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Beauty Osaze @emilylovefyp

Beauty Osaze @emilylovefyp

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About emilylovefyp
Username: emilylovefyp
Influence: 87, Audience: 38
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Name: Beauty Osaze
Gender: female
Age: 24 years old
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From: Lagos, Nigeria
Joined: 25th Mar 2022, 10:19am
User ID: 2957


In A Relationship, Whether Married or still in Courtship, there are things you should not tell another person. You never know who will be the Judas over your relationship. There are high secrets you have to keep only to yourself.

1. Don't tell anybody how weak your partner is. Someone may use it against you/them.

2. Don't tell people how much you quarrel with your partner, make them see it as perfect from the outside while you settle issues from the inside.

3. Don't tell even a best friend how much you get as pocket allowance from your husband, if they ask tell them that he's giving more than you expected.

4. Men don't tell your friends how good your wife is in bed, that's a secret between you and your wife.

5. Don't ever tell your mother the way he or she is acting in the marriage, you won't like the outcome if she's a jealous mother-in-law.

6. Ladies, a friend may be eyeing your hubby and that's why you shouldn't tell them what moves him most.

7. Even if your pastor is not worthy to know how many times you quarrel with your husband, most of them will use it as a sermon. Just talk to God alone.

8. Don't tell the children that their father/mother is a bad person. It can make them hate them.

9. Don't tell anybody about your partner's past mistakes, it is too risky for your marriage.

10. Don't tell anyone to try seducing your partner to prove their loyalty. They may end up winning their love. Prevention is better than cure....

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** Married Against My Will**

Episode 4

I didn't stop running not when I was at the edge of escaping, I knew if they should get a hold of me.

I won't even livē to tell the story of what had happened to me.

I had already committed an āb0minātion, for h¡tting my husband.

I couldn't let them caught me.

I ran for my life, pāntìng hēāvily, I removed the grasses from the path way.

with my heart be@ting hēāvily, I jumped down , to the other side of monizull kingdom.

I stopped at the bus stops, there were alot of buses and trailer, people were entering the bus.

“ Lagos Lagos ” the driver announced, more people came rushing inside his bus.

I knew exactly, that was the bus that would take me to the big city,

I walked towards the bus,

the bus driver looked towards me

“ Lagos??” he asked

I nodded frantically “ five Kobo ” he said indicating, with his hands.

I brought out my coweries , handling it to him

“ what kind of n0ns£nse is this?” the driver asked in æñger

I was puzzled “ that is money ?

“ bush and local girl, would you leave here now ” the driver barked āggr£ssively

I jolted from my stands,

I slowly away from the bus stop, I watch as the bus take off, till it was out of sigh.

It was almost dawn, I was a bit w0rried and c0nfused.

I was still gazing at the road, when a the lady setting her food caffeine called me.

“ Good day ma ” I greeted

“ what are you doing here at this time ? don't you have a home to return to ? " she asked

" no I don't " I answered

“ you don't have a village ? " she asked in d¡sb£lief

“ no I....” I paused as my stomach grūmbled, due to huñg£r, It was so £mbrassing that I took my eyes away from hers.

“ I understand, you must be one of those girls who had ran away from home, my dear know that the big city is full of adventures and still it still cru£l out there ” she said adviced

but she stopped, seeing that I don't head to her advice, she doesn't understand would she ?

“ come help wash those d¡rty plates, and then I would give you some food ” she said.

after washing the numerous numbers of d¡rty plates, she served me rice and cold water, I quickly ate up the food.

I rested my back on the plastic chair, relaxing and same time letting the food to digēst.

after some few hours of helping her wash the remaining plates and her pots, she was about to leave since it was almost dark.

“ you need to find where to pass the night at, this place is not too good for girls to sleep, I would have taken you home to pass the night, but I can't, my husband needs to approve of me taking a str@nded str@nge in ” she mumbled an apology.

“ I would be fine out here ” I said encouraging my self.

“ take this ten Kobo and keep for yourself ” she said opening her apron ( wallet containing money )

“ thank you so much ma , God bless you ” I thank her, on my knees

“ no no , get up ” she said helping get on my feet.

I helped her packed her pots and plate on her wheelbarrow.

I watched as she rolled away from the road.

I walked āimlessly along the road, I was still w0ndering who would help me, when I suddenly būmped on someone.

“ are you blíñd ? ” the man asked me fū''ri0usly.

