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The Deal breaker

Back in my first year of university, there was this guy who started showing interest in me. I could tell right away that he liked me, but I wasn’t really ready to reciprocate those feelings. One big reason was that I knew I was almost two years older than him, and that just made me feel like we were on different levels. Still, he didn’t give up easily.

He even went as far as telling two of my friends that he liked me. Of course, they came to me, trying to play matchmaker and pushing me to give him a chance. But I wasn’t having any of it. I told them to stop bothering me about him, and that was that. But this guy wasn’t backing down. He’d bring me food during night classes, and on Valentine’s Day, he surprised me with a watch.

I decided to be plain with him. I told him I knew he liked me and wanted to get closer, but I was two years older than him. I thought that would make him back off because, in my mind, it was the only way to send him away. Surprisingly, he said it didn’t matter to him. But I could tell he was nervous, like he didn’t know how to respond to the age thing.

After that conversation, things changed quickly. The next day, he started acting different, no more teasing or calling me those sweet names he used to throw around. He started keeping his distance and eventually stopped talking to me altogether. It was like he’d decided that was the end of the road.

@borah would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Mon, 21st Oct. 2024.
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A trial that landed me in a bin

A trial that landed me in a bin
I decided to try something new, as yesterday was Saturday.
Of all things to try out, one mumu thought chose to try out skating!

I borrowed some skating shoes from my close friend. I asked him to come with me too because I needed a little support and someone to laugh with.

We headed to a nearby square, and I thought to myself about how it was all going to be a piece of cake. I started skating, moving slowly at first. My friend held my hands, guiding my steps so that I dont trip.

But then, I started feeling brave and thought I could do it on my own, So, I told my friend to let go. He hesitated but finally let my hands go.

Happily, I was skating all by myself. It felt like a champion as i was sliding smoothly down the street.

That was when disaster struck, the devil couldn't even let me enjoy two minutes of my champion feeling, my feeling of sliding like a pro.
I lost my balance and gbam, I saw myself crashing into one of these big metal dustbin on the road side.
My friend burst out laughing.

There I was, tangled up with the dustbin struggling to get up but those shoes kept throwing me down. At that moment, I knew I was not going to try out skating again any time soon.

@kingsleysom would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sun, 20th Oct. 2024.
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Tailor Friend

Tailor Friend
I went to visit my friend who worked as a seamstress
just three blocks away. She was so happy to see me! She gave me some good snacks to welcome me and after, we started watching a funny show together. She didn't have a lot of work in her hands as at then.

Suddenly, we saw a woman running down the road, and she looked very upset. She was shouting and chasing people, making everyone run away. Then she turned and looked right at us!

My heart started to beat fast. I smelt danger, What if she gets mad at us? What if she throws a stone or a stick?
We quickly grabbed our things and prepared to run at any slightest wrong move by the raging woman.

The woman full of energy and armed with a log started advancing. We ran and ran, our legs moving as fast as they could. All around us, people were laughing and shouting as they ran in different directions too. It was a little scary, but also very funny because everyone looked so silly running away.

We later got to realise that it was all a setup, and that the woman was a Tiktoker who created similar videos.

@amander would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Fri, 18th Oct. 2024.
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The Mid-night Thief

The Mid-night Thief
In the middle of the night, at around 01:00, I was still watching a movie with my phone since I couldn't sleep, and there was no power supply, so you can imagine everywhere to be dark and quiet. The compound I live in, has two blocks with 15 rooms in each, facing each other. The two ends has a gate, but on that night, the caretaker forgot to lock one of the gates.

I was still enjoying my movie in a very quiet midnight inside my room, when NEPA flashed a two seconds power supply and it went off again, what followed was commotion of somebody that was inside our compound, running with all his might towards the gate, and makes his way out. It was a thief, he was frightened by the flash, knowing that he could be seen and dashed out immediately.

The activity of thieves has increased rapidly within a short space of time in the area I live. I was wondering the level of discomfort the thief had to go through because of doing something bad. We woke up the next morning to find a phone on the floor, it didn't belong to anybody in the compound, it belonged to somebody in our neighboring compound. The phone fell from the thief while he was running when no one was pursuing him.

The neighbor was happy that her phone was returned, the phone was stolen through the window while she was asleep and she thought she'll never see it again, she was lucky, who knows how many phones was stolen that night. To do good is much easier and peaceful, than to do bad, but these thieves would never agree. Imagine the way he ran when NEPA flashed, such stress is not necessary. Everybody in the compound made a joke out of it, it was really funny, the thief almost got an heart attack because of the flash.

