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Funny/Hilarious Stories & Experiences

Read interesting Funny/Hilarious stories from this online community.

The drunk

The drunk
A drunk stammers out of a bar and runs into two priests. He runs up to them and says, 'I'm Jesus Christ.' The first priest says, 'No, son, I'm Jesus Christ.' So the drunk says it to the second priest. The second priest replies, 'No, son, I'm Jesus Christ.' The drunk says, 'Look, I can prove it.' and walks back into the bar with the priests. The bartender takes on look at the drunk and exclaims, 'Jesus Christ, you're here again?

@wisejay would win 2000 NGN in if this story gets 15+ likes and higher likes than other stories of Sun, 28th Apr. 2024.
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The thief

The thief
One day, I was at the bus stop when I saw this guy, well dressed and good looking. He tapped me and said, "Hello, Good evening bro.

"Good evening. How may I help? I asked.

Sir, my name is kolawole. I was travelling to Abuja, but all of a sudden, i couldn't find my wallet. I guess it was stolen from me. And my transport fare was inside. I don't know how I would get to my destination, and I don't live here. I'm just stranded ," He replied.

I took pity on him and gave him the little had, telling him to manage it. He thanked me and left. I thought that was the last I would see him.

But today, I saw him in another part of the bus stop, still telling someone else the same story he told me the other day. Then it dawned on me that he was a fraud.

I went back and asked, "Bro, are you not the one I saw last week?

I don't know you," he replied, trying to cover his face. "I gave you money because you said you were going to Abuja and your wallet was stolen from you. So why are you still here and telling someone else the same story?" I asked.

Yes, I've seen this man before," one woman said.

He's a thief, that's how they operate, nah thief" another man said.

Before I knew it, the place was crowded. People had gathered around him, giving him slaps and punches from left to right, shouting, "Thief! Thief!"

Poor guy. They beat the nonsense out of him🀣🀣

@yungalfa would win 2000 NGN in if this story gets 15+ likes and higher likes than other stories of Sun, 28th Apr. 2024.
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Oh poor roaches

Oh poor roaches
I used to be absolutely petrified of cockroaches. The mere sight of them would send shivers down my spine, and I'd do everything in my power to avoid them. So, you can imagine my horror when, during a day of packing and organizing, a cockroach suddenly darted out and started scampering up the wall. Without a second thought, I sprang back from the door, letting out an involuntary yelp of surprise. It must have been a comical sight to anyone observing.

I cautiously waited, my eyes fixed on the cockroach as it effortlessly scaled the wall and attempted to sneak beneath the packed shelves. I simply couldn't bear the idea of a cockroach inhabiting the same space as my beloved books. With a sense of determination mixed with disgust, I grabbed my trusty can of insecticide.

Summoning up all my courage, I took aim and targeted the intruder. The spray hissed out, and the vile pest tumbled down. But determined and resilient, it rose again, undeterred by my attack. Disgusted, I unleashed another volley of insecticide, relentless until the roach finally succumbed and remained motionless.

In that moment, I felt a strange mix of triumph and revulsion, while also being incredibly relieved. The battle was won, and I could pack my books in peace, secure in the knowledge that no uninvited guests would be sharing their space. From that day forward, I always made sure to have that bug spray ready at all times!

@angeltalented would win 2000 NGN in if this story gets 15+ likes and higher likes than other stories of Thu, 25th Apr. 2024.
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Laid waste to Crops

Laid waste to Crops
back in primary school, I had an intense passion for action movies. I was captivated by the heroic feats of actors like Jack Chan, Jet Li, and James Bond, and I yearned to emulate their daring exploits. To me, action films were not just a form of entertainment but a depiction of real-life heroics, even at my tender age.

One day, fueled by my fervor for these movies, I took it upon myself to bring the action to life. I ventured into the woods and fashioned a makeshift sword from a sturdy branch, envisioning myself as a fearless warrior. With my sword in hand, I stealthily made my way into a neighboring farm, where I proceeded to engage in my own version of sword mastery, slashing and swishing through the air.

However, my exhilarating adventure came to an abrupt end when the owner of the farm discovered the devastation I had wrought upon the crops. Understandably, the neighbor was not pleased with my actions, and I was promptly confronted with the consequences of my reckless imitation of action movie stunts.

