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Public Awareness Stories & Experiences

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At Checkpoint

At Checkpoint
I took my seat on the bus that was set to take me home, many things about the bus was getting me uncomfortable especially the sound of the engine.
It was going to be a long day, and the road was long and dry. It was 3hr journey to my house.

As we approached a police checkpoint ahead, the bus came to a halt, and my heart sank because they will be waisting more of our time. Instead of conducting a proper check on everybody, they were busy moving their eyes up and down through the passengers, and like a scene from a Nollywood movie, they picked three of us out from the crowd, two women and one guy.

One officer barked that we stepped forward, and then I felt fears running through me. What had we done to deserve this? Was it the way I was dressed? My sunglasses or my jeans? With hesitant steps, we approached them, and truth be told, I was scared.

As we stood by the bus, the officers instructed us to identify our belongings. I felt like a criminal. I slowly pointed at my bag. The officer’s expression was hard as they roughly went through our things, and I couldn’t shake the thought: Will they find something? Something that would turn this moment into a nightmare? Because I had some paracetamol and septrin tablets.

Do you have anything illegal on you?
one officer threw the question at me. I began to stammer but I was able to say no afterwards as I shook my head.

@china would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 17th Oct. 2024.
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Forbidden Help That Costs

Forbidden Help That Costs
In one of our examinations, something happened between my coursemates that dropped our jaws. My coursemates; Emmanuel and James got themselves into a very terrible situation. Emmanuel is a very brilliant guy that writes exams without any help, James on the other hand has never written exams without expo as his main source which he couldn't do without.

While an examination was ongoing, one of the supervisors from a distance, sited James acting suspiciously and told him to stand up, James was using his phone to write the exams. While the supervisor was walking towards him, James passed his phone to Emmanuel to help him hide it. Emmanuel, though a brilliant student, was only help his coursemate to escape severe penalties.

The supervisor searched James and couldn't find anything on him, and so decided to search Emmanuel who sat close in front of him. And of course, the supervisor found the phone with Emmanuel, the lecturers in the exam hall were really disappointed, being that they know Emmanuel to be very intelligent. Emmanuel and James were accused of joint partnership in exam malpractice, their scripts were torn and they were sent out of the hall. we couldn't believe our eyes.

This served as a big lesson to us, how can you spend hours studying everyday, and at the end you decide to risk it for somebody that clubs everyday without studying. To help people is good, but in this scenario, it is bad to render any help of this kind, because if you are caught doing so, you are in big trouble and it will cost you so much. Emmanuel has failed that course because of trying to help James from getting caught, James didn't deserve that help, Emmanuel should have let him carry his cross.

@grandmaster would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Wed, 16th Oct. 2024.
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An Outreach

An Outreach
Today was a really special day at school, and I was so excited.
We had an awareness program to share about our department. Well, the program was like moving in big groups and working together to help others, especially with staying healthy.
Our department is very popular, and today we wanted everyone to know what we do, especially road workers and other random students.

The sun was not on our side shaaa but we were all determined. Our department area was filled with colorful banners that said captivating things about health. My friends and I were all full with energy. We helped hang up the banners and make everything look wonderful.

As we started the program, everyone began talking loudly and cheerfully as we were walking down the street. Some of my friends stood in front of the crowd and and danced as we demonstrated about what we do in our department. People came over to listen, and I even saw some road workers nodding to our exhibition.

Then, it was time to take pictures. We all gathered closely together, like one big happy family. We made funny faces, and the camera flashed.
I'm actually tired right now that all I need is to rest.

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Judging Wrongly

Judging Wrongly
I needed to talk to Arinze, our course representative. He often carried himself around like the king of the classroom, with a touch of arrogance.Time and again, I watched him turn down people's suggestions and advice, always behaving like he has all the answers. The truth was, he wasn’t living up to the trust we had placed in him as a leader.

As I made my way across the lecture room, I noticed Arinze leaning against the wall, arms crossed, surrounded by a small group of other classmates that was making enquiries about one thing or the other.

Approaching him, I asked if we could talk to him aside. He raised an eyebrow, surprised, but nodded in agreement, i thought he was going to embarass me, but he was just humble.
We found a quieter corner of the classroom, and I sat down. I immediately started to talk about how things had been going this semester and how it felt like he often dismissed the suggestions we tried to make.

At first, he was defensive. He claimed that He he was merely trying to lead the class arguing that if he took things too lightly, in his view, would result in people not taking him seriously.

