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Jennifer Amede @bestie_love

Jennifer Amede @bestie_love

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About bestie_love
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Name: Jennifer Amede
Gender: female
Age: 23 years old
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From: Delta, Nigeria
Joined: 12th Jan 2024, 10:59pm
User ID: 35177

From desire to reality

From desire to reality
There was a beautiful bag that always caught my eye whenever I walked by the boutique. Its lovely design and bright colors drew me in, and I found myself dreaming about owning it. Every time I saved enough money to buy it, life seemed to throw unexpected expenses my way, usually a medical bill or something related to family.

Determined not to let this bag get away from me again, I came up with a plan. I talked to the shop owner and asked if I could pay for it in installments. To my relief, she agreed. This was my chance! I made the first payment and walked away feeling hopeful and excited.

The first month went well. I carefully kept track of my spending, and each time I made a payment, I could almost feel the bag in my hands. But just when I started getting into a good rhythm, life threw me another curveball. I had to deal with a family issue and ended up with an unexpected expense that drained my savings. Suddenly, I was struggling to make the next payment.

I felt frustrated and defeated, but the thought of that bag kept me going. I refused to give up. After a few days, I picked myself up and thought of ways to make some extra money through freelancing, selling things I didn’t use anymore, and taking on odd jobs. Little by little, I started to rebuild my savings.
Finally, after what felt like forever, I made the last payment.

The day I walked into the boutique to pick up the bag, I could hardly contain my excitement. When the shop owner handed it to me, I felt like a rich person.

@bestie_love would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sat, 19th Oct. 2024.
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Fire accident

One day, I was really craving something fried, but there was no groundnut oil in the house. I decided to go with palm oil instead, which seemed like a decent backup. Things were going smoothly while I bleached the oil, but when I added salt, everything changed. A huge flame came up, nearly burning my face. I ended up dropping some of the yam slices on the ground.

In my fear, I quickly covered the pot to stop the fire from spreading and turned off the gas immediately. My whole body was vibrating, and the thought of continuing to cook was out of the question.

For the rest of the day, I couldn't even go near the kitchen. The whole experience left me too shaken to try frying anything again. That night, I ended up buying food from a nearby shop because cooking was officially off the table.

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Face with adversity

There was a time when I hadn’t yet secured a place to stay, so I ended up squatting with a friend in her hostel. I reasoned it would be temporary, but just two weeks after moving in, I noticed my hair had become infested with lice. It was shocking and frustrating, and after trying different things, the only real solution was to cut it all off.

This was my long, cherished hair that I had been growing for three years. Losing it because of the dirty environment around me felt so unfair, but I knew it had to be done. Even though it hurt to let go of my hair, my health came first, so I made the tough decision and cut it all off.

A week later, things got worse. The environment around the hostel became so unsafe that I was forced to pack my things and leave. It wasn’t just about the lice anymore, my safety was at risk, and staying there any longer was not an option.
Sometimes, the girls will complain of seeing a man at night walking around the girls' hostel and so many other disturbing things. Omo, thank goodness I survived.

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Getting better

For the past few days, I’ve been really sick, feeling drained and just trying to get by with some medication. Unfortunately, it wasn’t helping much, and I was still feeling miserable. But today, I decided to push myself and take a short walk outside, hoping some fresh air would do me some good.

After passing by the first street, I got an unexpected call from a friend I hadn’t heard from in over a year. It caught me off guard because we hadn’t spoken in so long. He told me he had a surprise for me and asked for my account number. I was curious, so I sent it without thinking much of it.

A few minutes later, I received an alert for 10,000 naira! When I asked him why, he simply said he felt I could use the money since he hadn’t seen or heard from me in a long time. It was such a random and kind gesture that it completely changed my mood.

I was so grateful and excited that I temporarily forgot about how sick I was feeling. I ended the walk right there, deciding to treat myself to some yoghurt with the money. I will get better from here.

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Unfinished business

Two days ago, I went to buy an extension socket. The man selling it assured me that it was of good quality and would work perfectly. He seemed confident, so I trusted his word, paid 3000, and took it home. Since there hadn't been electricity for two days, I hadn’t had the chance to test it.