“ am so s0rry Mr, ” I apologized, as I raise my head to meet his face.

The village typewriter.

“ chioma, what are you doing here ?" he asked his face all p@le.

I hesitated a bit before I spoke.

“ I ran away from home ” I mumbled with my face down.

“ what?, why ?" he asked in āst0nishment

but I remained silent, I didn't want to say anymore words.

he nodded in understanding, knowing the reason I had run away from home.

“ I fully well understand, where are you going?" he asked

“ I don't have any place to stay ” I replied

“ this place isn't sāfe for girls, as na¡ve as you are, come along with me ” he mentioned.

I knew I shouldn't trust him, his eyes were staring lū''stfully at my br£āst, I knew he was no better than chief.

but I couldn't rējected his offer cause this place wasn't sāfe for girls.

I nodded at him, as he led the way to his house.

my eyes scanned everything looking at the whole place.

I had never seen so much cement house, only the king in our village owns a small cement house.

I had always knew we were living in b0ndāge.

The house was gray with green windows, I could not tell where the house began and where it ended, because it was joined to the other houses in the street, I had never seen such houses not even in those books I had read.

“ why does this houses looked joined ?" I asked him

he raised his brows, seemly surprised, that I know about houses or even has seen one.

“ I had seen houses in some books that I had read " I answered his unasked question.

he nodded before he spoke

“ this house is an estate building, you haven't seen such houses before ”.

He unfasten the keys, he opened the door into what looked like a tunnel, but it was a hall, a hall with flowers walls!

it was narrow and it seemed at first as if there were no windows, we climbed stairs upon stairs untill it seemed to be approaching the roof of the house, he opened one door and showed me into the room.

with a single bed at one end and a new settee, and a small table at the middle where book were scattered all over and a typewriting machine.

“ this is where you would live with me ” he said turning towards me.

“ you may go have your bath, in there ” he said gesturing to the bathroom.

“ follow me let me show you how things do work here ” he said as he led me towards the bathroom.

“ this the tap, and this the shower, just turned it on and off like this” he said twisting the tap Holder.

I nodded frantically, but I didn't move.

“ okay, I would give you some pr¡vācy, but if you ever encountered any pr0blēm don't forget to call me ” he said turning away, after staring at me for some few minutes.

been sure that he was gone, I slowly took of my clothes.

and sipped into the shower, the warm water touch my sk¡n, making me involuntarily mo@ning in relief.

I stood under the shower for some minutes, before I driēd my b0dy with the towel and wore my clothes back.

I pull the door opened and was sh0cked to find him at the door staring at me.

my gaze were on him.

“ I...I..I was just checking on you ” he stut"tered amist his word.

but I didn't respond, he was basically watching me the whole time n@k£d, any man who was caught in the act, in my village is been st0ne to d£ath, it was a law that had been there since the days of our forefathers.

“ I will go check something outside”

he awkwardly walked out of the room, even before I could respond.

I gently sat on the bed for some few hours, touching and looking at any book, I could fine on his table.

my eyes trailed on the a particular book title “ Beyond My Walls ” by Kelly James library, it wasn't only interesting but the suspense on every chapter, didn't let me drop the book.

I yawn sleepy, my eyes were now blū'rry, I carefully place the book on his table before dosing of to sleep.

I was still sleeping, when I felt someone car£ss¡ng me, I didn't though much to it.

the hand kept c@rēssing me, but my eyes flew opened when I felt someone touching my th¡'ghs.

my eyes opened from sh0ck and it slowly turned to t£rror.

there he was half n@kēd, staring at me intensively.

“ what are you doing ?" I asked him in a hushed voice.

“ come on, you are not a child and certainly not a v¡rg¡n, ” he spoke staring at me

“ am sorry but I don't want to do this please”

“ am sorry, you would have to satisfy my urge, I am hū'ñgry and I need you to satisfy my huñgēr ” he spoke staring at me intensively

“ then go eat , I am not your food” I barely spoke before he pulled me into the small bēd.....

Episode 5 typing......

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Good morning 🌅
Happy Sunday everyone


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Eh!! They will be 2027 in Jesus name. Amen!!
Nobody is God. Only God can do/change things that we can't do or even our so called president can do. We are praying for a better Nigeria.
Things don cost too much. Buhari self try this Tinubu wants Nigeria to suffer and is not fair to us. He's supposed to bring change to the country and make everything easier and better for us. Nna ehn we don suffer no be small
“There May Not Be 2027 For Nigeria If You Don′t Fix Increasing Hardship – Civil Society Groups Warn Tinubu - SaharaReporters.com

Opinion Screenshot

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** Married Against My Will**

Episode 3

“ my husband, come and see ooo " she sh0uted enough to wake the whole villagers.

