Grapes in Naija

It was my first time tasting a grape. My uncle had come back from the market with some, and when I took a bite, it was just so wholesome. I got a few portions, and my siblings also took their share. The grapes were so small, and I worried why my uncle hadn’t bought enough, knowing how delicious they were. It was hard to resist just taking a little bite. I craved more of that sweet flavor, so I decided to go to the market and search for grapes myself.
I took along 2000 Naira, hoping it would buy me a lot more, enough for me and my family. When I arrived at the market, I spotted the grapes displayed neatly on a table. They were arranged in a plastic container, and I pressed forward to the seller to bargain for the price.
stood in shock for two minutes, glaring at the little grapes displayed in the plastic container. I asked the seller to repeat the price she had quoted, and when she did, it left me astounded. She demanded 7,000 Naira for just a small container of grapes! I began to process this outrageous price, but she wasn’t budging. She insisted on the 7,000 Naira for the few grapes I could count in the container, they couldn’t have been more than 15.
I realized I couldn’t spend that amount on grapes, especially since I had only brought 2,000 Naira with me. Feeling frustrated, I pocketed my money and headed home immediately. I didn't even mention my ordeal with the seller to my family, who knew I had gone to the market to buy grapes. I kept it to myself, and now I’m sharing my story with you.
I took along 2000 Naira, hoping it would buy me a lot more, enough for me and my family. When I arrived at the market, I spotted the grapes displayed neatly on a table. They were arranged in a plastic container, and I pressed forward to the seller to bargain for the price.
stood in shock for two minutes, glaring at the little grapes displayed in the plastic container. I asked the seller to repeat the price she had quoted, and when she did, it left me astounded. She demanded 7,000 Naira for just a small container of grapes! I began to process this outrageous price, but she wasn’t budging. She insisted on the 7,000 Naira for the few grapes I could count in the container, they couldn’t have been more than 15.
I realized I couldn’t spend that amount on grapes, especially since I had only brought 2,000 Naira with me. Feeling frustrated, I pocketed my money and headed home immediately. I didn't even mention my ordeal with the seller to my family, who knew I had gone to the market to buy grapes. I kept it to myself, and now I’m sharing my story with you.