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Dangerous/Tense/Insecurity Stories & Experiences

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Intense Fight For Power and Money

Intense Fight For Power and Money
Last week was local government elections, and in my local government, what followed after was chaos. I went to vote, it wasn't that peaceful, but at least it was not deathly and destructive yet, until the night after the elections. The people didn't agree with the results, they claimed it was rigged, and wanted something done about it.

I got home after a stressful day at the election ground, I had my shower and eat, and just when I about resting, I started hearing sounds. I started hearing gunshots, people running and screaming, these gunmen literally burnt houses, something I couldn't bring myself to understand why. Is this how to retaliate to a rigged election? obviously not.

I locked myself in, the compound I live has high walls and a gate, I really hoped they didn't break through the gate to attack us. A guy in the compound went out and joined the gunmen causing the chaos, they were obviously being paid by somebody who people suspect to have the lost the election, to carry on this act. In a couple of minutes, the gunshots became more intense, I thought it was the police.

It was a rival gang of whom rumor carriers couldn't comprehend, six innocent people died in the process, houses and properties were destroyed. People will do anything for power and money these days, it was a very tragic incident, I had to travel out of the place for some days till everything was back to normal. The guy from our compound who joined the chaotic display was gunned down in the process.

These guys were paid to do these things, but now that they're dead, what happens to the money? Power and money are very good, but not worth doing something bad for. The community was deserted completely, it's now that people have started returning there, the election result still remains, but the damages done can't be undone. I didn't get caught up, next time, I'll be sure to travel to a place far away, to avoid stories that touches the heart.

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The Accident Scenario

The Accident Scenario
About a month ago, a guy came to buy food at a restaurant close to my workplace, he looked like a Yahoo boy because of his dressing, his dreadlock and his flashy car. He joked with the lady that sold rice and stew for me, that he is going to use her for rituals. The lady and every other person took as a joke, although an expensive joke.

The guy left with the food in his car, and it wasn't up to 20 minutes, we heard that the guy knocked down three people to death instantly with his car on his way to wherever he was heading to. The most mind-blowing thing we heard is that he winded up his window glass, sat comfortably in his car after killing this three people, and eating rice and stew in a takeaway.

We wouldn't have believed our ears, if not for the fact that we saw him buy the rice and stew from the restaurant beside my workplace, where he joked about using the lady for ritual. The guy was eating comfortably in his car after taking the lives of three people, people knocked on the car and gestured that he winds down his window mirror or comes down from the car, as people began to question his act.

He didn't feel any remorse or regret or any sign of sympathy for what he had just done, he replied them by saying that none of them has money enough to talk to him in a disrespectful manner, and that they should call the family of the people he killed so that he can pay them and move on with where he was headed. This was very clear, to me I believe that he killed them deliberately for money rituals, I know I'm right.

The police came and took the guy to their station, I haven't heard about how they handled the case from there. But today, I saw the guy again at the restaurant close to my workplace, he was there to buy the same rice and stew from the same lady, I was terrified when I saw him. I don't know if this is the new update; eating rice and stew after claiming lives. I prayed deep down that if it's his plan again today to kill people, that it won't work.

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Where Light met Darkness

Where Light met Darkness
I usually dislike going to the market during the day, especially in the afternoon when the heat is almost unbearable. If I miss the morning session, I know I’ll have to go at night when it’s cooler. So, I usually make my way to the market around 7pm, which has become my routine. However, today, when I arrived, I noticed something different that caught my attention.

As I approached my favorite stall, I saw a bright light illuminating the path leading to it. It was a nice change, but honestly, I prefer to walk in the shadows. The light made everything feel a bit too exposed. I paused at the boundary between the light and darkness, trying to decide whether I should step into the brightness or stay in the dark for a little while. With my AirPods in one ear, I could listen to my music while keeping an ear open for what was happening around me.

