anything. Unfortunately, my app wasn’t working at the time, so I had to wait.

After about two long hours, she finally helped me check mine. The result was the last thing I wanted to see, I didn’t qualify for the airdrop. I couldn’t believe it. After spending my data and time playing the game for two whole weeks, it felt like all my effort had gone down the drain. I was really looking forward to that airdrop; it was supposed to be a reward for all the time and energy I put into the game.

I turned to my friend, still in disbelief, and asked her if this was how things usually go with the airdrops. She told me that sometimes things don’t always go as planned, and it hit me that this was just one of those unlucky times. It didn’t make it any less painful, though. All that effort and anticipation gone, just like that.

I had even started planning my budget, thinking about what I’d do with the money once I received it but I have to believe something better will come.

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Money must be made

I finally decided to join Telegram again after taking a break. The pressure from my friends who were making money from it was just too much, so I gave in. Everyone seemed to be cashing out from different airdrops and I didn’t want to miss out any longer.

Once I joined, one of my friends immediately sent me a bunch of links to upcoming airdrops. The list was long, and I felt overwhelmed. I had no idea how I was going to keep up with everything. I asked her how she managed to do this every single day without getting tired. She told me to let the money other people were making be my motivation.

After hearing that, I didn’t waste any more time. It became clear to me that I had been missing out for too long.

No more excuses. I will dedicate time every day to tapping on those links, participating in the airdrops, and doing whatever was necessary.
At this point, I’m fully committed. I’ll keep tapping, joining, and participating until I see that money in my account too 😹

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Born as a man

While I was coming back from work, I passed a group of men playing Whot at a bar. They were laughing and having a good time. Among them, I noticed someone dressed like a man, in native attire, just like the rest of them. At first, I didn’t think much of it. The person blended in so well that I almost kept walking without a second look.

But something made me stop. The way this person moved, how confident they seemed, caught my attention. I looked closer. Their head was completely shaved, and their face looked very serious. I waited and tried to figure it out.

Then she stood up and her chest was visible 😂 this was a woman!. How could she be sitting there, right in the middle of all those men, playing cards and laughing like she was one of them? She looked and acted just like a man, and there was no sign of any difference. Her son was even dragging her native wear.

I admired her courage anyway. It wasn’t just about how she looked; it was the way she carried herself. Even though I nearly laughed but maybe, that's how she wants to be seen and it's nobody's business.

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