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Sule Mustapha @uzzi_fx

Sule Mustapha @uzzi_fx

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Name: Sule Mustapha
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Age: 25 years old
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Good morning guys, it a New week,
Forget the Past.
Focus on the Present

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It's no doubt that Nigerians are facing severe economic hardships due to a combination of factors including high unemployment rates, inflation, and increasing cost of living.

Many Nigerians are struggling to afford basic necessities such as food, healthcare, education, among others. The high cost of living has made it difficult for families to make ends meet, with many being forced to cut back on expenses and relying on government assistance seems impossible.

The lack of economic opportunities and widespread poverty have also contributed to an increase in crime rates and social unrest. The government has been criticized for its handling of the economic crisis, with many Nigerians feeling that they are not receiving adequate support or relief measures.

The economic hardships facing Nigerians are having a significant impact on their quality of life and well-being, with many feeling hopeless and uncertain about the future.

But then, as Christians we must believe that God's provisions are endless and He always takes care of His creations. Trust in God and have faith that He will provide for you in times of need. God is The Most Merciful and Compassionate, He will never abandon His faithful servants. Just have faith and remain patient, for God's provisions will come at the right time.

During times of inflation and financial hardship, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and worried about being able to afford basic necessities. However, it's important to remember that our provisions ultimately come from God. Instead of solely depending on our own efforts, we should also put our trust in Him and have faith that He will provide for us.

By depending on God during times of inflation, we can find comfort and reassurance in knowing that He is ultimately in control of our sustenance. This mindset can also help us approach financial difficulties with patience and resilience, knowing that ultimately God will provide for our needs. It can also be a reminder to be grateful for the blessings we do have, even if they may not seem like much in the face of rising prices.

Practically, depending on God during inflation can also motivate us to be mindful of our spending, to seek sustenance through lawful means, and to be charitable towards others who may be struggling.

Relying on God and His provision is the only solution during this trying period and we can only find peace and contentment during difficult economic times by having strong hope and firm faith in The Most Merciful and Compassionate God.

Happy Sunday Brethren
May the Lord favour us all this week🙏
God bless You

© Uzzi Mustapha

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This photo says a lot.
We all have our own journeys, and people are at different levels in life. Everyone faces their own struggles and challenges

What's a big deal for one person or a huge and significant milestone, might just be the least worries or minor accomplishment for another.
What comes easily to one person might not come as easy to another.

If we all have the blank check or the privilege to choose our path before birth, we would have chosen differently, perhaps much better... but yea regardless everyone is still trying

Be kind with your words, be kind to people.
Be happy for people, celebrate their achievements even if you already accomplished more, be happy for their small win.

See a need, lend a hand, be an encouragement, be kind.

Let the lord use you to reach your neighbor and the world at large.

God help us all.

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Life Hack

Life Hack
Dream Big 💆🏽‍♂️

Think Big 🤔

Work Hard ✍🏽

Be Consistent 💪🏽

Be Determined 😤

Be Focused ✊🏽

Be Prayerful 🙏🏽

Add up this seven elements together and watch yourself Succeed 💙

Good Morning Lovelies 🥰

Have a wonderful Day Ahead 💫

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THE 3 A′s Of Success

THE 3 A′s Of Success
A1 - Acknowledge
You see one thing with people who are unsuccessful and

don’t have a lot of money is that they always refuse to

admit that they are poor and actually need help.

They are usually very arrogant and feel that rich

people are wicked and they think they are wise.

One thing you can do for yourself especially if you don’t

come from a rich home is to cultivate the habit of learning and Unlearning.

Unlearning is more important than learning because all the lessons we learnt growing up poor were taught to us by people who don’t have a lot of money and are in fear.

Your mental programming needs to change

if your bank account balance will change.

But first you have to admit you need to change.

A2 - Attain.

According to chat GPT, attain means…

• Definition: To achieve or reach a particular level of knowledge or skill through effort.

The key word here is effort.
It’s not news that you need a skill or some kind of knowledge that gives you an advantage over others in other to make money.
This is everyday news.

But what you don’t see people do everyday is put in the effort. That's what acquiring a skill is not enough, you need to put in the effort.

A3 - Abide

Definition: To continue without fading or being lost; to persist.

Now, most people will Do everything right and give up just some moments before their breakthrough.

My pastor calls this “lack of Staying power”.

