Good people still exist
My sister was moving to a new house and she called me to come help her pack.
The compound she was living in was notorious for the number of thieves there, from the pot mistakenly left outside to clothes hung out to dry, they can steal anything and she was fed up.
So I went there and we packed up everything into the moving van and left for the new house, few streets away.
I was helping her arrange the things when I decided to check the time because I didn't want to be late for an appointment I had, I checked my bag for my phone but it was nowhere to be found.
I tried calling the phone but I remembered that It was off while I was charging it that morning and I did not turn it on before I left my house.
I quickly took my sister's phone and called the van driver thinking I left it in his van but he said he didn't see any phone.
I was dejected, this period wey person never see food chop, where I wan see money buy phone?
I took a bike to the former compound to check if I dropped it there, my brothers and sisters, even the few odds and ends my sister left behind because she wouldn't need them have all been carted away.
I returned back to the new house because I did not even have the strength to attend the appointment again, body just weak me.
About an hour later, there was a knock on the door.
It was a guy from my sister's former compound with my phone in his hand.
He said he saw it on the ground and his friend picked it up and ran away, he had to chase his friend all the way to a phone market where he(the friend) wanted to sell the phone.
He collected the phone and went back home, asked around and luckily a neighbour knew my sister's new address and he brought the phone.
May God bless him.
The compound she was living in was notorious for the number of thieves there, from the pot mistakenly left outside to clothes hung out to dry, they can steal anything and she was fed up.
So I went there and we packed up everything into the moving van and left for the new house, few streets away.
I was helping her arrange the things when I decided to check the time because I didn't want to be late for an appointment I had, I checked my bag for my phone but it was nowhere to be found.
I tried calling the phone but I remembered that It was off while I was charging it that morning and I did not turn it on before I left my house.
I quickly took my sister's phone and called the van driver thinking I left it in his van but he said he didn't see any phone.
I was dejected, this period wey person never see food chop, where I wan see money buy phone?
I took a bike to the former compound to check if I dropped it there, my brothers and sisters, even the few odds and ends my sister left behind because she wouldn't need them have all been carted away.
I returned back to the new house because I did not even have the strength to attend the appointment again, body just weak me.
About an hour later, there was a knock on the door.
It was a guy from my sister's former compound with my phone in his hand.
He said he saw it on the ground and his friend picked it up and ran away, he had to chase his friend all the way to a phone market where he(the friend) wanted to sell the phone.
He collected the phone and went back home, asked around and luckily a neighbour knew my sister's new address and he brought the phone.
May God bless him.