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Victory Opeyemi Olagundoye @veechee

Victory Opeyemi Olagundoye @veechee

Agricultural Scientist At Veechees Sphere
God’s Masterpiece ♈️
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About veechee
Username: veechee
Influence: 21, Audience: 5
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Name: Victory Opeyemi Olagundoye
Gender: female
Age: 19 years old
Account Privacy: public
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Mobile: +2349067642768
From: Edo, Nigeria
Joined: 10th Jul 2024, 3:47pm
User ID: 40542


A person who often changes his or her beliefs or behavior in order to please others or to succeed.
Pim 🚗pim 🚗
Driver :Young Lady ,can you watch where you are going?
Young Lady:Sorry ,I lost my way
🌹Back In Time🌹
Adaeze was a young spinster in her mid thirties ,First Daughter of The Otutuchkwu’s Family. She is a gorgeous lady ,chubby , and has dazzling eyes ,glowing skin and voice that makes ones’ heart jingle,who always helped others succeed but sadly,was a shadow of herself.
She could go any length to make others happy but she was bittered and sour. Her father passed on after a scorpion 🦂 sting on their way to farm one evening,and ever since then ,her and her mother had to take care of her siblings,feeding once a day from the cassava farm then had.
As each day ,month and years passes ,Adaeze was always reprimanded and reminded to bring home a hubby especially her mother who won’t let her hear the last of it ;in her mother’s voice Adaeze “Kedu mgbe ị ga-akpọta di(When will you bring home a husband?),aren’t you go to give me grandchildren?”,you know I’m aging,all your siblings are married yet no one has come to ask of your hands in marriage.
These words always seems to pierce the Adaeze’s heart because suitors aren’t coming by.
All are siblings are all married with children and she is still hoping on God.
She went on job hunting on faithful morning,where flashes of her mom’s life-tormenting words keep hitting on her ,flashing through her memories,little did she know ,lost in thought 💭 she was approaching a moving vehicle which almost knocked her down
Pim 🚗pim 🚗,drifted back from her thoughts 💭
Driver :Young Lady ,can you watch where you are going?
Young Lady:Sorry ,I lost my way
The young man in his early fourties’ came down from his vehicle and saw Adaeze on the floor,helped her up and cleaned her dress that was dusty as a result of her subconsciousness that drifted her to fall.He offered her a ride,
and asked why she was lost in thoughts and tearing up.
She explained to the young man that she was coming back from job hunting but wasn’t qualified for the job because she barely was academically qualified as her father died early and her poor mother could barely afford a three square meal;so she couldn’t exceed the secondary school level and the job required a BSc holder,and the CEO of the company was desperately trying to have sexual advances on her so she could pass the interview but Adaeze declined the offer and slammed the door.
After the young man heared her story ,he was touched and decided to her find a befitting job of her qualification.
Little did she know it was the young man ,she helped in the past shivering on a park bench after a heavy downpour,with his clothes drenched.Without hesitation, Adaeze offered him her jacket and directed him to a nearby shelter.
He later recognized her ,approached her with a warm smile, his eyes filled with gratitude.
"I'll never forget what you did for me that night," he said. "It changed my life."
Adaeze was surprised but touched. She had no idea that her small act of kindness had had such a profound impact. The young man, whose name was Alvin, told her how her jacket had kept him warm that night.
As they talked, Adaeze realized that Alvin had become a successful business man and established several companies over the globe. She was filled with a sense of joy and satisfaction, knowing that her compassion had made a difference in someone's life.
Few years passed and Adeaze beauty draw Alvin’s attention.He proposed to her in the park they first met ,they lived happily ever after.
Unfortunately her mother died but she was fulfilled that her mother’s ever wishes for her to get married was visualize .
Who would have thought that her compassionate mind would help her.
Moral Lesson:Be Compassionate
Don’t give up ,God is always on time,As the saying goes God’s timing is the best