I found myself standing there for nearly five minutes, which felt strange. I couldn't really explain why I stayed there so long. Something deep inside me felt off; it was like my instincts were telling me to move away from that spot. But I wasn’t ready to leave.
The sense of unease grew stronger. I could feel a disturbance in my spirit, almost like a warning sign that something wasn’t right. I was about to turn away from the bright path, when the weak shelter above me began to creak threateningly.

I sprinted away from that spot, barely escaping the collapsing structure. Thankfully, there was no one else around, or they might have been injured too. I took a moment to catch my breath and let the shock fade away. I had narrowly avoided a disaster that could have turned my ordinary market walk into something far worse.

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My name is Ada, I grew up without any parental care apart from the ones I received from a foster mom who took me in after her child die.

Growing up,I was so attached to my foster mom as if she was my biological mother and she loved me unconditionally.

Our lives was in full blossom because she was a single mother not until her proposed boyfriend came into the picture.

Things started going wrong when my mom's boyfriend usually touched me carnally when mom wasn't around but I couldn't tell her because of fear.

It became worse when my mom decided to travel to her hometown for her uncle's burial which according to her wasn't a ceremony but a mourning.

After that day,my nightmares began as I was left alone with her boyfriend. Days passed without any help until the night before my mom gets back.

I was sleeping cuddling myself in the duvet when I felt it leaving my body,then i felt hands on me,I was really scared because I knew that no matter what happened I was all alone.
He dragged me down and told me to undress,I was fidgeting and shaken before he torn my dress leaving me only in my panties.
He pushed me down and forcefully torn the only cloths I had on and forced himself in me. I cried until I passed out waking up to find myself in a bath tub.
Out of fear and shame, I left the house without waiting for my mum's return with intentions of having revenge but after 2 days I heard about his death in a fatal accident.
But for years now I've been living with that rape trauma that I decided to voice it out to see if i can find that peace and joy again.
Do be silent.

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Costly Experiences

Costly Experiences
Once upon a time, few years back when I was staying with my uncle, after I managed to learn how to drive his Hilux without any assistance, he gave me some basic driving tips that will helpful to me and ensure safety, I analysed all and spotted out one of them not to be completely true.

The man had been driving for years, and a young learner like me who just started driving, doubted this one tip he gave me. He told me that driving speed along a wet road, or when rain is falling, is very dangerous as the tires might slide on the road when the brake is applied, making it difficult for the car to stop. I doubted this, because looking at the tires, it has enough sturd, even the road is very rough, so I couldn't imagine water that is not slippery like okro water, to be capable of reducing friction that much.

About two years later, I got employed in a nursery, primary and secondary school to work as a school bus driver. On this fateful afternoon, while I was still driving the pupils and students back to their homes, rain started falling heavily, it was so big that I could not see the road clearly, yet I had to keep moving, because I was running late and the parents started calling. As at the time I finished dropping the last student, it was already late in the evening, and the rain had just stopped. I was on my way back to the school to park the bus, and I was driving fast, because I didn't want to get home late.

I was still driving with speed down a road that is very sloppy, and I spotted a car some meters in front of me that is about to use the u-turn. I matched down my brakes, the car didn't stop, rather it was sliding down the road and the tires was really making a loud noise. I won't lie, I feared I'll die that day, I was terrified to see my life flash before my eyes. The luck I had is that the other side of the road was free, and so the car made the turn just before I got to it, and then my car started slowing down and the brakes started working again. There was nothing wrong with the brakes, the car was too fast on a wet road, that incident cleared my doubt about what my uncle has been telling me. Learnt from experience, but it could have cost me my life, I should have made my research since I didn't believe the man, it's not everything that we will learn by experience, it could be disastrous, learning by research is much safer in this situation.

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My Luck

My Luck
Just few days back, I had a very scary encounter in the midnight. My house has a protector, I returned from work very late in the night, and during the process of trying to prepare food to eat, take my bath and maybe cool off from the day's stress, I slept off before i knew it, leaving my key in the padlock that locks my protector, it was very careless of me.

