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Shortened Life

Shortened Life
It was around 5:45 in the evening, I went to fill my gas cylinder, I was really hungry and needed to cook. The gas station is not far from my house, so I just walked down there, looking very tired because I had just returned from work. I met a queue at the gas station, it was not much, but for a hungry human being like me, I felt I might faint if I stood a little longer without getting my cylinder filled.

It was my turn to get my cylinder filled and all of sudden, I saw some group of boys with matchets and guns, chasing down one guy, just across the gas station. They held the guy down gave him a beating of his life with the matchets, and started shooting bullets in the air. Everybody ran for their life, I was not an exemption, initially I was looking weak like someone who is at the point of collapse, I was surprised to know that I had that much strength left in me, I left my cylinder and ran with all my strength.

I branch a compound and took cover until the gunshots had gone completely and it was safe to come out, I slowly walked back to the gas station, on guard to take off in case I hear any further gunshots or see the guys that shot the gun. They were gone, leaving only the guy they had beaten seriously with matchets, it's obvious he was one of them, and he must have tampered with the rules. The police soon arrived and the guy was taken to the hospital. I returned to the gas station only to find out that they closed immediately because of the incident that just occurred.

I was left with no other choice than to take my empty cylinder home, the hunger came back worse than before. On my way home, I met some students singing funeral songs and holding a picture flex of one of them who died, rumors has it that he was killed by his fellow cult members. My thought shifted from hunger to how people willingly endanger their lives by getting their selves involved in ungodly groups, therefore cutting their life short. I bought some snacks, and that was what I took for dinner, I wasn't satisfied, but it helped. At least I was alive, got my cylinder filled the next day.

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