After some several strokes from my dad, I learnt my lessons. But one this was unforgettable. That moment in the farm was refreshing, filled with authority and power, nothing dared stood against me, any crop that did, I cut them down.

Didnt try approching any farmland from then, I only practices my sword skills with the air and waited for the day villains will show up.

Category Competition Winner!

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I waited hopefully throughout yesterday for Kaduna Electric to give us light, all to no avail. My phone was down, my powerbank was down, infact, my whole life was down. James, the guy who charges commercially in my area was not around.

I normally find it difficult to take my devices to charge in other people's house but when my neighbour put on their generator around 8pm, I quickly packed my things to their house to charge.

About 20 minutes later, NEPA brought light and I packed my stuff, thanked them and ran home. I plugged everything in, put on the TV and turned on the fan to enjoy myself. My brothers and sisters, before I could sit down, I was surrounded by darkness, NEPA don take light😒😒

I felt like crying, my phone had 15% only and there was no way I could go back to my neighbour's house. I hopped they would bring it again over the night but they didn't.
Now I have 13%, no sign of light, James is still not around and I'm in severe pains.
Why me?

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The prank

The prank
Early this morning, jade knocked on my door. As soon as I opened it, he exclaimed, lekan I have a sure idea for us!!

Are you sure?" I inquired.

Yes, bro," He confirmed.

Let's hear it," I urged

Do you know what's trending now? All those contents creators doing pranks are making money," He explained.

What's that got to do with us?" I asked.

Let's start our own prank and post it online," He suggested enthusiastically.

"Sounds like a plan to make it big," I agreed.

Yes bro, we'll soon be richer than wizkid," He declared.

What should we call ourselves?" I asked.

Jaguar the pranksters" He said to me.

What about the camera I asked," we'll use my phone, he replied.

How do we start? I inquired.

You'll go to the bus stop, slap a thug, then run away, and we'll record it as a prank," He outlined.

And that's how I agreed to it.

I went to the bus stop, with jide recording. But instead of following through, I took off running from a safe distance.

Wicked friends.

I'd rather stick to my story writing.

Just the thought of slapping a thug, even my ancestors would be against it.

What if they broke a bottle on top my head? What would I tell God?

How would I enjoy this upcoming salaah(ileya)?

Prank my foot...

Category Competition Winner!

Prize successfully withdrawn to @yungalfa's wallet
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The Crystal of Light

In the mystical land of Eldoria, there lived a man named Mgandi. Mgandi possessed extraordinary powers granted to him by the gods themselves. He had a heart filled with compassion and a spirit brimming with courage. Little did he know that his destiny was intertwined with the fate of the world.

Eldoria was a land plagued by darkness and suffering. A malevolent sorcerer named Zorlok had risen to power, spreading chaos and despair wherever he went. The people of Eldoria lived in fear, their hearts heavy with sorrow. They yearned for a savior, someone who could restore peace and harmony to their world.

Deep within the ancient forests, Mgandi grew up under the guidance of the wise elder, Aelwyn. Aelwyn recognized the immense potential within Mgandi and knew that he was destined for greatness. He revealed to Mgandi the truth about his powers and the prophecy that foretold his role in saving Eldoria.

According to the prophecy, Mgandi would embark on a perilous journey to retrieve the legendary Crystal of Light. This sacred artifact held the power to vanquish darkness and restore balance to the world. With the crystal in his possession, Mgandi would become the beacon of hope that Eldoria desperately needed.

Mgandi set out on his quest, traversing treacherous mountains, dense jungles, and vast deserts. Along the way, he encountered numerous challenges and faced formidable adversaries who sought to thwart his mission. However, Mgandi's unwavering determination and his growing mastery of his powers enabled him to overcome these obstacles.

During his journey, Mgandi also encountered individuals who had lost all hope, their spirits broken by Zorlok's tyranny. With his gentle words and compassionate heart, Mgandi inspired them to rise up and join him in his noble cause. Together, they formed a band of brave warriors, united in their determination to bring about change.

Finally, after enduring countless trials, Mgandi arrived at the heart of the forbidden labyrinth, where the Crystal of Light awaited him. The labyrinth tested his courage and resolve, but Mgandi's pure heart guided him through its complex maze. As he laid his hands upon the crystal, a surge of radiant energy coursed through his veins, empowering him with unimaginable strength.

