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The thief

The thief
One day, I was at the bus stop when I saw this guy, well dressed and good looking. He tapped me and said, "Hello, Good evening bro.

"Good evening. How may I help? I asked.

Sir, my name is kolawole. I was travelling to Abuja, but all of a sudden, i couldn't find my wallet. I guess it was stolen from me. And my transport fare was inside. I don't know how I would get to my destination, and I don't live here. I'm just stranded ," He replied.

I took pity on him and gave him the little had, telling him to manage it. He thanked me and left. I thought that was the last I would see him.

But today, I saw him in another part of the bus stop, still telling someone else the same story he told me the other day. Then it dawned on me that he was a fraud.

I went back and asked, "Bro, are you not the one I saw last week?

I don't know you," he replied, trying to cover his face. "I gave you money because you said you were going to Abuja and your wallet was stolen from you. So why are you still here and telling someone else the same story?" I asked.

Yes, I've seen this man before," one woman said.

He's a thief, that's how they operate, nah thief" another man said.

Before I knew it, the place was crowded. People had gathered around him, giving him slaps and punches from left to right, shouting, "Thief! Thief!"

Poor guy. They beat the nonsense out of him🤣🤣

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