@fairy would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Wed, 16th Oct. 2024.
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Some months ago I wrote JAMB and luckily I passed. Then I ran all the procedures before admission and was now waiting for admission.

While waiting for admission,I had my mind filled up with how and what I'll do when I get admitted
Firstly, I'll not stay in the hotel,but I'll have my own apartment,talking of apartment shey na me go pay. Mtcheew
Then,since am not a fan of garri but I've been managing since Tinubu regime,I told myself that am not going to go with garri,but that was only my plan sha cos it was in my mind. And other plans of attending every fellowship.
Thank God i was admitted into the university. Two weeks before the resumption,I told my parents about an apartment close to the school and the readily accept and I was very happy cos I thought it was gonna be hard to convince them.
Well,my happiness was short lived when I was texted my hostel payment receipts and my room number. Sha I can not underestimate my parents.
Plan A failed, I still got plan B sha, I told my parents to forget about giving me garri but should give other things double in exchange for the garri.
But two weeks after resumption,na me become prodigal,Campus shege wan finish me, I called home, although I was chastised but my garri was sent😁😁
University life no be for small pikin

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Cold plot

I remember one evening, as I was getting ready for bed, I noticed the weather was a bit chilly because it had just stopped drizzling some moments ago. Normally, I love to sleep when it's cold outside, it made it easier for me to sleep and last in sleep longer. But that night, for reasons I still don’t fully understand, I made the decision to leave my fan on despite the already cold weather.

So, there I was, folding on my bed in satisfaction with the fan blowing cool air all around me. I closed my eyes, fell off to sleep, and just after I fell asleep, I fell into a weird dream.

In my dream, I was walking through a dark, raining forest. The rain was pouring down and I was getting soaked. The dream was so real that I asked myself in the dream what i was doing in such a cold environment.
I looked around, shivering uncontrollably, and it hit me that I was dreaming.
My fan had inspired this wet nightmare.

Suddenly, I jumped up from my bed, fully awake and confused. I looked around as if I had just escaped some wild creature.
I thought a little and I realized my fan was still blowing with force, blasting me with cold air.

Without giving it a second thought, I flew out of the bed and unplugged it. No be me fan go kill.

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from the roof

from the roof
My Dad once told me a funny story from when he was still a student. He said in their neighborhood, The EFCC, which is a group that checks for bad people, we all know what they do came to visit.
Everyone was scared because they were knocking on doors and some doors were broken.

He said that people started to hide because they didn’t want to be seen. My dad was really scared too, but he stayed quiet in his room. He listened as he heard loud bangs and people whispering.

The EFCC went from house to house, searching for people. They knocked louder and louder and all of a sudden, the noises died down and they head their vehicles zoom off.

After they left, everyone was curious about what happened. They came out of their hiding spots to see what happened by checking each room one by one. Then, they opened the door to a room next to my dad’s. When they walked in, they saw it was empty. But my dad said that as they were about closing the door, they heard a loud noise crash to the floor.

The guy who lived in that room had been hiding on the roof, But when he heard his neighbour's voice might have tried to come down but slipped and fell down through the ceiling.
Dust and pieces of the ceiling were everywhere.
He was covered with dust and cobwebs as he remained on the floor and laughed at himself, everyone was laughing despite the tension earlier.

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Journey Of The Fittest

Journey Of The Fittest
The first time I had to leave my state for the first time, to another state for my university education, where I didn't have any relative. It was a moment I will never forget, I had to tearfully say goodbye to my friends and colleagues at place of work, I cried like a baby. My parents asked me where I'll sleep before renting a house for myself, I told them not to worry and travelled without any hesitation.

During the journey, I refused to let myself get bothered with how I'm going to sleep, bath or go about things, I just kept thinking about my family and friends, and how much I was missing them already. I arrived the state late in the evening and got to the university gate by 8 pm. Walking into the university, it was so cold, and quiet, with street lights shining on a long and wide interlocked path.

I found myself where to sit and relax, it's been a long journey and I was really hungry and tired, but saw no where to buy food nor snacks, and it was certainly not gonna be a night for a premium rest, because I had nowhere to sleep. I called my family to tell them that I had arrived, my father asked if I had where to sleep, I answered yes and told him I was fine, because I didn't want to stir up worries and unnecessary tension.

I went there with my school bag which contained my clothes, cup, sponge, soap, toothbrush, and my documents, it's funny, the way my house had a basic set of house tools. I felt safe inside the school environment, so I looked for a convenient, safe and hidden spot which was the veranda of the school library, laid some clothes on the floor and slept on it. The night very cold with cold breeze blowing in a turbulent manner, I couldn't sleep well, but I sha slept.

