How I sat beside a manwith a very bad body odour
I was on my way to class lectures one faithful morning, i was also in a hurry because I was late already. I quickly stopped a taxi and entered, some few minutes after, I started perceiving a smell at first I thought it was from the roads but it kept on smelling and this time I was starting to have a stomach upset, that’s how bad it was. I discovered it was the man beside me that has a body odour, I couldn’t just wait till I got to school, i told the taxi driver i wanted to come down, the driver was aware of the odour too and begged me to endure it. The funny thing is the man with the odour didn’t even say a word. I got to my destination and immediately came down and paid. It was a horrible experience.. please let us all try to help people we would pass by or stay beside by spraying perfumes and using roll on.