In the midnight while I was sleeping, my phone rang, it was my brother that called, and immediately I heard some noise from my protector. I moved outside and saw that my protector had been unlocked with the key I forgot inside the padlock, the person took off immediately my phone rang, leaving the protector widely open, and the padlock on the ground.

I was scared and confused, sleep vanished from my eyes, the thief would have sneaked into my house and maybe steal my phone or any other thing he sees fit to steal, because I was too tired to have been woken by a little noise, my phone rang out loudly, and I don't think there is anyone sleeping close to the phone that would have not been woken by the loud ringing tone.

The call from my brother at that time of the night and at that particular time had saved me from being stolen from or robbed, I was lucky. When I called my brother back, he didn't really have anything to tell me, he just wanted to hear my voice and that is why he called. Such a careless act would have given me deep regrets, I'm happy I still have my phone with me, and there's no way I'll sleep again without making sure I don't forget the key in the padlock again.

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The neighbor and thunder

when I was a little boy, we were playing outside when it started raining. the sky became very dark. my friends and I were playing outside and knew it was time to run inside the house.

Inside, we could hear loud thunder sounds that was kind of scary.
Suddenly, we heard a woman scream. It was a scared voice. We looked at each other with big eyes. We wanted to know who screamed, so we decided to find out but until the rain ended.

When we heard the lady scream again, We hurried outside again as my mother dashed out first to go and check out what it was, running through the rain.
When we got there, we saw her in her room, holding her ears. She looked very afraid.

She was our close family friend, Mama Nkechi. She told us that the lightening had struck her while she was on a call with her son.

We helped Mama Nkechi get dressed and decided to take her to the hospital, not we oo, it was my mother making the moves while we supported. We all held her hands and walked carefully in the rain to the nearest chemist shop.

In the next few weeks, Mama Nkechi got better and always thanked us.
Ever since then, me personally, I fear to take a call while it's raining or there's any form of lightening on the sky.

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Shortened Life

Shortened Life
It was around 5:45 in the evening, I went to fill my gas cylinder, I was really hungry and needed to cook. The gas station is not far from my house, so I just walked down there, looking very tired because I had just returned from work. I met a queue at the gas station, it was not much, but for a hungry human being like me, I felt I might faint if I stood a little longer without getting my cylinder filled.

It was my turn to get my cylinder filled and all of sudden, I saw some group of boys with matchets and guns, chasing down one guy, just across the gas station. They held the guy down gave him a beating of his life with the matchets, and started shooting bullets in the air. Everybody ran for their life, I was not an exemption, initially I was looking weak like someone who is at the point of collapse, I was surprised to know that I had that much strength left in me, I left my cylinder and ran with all my strength.

I branch a compound and took cover until the gunshots had gone completely and it was safe to come out, I slowly walked back to the gas station, on guard to take off in case I hear any further gunshots or see the guys that shot the gun. They were gone, leaving only the guy they had beaten seriously with matchets, it's obvious he was one of them, and he must have tampered with the rules. The police soon arrived and the guy was taken to the hospital. I returned to the gas station only to find out that they closed immediately because of the incident that just occurred.

I was left with no other choice than to take my empty cylinder home, the hunger came back worse than before. On my way home, I met some students singing funeral songs and holding a picture flex of one of them who died, rumors has it that he was killed by his fellow cult members. My thought shifted from hunger to how people willingly endanger their lives by getting their selves involved in ungodly groups, therefore cutting their life short. I bought some snacks, and that was what I took for dinner, I wasn't satisfied, but it helped. At least I was alive, got my cylinder filled the next day.

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Dogs Revolution

Dogs Revolution
Few years back when I was still a kid around the age of 9 years old, there are certain things that happened that time, that there are no explanation of why they happened even till date. It was in a very interior village, where there was no road, even electricity supply didn't reach there as at that time, most of their lives revolved around the community, since the community was rich with granites, okro and rubber plantation. The people engaged themselves in these things.

