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Hell in the ring

There was this new girl in our neighbourhood. She was really beautiful, true definition of fresh wine.

But there was a problem, in fact that isn't a problem, because I have taken it upon myself to do anything just to make this girl like me.

She loves boxing and really loves strong men. There is this local boxing ring in our neighbourhood where some guys practice and train.

So to suprise her one day I decided to plan with a friend of mine so that we two would box in the ring and I would beat him so that the girl will in turn fall in love with me.

At the D-day, I invited this girl over which she came. But my friend was no where to be found. But he texted "Bro I'm sorry I had an urgent work to attend to" but there is this my guy that I told, he would do what you asked him to do". That was his text.

I was happy at least the plan will still pull through. When we entered the ring this fair guy who was supposed to be my opponent was not smiling even when I smiled at him to know if we are on the same page. The crowd started cheering us up. Then the referee blew his whistle, this guy attacked me as if I have wronged him before.

That was how he blow me and blow me again. Bro I thought my friend had told you why we are here. I said. My new girl is also here (he also said) and he gave me a heavy blow that made me forgot my self.

Since that day I have vowed not to use my body to please any woman again. I saw Hèll.

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