I kept my gaze on my mom,

as soon as she sh0uted, my dad ran outside his hut, tieing his wrapper ågainst his waist.

“ I told you, that before chi accepted the marriage plans, that it was too easy, you though I was talking too much, thanks the gods of our land, I have took it upon myself to be monitoring her till her husband comes to take her ” my mom said with a grim of victory lurking in her eyes.

Even before I could realized my self, my dad took the koboko cāne, made from animal skin, to b£at me, I felt an instant jolt of påiñ through my body.

“ you want to run abi ?, and bring shāmè and d¡sgrãcē into this family that had done nothing, but to carter for you, uñgrātēful child ” my dad said, h¡tt¡ng me with the cāne.

I scrēāmed and cr¡ēd, the cane made my skin to bl££d immediately it touches my skìn.

but my dad didn't stop, Everybody woke up due tomy scrêãms, they held their lips in d¡sbelief, as my mom explained, that I had almost ran away.

my dad b£at me, with the cane till I lost c0nsci0usnèss.

I had fāìnted for seven hours, with bl00d gûsting out of my b0dy.

the next time I had awakened, it was already pass noon, my eyelids felt hëavy same as my head, realizing that my brothers had joined my dad to b£át me.

“ chi, I thought your w0manhood had given you wisdom, but you are still stū'bb0rn and ungrateful animal ” my elder brother said.

b£àting me besides my dad, with his old leather belt, that was made in 1889.

“ so you don't want us to pay for our school fees and apprenticeship, now I see that you are an £nēmy of progress”

my step brother said, clenching his teeth as he b£at me hard on back, my sigh blu''rred with tëærs, as I felt more pa¡ìn and w0und£d skìñ.

my mom stood against the hut, while smiling and wailing in pr£tends

" I didn't raise her like this, this b£ating is not even enough, what if she had escaped and bring shā''me into the family” my mom narrated to her g0ssip¡ng friends.

“ all this children, are very uñgrātēful, after raising them and feeding them, they get to w0manhood, and would still have the āudac¡ty to refûséd to submit to their husbands, what other use do they have than to serve their families and husband ?" one of her friends asked.

" all this children will not kee us some day, that was how oloma ran away, but as luck may have it, the news was quickly spread and the people from the other community caught her " one of my woman spoke.

" oloma, chief adamu younger daughter ? ” one of the lady ask in d¡$belief

" yes, exactly the one we all know in this village ” the other lady confirmed.

" she had seen her w0manhood last three months back and chief decided to marry her off quickly but she ran away, she thought she was still a child" one of the women said

" none of my daughters who has seen their w0manhood, would stay under my roof up to one year, mama chi you triēd, my daughters were married off the same day they saw their w0manhood ” the other woman said besides my mom.

I knew oloma , she was just thriteen and had seen her womanhood a couple of months ago, she must had been scārèd of the thought of been married to a man times ten older than her.

I couldn't even imagine what she had been going through.

I blinked my eyes servally to adjust my sigh.

I was caged inside my dad yam barn,

I tried standing up but I stāggered back falling over, my whole body @chiñg.

I almost fa¡ntēd again, I steady my bālance, realized that I could d¡£d from excessive bl00d l0st.

I was, by now hūngry.

few minutes after gathering my brēāth I managedly stood up , walked towards the gate of the yam barn but realized that my dad had l0cked it from outside.

I sat on the edge of the locked gate of the yam barn, hèlplèssly, not knowing what else to do.

I had fāììled myself

I had fāììled ñèñè.

she shouldn't have believe in me so much.

though I was th¡rsty and hū'ñgry but I slēpt off after much té'ârs.

I was woken up by someone small voice, I knew that instant, that it was my younger sister.

“ what are you doing here ? ” I asked my sister, not wanting to get her in tr0ūble.

“ I knew that you are hū'ñgry, I brought food for you ” my sister said passing the beans cake wrapped in leaf for me.

my stomach involuntarily grumbled perceived the beans cake.

“ do you want to get into tr0ūble? I asked in a sc0ldiñg t0ne.

" no I won't, I remained some of my food for you ” my younger sister said with an inñocent smile.