Adaeze POV:
So kids its time for bedtime
Go to bed
Adaeze :Early to bed
Carl And Bethel ☹️Adaeze’ Sons)
Early to rise …,they said

Show some love. Gift @veechee something as TIPs

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About Veechee

About Veechee
Her name is Olagundoye Opeyemi Victory;aka Veechee💗
A young vibrant lady,shining ebony with caramel dazzling eyes.Born in the year 2000’s.She’s in her early twenties.She was born into an average family;a family of a perfect number they say.From a crooked outskirts of Ondo state,a Yoruba girl .She finished her secondary school 2021,got a teaching job a year later after several anticipating for an admission letter.
She is Dark in complexion,5’9 in height ,has a cute broad smile.Her smile is so powerful that it could brighten one’s day.She is the fourth of five amazing children.She is hardworking and resilience,she never let her guard down.
She is Beautiful,dedicated and educated.
Apparently,she is undergoing an undergraduate program from the department of ecotourism and wildlife management,a proud agriculturalist and conservationists.
Her favorite words or quotes are ,it’s well,
It’s never too late ,don’t back out
Better late than never.
Why not journey with me and let’s explore the world together😉
This is me😌
I’m her 🌚
Her is me 🌝
This is my story 😌

@veechee has received a total gift of 500 NGN on this; as TIPs from someone

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Beautiful sisters, this is for you.

You sing, "I will make Jesus proud; we will be many, O. But take a moment to reflect on your life and ask yourself this:

-- Is my life truly making Jesus proud?
--Is the way I dress and present myself pleasing to Him?
-- Do the words that come out of my mouth honor Him?
-- Do my actions reflect His glory?
-- The way I behave during exams and tests does it make Jesus proud?

Take time to ruminate on these things. Put yourself on a scale. Don't just sing the song; let God work through it in your life.

This is a new month another opportunity to make things right and bring glory to God.
Laziness, failure, rebellion, lack of confidence, nonchalance, and similar attitudes do not make Jesus proud.

As we step into March, set realistic goals and work towards them. Establish academic goals and schedules, and commit to them.
March is a month to take your academics seriously read like you have never read before! Your primary reason for being in FUTA is your academics, so strive to make God and your parents proud.

Take God seriously. He is the one who can help you achieve all your dreams and goals don’t leave Him out of the equation.

God is a God of holiness; keep your environment clean and pure.

Happy New Month, blessed ones.❤️

Welcome to March, warriors keep marching forward.🔥

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Hello Sis 😊
Please don't be desperate. God will settle you at the right time.

Every young lady needs to read this message from THE WHOLISTIC COACH.

That guy loved you and told you that he really wanted to marry and settle down with you.

In your heart, you were so happy because you shared the same feelings with him - you can't wait to call him your man.

But the challenge was that he wasn't well to do at the time of making his intentions known. He said he needed some time to put his financial plans together.

You asked him how long it would take for him to do this, he told you he wasn't certain, but promised to do the needful as soon as possible.

As a good and understanding girlfriend that you were, you decided to wait and encouraged him to push further.

After about 6 months, the story hadn't changed and you were already worried. You looked at your age, and you had about 3 more years to clock the big 30.

So, you decided to take matters into your hands. First, you started visiting frequently and cooking for him.

He wasn't comfortable with it initially as a result of his upbringing, but you told him it was part of getting ready for the wifely duties.

With time, you transitioned from cooking for him to sleeping over randomly. He asked you to stop, so that the marriage would still look honourable when it finally happened, but you didn't understand.

In fact, you told him that he was trying to chase you out of his life, so he allowed you.

Gradually, you started spending about 3 nights at a stretch, wearing his oversized polos and baggy shorts. You were having the feeling and vibes of a girlfriend.

And then, without an official invitation, you packed into his house and made yourself comfortable. He couldn't even say no again because he saw the désperation in your eyes.

The little money he once saved up to tidy up the bride price and other things, he decided to put it into his business.

“There's no need to try to rush things. We are already living together, so there's nothing to be bothered about.

