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Onyia Patrick @naaonyia

Onyia Patrick @naaonyia

Am the last of my kind
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About naaonyia
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Name: Onyia Patrick
Gender: male
Age: 40 years old
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From: Enugu, Nigeria
Joined: 11th Oct 2023, 7:01am
User ID: 31799


Sulaimon Olamide works with LAWMA. He was one of those that championed β€œYoruba Ronu & Iya Chukwudi.” He was part of those that unleashed violence against an ethnic group in Lagos. He has become a chronic beggar on Instagram, & he is asthmatic.

How did we end up like this, how?

Peter Obi has been vindicated.

It took less than 6 months for them to start wailing. While the Obidents are having fun, the Children of the Corn are protesting.

They are angry because fish & food prices have gone up in the market. Now they claim that Obi would been as bad as Asiwaju. Medicine after death, they should cry more!!

Peter Obi's promises to Nigerians:

1. Hourly wage.
2. The Rule of Law.
3. Quality education.
4. Quality healthcare.
5. Constant electricity.
6. I & Datti will secure Nigeria.
7. From Consumption to Production.
8. If I & Datti are not corrupt, we would have reduced corruption by 50%, etc.


"Farmers will make money. Recruit, fifty million youths!! What they will eat? Cassava, Garri, Ewa. Widen the tax net, reduce their purchasing power, & further slow down the economy. Na statistics we go chop?”

He said β€œRenewed Hope” & you thought your name was being mentioned? FOOL!! Renewed Hope was for his fellow political elites. Renewed Shege, that's yours!!

Mama Pablo, give them two shots of hot Kai-kai, add sachet Squadron on top.

Are we will still standing as a nation

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Something strange is happening. From Lagos to Sagamu, Ibadan to Katsina, the Agbados are wailing. Like the price of bread & food shortages was part of the reason for the French Revolution, rising food prices (especially that of fish) may have inspired the Nigerian Revolution. Pls Pay Attention!

A Revolution already begun. Although subtle & driven by the APC, Nigerians watch & take notes. When the people feel their voices are not being heard, resistance is the result!

I have seen at least 10 music videos streaming the Lamentations of the APC, Agbado Branch. The people that call us the wailers, that said we will wail for eight years, their mommies & daddies are seeing shege pro max already. They have fallen on hard times, & are leading a Fish Protest.

Something already left the stables, an omen, no one can tell its shape or form, but its there, lurking in the shadows.

One litπŸ’₯, it explodes! The rascality of the APC is the precursor to a much bigger event, it starts slowly, then it snowballs into anarchy. Students of History knows this.

Civilizations changed, age-long autocratic monarchies came to a close. And when calm returned, no one remembered when it started. Nigeria will be no different.


There are two types of seasons in Nigeria. Wet, then Dry (otherwise called the harmattan). The APC are gathering the harmattan winds, & when it blows, BOOMπŸ’₯, it goes with fire.

The hardships & the hunger (the lack of distributed economic wealth they created & weaponized as tools for winning elections), will in due time unite Nigerians against them. It’s already happening in plain sight, only those with a discerning eye can see it.

The War of Attrition is far from over, it only just started. You wicked politicians should enjoy your temporal reprieve, for now!!

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Touching Resignation Letter Of A Cless Room Teacher

Touching Resignation Letter Of A Cless Room Teacher
A touching Resignation letter from a Cless room teacher in enugu state Nigeria

Drop your comment about it.

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Dogs Kingdom democracy better than Nigerian politics

Once upon a time, in the enchanting Dogs Kingdom, a democracy flourished that put Nigerian politics to shame. In this whimsical land, dogs of all shapes and sizes gathered to elect their leaders with a level of integrity and fairness that seemed unimaginable elsewhere. The canine citizens were astute and discerning, sniffing out the true intentions of their candidates with remarkable accuracy.

In this remarkable democracy, campaigns were conducted with wagging tails and playful barks instead of deceitful speeches and empty promises. The candidates, adorned with colorful bandanas and shiny collars, showcased their skills and abilities through friendly competitions and acts of kindness towards their fellow dogs. The citizens, ever vigilant, evaluated each candidate's loyalty, compassion, and ability to fetch a stick with grace and precision.

The Dogs Kingdom democracy was a beacon of hope, where leaders were chosen based on merit rather than personal gain. The elected officials, known as the "Paw-liticians," worked tirelessly to improve the lives of their fellow canines. They implemented policies that ensured equal access to treats, established dog parks in every neighborhood, and even organized a national holiday dedicated to belly rubs. The Dogs Kingdom had truly achieved a level of governance that left Nigerian politics in the dust, proving that sometimes, the most unlikely places can teach us the greatest lessons in democracy.

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Always have this at the back of your mind
We don watch this movie before, it's called sugar rush. Someone should remind the boss that Indulging in political sugary treats is a whimsical experience. It gives a newly appointee that fleeting burst of energy, transforms him/her into temporary superheroes. With a single bite, they're catapulted into a sugary universe, buzzing like an overcharged jet engine. You become the life of the party, as your taste buds break into spontaneous dance routines, waltzing through a symphony of sweetness. But, just as quickly as it begins, the sugar rush ends, leading to the dreaded sugar crash. Your inner superhero transforms into a sluggish sloth, desperately seeking a nap-cave. Remember, sugar's magic is enchanting, but its spell doesn't last forever.