“ thank you so much, you have to leave quickly ” I urged her, ãfrãid for her.

“ your husband is coming to get you tomorrow ” my younger sister said, running away.

I cleaned my running nose, trying to stopped my endless tēārs.

I tried opening the lock but it was an ancient lock, I couldn't breāk.

I cr¡ēd my eyes out till I fell asleep.

I was later w0ken up, by someone opening the yam barn.

I knew that it was my dad, he was the only one who had the keys to the barn.

he stood above me with his āñgry eyes gazing at me

“ behave yourself, go in take your bath and eat your last meal in this house, your husband is on his way ” my dad spoke with an hëavy voice.

I nodded obediencely, supporting my bru'¡se body to get up.

I moved towards the opened gate, limbiñg my way outside.

my mom was outside her hut.

she h¡'ssed loudly, as she saw how bru'¡se I was, and could bārely walk.

“ a child that would not let his mother sleep he would not also sleep ” she spoke eyeing me up and down.

I ignored her , entering my hut, I was able to peel the torn clothes away from my bru¡se body.

I washed my bru¡se body, with the help of my younger sister.

after I was done bathing, my mom came into the room.

with a sc0rn on her face.

she applied some coconut healing oil on myu bru¡se

“ you cause it, carry your cross, you are no longer a child any more, you are lucky you got married at fifteen I got married to your dad at twelve ”

“ is that why you are b¡tter, and always seek attention ?” I asked.

she stopped applying the trēatment on my bru¡se, and slä'p me hard on the cheek.

I held my cheek as hot tèærs screamed down my face.

“ did you think I didn't try to escape when I was f0rce to marry your father ?

she asked as I look at her with tëærs on my face.

“ listen there is nothing outside this kingdom, the people out there are cru£l and they £at humans”

“ that a li£ that you and been told, we are living in b0ndagē can't you see ....

“ that enough, drink up this soup to gain more stamina to satisfy your husband, you never listen to my morning sermons I doubt you would be able to please a man or satisfied is bed needs, all your sisters listen, why is yours different ?

“ mom chief is older than you and father add together ”

“ not one more word, remember anything he ask of you, you must do, he now owns your body your soul and life, you will live the rest of your life bearing his children and serving his household and his farm ” my mom spoke in a different voice.

I hā''ted the way she sounded, I would never live my life just bearing children and serving his household.

“ mom...

“ be quick, they are here, I would go check the kitchen ” my mom said leaving me inside the hut.

I couldn't stop the tēārs, I can't live such a life that my mom lived.

few minutes later my brothers came inside the hut.

“ your husband had come to take you, be a good little wife and bear his children, don't @nger him, cause if he b£āt you and pull you out of his house one day, you won't be able to step your feet into this house ever again” my brother said with a grin on his face.

I felt like pūñchiñg his face, till he his almost d£ad.

since my mom wasn't allowed to come inside the meeting room,

she stood outside watching us.

chief was sitted in the center of the meeting room, with his pot belly, he licked his lips lū''stful, as he gaze at my brëæst and behind me.

“ she is a vìr'gin ” my father said with a proud smile.

“ I know , I won't have let all this small boys near her ” he said sipping his palm wine.

he stood up walking towards me, my heart skipped a bēāt, as he took my hands in his hands.

“ I need to start my husbandly duties now, I have to take my sweet bride home and see what underneath those rìpen fruit in front of her ” he spoke, licking his d¡sgust¡ng tongue.

my dad laughed, “ v¡rgins are always sweet to the core, I remember the good old days, when I married my wives newly, now they are lo0se, I need a new one to rēvive my manly system " my father said and they both laughed.

I felt d¡sgusted and unc0mf0rtable as chief won't take his eyes off me.

I wasn't ready yet for s€×, I was too young for that.

there was no hope left, I just needed to accept my fate.

we soon arrived at his home after four hours,

riding on his bicycle

his wives hid inside their hut, guess he had commanded them not come out but I saw their faces from their hut, they all wanted to see the new v¡ctim chief turned towards me “ this is your new hut, I hope your mom had already told you about all you needed to know ?” he asked

and I nodded.

“ good, go in and prepared yourself ” chief said licking his lips.

I entered the hut, I was r£stless.

I sat on the edge of the mat, remembering the words of my mom.

I couldn't stop thinking about it.

the day was getting more darker, I didn't know exactly where time was, but the moon was out and I knew in no time he would be here.

most men in the village, believe that you must māke l0ve to your newly wedded wife on full moon.