We will eventually do the needful when the big money comes." He said to himself.

It's been 3 years and nothing has been done. Not even the official paying of Bride Price.

And each time you notice you are pregnant, you quickly go ahead and abôrt it because you don't want to be shàmed.

Right now, he has become very reluctant about the things that concern you. In fact, he sees you as someone who désperately came into his life because you didn't have any other option.

The love that once triggered him towards you seems to have disappeared because everything about you is screaming despèrate.

And somehow, you are wondering what happened, and where you got it wróng. Yes, you are a good cook. Yes, your bedmatics is second to none.

But there is more! You didn't give yourself the opportunity to be chased and won over.

I am not talking about the initial chasing that comes with getting someone to say yes. You passed that phase ✅

I am talking about the final chasing that makes every man feel like a conqueror. The one that makes him see himself as a complete man.

The pride that comes from paying your bride price.

The ego that accompanies coming to your people and redeeming you from their hands culturally.

The fulfillment that comes from taking you to the altar to seal his leadership prowess.

Once you deny a man these things in the name of packing your bags to live with him before marriage, you have unconsciously signed yourself up to be played and used.

If you are in this category of people, my sister, sit down and think your way out.

Don't wait till he presents a wedding card bearing another lady's name before you understand the depth of it.

Allow a man the privilege to love you. Don't fórce it on him. Don't be a martyr for love.

When you jump the process, you will eventually become the victim. And by then, it might have been late. I repeat, don't be a martyr for love!

I hope this makes sense to you ❣️

Your marriage will thrive 🌹

~ ~

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Not everything you see or hear is what you think it is. If you think this picture shows a man meditating/praying in the middle of a stream, just enlarge it and see.


1. Prove all things before you conclude
2. Avoid hasty conclusions
3. Thoroughly analyze every event and relationship
4. Make sound / informed decisions
5. Wrong information leads to wrong decisions 👌🏿

Wisdom is priceless.

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Thursday is a day to admit your mistakes and try to improve." — Byron Pulsifer

"It’s Thursday. The weekend is almost here, so let’s make today amazing!"

"Start your Thursday with an attitude of optimism. It’s going to be a good day!"

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1. At 60, the workplace eliminates you. No matter how successful or powerful you were during your career, you'll return to being an ordinary person. So, don't cling to the mindset and sense of superiority from your past job, let go of your ego, or you might lose your sense of ease!

2. At 70, society gradually eliminates you. The friends and colleagues you used to meet and socialize with become fewer, and hardly anyone recognizes you at your former workplace. Don't say, "I used to be..." or "I was once..." because the younger generation won't know you, and you mustn't feel uncomfortable about it!

3. At 80, family slowly eliminates you. Even if you have many children and grandchildren, most of the time you'll be living with your spouse or by yourself. When your children visit occasionally, it's an expression of affection, so don't blame them for coming less often, as they're busy with their own lives!

4. At 90, the Earth wants to eliminate you. Some of the people you knew have already departed forever. At this point, don't be sad or mournful, because this is the way of life, and everyone will eventually follow this path!

1. the only thing that won't eliminate you eternally is God because at the end of our journey here on earth we shall all return to Him with accounts of how we lived our lives
2. So, meet Him more,
3. Communicate with Him more,
4. Obey His orders, and
5. Maintain your presence with Him

Therefore, while our bodies are still capable, live life to the fullest! Worship God in truth and in spirit. And there will be no regrets living out our lives for Him!

Be blessed!

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Happy New week and have a blessed Monday

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Not everything you see or hear is what you think it is. If you think this picture shows a man meditating/praying in the middle of a stream, just enlarge it and see.


1. Prove all things before you conclude
2. Avoid hasty conclusions
3. Thoroughly analyze every event and relationship
4. Make sound / informed decisions
5. Wrong information leads to wrong decisions 👌🏿

Wisdom is priceless.

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Happy New Month Guys 😉

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Stare at yourself and say
Damn I look and love being gorgeous 😉
And that's on period 😏

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