When power was finally restored last night, that’s when trouble started. To my shock, the socket caught fire almost immediately! Luckily, I wasn’t sitting close to it when it happened, but the fire was scary. My sister, being the first to notice, ran outside. But me, as a sharp guy, I knew the quickest thing to do was to switch off the changeover, so I quickly handled that.

Thankfully, the fire didn’t spread too much. It only affected a small part of the wall, leaving a black mark behind. If I hadn’t acted fast, who knows how bad it could have gotten? We all calmed down after the situation was under control.

This morning, I marched straight to the man’s shop. I wasn’t about to let this slide. I confronted him about the faulty socket, and after a bit of arguments, he surprisingly took responsibility for it. He apologized, which I didn’t expect, and offered me a partial refund of 1000. He also took the socket back.

Even though I didn’t get my full money back, I was relieved that the man owned up to it and didn’t argue foolishly.

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The phone trick

The phone trick
Today, I woke up feeling tired, knowing I had a busy day ahead. After my morning exercise, my phone rang it was an old customer who regularly buys electronics from us. He asked to meet at the store, and I rushed there, hoping for a significant sale. We met, and he started checking through our products. After some time, he selected a few items, and we began the transaction process.

The total came out to be 80k, and I was excited, with a big sense of achievement for the day. I packaged the goods, and we exchanged pleasantries. However, just as he was about to leave, I asked him for what mode of payment he will be using, then he said he had left his phone on my table as "evidence" that he would return to make payment and claim his phone. I thought it was a strange request, but I didn't think much of it. I handed over the goods, expecting him to return soon, maybe as an old customer I should have some level trust.

But as the day went by, I realized I had been cheated. He never showed up, and his phone was switched off. I felt frustrated and disappointed. I had been tricked out of 80k. I couldn't believe I had trusted him.

Do you think he will return???

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My phone was almost dead, and there wasn't anywhere nearby to charge it. The only option was to leave the house and walk for about 20 minutes to a street that had electricity. Our own street had been in a blackout for over two months, so finding a place to charge was always a struggle.

Just as I was about to head out, it started raining heavily. The worst part was that I didn’t have an umbrella. I waited for about two hours, hoping the rain would stop, but it just kept pouring. I was getting anxious because I really needed to charge my phone.

Eventually, I realized the rain wasn’t going to let up anytime soon. I wrapped my phone and power bank in a bag to keep them dry and decided to brave the rain. By the time I got to the street with electricity, I was completely soaked from head to toe. I blame NEPA for everything I'm going through this period, it hasn't been easy at all.

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When disaster strikes

I remember when our community road was flooded. The water was really deep, and everyone knew to slow down when they got to that part. But one day, a motorcycle rider didn't slow down at all.

He was carrying a woman and driving really fast, following a car too closely. It was very dangerous, and he didn't even slow down when he got to the flooded part.

The motorcycle slipped on the water, and the woman fell off. The rider tried to control the bike, but it was hard. The car behind them stopped just in time, so they didn't crash.

People rushed to help the woman and the rider. Luckily, they weren't hurt too badly. It was after that incident, that the government finally stepped in to do something about that poorly built road.

Were they waiting for people to involve in serious accident before doing the needful? I'm just glad no one got seriously hurt.

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When duties call′s or danger.

Wednesday was one of those days where I just wanted to collapse onto my bed as soon as I walked through the door. I got home around 8 pm, exhausted, and realized I had no food to eat. So, I headed out to grab something to eat, too tired to even think about cooking.

As I was walking back to my apartment, a kid came running around the corner and collided with me, sending my phone flying to the ground. My screen cracked a little. But you know what? I was too tired to even get angry. I just picked up my phone, dusted it off, and continued walking.

Things only got worse when I got home. I was so exhausted that I dropped the food I had just bought. And in my tiredness, I decided to dress my bed, forgetting that my AirPod was still on it. The next thing I heard was a smashing sound, my AirPod had fell to the tiled floor and scattered.

It was like the universe was conspiring against me. But sometimes, you just have to laugh at it all.

Luckily, my friends came to the rescue the next day, and we managed to fix my AirPod.

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