I paced back and forth in the hut, I heard his footsteps coming towards my hut.

I laid on the mat, pretending to be asleep.

he halted seeing me asleep.

he laughed hysterically, before joining me on the mat,

“ I know you are probably sc@red, but I would make it snappy and p@inless at same time ” he said touching my face, I felt ¡rritāted, his hands fasten as he squeeze my br£āst, I my eyes opened.

in astonishment and pānìc

he laughed loudly,

“ I knew you were not asleep, come perform your wifey duties ” he said approaching me.

“ stay away from me, I don't want to be c0mpr0mised by you d¡sgust¡ng man ” I said taking cāuti0us step away from him.

he moved closer, he held me tighter, grabbing my hands.

" am your husband, your body, soul and spirit belong to me ” he said

“ never ” I muttered, as I spat on his face

he slāppèd me across the face, causing my face to register his palm on my face, his powerful h¡t cause a jolt of påiñ.

he was so ãñ'gry, I had never seen a b£ast like him.

he laid me on the mat, yānking my wrāppers away from my body.

I couldn't let him have his way with me

I kicked him hard on his p£nìs.

he scrêãmed in pãiñ, as he let go of me.

I immediately picked up my clothes and my little bag at the entrance of my hut,

running away for my life.......

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*** Married Against My Will **

Episode 2

" then follow me " she said, shakily as she began walking deep into the bushes.

I quickly came behind her , assisting her as she led the way.

we walked for about some minutes, that I was scåred it would āffect ñeñe health.

" ñeñe, would you like to rest for some while ?" I asked seemly w0rried.

" oh no, my dear we would be right there" she said smiling revealing her brown teeth.

we walked for some few minutes more before we stopped.

she turned towards me

" close your eyes?" she requested with a motherly tone.

" ñèñè why ?" I asked gazing behind her

" do you trust me ?

I nodded, signaling that I trusted her more than my life itself " yes "

" then close your eyes" she said.

I took in a few breath, before I closed my eyes.

she smiled satisfyingly, as she grāmmbl£d her hands against the wall, clearing a bushy part.

" open your eyes now " she spoke and I did.

my gaze flutter, as the view of the other side of móiizil town.

móiizil was the main capital of our village, it was 200 miles away from our village, it was a busy town, though it was still a village but few people had electricity.

My father, had always told us stories about it.

the title " móiizil kingdom" when pronounce by my father sounded heavy like the type of n0ise associated with b0'mb.

it was deep, so myst£rious, that my father always voiced it in a hushed tones, wearing such a respectful expression as if he were speaking of God's holiest of holies. going to móiizil kingdom, must surely be like a paying God a visit. móiizil kingdom must then be like heaven.

" ñèñè, how did we get here in a couple of minutes, I thought coming here would take about 48 hours " I voiced in my question

she laughed skeptically, while shaking her wooden walking stick.

" guess been the oldest woman, I am the only person who knows this short passage, when I am about to di£, I would tell the next oldest person in line, this road is for our āncestors, it confidential, " she said sitting down on the bāre grass.

as we watch the busy road together.

" you remembered, the first time i met you here ?

I nodded remembering that day, I was out as usual just plucking leaf and trying to come up with some treatment for scorpion antidote, cause it had stūng my friend.

" I thought you had already found the secret passage, I was scåred not even the king knows about this road " she muttered.

" but I realized that you don't know anything about this road, " she laughed softly.

" you know, you are the only child I trust " she spoke, it was truth, and I knew it.

ñèñè, apart from the kids, boys and girls of my age, though ñèñè cared for them but she never trusted them.

" I would rather brēak the rules, than to let you down " she spoke.

I felt emotional, tēārs welled up in my eyes, not even my mom could understand or do half the things she had done for me.

she was the only one who trust and believed in me, I could remember clearly how she would give me money to buy books from my brother, since there was no book shop in the village not even the next village.

sometimes I work in other people's farm to earn some money, but I soon realized that after I was done with the job and requested for my pay, they would tell me that my mom had already collected the money for my job.

when I get home and c0nfront my mom, she would ask me wether am paying for living in her husband house, and how ungrāteful I was.

but ñeñe always made sure she finds ways for me to get books, I was able to learn how to write and read on my own, I was only privilege to meet the village typewriter, once in the yam festival, and as God may have it, he was so fond of me.

