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Life span of different animals

Animals and how long they can live
this will blow your mind folks

1. House mouse 🐁 1year
2. Pigeons 5 years
3. Kangaroos 🦘 6 years
4. chicken 🐓 10 years
5. Dogs 🐕 10 years
6. cow 🐄 20 years
7. horse 🐎 25 years
8. Bumese rock pythons 🐍 30 years
9. 50 years: elephant 🐘
10. 60 years: flamingo 🦩
11. 100 years: Galapagos tortoise 🐢
12. 200 years: Bowhead whale 🐋
13. 272 years: Greenland shark 🦈
14. 2,300 years: Giant barrel sponge
15. 4,309 years: black coral

and guess Humans?
we should have been living for 1000 years like the bible said back then

some did messed us up
my theory: some folks re-engineered our DNA 🧬 to live and die as fast as 50years Earth life .

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