If you want to make it at anything, you need to stay long enough either reach exponential growth or get Lucky.

Yes, luck is a factor, don't let anyone decieve You.
But for you to get lucky, you need to be there at the right time and you need to be prepared.

The 3 A's Friends
Acknowledge, Attain, Abide.

Think on these things.
Top of the morning My Friends

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“And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the f irst begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood” (Revelation 1:5).


Two years ago, the media reported the story of one Amou Haji, described as the dirtiest man on earth. He did not have his bath for about 60 years because he believed it would shorten his life. His neighbours in Dejgah, Iran, became so concerned about his health that they forced him to bath. He died on 23 October 2022, at the age of 94.

The story of Amou Haji is the story of every unregenerate person. But John the Beloved offers hope for the unregenerate, as he introduces Jesus Christ as “him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood”. Christ Himself later spoke about the state of the seven churches in Asia Minor, to whom He was directing His letters. As it turned out, the leaders of the churches, with the exemption of two, were rebuked and required to retrace their steps or face judgment. They had become unregenerate and therefore, needed cleansing to avoid God’s displeasure.

Society has invented what it believes are sufficient cleansing agents. These include morality, almsgiving, good deeds, church attendance, fasting and prayer, and holy pilgrimage, all of which cannot cleanse from sin (Isaiah 64:6). Charles Spurgeon illustrated this thus, that “Morality may keep you out of jail, but it takes the blood of Jesus to keep you out of hell”. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) and that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). It requires the sacrifice of a life to redeem another life, since the blood symbolically represents life (Genesis 9:4).

Sinners must accept that Christ died and paid the price for their sin, if they are to
be washed from their iniquities. It is the only way to be clean and made acceptable to God.

The only acceptable remedy for sin is the blood of Jesus.

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Call to go and Deliver Macedonian

Call to go and Deliver Macedonian
DATE:11 Aug 2024

“And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us” (Acts 16:9).

READ:ACTS 16:6-10

A prominent businessman attended several meetings organised by a gospel minister and said, “I have enjoyed all the meetings this week, but I am sorry I attended them!” “Why?” asked the astonished minister. “These meetings have reminded me afresh that I have missed God’s best for my life. I was called to Africa [for missions but I started making money]. I have everything money can buy. Down in my heart, however, there is a great void. My life had failed, not from the world’s standpoint but from God’s point of view!”

It is interesting to note how Paul the apostle responded to the call for missionary work at Macedonia. He intended to go to Bithynia, but the Spirit restricted him and his colleagues. While at Troas, Paul saw a vision asking for help from Macedonia. Immediately, he changed course and went there, assured that the Lord had called them to preach the gospel there.

The Macedonian call refers to an outcry for help from somewhere. It may be a call to embark on missionary work in places outside your usual domain. It may be within your state, country or overseas. It often comes with demands for self-denial that test your faith. Many believers who have received the Macedonian call, like the businessman above, give excuses for not heeding. They may be successful in the world but are failures in the sight of God.

There is a shortage of missionaries today. The gospel has yet to reach many parts of the world. Technology is good for transmitting gospel messages but fellowshipping with one another, teaching to observe all Jesus has said and physical follow-up needs evangelists on the ground. Delay no longer to heed the call.

Downplaying a vision for a mission is a great omission

Happy Sunday Fam
Have a blessed week ahead

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Christ, The Hope Of Glory

Christ, The Hope Of Glory
“To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory”


The hymn, Blessed Assurance, with lyrics by Fanny Crosby and music by Mrs. J. F. Knapp, though written in 1783, still resonates with the heavenly glory that keynotes today’s devotional. Read the first stanza:
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
Oh, what a fore-taste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born or His Spirit, wash’d in His blood.
The presence of Christ in a saved youth brings hope of being with God on the last day. Such a youth is controlled by the dictate of the Holy Spirit, thereby having hope of eternal glory. We were God’s enemies, as sinners by nature and actions. But now, He has reconciled us to Himself through Christ, enabling us to live holy and blameless life. We must abide in the hope that when Christ appears, we shall be like him(1John 3:1-3). If you are yet to have this hope of glory, you need to repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour.

Oh God, help me to stay anchored in Jesus.

Christ only is our hope of glory.
Happy a blessed weekend

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When a Man is handsome, educated, have money but still single, What could be the problem?
Your thoughts 🤔?

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