During my stay, there came a time that a small boy died of dog bite, he was bitten by their own dog, and he refused to let anyone about it for months, which later resulted in his death. But before he died, he told his parents about the bite, the parents tried to chain the dog and maybe perhaps sell it, but the dog suddenly turned wild and ran to the bush to live. Some boys passed through where the dog was, the dog jumped on one of them and gave the boy a very serious bite, and then the dog returned to it's position. The boy went home and informed his parents, the youths of the community angrily went and killed the dog because it was obvious that it no longer had dog instinct anymore, the boy survived though.

Few days later, we started hearing rampant news of dogs biting people, including their owners without reasons, it was not funny. I remember taking our goat to the bush where it can feed on leaves, and all of a sudden, I saw about 5 local fowls running and flying randomly and shouting as if something was pursuing them. To my greatest shock, it was a dog that was pursuing the fowls, and it was running towards me, I left the goat, threw away the matchet I was holding and ran home to inform my parents, my father went to the bush and saw the dog attacking and wounding our goat, my father managed to scare the dog away and brought the goat back home. I went back to look for the matchet that I threw away carelessly while running from the dog, I could not find it, I didn't even know which part of the bush it fell into and so I never found it.

The attacks of dogs became so serious that the village head gave a decree that there should no longer be any dogs in the village, and any dog found should be killed. This was good news for people, dogs were hunted by the youths, killed and roasted publicly for free consumption. All the dogs in the village were eliminated till no single dog could be found in the land, people now had their peace and comfort back. Till today I still wonder why all the dogs in the village went wild and started attacking people and other animals, it looks very mysterious to me, it looked like a kind of dog revolution, nice one, but they can't win over humans, the dogs learnt that the hard way as they were completely erased in one week.

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Late Night Concert

Late Night Concert
There is this day that I went out to an event that ended late in the night at around 10:00pm, initially I did not want to go, but since I went with four other people that lived in the same compound with me, I was okay with it because there was five of us. It was a concert where top musicians, comedians and artists were invited, and that also moved me to attend the event.

We were four girls and only one guy among us, we had a good time in the event, made ourselves comfortable and of course there was plenty of food and drinks for us to chose from. The guy went and brought a drink I had never seen before and I decided to taste it, to my greatest amazement, the drink was extremely sweet and hurriedly took more without hesitation.

The last thing I remember is me still taking the sweet drink, and the next thing, I saw myself in my house, laying on the floor, my clothes were very dirty, and it was morning already. I was shocked and began to ask how and what happened, my neighbors that I went to the concert with, started narrating how I got drunk, I still find it hard to believe that the drink was alcohol, it was so sweet.

They went further to tell me how some thugs started coming after them on the way back home and how they left me and all ran, they said I ran too, and that is how I fell inside a dirty and stagnant water because I was really drunk, I can't remember any of those things happening. I immediately remembered my handbag and phone, and looked around for it, but couldn't see it, my neighbors told me that I threw away everything I was carrying while I was running without direction, and it's certain that those thugs must have carted away with those items. Hot tears in my eyes, I went to a concert late at night and took a drink that I've never took before, I did this to myself, and there is no one else to be blamed for this.

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Nabbed mystery

I saw a crowd of neighbors gathered around something serious. They were shouting angrily at a man who looked scared and on the floor. I pushed my way to the front and found out he was a thief, caught stealing from the shops along the street.

The thief started to explain himself, saying, thaf he didn’t mean to cause trouble, that he used voodoo on the doors to make them open! He could get into the shops and take things without leaving any signs!" His words shocked everyone around.

He went on, saying he had been stealing from shops for weeks without anyone noticing. But that night was different. He didn't know that the shop owner was sleeping inside his shop, and he thought he could sneak in. Instead, he ended up alarming the shop owner wheb he made some sounds on the door, which led to his capture.

