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Miracle Ukwueze @miracleukwueze

Miracle Ukwueze @miracleukwueze

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About miracleukwueze
Username: miracleukwueze
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Name: Miracle Ukwueze
Gender: female
Age: 19 years old
Account Privacy: public
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From: Enugu, Nigeria
Joined: 24th Apr 2023, 8:25am
User ID: 30997

An Outreach

An Outreach
Today was a really special day at school, and I was so excited.
We had an awareness program to share about our department. Well, the program was like moving in big groups and working together to help others, especially with staying healthy.
Our department is very popular, and today we wanted everyone to know what we do, especially road workers and other random students.

The sun was not on our side shaaa but we were all determined. Our department area was filled with colorful banners that said captivating things about health. My friends and I were all full with energy. We helped hang up the banners and make everything look wonderful.

As we started the program, everyone began talking loudly and cheerfully as we were walking down the street. Some of my friends stood in front of the crowd and and danced as we demonstrated about what we do in our department. People came over to listen, and I even saw some road workers nodding to our exhibition.

Then, it was time to take pictures. We all gathered closely together, like one big happy family. We made funny faces, and the camera flashed.
I'm actually tired right now that all I need is to rest.

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The ease

The ease
Last night, before I slept, I was deep worried about how stressful today was going to be.
I was worried about the always disturbing schedules by my school.

We were supposed to have a long lecture this morning which is supposed to start by 8 AM and end at 4 PM. That is a long time to sit, isn't it? But this school keeps treating us as if we were robots.

I thought about how I was to get breakfast this morning as there were no shops usually open at 8 AM to buy food from.

This morning, at 7 AM, my phone rang. I checked my phone and saw a message that our class was cancelled.
I was so happy that I jumped up and down in Celebration.

Around 9 AM, I got up to get some tea from a nearby shop and that was the last stressful thing that I remembered doing today, after that, I spent the day in bed. I did nothing and just rested.

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School No be Joke

School No be Joke
See ehhn, I never knew nursing would be such a demanding course to study.
While I was yet to resume as a nursing student, I had always perceived nursing as a smooth going course, friendly, having to wear our white sparkly gowns and just address people's problems in peace.

It wasn't until I got to spend just a week in the school did I notice how tasking it was.
Me that was known to be chubby before, now I can't tell because today I'm chubby and the next day, i am one skinny girl.

It's my fault that whenever I heard people complained that the tertiary institutions was not an easy experience, I always saw them as lazy and carelessly speaking.
Recalculating my experience in this nursing school, I think there's no word good enough to define how stressful it really is especially for serious students.

Where should I start?
From the expenditures?
Should I talk about the long hours of teaching?
Should I talk about our steady relocations for an outreach, or the fact that I don't currently have a thousand naira as savings?

Whenever it is said that the school is a center for learning, you people shouldn't just focus on the surface meaning.
As for me, I have learnt to be hungry, I've learnt to spend the money that I don't have, I have learnt to speak up, to explore any opportunity I catch and many other things.
My people, school no easy and I congratulate everyone of you in school. And if you are not in school, work hard on yourself and dont ever feel inferior because as they say: what Ada doesn't have, Obi will have.

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What a day

Today felt like a year long as we sat in attendance to a long lecture that ended around 5 PM.
Wnen the class finally ended, i returned home with my course mate, who lived next door to my room.

On our way back, we talked about how tired we were and hope to go together to the nearest restaurant to grab some food as soon as we have taken a little rest.

Our plans changed when the skies opened up, and it started raining heavily. The rain came down without warning for over three hours, and by 9 PM, I couldn't wait any longer, my stomach growled in tiredness.

When my instincts told me that the rain wasn't going to stop any soon, I took my umbrella and dashed out into the downpour, making my way to my course mate’s room.

I knocked on her door, and when she answered, the look on her face was showing frustration. She admitted that she couldn't wait any longer either, and without hesitating, we decided to venture out together, under the rain.

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Lost out

Lost out
When I arrived at the lecture venue today, I was greeted by an unusual noise and fuss, as people were all on their phones in groups.
Everyone was discussing the recent airdrop listing of GAMEE airdrop, and the excitement in the air was very disturbing as they eagerly tried to claime their coins while some lamented as to why they weren't qualified to claim any tokens. Curious, I logged in on my telegram and decided to give it a shot myself.

