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angeltalented ✓☆ 🏆43 🌟85
Angel Chidiebube Mbaoma @angeltalented

Angel Chidiebube Mbaoma @angeltalented

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About angeltalented
Username: angeltalented
Influence: 43, Audience: 85
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Name: Angel Chidiebube Mbaoma
Gender: female
Age: 20 years old
Account Privacy: public
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Mobile: +2347017924713
From: Enugu, Nigeria
Joined: 6th May 2023, 10:36am
User ID: 31008
A wise man said that : "feelings are different thing entirely from love"
It got me thinking but I couldnt make out anything from it.
Who has something to say about this ?


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Why can't I sleep and it's already this late.
Good morning


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angeltalented✓☆ 🏆43 🌟85Angel Chidiebube Mbaoma
17d 17h

Adapting to Noise

Adapting to Noise
After classes were over on Monday, I made an unusual decision. I decided to stay back at school and spend some time reading in the classroom. It's been a while since I read in a school environment. Normally, I preferred to read at home or go to the library, but today I felt a strong urge to try something different.

As I started to read, the noise from different students in the classroom was distracting. They were engaged in various conversations, and it was a bit troubling. At first, their appearance it hard to focus, and I found myself tempted to leave. It was strange because I had always been able to concentrate in the midst of some noise, but today was different.

I felt an inner battle within me, a push to go home and a pull to stay and finish the reading. I knew that if I left, I probably wouldn't resume my reading when I got home. So, I fought against the urge to leave, determined to stay committed to my decision to read at school.

As time went by, something shifted inside me. I found myself adapting to the surrounding noise. It was like a light switch and suddenly, the conversations around me became background noise. The more I read, the more I seemed to tune out the distractions.

By the time I left the classroom and headed home, I realized that I had achieved something. I'd managed to focus despite all the distractions

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angeltalented✓☆ 🏆43 🌟85Angel Chidiebube Mbaoma
24d 6h

Twice a Distance

Twice a Distance
I have this vivid memory from my time back in secondary school. We always took this long route to school, though it was short for some, it was quite a lengthy journey for us. The walk to the school took about 40 minutes, and I trudged along this route every day. On this particular day, after reaching the junction where we usually waited for the school bus, I realized my trousers had torn at the back. It was beyond frustrating, and the only solution was to walk back 40 minutes to change into a different pair. I could feel my frustration growing, and it was a traumatizing experience for me.

The thought of retracing my steps for such a significant distance was daunting. I made the journey back, changed into a new pair of trousers, and finally made my way to school. It was a day I certainly wouldn't forget. Fortunately, I've moved on from those days. Now that I'm at university, I take extra care to double-check my clothing before leaving in order to avoid any uncomfortable experiences.

I vividly recall feeling deeply embarrassed that day, even though no one seemed to take notice—thankfully, I was able to conceal my frustration. However, it taught me a valuable lesson and led to a daily routine of checking my clothing thoroughly to prevent such dilemmas. Looking back, it was still a rather embarrassing experience, but I've grown from it.

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Never follow or allow yourself to be whisked left or right by the unsteadiness of this world. Listen and follow the path of God


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Strengthening foreign relationship isnt a bad ambition though. But let there be no room for underground exploits
“Tinubu Receives Ramaphosa, Seeks Stronger Ties Between Nigeria, South Africa - Channels Television

Opinion Screenshot

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Excessive breakdown of blood cells, hemolysis could result to excess accumulation of bilirubin which leads to health issues such as jaundice, heart shock and renal shutdown


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It's a new month, use your time well while you still can. Try out new things and gather informations.


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Sorry family for starving you my stories 😪
It had been like hell away from here. But here we are.

2 288

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