The shop owner, still a bit shaken, shared how he woke up to knocking and decided to call for help. How could anyone think they could get away with stealing using voodoo?

Soon, the police came and took the thief away. As the situation calmed down, I realised that I had spent several hours entertaining myself at the scene, I just started a race home and that is the end of my story.

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The madman saga

I was walking home from school on a Friday afternoon, lost in thought as I walked through the my favourite short cut. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. At first, I thought nothing of it, assuming it was just another passerby. But as the footsteps grew louder and closer, I began to panick.
I quickened my pace, but the footsteps kept on coming. I could sense a presence closing in behind me. And gathered courage and turned behind to look and That's when I saw him - the madman, he was very fierce
and he was a terror in our area.
Panic set in as he started to gain on me. I started running but no matter how fast I ran, the madman kept closing in.

Just when I thought all was lost, I spotted a narrow path on my left. Without hesitation, I quickly took it, hoping to lose my pursuer. I emerged on the other side, gasping for breath, and didn't stop running until I reached the front of my door.

I locked the door behind me and leaned against it, trying to process the terrifying encounter. It was a terrible experience that left me scared, but I'm grateful to have escaped unharmed.

Please like guys 🙏🙏🙏

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Addicted To Gambling

Addicted To Gambling
There is this young guy I met when I entered the university newly, he was in his final year, and he was the one who assisted me in looking for a house to rent. I entered his room once and saw about two to three awards of honor from different organizations, also saw that he was the president of his department’s association. I was thrilled by this kind of achievement by such a young guy, he must have been in his early 20s by then. He appeared to be very brilliant, I gave him a good rating.

His house was opposite my house, so I see him frequently. He came to me to borrow him some money, just one week after we met and according to him, he said he wants to apply for a job online and needs fund to process his CV and other requirements, he said the job was very important to him and that day was the deadline. The money I had was for my school clearance, I told him that and he promised to pay back in two days, so I borrowed him the money.

Two days passed and he didn’t contact me to pay my money, I contacted him on the third day and he gave excuses, I got money somewhere else and did the clearance. Days turned to weeks, and weeks to months, the guy started avoiding me and I rarely see him, he will even pretend not to see me at times and I just gave up on the money. I wondered why a guy like him will turn out to behave like that, after a gave him a good rating, and with the kind of awards that hung on his wall.

There came a time that the region I lived in had some problems in the electricity for months, so there was no power supply through out that period. I used to charge my phone at a betting shop that is not too far from my house, every day when I return from school. It will shock you to know, the same way it shocked me to know that the guy that was owing me was an addicted gambler. He was always there at the betting shop every time I go there to charge, gambling with all the funds he has, I heard people say that the guy would have been very rich because of his position in his department as the president, if not for his addicted gambling. Now it became clear to me why he hasn’t paid me back.

Some months later, I heard that the guy had committed suicide, he used the department’s funds to gamble and he lost the bet, rumors has it that it was millions of naira. No way he could have paid back such amount and resorted to ending his life. Gambling leads to depression, frustration and more miseries, and that is how we lost him.

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Storming my Parliament building

I remember the day like yesterday or just some few seconds ago, it all started as a normal day for me though not 100% normal for I had landed in Nairobi just the previous day for my Visa application.It was on a Tuesday June of this year,and I remember I'm my country we had started anti finance bill that ended up become an anti government protest.
I had never participate in any protest before and I wasn't planning to on this fatefully day,I had gone to town to try my luck on the Visa application,I met very many young and energetic youths chanting anti-government slogans,it was so hyped and fun that I found myself abandoning my main cause of the day,we match towards the CBD encouraging each other to go to Parliament where our members of Parliament were busy passing the same bill that we were on the street opposing.
The anti riot police we surely busy too in that day most if not all of us were all cover with water Cannons and the Air was full of teargas, gunshots every corner of the town could be heard but that never stopped us ,we were in the largest and strongest number possible most of didn't know each other but we made good right there, before even knowing it I found myself inside the Kenya's Parliament, dinning on the expensive buffet prepared specific for our law makers, I don't even know how we made it out alive cause some of us didn't see the next day,,,, I'll sure never forget that day