I recalled turning on the bot at some point back in time, but to usually mind escaped my memory. I navigated into the bot, hoping to find some coins to claim. As I checked my balance, I was met with a sense of a shocking total of zero tokens to claim. I couldn't quite understand how that happened.

After a moment of reflection, I simply admitted that the bot hadn't delivered as I had expected. It was a minor disappointment, but I reminded myself not to dwell on it too much. There was no sense in worrying; after all, it was just one of those things that sometimes happens in the world of crypto and though I was disappointed, I didn't let it affect me much.

So friends, were you able to claim?

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Not current

Not current
The last two days have been really tough for me. My phone, which I loved very much, suddenly stopped working. I tried to turn it on, but nothing happened.

You see, a little while ago, my phone’s battery broke, so I got a new one that wasn’t the original. At first, it seemed okay, but then my phone started turning off by itself, like it wanted to play hide and seek. I hoped it would be alright, but one day, it just stopped working completely.

I was heartbroken! I thought I could fix it, so I went to the market. I hoped to find an original battery, one just like the one that came with my phone. I walked around, asking all the sellers if they had it. But one by one, they shook their heads.
Without my phone, I couldn’t play my favorite games or watch funny videos. I really missed those things! In school, I paid attention to my teachers, but in my mind, I was thinking about my phone and all the fun I was missing.

You might wonder how I wrote the story but to be honest I have this phone plugged onto the electricity before I'm able to.

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1 PM

1 PM
This morning, our class representative called us for an important lecture that was supposed to start at 10 AM. We were all excited and quickly got ready to attend. However, when we arrived at the venue, we found out that there were some problems with the schedule. It turned out that there were other events happening there, which meant we could not hold our lecture at 10 AM as planned.

After waiting for a while, we finally learned that our lecture was moved to 1 PM. At first, this was a bit annoying because we had to change our plans and wait so long. Now, as the sun beats down on me, I am walking around, feeling the heat and stress, trying to make sure I arrive on time.

Even though I’m feeling uncomfortable in the hot weather, I still want to meet up with my classmates and attend the lecture. It makes me think about how sometimes things don’t go as planned, and we have to be flexible.

As I experience all of this, I decided to share my story. Who knows? Maybe someone else will find it relatable or interesting.

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Heart warming

Heart warming
Not much happened today but since I am skilled to make out a story from nothing, let me talk about a minor incident that happened while I was on my way back from evening service.

My eyes met little girl who was holding the hand of an old man, a weak figure who appeared to struggle with his sight. The darkness was settling in around us, but the little girl held him tightly and determined.

Suddenly, I heard the old man mumbled some words that sounded like a kind statement. Even though he was speaking loudly, I couldn't understand a thing he said; his voice was muffled and unclear. But the little girl seemed to understand him perfectly. She let out a joyful laugh and replied, "Grandpa, I think you're being funny!"

When I saw the old man smile with satisfaction, I couldn't help but feel a warmth in my heart. I just loved the fact that the little child, whether she understood or not, didnt give room for the old man to feel bad or forlorn.

I'm sorry for the late story, we had a two days program.

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Time Loop

Time Loop
Today was a long day, or so I thought..
. It rained hard, and the drops hit my window loudly. The sky was gray and dark, making everything feel sad. My teacher even canceled our class, probably because he didn't want to go out in the rain.

Since I was stuck at home, I thought I would read. I had a stack of books waiting for me. But the rain made it hard to focus. I kept hearing the noise outside, and I couldn’t pay attention to the words. I flipped through the pages without really understanding anything.

To pass the time, I cleaned my room. I dusted and put things back where they belonged. But the rain reminded me how gloomy the day was. Every time I looked out, I saw the raindrops racing down the window.

As the day went on, I noticed something strange about time. It seemed to move so slowly. When I tried to read, it felt like the hours were dragging. The clock ticked slowly, and I kept looking at it, wishing it would move faster.

As night dawned on me, it suddenly seemed like time was fast.
You see the mystery too right?
Whilst I tried to read and dust some frames behind the clock, I thought time was slow but now that it's night time, it is like time was pretty fast.

I know why I thought time was fast- I had not achieved a lot during the day and that was why.
Okay pals, sorry for the late story, I was caught in the loop of time.

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