But after much deliberations, I let him know that true leadership comes not just from commanding respect but from earning it. I emphasized that he could be strong without being dismissive. People wanted to feel valued, not whisked away.

I was sure my sermon had gotten to him, he agreed with me and promised to change. It was not just hid promise, his eyes assured me.

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After Party Effect

After Party Effect
Yesterday was a special day because it was my friend’s birthday.
We all who celebrated her on WhatsApp was invited in the evening, we gathered to eat cake and enjoy the moment with her.

But then, After I ate some cake, I got a terrible stomach ache. At first, I thought it was just a random ache, maybe because I drank too much water at night. I didn’t think much about the cause.

Later, when I met with some other friends who were at the birthday party, They also had stomach aches.
We all started talking about the cake, and that was when we figured it out.

The cake was so sugary There was so much icing sugar on it that we could barely taste the real cake itself. It felt like we were just eating sugar alone.
Is cake sugar?
We enjoyed the sweetness no doubt but the stomach ache😞
I'll have to be more careful about cakes that is coated with icing from now.

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Whirl wind

It was my first time seeing a whirl wind that was moving with a lot of force.
I was on a bus going to the market when my eyes caught a cloud of dust. Actually a smoke of thick dust was rotating around a particular region.
I was engrrossed with the view even the people in the bus joined me as we glanced closely at what actually was causing the dust but we didn't see anything causing it.
Was just the wind playing with the dust, I thought. The only thing making it weird was thatit made very Sharp noises and it was my first time witnessing one moving so violently.

The bus driver slowed down and we had the opportunity to look and see what this whirl wind was going to do as if was taking the path leading towards the direction of the marketplace.

Lucky enough the market women had taken shades before it hit their tables, carrying heavy gallons of oil high up in the sky with tables, some fruits, stones, bags, etc.
It carried them very high up in the sky and then dispersed them far away.I never saw something like that before, I thought it was going to be an interesting view but then it turned scary like in the movies.

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Unnecessary Pressures

Unnecessary Pressures
I faced some heavy temptations in my 100 level in the university, the coursemates I had were clearly a different class of human beings, quite very different from me. They had eyes on luxurious life, and yet they couldn't think of positive ways to achieve it. They almost influenced me with the negative ideas and ways they went about this, they always complained about having responsibilities to take care of, in their family.

I tried to let them know that they shouldn't allow the pressure of being the first child, and maybe having younger siblings that are looking up to them, to be their most important problem, especially for the reason that it's just their first year in the university. They claimed that they are only trying to be responsible and perhaps make their parents and family members proud of them.

Soon after, some of them started doing Internet fraud, and started skipping classes. Some went into rituals that would require a part of their body to be cut off completely, and terms was given that they only have ten years to live on earth. I couldn't imagine the length these guys forced themselves to reach, all to please their family and make them proud. There are better ways of getting these things done, the path they had chosen wasn't the right one.

Currently, most of them have dropped out of school, either they are apprehended and locked up by the EFCC or frustration and depression has taken over them. The ones that went into rituals dropped out of school, because they had limited time to live, they were only given 10 years to live all the luxurious life they had ever dreamt of. What a waste, the family they were trying to please are now very disappointed in them. There are more better ways to make your parents and family very proud, and I wish these people had chosen the better way, their life would have still been going smoothly.

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Fuel Scarcity Palaver 😁

Fuel Scarcity Palaver 😁
I boarded a Keke this evening and asked the rider how much it would cost to my destination.

"300 naira."

"300 naira kwa?" I queried, surprised. "Since when? No be 250 again?"

"The price of fuel increased," he said. "It's been 300 naira for a week now."

I thought it was reasonable, so I agreed to pay.

Soon, this pregnant girl flagged down the Keke and joined me. She didn't ask for the cost of transportation, and the rider didn't offer it to her.

At our destination, she gave the rider a 500 naira note and he tried to give her a 200 naira note in return.

"My change is 250 naira na, not 200 naira," she protested.

"No, ma, the rider said, "it's 200 naira. It's 300 naira from XYZ to here."

"Na lie!" the girl screamed. "The place I just went to this afternoon and paid 250 naira. Is yours different? Abeg, give me my 250 naira balance."

"Madam, it's 300 naira from there to here," the rider insisted. "You can ask anyone. I'm not lyi—"

Before he could finish, the girl grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and yanked him out of the Keke.

"Give me my 250 naira change! Give me my 250 naira change!" she screamed.

The rider tried to remove her hand from his shirt, but she retaliated by pushing him.

