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A Football Adventure

We just concluded our cell fellowship, and every second we spent there was remarkable. After a brief photo session, I started to stroll back home reminiscing over the fellowship's activities and whispering little remarks to myself all the way to the last street leading to my lodge.

The formerly narrow, bushy path was now smooth allowing a wide, extended view as far as the eye could reach. I came across another fellowship that had made use of the spacious area to congregate while still providing little room for passers-by.

A few distance from their assembly, I arrived at what would become the last obstacle: a football field with only eight players and two substitutes praising the lads, perhaps, their supportive acts will earn them a spot to play soon.
The only logical approach, given the amount of dust in the area, was to develop a guide in advance and navigate my way through. The ball was zooming around the pitch at a dangerous pace since these boys were playing with tremendous energy.

'To be forewarned is to be forearmed.' My narrowed eyes continued to observe the position of the ball while I planned how to evade it if necessary. From an unsuspecting distance, one of the players fired a shot towards me, this guy must be Haaland from the trenches.

The only strategy I had thought of was evasive, but there wasn't much room for it from where I was standing—an open well and a filthy gutter on one side would make it impossible to maneuver with the incoming missile.
There was a fork in my plan; I could attempt the evasive strategy and deal with whatever disaster ensued, or I could launch a counteroffensive and emerge unharmed.

Settling for the latter was now inevitable. Mustering every energy, I swiftly positioned my foot and sent the ball flying back to its owner. Their regretful exclamations transformed into ovations and shouts of joy, the onlookers weren't left out in the miniature celebration; while some clapped, some yelled "chairman!!!"

Despite the shock my foot received from hitting the ball, I was delighted in that moment. Amidst the cheers of delight, I carried on with my journey, nodding with supreme satisfaction at such gallantry.

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