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Giving What You’ve Been Given

Some people are hard to love. Most of us have relationships in our lives that are difficult or painful to engage in. But Scripture encourages us to make every opportunity possible to love those around us.

Christians should be the most loving people on the planet. Of all the people on earth, we have been given the ultimate gift from God. We have not only received salvation and eternal life, but we’ve received the gift of God Himself.

God the Father gave us the breath that we breathe. Jesus brought us to Himself so that we might be saved by His power. The Spirit of God lives within us and empowers us for every good deed. All of these things have been freely given to us with no strings attached. 

Having received this amazing love and mercy from God, we ought to love others in the same way. When we love others in the same manner that God has loved us, we exhibit the greatest evidence that we are children of God. Jesus said,

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
John 13:35 NIV

Similar to how we can prove counterfeit money by how it looks and feels, we can determine the quality of our own faith by how well we love others. 

If we fail to love those around us, we also fail to show them the love of God. We should not deny others what we’ve been freely given. Loving others doesn’t mean we need to willingly be mistreated, or agree with someone else’s lifestyle or worldview. It does mean that we need to use every opportunity to love them the way God loves them.

So when you have an opportunity to give someone a second chance, do so in love. Or when you have the chance to help someone in need, do so cheerfully.

Are there people in your life that you can be more loving toward? Take some time today to reflect first on the love of God that you have received through Christ. Make a list of all of the ways God has been good to you. Next, consider the people in your life who you can love better. Write down a list of some simple steps you can take to show the love of God to people.

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