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agozie โœ“โ˜† ๐Ÿ†4 ๐ŸŒŸ7
Maryann Odo @agozie

Maryann Odo @agozie

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Name: Maryann Odo
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From: Ebonyi, Nigeria
Joined: 10th Feb 2024, 11:35am
User ID: 36324

Regaining my trust

Regaining my trust
I had gone back to the tailor who sewed one of the most disappointing clothes I had ever seen in my life. I returned to her shop about two days ago, and you wouldn't believe what I saw there. I noticed what I call top notch fashion dress. It was so goodlooking, and beautiful that I couldn't take my eyes off it. At first, I didn't even realize it was mine, but I recognized the material immediately.

Many thoughts were running through my mind, and I wondered whether it was still the same tailor who had sewn something so rubbish the last time I visited now creating something so beautiful. I decided to first meet the tailor and ask her about it.

When I finally confirmed that it was my clothing, I was filled with joy. I didnโ€™t even know how to express myself, especially since the last time I had come, I vented my anger and showed her how disappointed I was. But this time, I didn't know how to react. I felt disappointment from the past and happiness from what I was seeing hanging before me.

She understood immediately that she had done a nice job, so she smiled and told me to try the cloth on. I put on the cloth, and it was a perfect fit. Not only was it a perfect fit, my waistline showed, and I admired myself in the mirror for several minutes until she was begging me to take it off so she could iron it before I took it. Well, I took it off, and then she ironed it. I paid her a tip, you know, an extra tip for the work, and everyone was happy. This is what I expected, not the other garbage.

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Sew garbage

Sew garbage
It had been about three weeks since I gave the tailor some fabric to sew a perfect outfit for my ASOEBI demonstration. I had been eagerly waiting for the day she promised I could come and pick up the clothing.

When I arrived at her shop, I was relieved to see that she had already completed the garments. However, as I looked closely, I realized that the clothes did not resemble the design and style I had selected. Trying to keep an open mind, I decided to try the outfit on before voicing my concerns.

As I put on the clothes, I was sad and disappointed. I felt as if I looked like a baby in diapers. The fit was completely off, and I couldnโ€™t understand how, after all this time, she could present something manageable.what she presented was far from satisfactory. It was evident that she had rushed the sewing process, which caused the clothing to turn out poorly.
After realizing her mistakes, she begged that I return a week later to check on the adjustments.

I reminded myself that this tailor wasnโ€™t incompetent; I had seen her previous work, and she had never let me down before. This wasnโ€™t the first time I had entrusted her with making my clothes, so let me give her another chance to regain my trust.

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If only you will realize how far God has brought you and how much he had sacrificed for you.


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Childhood pictures

Childhood pictures
As I walked down the road, I realized I hadn't been here in five years. With each step, old memories came rushing back to me and I smiled at each childhood picture clouded my mind.

I remembered how I would run home from school with my school bag bouncing on my back. But then I had a motive. I usually stopped at the special place full of fruits.

Let me describe this spot, I called it the green compound with the big trees. I smiled as I saw the mango trees filled with bright yellow mangoes that looked so sweet. Next to the mangoes were orange trees, with bright oranges hanging down and tempting me. Though I couldn't now got for it now (big girl things).

I also remembered the cherry trees, with their pink and red fruits, my junior sister preferred that to mangoes and I can't tell why.
There were also German mangoes, not my favorite. The sweet mangoes was the best, I loved them.

When I walked this road before, I would quietly pick fruits to share with my brothers and sisters. I wasn't being naughty, I was just being clever. The family who owned the trees knew me, and they said I could take some fruits anytime I felt like, and with that kind of opportunity, I made it a routine. They trusted me, which made me feel good inside.

As I walked past the compound, I took a deep breath and let the happy memories fill me up. This road as part of my childhood.

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lost treasure

lost treasure
This particular jotter came with a gold plated edges that I use to go with classes with. People usually admired it, and I loved it myself. Often, I would prefer to go about with the book in hand rather than carry my side bag.

