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The philosophy Teacher

The philosophy teacher was walking down the hall, addressing his students, saying :

- Who is the most beautiful person here?

The males who learned some rules, believed that there was no one considered the most beautiful of them. It was expected that they would say :

- None of us is beautiful!

So, their teacher looked at them like a displeased wolf when it standing in front of a group of sheep being guarded by their dog.

And when he went home, they would practice breathing the least amount of air, as he taught them several months ago.

They got up the next day, put on their clothes, and came to the teacher, who told them again:

- Who is the most beautiful person here?

The students knew who would say "I, sir" will fall into the trap In a way or another.

That is why they always deliberately said :

- None of us is the most beautiful!

Because, they also knew what happened to that student who said about himself one day, "I am the most beautiful." At that time, she was passing a blonde student, whose face could be said to have some special beauty. But the beauty of her face in the eye of philosophy was not enough. She heard the teacher speaking surprisingly:

- If there is not necessarily a beautiful person here, it means that ugliness covers all of you, not only your faces, but your manners as well!

And the girl suddenly jumped in front of the teacher, panting :

- No sir! I am the most beautiful !

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