The school security came to me and asked why I was sleeping there, I narrated my story to them and they left me in peace. Very early in the morning, around 5 am, I woke up and took my bath in a running tap I found there, I used my cup as a scooper to pour the water on my body, brushed my teeth and changed my clothes, and once everywhere was bright, I quickly bought snacks to eat and went about my registration and clearance activities.

At the end of the day, I returned to my sleeping spot and this time a very heavy rain fell, it was terrible cold throughout the night, I was shaking. The same security met me again and I told them I wasn't able to go in search for a house to rent, and they understood. Woke up very early again, bathed, brushed and once it was morning, I decided to go and find a house, I prayed to God that I didn't want to walk up to 15 minutes before finding a house to rent.

Surprisingly, I walked straight to a house that had only one vacant room, God had answered that prayer, faster than I imagined, I rented that house. My landlady asked when I'm moving into the house, I told her I've moved in already. There was nothing in the house, so I slept in the floor, at least it was better than sleeping outside in the cold. I gradually purchased the house equipments I needed, and began my university journey in earnest, I find this story inspiring. I wanted to see how unique my survival skills are and how best I could take care of myself. I did great.

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Energy boost or sleep buster

Energy boost or sleep buster
Last night, I decided to take Fearless drink so I could stay awake. It was my second time trying it, but the first time was during the day, so I didn’t notice anything unusual. I didn’t expect that it would mess with my sleep. I was just trying to stay alert and finish some work.

Once I went to bed, I kept waking up every single hour until morning. At first, I didn’t even think it had anything to do with the drink. I just thought maybe I wasn’t tired enough, I’d fall asleep, and the next thing, I’m awake again.

When I finally got up in the morning, the first thing I did was go to the bathroom. That’s when I noticed something strange, I was urinating way more than usual. But even then, I brushed it off, thinking maybe I drank too much water before bed or something simple like that.

By 10 am, I was so tired from the messed up night that I ended up falling asleep again. I didn’t wake up until 3pm. After I woke up, I found myself rushing to the bathroom once again, passing out more urine. That’s when I mentioned it to my roommate, and she was quick to point out I had taken Fearless. It hit me that the drink was responsible.

After that realization, I didn’t waste any time. I grabbed the bottle, and without a second thought, I threw it in the trash. I wasn’t about to mess with that stuff again, especially knowing how it messed up my body like that.
Next time, I’ll definitely think twice before buying an energy drink, especially late at night.

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When I was much little I loved the kind of hair I had I always flaunt it at the slightest given time. it was so curly and glossy and amongst my friends my hair was the best even better than the girls hair in my class to was the perfect definition of Mr handsome and my hair Indeed complimented my steeze. I was given special treatment and favour by my teachers and principal they ask every guy to keep a low cut but because of the nature of my hair they don't send me at all so I guess I was privileged.

So calamity struck when my hair started feeling itchy and I always have a burning sensation but I never thought about what was wrong just thought it was normal but it increases on a daily I kept it to my self for two months and I my hair started falling off and I had patches on my head that was when my mum noticed she took me to the clinic I was diagnosed of a scalp infection that no one knows from where it came from I was served the hottest heartbreak when I was asked to cut my hair for treatment to be administered I ran from the clinic.

My mum gave me heavy persuasions about cutting my hair but when the itch and sensations became more serious I just gave in but I cried so much that night when my hair left because it was Sunday the next day was Monday so i was so reluctant to go to school because of the glory i attained with my hair. So I went I just stepped into my class and it was indeed an ovation and a bombshell to them there was a mighty roar of laughter I cried so hard and they gave me a new name because of my hair cut " SCREEN TOUCH "

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It never made sense

After church yesterday, I decided to do some cleaning in my room. As I was sweeping and dusting off my old books, I came across upon a course textbook from my university days. I remembered how much I hated that subject back then. It brought back memories, mostly of frustration and night classes filled with confusion.

Out of curiosity, I decided to sit down and flip through the notes. As I read through the pages, something interesting happened. Concepts that had once seemed impossible to know started to click, everything began to make sense. I couldn't believe it was the same content that had driven me crazy before.

I thought about all those late nights I spent attending extra classes, desperately trying to understand the subject. I recall feeling overwhelmed, sitting in the back of the class, staring at the lecturer, and wondering why I couldn’t grasp what everyone else seemed to find so easy. I worked hard, but all I managed to get was a D.