Armed with the Crystal of Light, Mgandi led his loyal companions back to Eldoria, their spirits ablaze with hope. The final battle against Zorlok raged, as darkness clashed with light. Mgandi summoned every ounce of his power, unleashing a torrent of brilliant light that engulfed Zorlok, banishing him from the realm forever.

As the darkness dissipated, the land of Eldoria began to heal. Flowers bloomed where once there was desolation, and laughter replaced the cries of sorrow. Mgandi's name echoed throughout the land, spoken with reverence and gratitude.

Mgandi had fulfilled the prophecy, saving Eldoria from the clutches of darkness and restoring peace to mankind. He became a legendary figure, his story passed down through generations as a reminder of the power of compassion, bravery, and the indomitable spirit of one man who dared to believe in a brighter future.


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Arizeβ€²s Trio

Arizeβ€²s Trio
In the bustling town of Okpachi, there lived a man named Arinze, who had found himself in quite the peculiar predicament. You see, Arinze had not one, but two wivesβ€”Kachi and Kamso, both equally unique in their own delightful ways.

Arinze was a charming and charismatic fellow, but he often found himself caught between the mischievous antics of his two loving wives. Kachi was known for her adventurous nature, always seeking out new experiences and dragging Arinze along for the ride. Kamso, on the other hand, was a master of wit and sarcasm, keeping Arinze on his toes with her clever banter.

One sunny day, Arinze decided to take his wives on a spontaneous trip to the beach. Kachi, ever the daredevil, convinced Arinze to try his hand at surfing. With a gleeful smile, she handed him a bright pink surfboard, claiming it would bring him good luck. Arinze, not one to back down from a challenge, eagerly jumped into the waves.

As Arinze paddled out into the ocean, Kamso sat on the shore, watching with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. She had a plan up her sleeve. Unbeknownst to Arinze, she had secretly replaced the wax on his surfboard with a particularly slippery variety.

As Arinze caught his first wave, he quickly realized something was amiss. The moment his feet touched the waxed surface, he went flying off the board, arms flailing and hair in disarray. Kachi burst into laughter, rolling on the sand as Arinze emerged from the water, drenched and looking rather sheepish.

But the fun didn't end there. Determined to get back at Kamso for her clever prank, Arinze hatched a devious plot of his own. That evening, as they sat down for a home-cooked meal, Arinze presented a dish he claimed was a secret family recipeβ€”a spicy pepper stew.

Kamso, known for her love of spicy food, eagerly took a bite, only to find her mouth engulfed in an inferno of heat. As she reached for a glass of water, Arinze and Kachi exchanged a mischievous glance. It turned out that Arinze had added an extra kick to the dish, just for Kamso's amusement.

From that day forward, Arinze, Kachi, and Kamso continued to fill their lives with laughter and playful pranks. They understood that life was too short to take everything seriously, and their unique bond made each day an adventure filled with love, laughter, and a healthy dose of good-natured mischief.

And so, in the quirky town of Okpachi, the legend of Arinze and his two wives, Kachi and Kamso, lived on, leaving behind a trail of laughter and fond memories wherever they went.


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True strength lies not in our individual abilities,

True strength lies not in our individual abilities,
Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled amidst rolling hills, there lived a diligent Hen named Hilda and a wise Tortoise named Timothy. They were known far and wide for their remarkable friendship and their extraordinary adventures.

One sunny morning, Hilda clucked excitedly as she discovered a hidden treasure map buried beneath the old oak tree. The map depicted a path leading to a legendary golden apple tree that was said to grant immense wisdom to whoever consumed its fruit. Hilda, being a curious and adventurous soul, was determined to embark on this perilous journey.

Eager to share her discovery, Hilda hurriedly made her way to Timothy's home, which was located near a shimmering pond. She found Timothy basking in the warm sunlight, his shell glistening with droplets of water.

"Hilda, my dear friend, what brings you here with such excitement?" Timothy asked, his voice calm and steady.

With a wide grin, Hilda unfolded the treasure map, explaining the golden apple tree and its promise of wisdom. "Timothy, we must set forth on this grand adventure together! With your wisdom and my determination, we shall surely succeed!"

