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Flight with the birds

Flight with the birds
Oh, how I yearned to soar through the sky like the birds, to feel the freedom of the open air rushing past my face, and to escape the confines of walking and transportation. It seemed like such a magical experience, and I couldn't help but dream of a day when I could effortlessly glide alongside those magnificent creatures.

One day, as I couldn't hold the desire of flying any more, I started gathering in light objects like banana leafs, palm fronds and other materials soon cluttered my room as I began crafting what resembled a feather. I had no idea how this bunch of rubbish was supposed to lift me into the sky, but in my mind, anything with wings had the potential to fly.

I fashioned a pair of wings, convinced that they held the power to make my lofty dreams come true. Carefully attaching them to a contraption strapped loosely behind my back, I felt an exhilarating mix of hope and trepidation. Today would be the day I would fulfill my fantasy and take flight.

Taking a deep breath, I ascended a sturdy tree, its branches reaching towards the heavens. My heart pounded in my chest as I stood ready to leap into the unknown. With a surge of adrenaline, I threw myself into the air, my wings flapping violently in an attempt to catch the wind.

But alas, reality swiftly brought me back to the ground. I found myself crashing down, landing hard on my buttocks, oh my innocent buttocks. The pain radiated through my body, but mercifully, the soil beneath me was soft, sparing me from more serious injuries. I lay there, disheartened, questioning my misguided attempt to defy the laws of nature.

For the moment, when I was still on the air, I thought that was it, I thought I was flying in that split second. The crash brought me to reality.
Seems like I will cut down watching all these fictional movies.

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