As he was about to push her back in anger, I jumped in and held him back.

"Oga, please don't push her," I begged.

"Why will she push me like that?" he barked.

"Ignore her," I said. "If you push her back now, she might fall and lose her baby. You can see she's pregnant."

"I'm not pregnant, please," the girl said from behind me.

"You're not?" I asked, and turned in surprise.

"No," she answered. "Why would you even say that?"

Me: looking down to her stomach 👁️ 👄 👁️


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Free money

Tonight, the results of the hamster airdrop finally came in, and my neighbors were celebrating like they’d just won the lottery. They were overjoyed, claiming they had become rich. Meanwhile, I only got 500 coins because I joined the process too late. Honestly, I felt a bit embarrassed.

I’ve missed a lot of these airdrops in the past, but tonight really hit me hard. Everyone was talking about how much they got, and I was just there feeling left out. It’s tough when you know you could have done better if you’d acted earlier.

The noise in the compound was overwhelming. People couldn’t stop talking about their big wins, and it was all I could hear.

Still, life goes on. Even though I didn’t get as much as the others, I’ll keep pushing forward. There will be other opportunities, and next time, I’ll be ready. I’ll just take this as a lesson learned.

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Dawn Laziness

Dawn Laziness
There are days you wake up in the morning and you feel like staying on bed and cancelling all activities you had for the day, maybe because you feel lazy at that point. This is the feeling I had one Friday morning, I had lectures by 8am and I didn't feel like going for the lecture, I was still on my bed till 7am. I had to summon some courage to be able to get up from bed and prepare for the lecture.

This is a lecture that I have never missed right from the beginning of the semester, but that day looked different, I don't know why. I got to the lecture hall some minutes after 8am, and the lecturer wasn't there, it was strange because the lecturer was always there before 8am. I started thinking that I had stressed myself by coming for the lecture, I should have followed my mind and relaxed on my bed. I waited alongside my coursemates, the lecturer later arrived some minutes to 9am.

Immediately we were seated, he told us to bring out a sheet of paper and get ready ready to write a test. We were surprised at first, no one saw it coming, it was an open test and the lecturer gave us only one question to answer. The question was "set 10 questions for yourself and answer", and we were given only 10 minutes, I was happy that my efforts of leaving my bed to school was not in vain. At least I was able to set and answer 7 questions for myself.

A lecture I had never missed from the beginning of semester, and just because of one day display of laziness, I would have missed such an easy test. Because of what happened that day, I don't allow myself to fall for early morning laziness when I have important things to do, it could be disastrous. I was happy walking back home, I would have gained nothing if I remained in the comfort of my bed when I had lectures. I met one of my coursemates on my way home who didn't come for the class, he missed the test and was so angry that the lecturer didn't announce the test.

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Lost out

Lost out
When I arrived at the lecture venue today, I was greeted by an unusual noise and fuss, as people were all on their phones in groups.
Everyone was discussing the recent airdrop listing of GAMEE airdrop, and the excitement in the air was very disturbing as they eagerly tried to claime their coins while some lamented as to why they weren't qualified to claim any tokens. Curious, I logged in on my telegram and decided to give it a shot myself.

I recalled turning on the bot at some point back in time, but to usually mind escaped my memory. I navigated into the bot, hoping to find some coins to claim. As I checked my balance, I was met with a sense of a shocking total of zero tokens to claim. I couldn't quite understand how that happened.

After a moment of reflection, I simply admitted that the bot hadn't delivered as I had expected. It was a minor disappointment, but I reminded myself not to dwell on it too much. There was no sense in worrying; after all, it was just one of those things that sometimes happens in the world of crypto and though I was disappointed, I didn't let it affect me much.

So friends, were you able to claim?

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The useful thief

By 5am, a man had been caught sneaking into someone’s house to steal. People in the area rushed out of their homes, armed with sticks, stones, and anything they could grab. They dragged the thief out into the open and noticed his leg was crippled, but no one cared about that. In the town I stayed, the law was simple, any thief caught before sunrise faced a harsh punishment. Many times, that meant being beaten to death or even burnt alive.

The crowd wasted no time. They started hitting him, raining blows from all directions. As they began discussing how to burn him, a man stepped out from the back of the crowd, shouting for them to stop. He begged the crowd to let the thief go, saying it wasn’t right to kill him, especially in his condition. But nobody listened. The people were too angry, and they were already preparing to light the fire.

