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We had just heard of the call-off order by the governor of the state instructing indigenes to stop observing the usual sit-at-home orders on Mondays.

People couldn't obey the instructions due to fear, gunmen usually paraded the road and most time, they deal with defaulters.
After the news of the Governor's order was disseminated, people rumoured and trembled at the repercussions of continuing with their business on that day.

He came around with armored cars and several security bodies who were armed to the tooth.
They passed a fine bill on the business centers that weren't open. It was a #100,000 fine for defaulters to pay not considering the economics situation.

On Tuesday, business owners and managers weren't having it. It was inappropriate to extort such amount from those who simply were protecting their lives.

The next day, they took to the streets on a protest movement. They cutoff all banners having pictures of the state governor and littered the road to portray their annoyance.

It didn't end well by the way, some incurred severe injuries when the force was sent to restrict the movement. There were more critical casualties.

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