Stubborn Nubu

Once upon a time, there was a mischievous housefly named Nubu. Nubu was an expert at making life difficult for the human race. He would gleefully perch on their food, buzz around their heads, trouble their wounds by trying to have a taste, and even patch on their clothes. No matter how many times his family warned him to be careful and minimize his pranks, Nubu just wouldn't listen. He was a rebel fly, causing chaos wherever he went.
One fateful day, Nubu found himself in a house that was being fumigated. He had been too busy exploring a kitchen to notice the ominous smell of chemicals. Before he knew it, the house was filled with thick fog, leaving the poor housefly gasping for air. Panicked, Nubu barely escaped the deadly fumes, and after that traumatizing experience, he realized he needed to make some changes.
From then on, Nubu stuck to farms, far from human houses. He quickly became known as the "fly who stayed away," telling tales of the harrowing fumigation incident. Even as other flies tempted him with stories of delicious crumbs and tempting garbage cans near human homes, Nubu stood his ground. He just couldn't risk what he experienced that day again.
One fateful day, Nubu found himself in a house that was being fumigated. He had been too busy exploring a kitchen to notice the ominous smell of chemicals. Before he knew it, the house was filled with thick fog, leaving the poor housefly gasping for air. Panicked, Nubu barely escaped the deadly fumes, and after that traumatizing experience, he realized he needed to make some changes.
From then on, Nubu stuck to farms, far from human houses. He quickly became known as the "fly who stayed away," telling tales of the harrowing fumigation incident. Even as other flies tempted him with stories of delicious crumbs and tempting garbage cans near human homes, Nubu stood his ground. He just couldn't risk what he experienced that day again.