Desperate, the man made a bold offer to pay them ₦50,000 for the damages caused by the thief. That got everyone’s attention. ₦50,000 was no small money, and slowly the crowd began to calm down. After some discussions, they agreed. The man handed over the money, and the thief, badly beaten but still alive, was set free.

Word later spread that the man who intervened was the thief's older brother. He had been living in another town for some time and had only recently returned. He couldn’t stand by and watch his younger brother get killed in such a brutal way. Family is family, no matter the shame or situation. He did what he had to do to protect his own.

Today, that same thief owns two estates and has become a respected man in the community. I still imagine how things could have gone differently if his life had ended that morning.

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From one problem to another

From one problem to another
We have had a lot of problems with electricity. It has been two years, and the power supply is very unsteady around this part where I live.
Sometimes the transformer is broken, other times the cables are damaged, or the connections are bad, it is either this story or another. One would say it's a curse.

Every week, we all put our money together to pay for the electricity and to rectify the damage. Untill the whole transformer broke down, and we were without power for three weeks.
Just yesterday, they fixed it, and the power came back, but I didn't feel excited or anything even while the neighbourhood was in jubilation.

In just a minute, the power went out again. When it came back, it was so low that I couldn’t even use it properly. I didn’t care anymore. I went to my friend's house to charge my things, but when I came back home, the power was gone again.

I was still on not moved nor did I show any sign of care. Blackout had dealt with me and I was already used the the whole stress of finding a place to charge and battling to study.
As people lamented about how they thought that the power which was restored would atleast last some hours, I just chuckled and kept mute.

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Change waves

I recently attended a conference called "Change Waves" that focused on important aspects of life such as money management, career growth, and building a healthy home. It was a three-day event packed with valuable insights and practical advice. The sessions were well-organized, and I felt that the topics covered were relevant to many of the challenges we face in our everyday lives.

One of the highlights of the conference was meeting an old friend. It was a huge surprise to run into him just as the event was wrapping up. Even though we had only a short time to catch up, it was great to reconnect. He mentioned that he had been invited to the conference and that he really appreciated the kind of discussions and learning opportunities that were offered.

My friend was enthusiastic about the conference, sharing that these are the kinds of events he values. He emphasized how important it is for people to learn the basic principles of life, something that often gets overlooked in our busy schedules. It was encouraging to hear his thoughts and realize that we both saw the same value in the program.

As we talked, I could see how much we both gained from the conference. The knowledge shared about managing finances, advancing in our careers, and maintaining a balanced home life was truly beneficial. It felt like the kind of learning experience that can make a real difference in one’s life.

Before we parted ways, I made sure to get his contact details so we could stay in touch. The experience was enriching, and I look forward to more opportunities for growth and learning like this one.

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Discouraging Thoughts

Lately, I saw a video on TikTok that really scared me. It was about a couple who found something dead inside a big yoghurt or maybe juice, I couldn't remember vividly what the brand was. I couldn't believe it, thought all those kind of companies would have their hygiene at its highest. I was so scared that I didn't want to buy yoghurt again.

But tonight, I was really craving the Hollanda yoghurt. My tummy was growling with hunger. I had 1800 Naira saved up, so I thought, "Why not? I need to try it." I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and remembered the video. But I didn't let it stop me. I went to the store and bought a big Hollanda yoghurt.

When I opened it, I was nervous. My heart was beating fast. But I tasted it. And you know what? It was good! Really good! It has always been good if not for that video that almost ruined my love for Hollandia. I was so happy that I could enjoy the yoghurt without finding anything weird inside.

Now, I'm feeling great. My tummy is full, and I'm satisfied. I hope everyone has a good night like me. I'm glad I faced my fear and tried the yoghurt.

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The Wickedness Of Some Drivers

The Wickedness Of Some Drivers
If I tell you that some driver you give waybill for your customer will not call them when they reach the place and after you call them they will tell you they waited for the person and they have moved when they did not see the person 😂
Nah pure lie 🤥
One driver had done the same thing to me one time like that. I waited for this driver since around 9 o'clock in the morning if I tell you say I go home around 4:50 in the evening

I was calling this driver from time to time o when he was coming only for the driver to tell me he had passed and i would have to wait for his coming back, a journey that is almost 3hrs o God 🤥
And when he was coming back I made sure I called him time to time only for this driver to tell me he had passed again 😏 telling me to come and meet him in another village 🤥 omo , when I get there the driver was actually at a burial ceremony drinking beer 🍻😰

The same thing happened yesterday inside bos that carried me and this driver was telling the woman that he has been waiting for her since which i didn't the driver stopping at any junction to call the owner of the property he only stopped to carry passengers ohh 😮. Now the woman had to wait for the driver to come

Some drivers Dem to do ooooooo

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Just an appreciation

Just an appreciation
In our lodge, we had an odd way of showing thanks to workers like him, an electrician who was a neighbour. Instead of paying them money for their hard work, we usually offered drinks or snacks as a way to say thank you.
On this day, the electrical guy was fixing our light which usually had issues almost everyday.
I often wondered if the electrician felt a little underappreciated, but he always worked with a smile and chatted with everyone around.