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Late Night

It was very lately in the evening, at around 7:00pm, I wanted to go and dispose my refuse bin with my elder sister. The waste dump site is a bush track that is always very dark at night, I thought of how needful a flashlight will be to us regarding the fact that it was late already. But she disagreed by saying that it might not be safe to go with any item, so that we won’t be robbed, we agreed and went without any flashlight.

My sister and I were having a discussion while walking down the waste dump site bush track, the moon was visible, so at least we could see ourselves and have a dim sight of things around us. We would have gone earlier to dispose the waste, but we were just too lazy to do that during the day time and we didn’t want to keep the waste any longer since it was already stinking.

We were almost close to the dump site when my sister spotted something moving right in front of us, upon close inspection, my sister realized it is a snake, a huge one, and it was moving towards us, I don’t know if the snake could not see us or something. My sister and I have this one thing in common; we hate the sight of snakes and cannot stand the sight of it.

Without any hesitation or further delay, we threw away the refuse, turned back and took to our heels, we ran like never before. I lost the left leg of my shoes while running, I could not stop to pick it up, a new shoe that is barely two weeks old. We ran till we were home and regretted going at the hour of the night to dispose refuse and without flashlight. I went back the next morning to look for my shoes but could not find it, hot tears boiled in my eyes. We never went to that road in the night again, and conscience of the fact that flashlight is needed wherever it is dark.

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Streetlight Standoff

Streetlight Standoff
It was already 7 pm after a long day, and I was eager to get home and grab a bite to eat. My friend, however, had other plans. He wanted to linger and catch up with a few people, but I was too tired to wait.

I urged my friend to hurry up, but he seemed oblivious to my growing impatience. Finally, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started strolling back home, telling my friend to catch up later. The cool evening air did little to alleviate my fatigue, and I found myself slowing down with each step.

I spotted an erected block under a streetlight and decided to take a break, sitting down to rest my weary legs. Little did I know, I had chosen the wrong spot.

At first, I thought I heard the distant barking of dogs, but as the sound grew louder, I realized they were heading straight for me. My heart began to race as I tried to locate the source of the noise, but the darkness seemed to swallow everything around me.

While I sat frozen in terror, two dogs emerged from the darkness, their eyes fixed on me. One was significantly larger than the other, and they both seemed to be charging towards me. I mustered every ounce of strength and courage to stand up, preparing to face the incoming threat.

But to my surprise, the dogs halted just a few feet away from me. They circled me twice, their eyes still fixed on me, before suddenly fleeing into the darkness. I stood there, frozen in shock, wondering what had just happened.

It wasn't until I heard my friend's voice calling out to me that I realized he had finally caught up. I turned to see him approaching me, a look of concern printed on his face. I wondered if he had seen the whole ordeal, but I didn't have the energy to ask.

I couldn't help but wonder who would let their dogs roam free like that. The encounter had left me shaken, and I was grateful to have escaped unscathed. I turned to my friend and nodded, and together we continued our walk home in silence.

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Life In Universities

This is a true life story of a cousin of mine, his name is Joel and during his first year in the university, he was just few inches away from ruining his life, that's if he doesn't lose it. He was very young back then, and he wasn't really that grown to really understand and comprehend the outside world, had it not been for his elder sister, he would have been tossed.