Timothy pondered for a moment, his ancient eyes filled with wisdom. "Hilda, my dear friend, I am honored by your trust in me. Let us embark on this quest, but remember, our strengths lie in our differences. While you possess agility and quickness, I possess patience and resilience. Together, we shall overcome any obstacle."

And so, Hilda and Timothy embarked on their journey, following the winding path marked on the treasure map. They traversed dense forests, crossed treacherous rivers, and climbed towering mountains. Throughout their arduous trek, their friendship grew stronger, each relying on the unique qualities of the other.

One day, as they entered a dark and ominous cave, their path was blocked by a massive boulder. Hilda clucked anxiously, unsure of how to proceed. Timothy, however, remained calm and composed.

"Hilda, my dear friend," Timothy said, his voice steady and reassuring, "fear not. I may not possess your strength, but I have an idea." He retreated into his shell and began to carefully plan their next move.

Emerging from his shell, Timothy suggested, "Hilda, perch upon my back, and with all your might, flap your wings as I slowly push the boulder with my sturdy shell."

Hilda, though skeptical, trusted Timothy's wisdom and climbed upon his back. Together, they executed the plan. Hilda flapped her wings with all her might, while Timothy, using his steady pace, pushed the boulder inch by inch. After what seemed like an eternity, the boulder finally gave way, and their path was clear.

Overjoyed, Hilda hopped off Timothy's back, and they continued their journey. Finally, after many trials and tribulations, they arrived at the fabled golden apple tree. Its branches shimmered with the promise of wisdom, and a single golden apple hung from its highest bough.

Hilda plucked the apple with her beak, and Timothy carefully held it in his claws. Together, they took a bite, and a profound sense of enlightenment washed over them. They realized that their unique qualities, when combined, were a force to be reckoned with.

Returning to their village, Hilda and Timothy shared their newfound wisdom with the other animals. They became revered figures, known for their unwavering friendship and the lessons they imparted.

And so, the tale of the diligent Hen, Hilda, and the wise Tortoise, Timothy, lived on for generations, reminding everyone that true strength lies not in our individual abilities, but in the harmony and unity found within friendship.


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The Deaf Boy

The Deaf Boy
Some days, I am just tempted to do things because I find them funny, and other times I do them because I am concerned about the attention or care I'd get from the recipient.

It can be a bad idea. If not terrible.

Some months ago, my sister and I decided to go to the main market for provisions and other stuff we might or will be needing. There are many shops close to the house, but from experience, we were so sure we will get those things at a lesser price if we buy them at the market.

When we got to the main market, we stopped at a plastic shop to get a bucket, and I tipped my sister on what I wanted to do. She encouraged it. Some days, we don't need sisters. Oh, I am kidding. πŸ˜„

I took the bucket which I was interested in, walked a bit inside the shop - it was a large building, and we looked around for the shop owner.

Detecting the owner of the shop, I waved as a form of greeting. She voiced out her greeting and asked me if that's all I wanted.

I demonstrated that I needed a plate and a spoon. Anytime I ask for something, and she gives me another thing, I'll make a crying sound and turn to my sister to explain.

The woman later realized that "I don't talk," so she also started demonstrating.

When I was done buying, I decided to ask for the total price.

"Ma, how much is everything?" I asked and waited for her response.

She didn't say a word to me. She was actually dumbfounded...in her mind, what could she be thinking?

The Deaf Boy!


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Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday
So yesterday was easter sunday. Mama Emeka, A neighbor of mine prepared food and sent her son Emeka to give me.

In other spice up the food. I sent her son to go buy me 2 malts and 1 Hollandia yoghurt.

my girlfriend was coming. I was thinking how to welcome her since morning. Mama Emeka is just a God sent. She just saved Me the stress of Over thinking of how to balance the small money with me to treat my woman right.

I sent Emeka to go buy me the drinks. three hours later Emeka was not back, and my girlfriend was already at my house.

I went outside and I asked mama Emeka if she had seen her son. Ayo I was even coming to your house ooo. Thank you for the money you gave to Emeka. I really appreciate. Mama Emeka said. What money? I asked her.

The money you said he should keep for coming first position in his class. Just then Emeka came out of their apartment. Emeka I don't understand what your mommy is saying. I told Emeka.

