Opinions Stories Questions
Is true that love is the foundation of any relationship but in reality no one lives in the foundation of a house. Other virtues are needed to make a relationship work. Virtues such as respect,commitment,kindness and so on.



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Perfect Ending


Finally God have decided to give me one of his son. My life turned out perfect after all . Japhet was everything I prayed for and more. He was kind,handsome and above all he loved the Lord.

It was not always like this. I met Japhet after two consecutive self imposed heartbreak. The first was Brother Michael. I met him during our annual prayer convention. He was zealous towards the things of the Lord and after the convention we continued talking. Brother Michael asked me out and when I prayed about his proposal I heard nothing from the Lord. I concluded his silence was a go ahead. Three weeks into the relationship I started seeing red flags. He had no respect for my decisions. Everything I do I must seek his opinion. He even told me to seek his permission before spending my money on anything. All this I obliged as I saw it as a training ground for my marriage.

The straw that broke the camel was when he asked me to pay my tithe to him as he was soon going to be my husband. He was not an ordained pastor, and he was aware I had a priest over my head.

I sought the Lord's counsel and he was silent. It was at this point I knew God was not the author of this relationship. I told him to give me time to seek the face of God an our relationship and that was the last time I heard from him. He did not reach out or try to sought things out.

My second relationship was with Pst Sam. I met Pst Sam through a friend in a wedding I attended from there, he collected my number and we started talking. We were friends for a year before he asked to court me. I jumped on his offer because everything seemed right, I trusted my instinct and I did not seek the face of the Lord. I had already envisioned sitting in the front seat in church and the bevy of ladies that will flock to me for counsel as Mummy G O. I was dragged back to reality when I started having series of dreams.

I would often see Pst Sam in the church using cowries to make divinations. The dreams continued every night and it was always Pst Sam making consultations with one object or another. When I seemed the face of the Lord,he replied me with an express No. It was then I knew I was in the wrong relationship. I called Pst Sam and told him I was no longer interested in the relationship.

I leart the hard way to always seek the face of the Lord and hear him speak before involving in any relationship.

The plans God has for us are for good and not evil to give us a future and a hope and to bring us to an expected end.
Jeremiah 29:11

I met Japhet during one of our outreaches. When he asked me out,I told him to give me sometime so I could seek the face of God and I waited until he answered. It is one thing to pray and its another thing to hear God response.




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Yesterday I promised to post this and here it is.

Who are those people you should never take advice from?

Firstly, people are not at the same level with you intellectually or people that are lower intellectually. They will not understand some decision you make. They will tag you as stubborn, wasteful,and the list is endless.

To buttress this, I once turned a proposal down because the guy was not planning on improving himself intellectually and I was tagged a "know know"

Secondly, never take advice from someone who has never been where you are currently or simply put,who has never experienced the situation you want to get out of. You wear the shoe and you know exactly where it pinch.

Thirdly, never take advice from someone who is below you financially. Some financial decision you make will always look stupid and wasteful to them.

They will never understand why you choose island instead of the mainland.

Plus some comfort zone encourage your success.

Mind the motivation you follow. I learnt this the hard way.

See you on top!

Shalom! Shalom


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Dear you,

It is a popular saying that "a problem shared is a problem half solved"

The efficiency of that saying depends on who you are sharing the problem with.

There are some people you should never share your problem with, talk less of listening to. They are.........................................

I will share that later.



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Dear Abba's delight,

Always have in mind that success
will not change its standard to meet up with you just the way you are.

You must deliberately edit yourself to meet up with success standards.

So quit saying "that is the way I am " and do things the way they ought to be done.

See you on top.


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