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Family Stories & Experiences

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Affairs of the Mind

Affairs of the Mind
I remembered when my brother came home one evening; he entered the house beaming with smiles. Well, it's me and my phone, so I didn't necessarily ask about his smiles after exchanging pleasantries.

Our parents were in the living room as well, watching their usual evening news update. My brother greeted them, gisted a little, and finally explained why he was smiling.

"Mum, Dad, I am getting married," my brother said.

This came as good news to them because they've always pressured him to bring home a bride. A successful young man in his late 30s ought to have a home and his own family according to my parents.

"So, who is the lucky woman?" my mum asked.

"Jaruna is her name, residing in the north," my brother replied.

"Residing or a native?" my dad asked.

"Both, sir, but if we get married, she will come to Lagos with me."

This didn't sit well with my parents after hearing where she is from, but my brother remained adamant and wouldn't budge on his choice. "I've finally found the apple of my eyes, and I am not changing that."

"Well, count us out of your wedding if you won't listen to us. If only you knew that this is for your own good," my dad threatened.

But my brother felt unthreatened since he is man enough for himself and can cater for his own family.

He left, and I saw him off. On my way seeing him off to the gate, he asked if I would be there for him always.

I affirmed that, assured him that nothing could shake our brotherhood.

He tipped me as usual and left.

His wedding was scheduled for five months after he came to our house, and he had tried to convince my parents, but the result was futile. So, he told me to follow him, and he would get some people to do that as well. My brother isn't someone who keeps friends; he doesn't attend functions unless it's a seminar, so I understood why he turned to only me. We arranged that I would stay in his house a week before his wedding to avoid raising any suspicion.

The day came, and we set off. The journey took like three days to reach there, and we arrived there on the night of the third day after a tiring journey. We were given a hut to stay in as the ceremony would commence the next day so we could return home fast.

The next day, my brother asked me, "Ray, I hope you will stand by me if anything happens."

"Sure, bro. I am not your 'ride or die,' but I will ride with you till I die," I said.

"Hope you won't deny me if I call on you," he asked again.

"I am Ray, I am not Peter; use me as your emergency button."

"Such a lovely bro. Men will always mount. I've come a long way, and I can't afford to lose now," he said.

I was skeptical about that buh I didnt bother much on it

We entered, and I was led to a tent, while my brother was led to the open field. A man, probably the bride's father, came out,addressed the mass and the ceremony commenced.

I was at the front row when my brother was laid on a table-like structure. I kept looking in observation mode until a tough-looking man came around and asked if my brother was ready. My brother said yes. The man asked what if he got exhausted, and my brother said "my bro wouldn't disappoint me. I saw the pity in my brother's eyes, all because of love, I Thougt the man would sit on him but

My eyes cleared when I heard my brother scream out after a whip successfully landed on his bare back.

"Damm!" I shouted. "Is this also tradition?" The whip continued non-stop and each time my brother voice rang like of dangote trailer until my brother seemed like he couldn't take it anymore. He faintly looked at me, pleading with me to come and receive the beating.

The beater asked him, "Are you still capable?"

My brother pleaded, "Help me out, Ray, like you've promised me."

With my eyes and facial expression, I replied "For where, I am not Ray. In fact, I don't know him, call Me Peter or amaka"

My brother looked at me in disbelief, I stood up jeje in a rat position, and moved to the nearest hut to change our lookalike cloth before I will be dragged out

, "Why would I suffer for someone else's love?"and which kind of tradition is that??

Me trying to avoid people that might recognize me 👇👇

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The Detective

Tom was a dedicated father and a detective. His little boy, Charles, was everything in the world to him after he lost his wife during child delivery. Every morning, Tom would walk Charles to school, holding his tiny hand.

One bright morning, as they were on their usual route to school, something terrible happened. Tom had told Charles to wait for him while he crossed the road to grab a bottle of water but when he returned, a stranger had took Charles away. Tom's heart sank. He couldn't believe his eyes as his son was kidnapped right in front of him.

Tom's life shattered that day. He left no stone unturned to find his son. As a detective, he had a unique set of skills. He worked tirelessly, day and night, following leads, talking to witnesses, and searching for any clue that could lead to Charles but all to no avail.

The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months. Tom's dedication to finding his son never faltered. He faced countless challenges and dangers, but he didn't give up. He worked with other law enforcement agencies, using all his expertise to track down the kidnapper. Most nights, he will sit outside staring at the moon as if Charles was there, he was so restless over the thought of losing the last member of his family.