Brother Ayo you made me a promise that if I come first in my class. You will give me what ever I want. I read hard this term and for the first time I took first. So when I came to you for you to fulfil your promise because I took first. You told me you don't have money but when you have money you will fulfil your promise, and I already told you I want a bicycle and bicycle is fifty thousand naira, I have put the two thousand you gave to me to buy you drink inside kolo. I will be helping you to keep them small small. Emeka said.

Mama Emeka was just looking at us confused about what was going on. Children of Nowadays. I said.

You are still oweing me forty eight thousand. Emeka said and ate his chicken which was in his hand.

I just stood hands akimbo watching Emeka as he walked into their apartment.

That was the moment I realized that I have used my hand to buy trouble.


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Once upon a time, in a quaint little village nestled between rolling hills and lush greenery, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily had a heart as pure as the morning dew, and her laughter echoed through the cobblestone streets like music.

Every day, she would visit the village bakery, where a kind old baker named Mr. Thomas greeted her with a warm smile. He would hand her a freshly baked cookie, her favorite treat, and they would chat about the wonders of the world.

One sunny morning, as Lily skipped to the bakery, she noticed a shy boy sitting on the steps, clutching a small bouquet of wildflowers. His name was Lucas, new to the village, with a quiet charm that intrigued Lily. With a gentle smile, she approached him, and they soon found themselves lost in conversation, sharing dreams and aspirations.

From that day on, Lily and Lucas became inseparable. They explored the hidden corners of the village, danced in the moonlight, and whispered secrets to the stars. Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, fueled by laughter and shared adventures.

As the seasons changed and the village bloomed with life, Lily and Lucas's love blossomed like the flowers in spring. They knew they were meant to be together, bound by a love that was as sweet as the cookies from Mr. Thomas's bakery.

Years went by, and their love only deepened with time. And on a radiant summer's day, beneath the shade of an ancient oak tree, Lucas got down on one knee and asked Lily to be his forever.

With tears of joy streaming down her cheeks, Lily said yes, her heart overflowing with love. And as they sealed their promise with a kiss, the village rejoiced, for their sweet story had become a cherished tale, whispered from generation to generation, a reminder that true love knows no bounds.

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How I almost got killed by a bike man

I was on a bike today.
This bike man almost killed me. The rider was an hausa man so you know most hausa are Muslims. So they engage in fasting this period. While I was on the bike the way he was riding it was very slow.

I was surprised, because these people usually speed than lightning itself. Then I asked," bruh why are you riding the bike this slow?"
You know say I dey fast, so I Don weak! In fact, I no dey see road well" He replied.

And when he was saying this, a trailer was approaching. You didn't see well keh?. My eyes opened.

"Walahi brother ".

You sha see that trailer for front? I asked.
Ehn which trailer? He said.

You say? I've gotten to my destination let me come down " I said.

He gave no reply.

I say stop na"

No response.

Oga see trailer! I say stop! Stop! I yelled as I slapped the back of his head.

This man did not listen.

Then he increased the speed.

The trailer still approaching.

I said stop! Stop! I yelled as I held his shirt.

Then he stopped the bike.
" Ah I no hear you well na, you for talk since ". He said.

Thunder fire you!" I yelled as I quickly jumped off from the bike, and gave him his cash.

He was smiling when I came down.

I knew he purposely did that.

Evil bike man.

I was traumatised. Well, not that I was terrified tho. I just remembered that trekking was good for the health.

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Neighbour palava

My neighbours thing is Always different!

When Facebook went down this yesterday afternoon, it caused quite a stir. Everyone was logged out and couldn't get back in.

After an hour, the app was up and running again, but for my neighbour, the trouble was just beginning.

He tried and tried to log in, but something was amiss. His password was right, but he couldn't get access.

He told me to log in to my account to check his profile for him. When I did, I saw a white man's face in his profile picture.

Pls what does that mean?

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Uju was notorious for her uncanny ability to wake up in the middle of the night and sneak into the kitchen to steal pieces of meat from the pots that her mother had prepared for the next day's meal. Her stealthy meat raids were the stuff of legends in her household, and no one could catch her in the act.