In such a new environment he found himself, a lot of things tickled his fancy, of which one of those things wasn't what it looked like. He saw set of people that wore a particular outfit on particular days, well dressed and in uniform, and he could see many of his colleagues in the group, they seemed to be very intelligent. This was a secret cult. To him, he admired them so much already and immediately showed interest to join them. He later got to know their real identity and yet still didn't give up the idea of joining them. He met them and they gave him a form to fill, which he gladly did and submitted. A day was fixed for initiation. Somehow his elder sister got to know about this and informed their parents which dealt with him heavily, they even had to move him away from school for a while that he missed the day for the initiation.

They managed to talk sense into him and made him realize what he was about doing since obviously he didn't really know a lot about cultism. He understood and made up his mind not to join them again. Of course he had no choice, because he knew for sure that dad will either disown him or hand him over to the police if he still dared to join the cult. He avoided them from that day till his final year.

On the day of the final examinations, it was then he thanked God that his sister and parents had saved him. All the members of the cult that were supposed to write the final examinations with him were being tracked and gunned down by the same cult group, the few that managed to escape didn't write the final exams and so haven't graduated till date. Even the ones that moved to another state were still being traced there and killed. A life of fear, ruins and frustration lived by the very few that escaped. They had let their family and sponsors down for joining an ungodly society.

My cousin narrated this to me so I won't fall victim. He would have been ruined too if not for his sister. At the end, the cult members lost everything; lives, dignity and peace of mind. Absolutely no gain.

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My Traveling Experience

When I was traveling home for the holidays, I decided to take a bus since it was late at night. I boarded the bus with a mix of excitement and tiredness from a long day of travel. The journey started off fine, with the bus rolling smoothly along the dark, deserted roads.

However, as we got further into the journey, I noticed something unsettling. The bus driver, instead of focusing on the road, was engaging in lively conversations with the passengers. At first, it seemed harmless—a bit of banter to keep everyone awake during the late-night ride. But then, things took a turn for the worse.

I heard the driver talking about stopping for a break, and soon enough, he pulled over at a dimly lit roadside shop. What happened next shocked me. The driver and some of the passengers got off the bus and started buying alcohol. They brought the bottles back on board and began drinking, right there in their seats.

I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. Here we were, hurtling down dark highways at night, with the driver under the influence of alcohol. It was terrifying. I sat there, clutching my phone tightly, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach.

To make matters worse, my parents kept calling to check on me. They were worried sick, knowing I was traveling alone at such a late hour. Each time I answered their calls, I couldn't bring myself to tell them what was happening. I didn't want to worry them even more.

As the journey continued, the situation only grew more tense. The driver's conversation with the passengers became louder and more animated, filled with laughter that seemed out of place given the circumstances. I glanced nervously out of the window, praying silently that we would reach our destination safely.

Thankfully, after what felt like an eternity, the bus finally pulled into the terminal. I hurried off the bus, my legs shaky from fear and relief. I couldn't believe I had made it through such a harrowing experience. As I walked away from the bus, I vowed never to travel with that transportation company again.

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Thin Escape

As I finished reading at 11:30 pm, I packed up my things and decided to head home through the bushy path. It was a shortcut that I had taken many times before, and I didn't think twice about it. The path was dark and quiet, but I knew it like the back of my hand.

When I emerged from the bushy path and onto the open road that leads home, I felt greatly relieved. I had made it through the tricky part, and now all I had to do was walk a few more minutes to get to my front door. I picked up my pace, eager to get home and get some rest.

But just as I was feeling safe, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a WhatsApp message from an acquaintance. My heart began to race as I read the words on the screen. "Hey, be careful on that path," he wrote. "I just got robbed there. I managed to run away, but they might still be around."

My mind raced as I processed this information. I had just walked through that path, and I had made it out unscathed. Had I just missed the robbers by a few minutes? Or had they seen me and decided to leave me alone? I didn't know, but I was grateful (to God) to have made it past them.

I quickened my pace, my heart still racing with fear. I couldn't believe how close I had come to danger. I made a mental note to avoid that path from now on, and to always be more aware of my surroundings. Those "jobless beings" might have missed me this time, but I knew that I would always have to be on my guard.