Then came a day when, for reasons I still donโ€™t remember, I misplaced that book. Iโ€™ve been searching for it everywhere, scanning my surroundings with my eyes, but I couldnโ€™t remember where I had left it or who I might have given it to. I had clearly lost it.

But then, just last week, a friend returned it to me, saying I had given it to him. I was both relieved and grateful, but I couldn't thank him enough for bringing it back.
donโ€™t know if the book itself canโ€™t be found on the market or if itโ€™s just that special. I think its worth comes from the many acknowledgments Iโ€™ve received about it. Whenever someone catches a glance of that book, they canโ€™t help but want to see it and admire it.

Beyond its looks, I also rely on it for jotting during lectures and taking down notes. That should add up more layers to its significance for me.

So, when I misplaced it, it felt like I lost a part of myself.

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Everyone with his own thoughts

Everyone with his own thoughts
Iโ€™m the kind of person who usually doesnโ€™t understand why someone would stay on a phone call for more than 30 minutes. Iโ€™ve always looked at those people who talk for an hour or even two as if theyโ€™re just jobless, unable to find something better to do. What could possibly be so important to discuss for that long, especially over the phone?

But today was different. I received a call from one of my close male friends, and it had been a while since we last spoke. To be honest, I really like this guy he had a good personality, and I know he liked me. When he called, I wasnโ€™t sure what to expect. To my surprise, we ended up talking for a long time. The call was long, in fact, that I didnโ€™t even realize an hour had passed until I checked the time.

What amazed me was that we still had so much to talk about. I felt a rush of happiness as my perspective on long phone calls shifted instantly. We continued chatting, and before I knew it, another hour flew by. Unfortunately, thatโ€™s when the network started to interfere. It was the only reason we had to hang up, but by then, my idea of long calls had changed.

Itโ€™s not that I hated long calls or had never experienced. It was just that seeing someone engage in lengthy conversations repeatedly felt a bit too much.

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agozieโœ“โ˜† ๐Ÿ†4 ๐ŸŒŸ7Maryann Odo
3mo 27d

Keeping the Fun

Keeping the Fun
I decided it was finally time to put on my sneakers and get on the field and jog.
My class people had organised a little jogging get together just to rekindle the relationship among us students.
I convinced one of my friends to join me, and we started with a slow pace jog.

But fate had other plans. On my second lap back, I misstepped and stumbled over a stone. It caught me off guard, and I felt a sharp pain on my left toe. When I looked down and removed my left shoe, blood was gushing from my king-toe, and for a moment, all I could think was why it chose to happen just while I was having a little fun, But despite the pain and the frustration, I refused to let it get the better of me.

I took a deep breath and remembered why I had come out there in the first place. I didnt want to end the little fun that had just started because of a little setback After cleaning up the wound, I got back on the track, even happier, I can't let my enemies triumph.

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Yesterday cost me some things but with life, there's hope.
I wish you all a prosperous week.


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University in the City

University in the City
Living in the city was something very special and enjoyable. I imagined it would be like the Nollywood movies, those kind of films that made me admire the actors as they drove through splendid avenues and past grand mansions. Everything seemed so bright and glamorous, and I longed to visit the city.

When I was applying for tertiary institutions, I included UNN on my list, knowing that my course required me to move to the city for my 200 level to complete my remaining years. This was always on my mind. After I traveled to Enugu and finished my 100 level, life became tough. The economy and various challenges weighed heavy on everyone. No one here is smiling; both the rich and the poor are complaining.

It wasn't like in the movie anymore; I had to cook my own food, go to classes without support, come back home, and do my research. I had to drag myself along and be an adult. I never prepared for this; I never prepared to be an adult so soon, but I think I'm still learning. It's part of the learning and experiences we encounter in life that make us who we are. Well, I'm still keeping on the right path, and I pray that God keeps me and gives me my daily bread, also protects me all through. It's not easy being a student. For every student out there who is keeping on the right path, they deserve accolades.

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