The dying feelings

Today, I made the decision to treat myself to a classy restaurant supper. I had no idea that this would turn out to be a really funny dinner experience. Upon entering the restaurant, I couldn't help but notice a girl who had taken a seat and was savoring a platter of delicious beans and plantains. She had a captivating attractiveness that drew my attention, in addition to the fact that she was enjoying her meal. I couldn't help but watch her from my table, which was directly across from hers, and sneak peeks. She looked back at me, and to my astonishment, though with a lighthearted smile, she caught my stares. It felt like fate had a whimsy sense of humor, so this was unexpected and even more delightful. After she finished her dinner, I plucked up the bravery to approach her, encouraged by our little exchange of glances. Some other time, I thought, we could start a conversation and maybe have a fun evening together. She dined with poise and elegance, relishing each meal like a princess. I was captivated, certain that this girl was someone genuinely exceptional. But my amazement was short-lived as she got up to go. I was surprised to discover leftovers when I looked at her dish because I had assumed there would just be a few nibbles left! It appeared that she had deliberately left some food unfinished, maybe to show off her manners or make an impression on someone. That small gesture broke the trust I had established and left me bewildered. By not eating to the end, who was she attempting to impress? I was unable to understand the logic behind it. Disappointed, I watched her go out without moving, mentally doubting the entire thing. Please don't hold it against me; I was riveted to my seat, considering all the possible explanations for why she could have left so much food on her plate, but I couldn't think of any decent ones. It was too easy to see the pride.