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Today being 1st of June, I came across an unwise customer who after printing his
paper work, ask how much was his bill? which probably his boss was the supposed person to make payment for the paper work.
Boy: Gooday Sir! calling... his boss on phone, I am done with the paper work
and my charged bill is 3,500
Boss: Okay please give the phone to the typist let me ask for a discount
Typist: Goodday sir, you total bill for the job is 3,500 but you can bring 3,000 as your discounted price.
Boss: Thank you, give the phone to my boy.
Boss: Please tell the typist to send the account number or pay the typist the sum of 3,000
Boy: The typist don't receive transfer but you can send to my account let me make transfer to the typist
Boss: Okay just pay the typist and come and collect the cash at home since you can make transfer.......
Boy: okay sir.
Boy: Please typist I have 2500, I will come and balance you the remaining balance tomorrow
Typist: No..... my management won't accept part payment, pay complete, I even gave you people discount and you are telling me that you will give me later, why didn't you tell your boss that your money is not complete, so he can send you the total bill.
Boy: You cause it because you won't accept what I have because I have told my boss I can make transfer, ooooooooooooooo................
Typist: I don't have anything to say pay me my complete bill
Boy: How can I pay you when my cash is not complete and I can't call my boss again.
Typist: That is your business, you better pay me or I will not let you go......
Boy: Agitated, let me call my oga again, calling..................
Boss: You are a stupid fellow, why won't you come and collect it at home or better give me a nearby POS account number , so I can make the transfer:
Boy: I am sorry sir.
Boss: I don't know how you will pay the bill but for your foolishness, trek home and
collect the money.
Boy: Okay sir, trekking and lamenting................. uncultured boss everywhere.

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The bus Palava

I was on my usual commute home after a long day at work, the bus was packed with people, and the air was heavy with the scent of rain-soaked clothes. I boarded the bus and quickly found a spot to stand, gripping the overhead rail as the vehicle lurched forward.

As the conductor made his way through the crowded aisle, I reached into my pocket for change. To my dismay, I realized I had forgotten to withdraw cash and only had my card. I explained my situation to the conductor, hoping for some leniency, but his expression hardened.

"We don't take cards," he snapped. "You should know that by now."

I tried to reason with him, explaining that it was an honest mistake and that I could pay double the fare tomorrow. But he wasn't having any of it. His voice grew louder, drawing the attention of other passengers. Some of them started muttering, casting judgmental glances my way.

"Pay up or get off at the next stop," he barked.

Frustration bubbled inside me. I felt the eyes of everyone on the bus boring into my back. The conductor's aggressive stance and harsh tone made it clear he wasn't open to negotiation. My pride was hurt, and my patience was wearing thin.

"Look," I said, my own voice rising, "I've been taking this bus for years. You know I'm good for it."

But the conductor stepped closer, invading my personal space. "Rules are rules," he insisted, his breath hot with anger. "You either pay now or get off."

In that moment, I could feel my fists clenching, my heart pounding in my chest. The thought of having to walk the remaining distance home in the rain, combined with the conductor's belligerence, was pushing me to the edge.

Just as I was about to say something I might regret, an older woman sitting nearby spoke up. "I'll cover his fare," she said, holding out a few coins. "There's no need for all this shouting."

Her calm intervention snapped me out of my rage. I took a deep breath and forced myself to relax. The conductor grumbled something under his breath but took the money, moving on to the next passenger.

I thanked the woman profusely, feeling a mix of gratitude and embarrassment. The tension in the bus dissipated, and I found a seat, reflecting on how close I had come to losing my temper over something so trivial.

As the bus continued its journey, I realized that while the conductor might have been unnecessarily harsh, escalating the situation wouldn't have helped anyone. Sometimes, it's better to let go of your pride and accept a little help from a kind stranger.

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