But now, looking back, those memories don’t feel so bad. They remind me of my perseverance and that it’s okay to struggle sometimes; it’s part of the journey

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Extortion gone wrong

Extortion gone wrong
was sitting in my room and trying to read some books when I heard a shoe mender walked through the compound with the popular beats they made by hitting their tool box with an iron to announce their presence.

I quickly ran out of my room and beckoned on him, while he approached, I went inside to get my pair of shoes which had loosened threads.

Tomorrow which is sartuday, I plan to go for jogging in the popular stadium around school, it has been about 3 weeks again when I went fkr jogging last and I wanted nothing to discourage me, not my shoe.

what the shoe mender needed to sew was just a little work but he started calling surprising prices, I'm still wondering why he would even think of such price as if his needle and thread cost more than a litre of petrol.

I quickly gave him a side look before he came back to order and then proposed a fair price which I still bargained with until it fitted my budget.
No be from my hand person go take collect jackpot.

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When the girl was a stuntman

I want to tell a story of a very remarkable incident that happened some years back.

See ehh, we had a farm land behind our family house, and this farm shared a common boundary with another land owner who as at then had a fencing project on.

We had banana plantations located throughout our farm and then, there were about 3 of these plantations that outgrew, crossing the boundary of our farmland into this other
man's property.

We have been harvesting from those other plantations too even though it was not on our farmland any longer, but it was still our crop.

After the man was done fencing his property, we lost access to our crop and then, there came a day when we were asked to pay a certain fee in school.
I didn't want to disturb my parents, so I found a means with the help of my brother, I climbed on the fence to survey what once were our banana, and at that point, I spotted two bunch of mature bananas dangling majestically. I knew how much I could have these heads of bananas sold for and the balance I'll still end up with after paying up the fee in school from the sale proceeds.

I had cut the first bunch when I heard a roaring voice shout to my direction, it was the owner of the farm!
That was the day I knew I had superhuman skills, because the way I flipped from that wall ehhhn.
Hapuzie Akiko.

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So while in school, my dad had always told me how he had usually burnt his candle light everyday in his school days to read.
So i decided to try mine today and here's what happened.

Coming back from school,I decided to buy a candle stick to use for my experiment at night cos I was determined to see our it felt to read with a candle light cos I grew up reading with a lamp.
After everything,everybody went to sleep and I went to our study room to try it out.

I led the candle but funnily, I slept up few minutes into the reading not until I felt a hot feeling on my finger which was the dissolved wax of the candle.

I saw that the candle was already in its last stage there I discovered that its not how long the candle burn but how far you read while the candle lit that matters but I also knew that its better you used the method convenient to you in order to achieve your aim

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Yes, can I say the old days were good or can I say it was just there? Let's get down to the memory lane...
The 21st century kids may see this as a story and certainly it is but for those who have a first hand experience will tell the story better how it was. Before the coming of electronic irons this was the international iron. How this was able to straighten your clothes without getting burnt was shocking. How you'll iron your clothes and the smoke is not there was still a wonder and puzzle to crack but then these questions are yet to be answered.
📌Who discovered a metal can straighten fabric?
📌Who discovered if heat is applied it can straighten it and not burn it when it's moderated?
Such person(s) must be a guru... Today this masterpiece is gradually fading with the introduction of her superior called ELECTRONIC IRON we will only have it at home to show our next generation what we use to have in those days. Today I bring to remembrance and to celebrate our legendary CHARCOAL IRON.
If you've used this before say Hi and tell us your experience. Remember to like and share.
Have a great day ahead

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Tasting a Scorpion′s sting

Tasting a Scorpion′s sting
I was lying on my bed, looking at funny videos on my phone. Suddenly, I felt a sharp sting on my back. It felt like electric shock reaching down my bones! I jumped up like a kangaroo!

I turned on my flashlight and shined it on my back and onto my pillow, and voila, there it was- A little scorpion! It had its tail all chargedup and waiting for the next round.
I was kind of scared and relieved, scared that a scorpion had stung me and relieved because it was a little one though the pain was still nailing it's way on my back.

I thought, No way I’m letting this tiny monster get away So I looked around and found my lighter. I felt like a superhero. But before I went to get my lighter, I had flicked it to the floor, carefully trapping the scorpion in a cup.

When I removed the cup, I started with it's arched tail and burnt the hell out of it. I wished that there were more severe punishment that I could administer, but I was out of thoughts.
It didn't take a second before it laid stale there, I wanted it running around while I burnt it but by bit.

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Born as a man

While I was coming back from work, I passed a group of men playing Whot at a bar. They were laughing and having a good time. Among them, I noticed someone dressed like a man, in native attire, just like the rest of them. At first, I didn’t think much of it. The person blended in so well that I almost kept walking without a second look.