Finally, after a long and exhausting journey, Tom received a tip that led him to a distant location away from the town. There, he found a hidden place where his son was being held hostage. With the help of his fellow officers, they stormed the location and rescued Charles.

The reunion between Tom and his son was filled with tears of joy. Charles was scared but relieved to see his father. Tom held his son close, vowing never to let him go. The nightmare was finally over for a worried detective and father who went through hell and back to rescue his beloved son.

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Groundnut benefits

Groundnut benefits
Nature is all goodness , However, too much is bad!! Am seriously adjusting from my addiction for the past months now!.

Groundnut Health Benefits

Eating groundnuts, also known as peanuts, comes with loads of health benefits which made me to choose it as my easiest plant based protein, especially everyone knows that it's easily seen around, affordable and easy to process, despite being in high calorie it's a good weight gain and weight loss nut .

It's rich in nutrients including protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins (like B vitamins and vitamin E), and minerals (such as magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium).

Heart friendly nut, the unsaturated fats in groundnuts can be beneficial for heart health, as they may help lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Weight Management Despite being calorie-dense, groundnuts can promote feelings of fullness due to their high protein and fiber content, potentially aiding in weight management.

It's a good Antioxidants which can help protect cells from damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Blood Sugar Control
The fiber and healthy fats in groundnuts can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Nutrient Absorption it contain nutrients like vitamin E and healthy fats that can enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins from other foods.

Bone Health, think of healthy bone, think groundnut .
Because it provide phosphorus and magnesium, essential minerals for maintaining strong and healthy bones.

Skin Health
The vitamin E in groundnuts contributes to skin health and may protect against skin damage from UV rays.

Reduced Risk of Gallstones
Regular consumption of groundnuts has been associated with a lower risk of gallstone formation.

Energy Boost
Na here I dey grab my major energy instead of eating carbs everytime as we know in African , carb is our major food so since groundnuts are a good source of energy due to their calorie content.

Remember , groundnut can lead to weight gain, so be mindful to enjoy groundnuts in moderation as part of a balanced diet, especially if you are concerned about calorie intake, and be mindful of any negative effect that comes from excess consumption of it, just like I said earlier , my challenge is the stomach pain and blurting apart from that I would not have any concern about the addiction for now🙄🙄

Join us to learn more on how to eat and lose weight or gain weight.

Staying healthy should be your ultimate goal.

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The concept of manhood is one that holds significant importance in society. Throughout history, societies have had specific expectations for men, these expectations define what it means to be a "real man," which ideals have evolved over time and varied from culture to culture. Today, manhood is still an important topic of discussion as society continues to wrestle with defining and redefining masculinity in the modern era.
One reason why manhood is vital to society is that it shapes attitudes towards gender and relationships. From childhood through adulthood, individuals are taught about what defines masculinity, such as strength, independence, and leadership skills. As such, men have acquired a powerful image that has been used to justify many stereotypes and assumptions throughout the years.
Furthermore, manhood has a significant impact on relationships, specifically romantic relationships. Many men believe that they must exhibit certain traits to be "real men" and win the affection of the opposite gender. This results in a lot of pressure and expectations in their romantic ties. Manhood is also important to society as it shapes the role of men in the family and community. Throughout history, men have held specific expected social roles; these roles have varied significantly from culture to culture, but men have always held leadership positions. Today, this still holds as true, and men continue to be seen as the primary providers and heads of households. It is also vital to the development of a young boy; a role model must be portrayed in many life aspects. Men’s leadership play significant roles in the community.
In conclusion, manhood has become an important topic of discussion in society due to its influence on gender and relationships, the role of men in families and communities, among other things. The ideal role of men has evolved over the years, but the qualities of being a “real man” never faded. The notion of manhood can affect a person's life, behavior, and attitudes towards other genders.


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Market expedition

Last week, after a heated argument with my elder sister about her excessive time spent at the market and her tendency to loiter around even after finishing her shopping, the family decided that it was my turn to take on the grocery-shopping duties. Reluctantly, I accepted the challenge and prepared myself for an evening of chaos at the market.

As I stepped into the crowded marketplace, I was immediately overwhelmed by the sheer number of people bustling about. It seemed like the entire population had decided to converge on this one spot, leaving no breathing space in sight. My heart sank as I realized that navigating through this chaotic sea of bodies would be no easy task.

I found myself lost among the endless rows of fruit and vegetable vendors, desperately searching for that elusive breathing space. With each step, I was met with wailing sounds from the hawkers shouting out their prices, to the chatter of shoppers bargaining for a better deal. This was war in disguise.

