God Came Through
In this new year, I would have been celebrating it in tears, if not for God that proved himself to be God. I would have lost my uncle, but God saved him, the way it happened shows that it was really God that saved him. My uncle is a brick layer, and there is this church that wants to erect a new and bigger structure, and pull down the old one gradually, so that service can be held there, to avoid leaving people in the open. So my uncle worked there.
Foundation of the new structure was digged besides the old one, with the intentions of building it up to the height of the old one, but the old one will be pulled down. My uncle went to work there on that fateful day, he was digging the foundation, it's a storey building, so the foundation was deep. According to my uncle, he became very pressed, one that he couldn't afford to waste anymore time around, and needed to use the toilet immediately.
Immediately he entered the toilet, he heard a loud sound where he working; the wall that was close to the foundation fell on where he was digging. The toilet he went to use, he couldn't as he was no longer pressed. On his way back from the toilet to where he was digging, he saw what had happened and people were lamenting, and also trying to dig out the wall that had collapsed, thinking that my uncle was under it. They were shocked to see my uncle walking towards them, something that a crowd of people gathered around, believing that the wall fell on him.
Truly it would have fallen on him, if not that he left to use the toilet, which he didn't. You can imagine the uncontrollable joy on people's faces, after lamenting that someone is under piles of blocks, probably dead, and then boom, the person walks towards you. I was very happy to hear this, this is enough evidence to show that it was God that intervened, because my uncle wasn't pressed again for the whole day. His life was preserved and we're celebrating this new year together, to God be the glory.
God did this one.
Happy New Year to you all 🎊🎉
Foundation of the new structure was digged besides the old one, with the intentions of building it up to the height of the old one, but the old one will be pulled down. My uncle went to work there on that fateful day, he was digging the foundation, it's a storey building, so the foundation was deep. According to my uncle, he became very pressed, one that he couldn't afford to waste anymore time around, and needed to use the toilet immediately.
Immediately he entered the toilet, he heard a loud sound where he working; the wall that was close to the foundation fell on where he was digging. The toilet he went to use, he couldn't as he was no longer pressed. On his way back from the toilet to where he was digging, he saw what had happened and people were lamenting, and also trying to dig out the wall that had collapsed, thinking that my uncle was under it. They were shocked to see my uncle walking towards them, something that a crowd of people gathered around, believing that the wall fell on him.
Truly it would have fallen on him, if not that he left to use the toilet, which he didn't. You can imagine the uncontrollable joy on people's faces, after lamenting that someone is under piles of blocks, probably dead, and then boom, the person walks towards you. I was very happy to hear this, this is enough evidence to show that it was God that intervened, because my uncle wasn't pressed again for the whole day. His life was preserved and we're celebrating this new year together, to God be the glory.
God did this one.
Happy New Year to you all 🎊🎉