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Lost in the night

At night, I walked home through the city. The streets were quiet and lit by streetlights. My footsteps echoed softly. Suddenly, some people appeared from a nearby bush, and they seemed unfriendly. I got scared and walked faster, trying to get away from them.

I went through narrow pathways, hoping they wouldn't follow but they persisted. I knew that 11pm was a bad time to go home but I had ignored my instincts. These guys may be robbers that I heard of, with that, I took to my heels not looking back for any reason.

They chased after me for two minutes or less before stopping and shouted "next time!" I was so afraid that I kept running until I had crossed onto the road that leads to my house before I halted to catch my breath.

As I continued walking, the air felt calm, and the fear began to fade away. It was like the world was whispering that I was okay. The familiar sights of my neighborhood became comforting, and I realized I was getting closer to home.

When I finally reached my doorstep, relief washed over me. Safe and sound, nothing was stolen from me nor was I harmed.

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