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Almost Struck

Almost Struck
During the evening today, I noticed people moving up and down hastily as there was every sign that it was going to rain plus the lightning in the sky.

Meanwhile, I hadn’t eaten anything all afternoon and I desperately needed to find some food for the evening food that which I’m actually eating right now while writing this.

So, I was on my way when, all of a sudden, a bright flash of lightning struck right in front of me. It was the first time I had ever witnessed lightning that was so close and so clear striking. It felt like the my village people finally out for me. It struck so near that I fell to the grounds.

There werent people around, and after I got up, I ran under a nearby shelter because, as we all know, safety first. I watched as other people continued to walk about, unconcerned by the dramatic weather. I thought "Am I the only one who should be afraid of the weather?"

Just then, I gathered my courage, stepped out from under the shelter. Food is life, I couldn't turn back.

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