I noticed how his eyes would wandered on my brēāst and then on my butt*cks but I was aiming for one thing that day, which I got from him, in promise to meet him at móiizil town, after giving me his address.

but I never showed up, he had help me with some correct words and an " spelling" book, to straighten my pronunciation.

" when you get there, go straight to the bus stop and take a bus that will take you to the big city ' Lagos ' , there you see help, and meet alot of educated people and things you may have never dreamt of " she said with a lot enthusiasm in her voice.

" things like what neñè ?, have you been there before " I asked out curi0sity

" don't mind me, just some old woman imagination " she said laughing softly but she knew I wanted to know more.

" okay I will tell you, I was once a young girl like you too, I was once a maiden in móiizil kingdom, once when the missionaries came , I was able to collect one of their news paper, there were beautiful cars and road and lot more " she said

" how can I thanks you enough? " I asked snìffing back my tëārs

" don't thank me " she said with a smile,
loosing her wrappers as she put some cowries on my hands.

my eyes wìdēn seeing, such an amount of money for the first time.

" ñèñè how....?

" you need it more than I do ”

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" what would you sūrvivē on, if I should take this ?

she laughed seeing me w0rried.

“ don't be that nāìvē my dear, you do know about the privileges I get been the oldest person in this village, right ?"

I nodded, knowing fully well.

“ Good, take this money, go get your things by night and flèè away from this village, my child " she spoke

“ where do I run to ?, how do I sürv¡ved, I have never been anywhere else this village?" I expressed my fèær to her.

the thought of leaving the only place I had known all my life.

she held my hand quietly, comfortingly.

“ you would be fine, you would come out victorious and build the school for girls and electric and good road, like you had seen in those books of yours, that you had showed me " she spoke encouragingly.

" thank you ñèñè " I mumbled embracing her.

" thank you for believing in me ” I said disengage from the hug.

" come let's go, before they noticed my ābsence ” she said in a cheerful tone.

I nodded wìping my tëārs.

" cover this passage with the grass, so no one would sūspect anything" she spoke.

we both began to use the grasses to cover the passage.

we headed back home.

I couldn't stop the smile on my face, the whole day.

soon the day got darken, I was so happy and for the frist time I assisted my mom clean the kitchen and prepared the meal for dinner happily.

after we all had gone to bed, it was about 1am in the morning, quickly as possible I packed all my useful cloth and wrappers.

I sneak out of the hut, dropping the lamp on my bed side, kï'ssing my sleeping younger sister good bye.

I quickly check outside the hut, if anyone was outside but no one was.

I quickly rush outside, I was setting my legs to rūn, when I saw my mom

with an evul grim on her face

" my husband, come and see ooo " she sh0uted enough to wake the whole villagers......

Episode 3 typing........

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** Married Against My Will ***

Episode 1

My parents were going to marry me off to settle their d£bt.

I grew up in an polygamous family, my mom was the number three wife, my dad has five wives.

I grew up, with twenty one siblings, three boys and eighteen girls.

it was a tribe and tradition for a man to have a male child, my dad frist and second wives were unable to birth any male child, they were seems as bā''rren women, who were unable to bear the real children since a female child is not considered an heir.

I never saw my dad frist wife , only her grā"ve that was behind her hut.

she had given birth to seven girls, according to my mom she had di£d carrying the eighth pr£gnancy, though she was advised by the midwives not to attempt getting pregnant again, but she refused, cause she couldn't bèār the shãm£ of not giving birth to a real child ( male child).

she couldn't bèār to see her co wives give birth to the frist male child, though my dad had also wãrñed her not to c0nceive again but she refused and took in, she di£d during lābour though it was a male child as she wanted but he also pass on with her immediately after she di£d.

that was when my mom came into the picture, she gave birth to six of us, two boys and four girls.

while my dad fourth wife , gave brith to six daughter and a son.

I was worth more than my elder sisters, because I was younger, prettier, more endowed and a v¡rgin.

They had sold us off, one by one, to send my brothers to school and pay for their apprenticeship.

all my sisters were already married off, immediately they saw their womanhood.

Except I and my younger sister ewomi who was 12 years old, and hasn't seen her w0manhood.

We were the sācrificial lāmbs.

My two sisters and fourteen step sisters, and now it was my turn.

We were like corn and yam to be traded for a better deal.

But I had a plan

I was just 15

But I had seen my womanhood one year ago.

So I knew what I had to do even before the set date.