Finally, after what felt like forever, he finished the job. I was excited, hoping to see some kind of thanks for him. I thought people would offer him a drink or at least say a proper thank you. He had worked so hard, and it felt right that he should get some recognition.

But as soon as the lights were on, I was disappointed. A few people nearby shouted a quick “thank you!” as they hurried back to their rooms. There were no drinks, no snacks, nothing nothing.

Watching this made me feel sad. The electrician deserved better after all he had done. He had spent weeks making things right for us, and in the end, he got nothing more than a few rushed words. I wished I could do something to show him that he was appreciated, but I felt stuck just watching, my wallet was lying empty lolz.

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When disaster strikes

I remember when our community road was flooded. The water was really deep, and everyone knew to slow down when they got to that part. But one day, a motorcycle rider didn't slow down at all.

He was carrying a woman and driving really fast, following a car too closely. It was very dangerous, and he didn't even slow down when he got to the flooded part.

The motorcycle slipped on the water, and the woman fell off. The rider tried to control the bike, but it was hard. The car behind them stopped just in time, so they didn't crash.

People rushed to help the woman and the rider. Luckily, they weren't hurt too badly. It was after that incident, that the government finally stepped in to do something about that poorly built road.

Were they waiting for people to involve in serious accident before doing the needful? I'm just glad no one got seriously hurt.

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The Coldest Winter

The Coldest Winter
It was one of the coldest winter and many animals were dying because of the cold. The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together to keep each other warm. This was a great way to protect themselves from cold and keep each of them warm; but the quills of each one wounded their closest companions.

After a while, they decided to distance themselves, but they too began to die due to cold. So they had to make a choice: either accept the quills of their companions or choose death. Wisely, they decided to go back to being together. They learned to live with the little wounds caused by the close relationship with their companions in order to receive the warmth of their togetherness. This way they were able to survive.

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Never tried to look back

Never tried to look back
On my way home from Sunday school. I was still young back then, and my mum always warned me not to take the short path home when it got late. But that evening, I felt so tired and hungry. The youth leader had given a long speech that lasted two hours after class, and I just wanted to get home quickly.

As I walked, I tried to convince myself, “There’s no one who could attack me; I’m a child of God.” That thought made me feel brave, so I decided to go down the forbidden path, the one Mum had told me to avoid.

But then, all of a sudden, I heard a voice say:
“Come here!” It was a dry, compelling voice that sent fear down my spine.
I didn’t think twice; I ran as fast as I could. My heart was racing, and I could not think of anything more or better than to run.

Finally when I reached my house, I took a time to catch my breath, and then I thanked God for keeping me safe. I promised myself I would never take that shortcut again once it was past 5 PM.

I never told anyone about what happened that night, especially not my mum.

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First Trial

So today, I finally got the chance to dive into the story session that I had always visited. A little escape into the world of creativity and imagination. Yet, something was different this time. As I scrolled through the recent entries, I noticed that the story session had been pouring with activity over the last couple of days, there was more good stories too. I couldn’t help but wonder, “Oh, what happened?”

Curiosity pulled me toward the opinion segment of the website. That’s when I stumbled upon a post by the admin, something about “paying Order 3.” I had no idea what that meant, but it intrigued my mind. I couldn't quite remember how I had come across that article again, but the thought lingered with me. Maybe I should give this a shot.

So here I am, sitting down to write my story. There’s a fright in my chest, who knows if people will like my story?. I often found inspiration in the simplest of things, and today was no different. As I penned my thoughts onto the screen, I felt a stirring belief that my story could resonate with someone out there. If I shared my narratives, who knows? Maybe they would make an impact or at the very least, spark a smile.

I really want this to work. I want people to connect with my story, to feel something as they read it. So I'm reaching out, hoping that you, dear readers, will like what I write. It's a small wish, but it's significant for me. Here’s to putting my thoughts into words and sharing them with the world. Let’s see where this journey takes us!

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