But something made me stop. The way this person moved, how confident they seemed, caught my attention. I looked closer. Their head was completely shaved, and their face looked very serious. I waited and tried to figure it out.

Then she stood up and her chest was visible 😂 this was a woman!. How could she be sitting there, right in the middle of all those men, playing cards and laughing like she was one of them? She looked and acted just like a man, and there was no sign of any difference. Her son was even dragging her native wear.

I admired her courage anyway. It wasn’t just about how she looked; it was the way she carried herself. Even though I nearly laughed but maybe, that's how she wants to be seen and it's nobody's business.

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How I Collected my Money

One married lady who was owing me money refuse to pick my calls whenever I called her.

So, when I notice that her husband was not at home, I sent her a message that goes thus, "Hello, I'm not calling because of the money you are owing me, I only want to inform you that two ladies were fighting over your husband in the town. It was a big fight and he was just there watching, until one of the ladies managed to escape into his car and they drove off".

Before I could say Jack, her call start coming in which I refuse to pick until I found twenty one missed calls and a message which read:

"Where was the fight? Where did they go? Did you Notice those girls? Please tell me, I am falling apart."

I read the message and I did not respond. She called I didn't pick her call, then another message from her that read "I have your money, please can we meet, so you tell me more?"

Then I replied, "Okay, you can Send it through my Opay which is my mobile number, so that when I am coming, I will pass by the filling station to refuel, then I will pick you and drive you to one of the ladies house because I know them."

After like five minutes, I checked my account balance, my money was fully paid.

I then switched off my phone and slept like a baby.

Please, kindly tell me, do I do the right thing?

Happy New Month.

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A lasting solution

When the handle of my knife broke, it was like the start of a bad habit. My roommate and I kept procrastinating buying a new one, telling ourselves we'd do it soon. Instead, we started buying food from outside almost every day. On the days we felt like cooking, we had to borrow a knife from our neighbor. It worked, but it wasn’t ideal.

Each time I had to ask for the neighbor’s knife, I felt a bit uncomfortable. I didn’t like the idea of using someone else’s things every time I wanted to cook. It made me feel like I was always bothering them, even though they didn’t seem to mind. Still, it wasn’t a great feeling.

At one point, my friend who was traveling close to my hometown offered to help. I asked him to pick up a knife from my parents’ place. It seemed like a perfect solution, but when he got back, he had forgotten all about it. I was frustrated, but I couldn’t blame him.

Today, though, I hit my breaking point. I couldn’t bear the thought of borrowing the neighbor's knife again. So, I decided to search for a new one myself. I walked around, determined to find a place where I could buy a decent knife. After some effort, I finally found a shop that had what I needed.

Now that I have the knife, I feel relieved. It’s a simple thing, but it makes a big difference. No more procrastinating, no more borrowing from the neighbor. I’m just glad I can cook in peace again.

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Hunting for curtains gone wrong

About a week ago, I went to the market. I had moved to a new place, and my room looked empty. I wanted to buy curtains for my windows. My friend had said to buy thin curtains because they were cheap, but I did not listen. I wanted thick and colorful curtains.

When I reached the market, it was busy. I walked around and saw many shops. The thick curtains looked nice. They had colors like blue, green, and red. I thought they would look great in my room.

I felt happy and asked the price. I thought they would cost about 6,000 or 7,000 naira. But when I asked, the shop owner said the thick curtains cost 25,000 and 50,000 naira. I felt sad. I could not spend that much money on curtains.

I left the shop and started to think. I remembered my friend’s advice about the thin curtains. I walked back to some stalls I had seen before. I looked at the thin curtains and found some nice ones. I picked a few colors I liked.

With my 5,000 or 4,000 naira, I bought some thin curtains. They were not what I had wanted at first, but they looked good. I felt happy as I walked home. Simple curtains could make my room feel warm and nice.

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Hillarous sight

Hillarous sight
As I was leaving class today after a lecture, I watched somd studente from another department rush off to their business exams.

Everyone was moving quickly and their faces tense with worry. Suddenly, I noticed a short guy running with all his energy. While everyone else was just Hasty, he looked like he was running for his very life.

We couldn’t stop ourselves from laughing at the sight. It was a moment that cooled the tension due to stress that was in the air.
To describe the guy and what made the view such a funnily one was that, this black short guy had very baggy plain trousers on and tucked in with his afro hairstyle. It was all funny.

I headed home, still chuckling about the guy who raced like he had a deadline to beat, papa been carry the exam for head.

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