I was the youngest yet I had the boldness of my father.

My beauty came from my grandmother.

I took nothing from my mother

I hāt'ēd her as much as she d£spìsed me.

"You are different, stū'bb0rn and us£less," she would often say.

I would reply, "why, because I refuse to be like you?"

Instead of sweeping and cooking, I preferred reading the few books, I secretly took from my elderest brother in rewards to do his assignment, which I don't mind, as far as he let me have his books without anyone knowing.

Female weren't allowed to go to school, they believed female ēducation ēnds in the kitchen, but a male child who do ēxploit.

and secretly learning herbal m£dicine from ñeñe oma, the story teller and the oldest woman in our village.

"Don't worry, a husband will cūre you."

My mother will say, when ever she finds me not interested or not listening to her usual morning sermons about how to please a man.

I would respond

"Did yours cūre you?"

And she would chāse me with her slippers, but I was faster than her.

I was the fastest in the entire community.

So, one morning, my father called me and my brothers together for a meeting.

My mother was f0rb¡dden to attend, but I could see the grin on her face as she prepared the meal and boiled the meat we were to eat during the meeting, I already knew what was to come.

My mother wouldn't smile while she cooked for me to eat with my father and brothers except something s¡ñister was lurking around.

"Chi, my father said, you have seen your w0manhood now, so it's time to contribute to the well-being and welfare of the family." my step brother said

"As you know, your brothers need to pay their fees and renew their apprenticeship, so it's on you now to support the family that has supported you to womanhood."

My brothers had no brāin, they had fåil£d their examination countless times, but my dad was bent on making them go to school, even though he knew clearly that their brāiñs weren't met for school.

I turned and saw my mother smiling and nodding as she stood by the kitchen door, listening and watching me, f0rb¡dden to even sit with her family for this meeting.

"Ok papa, I will do as you say."

I heard myself say in a voice I did not recognize.

My father was surprised, I guessed he expected a f¡'ght, but I wasn't going to give them that pleasure.

I had always been the g0at among my family, and everyone knew it, I was as stū'bb0rn as a g0at '

"Good, you see, your w0manhood has brought you wisdom. Prepare, for your husband will come in the next three days, your dowry has already been paid in full."

We all ate in silence.

"You are all dismissed!" He said in finality."

I was 15 when we had this meeting.

At 15, I had bū'ttocks the size of a full watermelon and my brèāsts were round like ripened oranges

My hips were large enough to support my full bū'ttocks and my waìst was tîny on a very flat stomach.
I hā''ted the attention it brought me.

I had a plan

⛔ Please don't forget to follow Kelly's James Library for more interesting stories ✅✅

I couldn't let my father marry me off to that old man.

chief moñî, he was an @bū''sers and a w0mān¡zer

over the years he had married eight wives and five d¡£d due to his constant b£āting and mā'ltr£atment.

of course his wives couldn't seek for help, that because no woman is given a listen ear.

it either you give birth to a son who you could use to communicate, else nothing.

he was well know for tr£ating his older and younger wives as slāve, they work on his farm day and night without rest.

I had over heard my step mother, telling my mom about talking my dad out of marrying me off, to chief moñî, but my mom ¡gnored her and told her to mind her business after all, all her daughter had been married of, or should I say s0ld off.

I prepared a plan to run away, but I couldn't there was no mean of trānsportation, in the village.

I didn't want to marry him, I wandered around the bush not plucking herbs, as usual for ñeñe oma.

my eyes w£lled up knowing I couldn't escape from this nïghtmãre.

" why are you çr'yiñg my dear child?"

startled by the voice, I turned behind me, my stomach grūmbled involuntarily, seeing ñeñe oma

she was too old to come out in the bushes alone considering her old age, she could have sent someone to come look for me, if she so wanted the herbs.

" no ñeñe oma " I pr£tended blowing my n0se and sniffing back my tëārs.

" oh child, I know how páïñfül, it is to be married āgainst your will ?

she said, stūnned and surprised, while looking at her with a questioning gaze.

" ho...how did you know, ñeñe oma ?

" don't you want to escape and achieve your dreams?" she asked with a shāking smile.

she was the only one who knew my passion to go to school and be a better doctor and tr£at alot of people for free.

I nodded frantically

" then follow me "

Episode 2 typing......

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It's a cool 😎 and rainy 🌧️ day

Let's have some morning Tea☕☕
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Sitting/standing posture for guys and ladies
Please learn this
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