No matter what precautions her family took, Uju always found a way to outsmart them. Her mother tried placing the pots in different spots, her father attempted to stay awake to catch her, and her older brother even set up intricate traps around the kitchen, but all their efforts were in vain.

One night, the family decided to come up with a plan to teach Uju a lesson. They devised a cunning strategy involving fake meat, a hidden camera, and a loud alarm. Little did Uju know that her days of meat thievery were about to come to an end.

That night, Uju predictably snuck into the kitchen and, with an experienced hand, lifted the lid of the largest pot. She reached in to grab a succulent piece of meat, completely unaware that her family was watching the entire scene unfold on their hidden camera with bated breath.

As Uju triumphantly raised the piece of meat to her lips, she suddenly heard a loud, blaring sound that echoed through the house. Startled, she jerked back, spilling the meat onto the floor. Alas, it wasn't meat at all – it was a cleverly disguised toy made to look like meat! Uju's timing couldn't have been worse as her family rushed into the kitchen, catching her red-handed, surrounded by fake, rubbery meat.

As they all burst into laughter, Uju realized that her stealthy escapades had finally come to an end. From that day on, she became famous in her village as "the girl who got outsmarted by fake meat." And as Uju's family enjoyed the real meat with the most uproarious laughter, she learned an important lesson about honesty and the consequences of messing with fake meat in the middle of the night.

Category Competition Winner!

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How I met the strange woman. Part two (2)

How I met the strange woman. Part two (2)
This afternoon when I came back from school. You all should know that the sun that always shine in school is much more hotter than normal one that shine outside school premises πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Has I came back and wanted to get something chill to cool my body cos the sun don damage some of my system πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
When I got want I wanted to buy and was coming back.. behold I saw that strange woman again,..

I was shocked, I paused before thinking of what to do... many thoughts start running through my mind, like... What's she finding here, is she finding me nhi..............πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I man up and start going to my house as i passed her side she start calling me, this brother ( boda yii ), this brother that's going ( boda ton lo ).

Has I heard her calling me, I was like shey she remember me nhi ........

I was like wetin be this naw, me that sun has just do me anyhow.. one woman still want to overcross me and start saying some irrelevant stuffs or asking me for money for medication πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Even if she asked money ganseff, she will be shock cos ion get Shishi........

As she was calling, I quickly remove my phone and start staring at the wallpaper, it's was then I realized the picture I used is fine ooo πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.
I didn't even do as if I heard that she's calling me.....

He be like say she get custom ganseff πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ cos nah the same glass and staff that's with her..........

I just pray I didn't come across her again, never in my life 🀣🀣🀣

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Lizard the Champ

Lizard the Champ
Once in the animal kingdom, there was a lion who constantly boasted about being the strongest and most fearsome creature around. He would challenge any animal he crossed paths with, and time and again, he would prove his dominance at the field of battle. When his opponents gave up, the lion would chase after and eat them, much to the cheering and medal-giving joy of the village.

One day, a very confident lizard with a quick wit and loads of courage arrived in the kingdom, accompanied by his friend, a wise old goat. The lion, not expecting anything different, immediately challenged the lizard to a battle. Normally, when the lion charged, his opponents would scatter in fear, but this time, the lizard stood his ground, much to the surprise of everyone.

The lion, taken aback and bewildered, saw the lizard approaching with precision and determination, not a hint of fear in his eyes. Startled and nervous, the lion hesitated and then turned and ran for dear life, leaving the lizard nodding with satisfaction and proudly collecting all the medals from the awestruck onlookers.

From that day on, the lizard's unexpected courage and bravery earned him a reputation as the greatest warrior of all time in the animal kingdom. Even the lion couldn't argue with the new title, and the village erupted into celebration, marveling at the newfound hero, who had proven that sometimes, the smallest and most unassuming creatures could achieve the most astonishing victories.

Category Competition Winner!

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100k palava

Yesterday afternoon, while I was just moving up and down the street aimlessly. I saw a couple of guys jumping over a fence. I mean big Big guys.

I was amused, so I decided to watch what they were doing. They would jump over the fence and repeat it again. So I decided to ask one brother what they were doing.

He replied: it's fence competition they're doing ".
"Fence competition?" I asked.
Yes bro". He replied. But that kind of play are for kids now". I said.