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How it was before now

Once upon a time, in the vibrant land of Nigeria, a peculiar phenomenon began to unfold. It all started with a series of comical misunderstandings that snowballed into a nationwide frenzy. The people of Nigeria, known for their resilience and humor, found themselves caught in a whirlwind of confusion and laughter.
It began innocently enough when a mischievous politician, known for his quick wit, made a sarcastic comment during a public speech. Unfortunately, his words were taken literally by a journalist who lacked a sense of humor. The news spread like wildfire, and soon, the entire nation was convinced that Nigeria was on the brink of disintegration.
As the rumor mill churned, the people of Nigeria couldn't help but find the situation amusing. Memes and jokes flooded social media, and even the most serious politicians couldn't resist joining in on the laughter. The streets echoed with laughter, and the air was filled with a sense of camaraderie as Nigerians embraced their shared absurdity.
Days turned into weeks, and the disintegration rumor became a national pastime. People organized disintegration-themed parties, complete with costumes and mock debates. The media, realizing the nation's appetite for humor, dedicated entire segments to satirical discussions on the topic. It seemed that Nigeria had found a unique way to unite its diverse population through laughter.
In the end, the disintegration rumor faded away, but the memory of that hilarious period remained etched in the hearts of Nigerians. It became a symbol of their ability to find joy even in the face of uncertainty. And so, Nigeria continued to thrive, not just as a nation but as a testament to the power of humor and resilience.

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Pretend you love me

Once upon a time in the whimsical town of Make-Believe, there lived a mischievous young girl named Lily. Lily had a knack for playing pranks on her friends and family, always keeping them on their toes. One sunny afternoon, she stumbled upon a magical book hidden in the depths of her grandmother's attic. The book was said to grant one wish to anyone who could solve its riddles.
Curiosity piqued, Lily opened the book and found herself face-to-face with a peculiar creature called the Witty Wombat. The Wombat, known for its sharp wit and cleverness, offered Lily a challenge. "If you can make someone believe you love them without saying the words, I shall grant you one wish," it said with a sly grin.
Determined to prove her wit, Lily set out on her quest. She began by showering her best friend, Oliver, with affectionate gestures. She baked him cookies, wrote him heartfelt letters, and even serenaded him with silly songs. Oliver, oblivious to Lily's true intentions, was overjoyed by her sudden display of affection. He believed her love was genuine, and their friendship blossomed like never before.
As the days went by, Lily continued her charade, pretending to love everyone she encountered. She complimented strangers on their fashion choices, helped elderly neighbors with their groceries, and even adopted a stray cat, showering it with endless affection. The town of Make-Believe was abuzz with rumors of Lily's newfound love for everyone.
Little did Lily know, her acts of pretend love were not in vain. The more she pretended, the more she realized that love, even if initially feigned, had a way of transforming her heart. She began to genuinely care for those around her, and her once mischievous nature softened. The Witty Wombat, impressed by Lily's growth, granted her wish, but Lily no longer needed it. She had discovered the true power of love, even if it began as a playful pretense. And so, Lily continued to spread love and laughter throughout the town of Make-Believe, forever changing the lives of those she encountered.

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Abandoned Soviet-era Train in Russia.

Abandoned Soviet-era Train in Russia.
Abandoned Soviet-era Train in Russia.

During the Cold War, Russia parked hundreds of old trains on old tracks as a backup railway. They're all steam engines; the idea was they could still be used if something happened to the Russian electric grid.

In Russia's central Perm region in particular, a cemetery lies on the sidetrack. Instead of tombs and headstones, it is filled with trains from the 20th century. There are dozens of steam locomotives, the oldest dating back to 1936 and the youngest from 1956. They sit on rusty rails, in the middle of overgrown vegetation.

At that time, around 140 locomotives were docked there. But, as electric power replaced steam, these reserve trains hit the end of the line. As railway authorities waned, maintenance work on the locomotives eventually came to a complete halt, leaving the way for rust.

Many of the trains have been bought and taken away by Chinese owners. Others have been restored to become exhibits at museums and memorials.

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five biblical prophecies about Gaza:

Here are five biblical prophecies about Gaza:

1. Destruction of the Gaza Philistines: In the book of Amos (1:6-8 it is prophesied that Gaza will be judged for their sins. The Philistines who inhabited Gaza at that time are described as being guilty of capturing and selling innocent people as slaves. As a result God declares destruction upon their land.

2. Conquest by the King of Assyria: The book of Isaiah (20:1-6) prophesies that the people of Gaza will be conquered by the king of Assyria. This prophecy was fulfilled when the Assyrian king Sargon II invaded and conquered Gaza in 711 BC.

3. Rejoicing in the In book of Zephaniah (2:4-7 it is prophesied that Gaza will be left desolate and the people of Judah will inherit their land. However in the future the prophecy states that Gaza will experience a time of restoration and rejoicing when the Lord brings His people back.

4. Judgement for Oppression: In the book of Zechariah (9:5-7 it is prophesied that Gaza will face judgment for their oppression and violence against Israel. The prophecy states that God will cut off their bloodshed and destruction and their ruler will be removed from power.

5. Future Destruction: The book of Amos (1:7-8) also prophesies about the future destruction of Gaza. It describes how God will send fire upon the walls of Gaza completely destroying it. This prophecy has not yet been fulfilled suggesting a future event.

It's important to note that the interpretation and timing of these prophecies may vary among different biblical scholars and religious beliefs.

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