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There is this young guy living in the same compound with me, this is his first year in the university. He used to be a very devoted Catholic church member and this guy can quote scriptures very well, he has been reading his bible thoroughly to the extent that he can explain almost everything. He told us that he has a position in the church, and has invited me to his church many times, but I have always turned him down because I am also a devoted member in Salvation Ministries.

Everything suddenly changed just few months after this guy had admission into the university to study philosophy, he no longer believed that God existed, he stopped going to church and even said that heaven and hell does not exist. In philosophy, they taught them to believe that there is no God and that we came into existence by evolving from monkeys and apes. He believed all of this without any doubt, and this is somebody that can quote the scriptures extremely well.

People in the compound often argue with him on this matter and we try our best to tell him to ignore what they are being taught in philosophy, reminded him of how active he was in the things of God, and how he used to invite people to church, but his heart was hardened and he will reply by saying that the bible was written by a human being and that there is no evidence to confirm that it is true. What an unfortunate unfolds of events, somebody that was for God, now against God because of what he is taught in philosophy, I can never let my child study philosophy in the university.

I pray that god forgives him and reveals himself to him, because with the way he says that God doesn’t exist, if God wants to pour out his wrath on him, he will regret why he is studying philosophy. Currently, things have not been working out well for him; division in the family, the mother is in the hospital and his business has not been moving so well, we try to let him see how God can help him in all of this, but he will replying by saying that the worse should come on him instead of believing that there is God, heaven and hell. We’ve tried our best, and we have left him to his own fate, who knows if God is angry with him already.

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