Not really, the person who jumps over that fence successfully without touching the fence would go home with 100k". The guy said. When I heard 100k, my brain flew off to space.All I wanted to do was to jump over that fence. I mean why can't I jump ordinary fence?

When I decided to jump over the fence, you need to see the way they were hailing me.
"Jaguar! Jaguar! Lekan! Jaguar!".
My babe was even there, she added salt and pepper: "you can do this baby! Jump! Fly like an Eagle ".

Ah, my head was swelling. To the extent that I removed my slipper. Removed my top too. And then I ran towards the so called fence.

This was my lucky day! That 100k was mine! I was gonna make it! Well...not really. Because immediately I jumped, the last thing I heard was kpraaa! And then, I tumbled for like 59 times.

I later end up in the hospital .πŸ₯

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Stubborn Nubu

Stubborn Nubu
Once upon a time, there was a mischievous housefly named Nubu. Nubu was an expert at making life difficult for the human race. He would gleefully perch on their food, buzz around their heads, trouble their wounds by trying to have a taste, and even patch on their clothes. No matter how many times his family warned him to be careful and minimize his pranks, Nubu just wouldn't listen. He was a rebel fly, causing chaos wherever he went.

One fateful day, Nubu found himself in a house that was being fumigated. He had been too busy exploring a kitchen to notice the ominous smell of chemicals. Before he knew it, the house was filled with thick fog, leaving the poor housefly gasping for air. Panicked, Nubu barely escaped the deadly fumes, and after that traumatizing experience, he realized he needed to make some changes.

From then on, Nubu stuck to farms, far from human houses. He quickly became known as the "fly who stayed away," telling tales of the harrowing fumigation incident. Even as other flies tempted him with stories of delicious crumbs and tempting garbage cans near human homes, Nubu stood his ground. He just couldn't risk what he experienced that day again.

Category Competition Winner!

Prize successfully withdrawn to @angeltalented's wallet
@angeltalented has received a total gift of 1150 NGN on this; as TIPs from someone

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Laugh away your sorrow

Laugh away your sorrow
Me: Amaka I want to die, let me just die 😩, this life is so mean and cruel, I can't continue anymore I want to die.

Amaka: shut up, clean that thing you call mouth, how will you wish such for yourself, don't you know there is powers in spoken words, abi didn't they tell you that your tongue is powerful.

Me: So there's power in a spoken word?

Amaka: Of course yes, please don't say such again, please

Me: Okay then I want to win 60m on sporty this weekend.

Amaka: laughing uncontrollably

Me: why you dey laugh na, or do you think am joking?, Am serious I want to win 60m this weekend.

Amaka: still laughing, shut up abeg na mouth you go use win am?, abeg go and sit down and think about your life

Me: 😒😭😭

Please share πŸ₯ΊπŸ™ and enjoy your day

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A lesson by a Bee

A lesson by a Bee
Agba was known for his antics and his fondness for visiting the cashew tree down the road to throw stones at the ripe and unripe fruits. His mother always warned him to stay away from the tree, but Agba was as stubborn as a mule and never heeded her advice.

One sunny day, Agba, being his usual stubborn self, sneaked off to the cashew tree, determined to have another go at his favorite hobby. As he lobbed stones at the fruit bunches, a mischievous bee dived down from the leaves and aimed straight for Agba's lips, leaving him with a resounding sting and a comically swollen pout.

Wincing in pain, Agba dashed back home to his mother, shouting in distress. By the time he reached home, his lips had swelled up, making him look like a comical caricature of himself. The other children in the village couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight of Agba's ridiculous face.

His mother, trying hard not to giggle, took one look at her son's swollen lips and immediately reached for a bottle of red oil. As she rubbed the oil on his lips, she couldn't contain the urge to laugh, but she fought hard to keep a straight face, knowing Agba was in pain.

In the end, the swelling went down, and Agba learned his lesson. From that day on, he never went near the cashew tree again. The incident became a source of amusement in the village, and whenever Agba tried to act stubborn, all his mother had to say was, "Remember the bees and the cashew tree," and Agba would quickly change his mind.

Category Competition Winner!

Prize successfully withdrawn to @miracleukwueze's wallet
Show some love. Gift @miracleukwueze something as TIPs

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