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Better option

Better option
I set out with my friend Ella with just a single penny left in our pockets. It had been a long and exhausting day, and the thought of cooking even the simplest meal felt like an insurmountable challenge. We simply couldn't muster the energy nor the will to cook, so we decided to use our last bit of money to buy some ready-made food.

We made our way to our usual food spot only to find it closed, leaving us feeling quite disheartened. Neither of us fancied the idea of resorting to junk food, so we decided to stroll down the street to see if there was another place still open. We walked quite a distance until we finally stumbled upon a different food vendor.

To our surprise, this new place had their prices much cheaper than our usual spot. It was like a small miracle had occurred. We bought our already-made food and to our delight, we still had some change left over after the purchase.

As we sat down to enjoy our meal, the worries and stress of the day seemed to melt away. We marveled at how a seemingly simple excursion had turned out to be such a fulfilling and uplifting experience. It was a powerful reminder that sometimes, things work out even better than we expected.

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