Not only were the people overwhelming, but the distribution of food commodities also seemed strangely scattered. To make my shopping list, I had to hop from one end of the market to the other. I would buy tomatoes in one corner, then embark on a seemingly endless journey of a hundred miles to find a vendor selling vegetables. And just when I thought I was done, I had to take another turn and walk another hundred miles to find a place where rice was sold. It was as if the market itself was playing a cruel game of hide-and-seek with me.

Time seemed to elongate as I spent double the amount of time my sister usually spent at the market, desperately hunting for each item on my shopping list. The evening grew darker. With a sigh of relief mixed with frustration, I finally managed to gather all the necessary items and maneuvered my way out of the people's zoo.

As I arrived home, completely drained, I offered my apologies to my sister and the rest of the family. It was a humbling experience, to realize the challenges and frustrations that come with grocery shopping in such a public market. I vowed to myself then and there that I would never subject myself to such chaos again.

While my siblings laughed at my exhausted state, I rushed to the racks, picked a plate, and arranged for myself a large mountain of delicious-looking noodles from the pot.

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The Witch′s Daughter, Chapter One 1.

I was only five years old and we had just moved into that neighbourhood. My father worked at the hospital, which required us to move a lot. The hospital, which was run by a church, had a habit of transferring its hospital staff to a new station every after about six years. That’s how we happened to find ourself in that town and in that neighbourhood. Under normal circumstances, we were supposed to live in the hospital compound. The hospital actually had a compound for its staff. However, we were told it was full. We had no choice but to seek accommodation in town.

My family was composed of my dad, mum, younger sister and I. My younger sister was three and had just started school before we were forced to move. My mum was a teacher in the private sector and my dad as you already know, was medical personnel.

It was difficult for us to have accommodation. However, my dad was advised to seek the help of a housing agent. While our belongings were packed at the hospital store room, we had to wait another two weeks before we could get a call from the agent. He asked my dad to see him in his office the following day. He said he had been able to secure for us a good apartment for a family our size. My dad was very pleased and promised to see him the next day without fail. The next day, my dad took me along in his car to see the agent. We got to his office some thirty minutes later and this conversation followed.

“Good Day, Sir and welcome.” The agent said.
“Good Day, young man. How are you?”
“I am fine, Sir.”
“So, any luck yet? Have you been able to get an apartment for me like you promised you would?” My dad asked.
“Yes, Sir. I have. A nice apartment. I hope you will love it.”
“I hope so too. But why did you say that?” My dad asked, bewildered.
“The neighbourhood, Sir. I am not a very big fan of that neighbourhood. In fact, I am not crazy about that neighbourhood at all.” The agent said, sweating.
“Why? What is wrong with the neighbourhood?’ My dad asked.
“It is said that witches and wizards inhabit the neighbourhood. Terrible things have been happening in that neighbourhood. In fact, a lot of terrible stories have been coming from that part of town.”

My dad was a devout Christian. As much as he believed evil spirits exist, he also believed strongly in the holy spirit. Stories of ghosts and evil spirits didn’t scare him. He believed nothing under the sky can harm him as long as his faith and trust in God was unshaken.

“Tell me some of the stories of that neighbourhood you have heard about.” My dad said.
“Are you sure you really want to hear?” The agent asked.
“I do. Please tell me. I am, a busy man and I don’t have time to waste. Go on with your stories about painted devils.” My dad was getting impatient.
“Sir, the stories are real. These stories are not about painted devils. They are real. For example, the mother of the lady who owns the apartment I am getting for you was said to be a witch. She has died, anyway. However, rumour has it that, the landlady was her favourite child. She therefore passed on all her witchcraft to her before dying. It is rumoured that she killed her husband, that is the father of the landlady.” The agent narrated.

My dad didn’t seem to be scared by the stories. In addition to his strong and unwavering believe in God, my dad was also a very stubborn man. He was also very adventurous, a trait I had unfortunately acquired.

“The father of the landlady; was he rich?” My dad asked the agent.
“Very rich, Sir. Very, very rich.” The agent said.
“That explains it.” My dad said, laughing. “Whenever a rich man dies, people always accuse his poor and innocent wife. That is Africa. I don’t believe any of your stories. Let’s talk about the rents, terms and conditions and when I am moving in.”
“Ok, Sir. If you say so. I just said I should tell you what I need to tell you, so that you don’t say I hid anything from you in the future.” The agent said.
“Alright, thank you. Now let’s get to the real business of the day.” My dad had really become impatient now.
“The apartment costs 50,000 a month. You have to pay one-year rents upfront.”
“Ok, what else?”
“There are just two apartments in that particular building. Yours is at the right-hand corner. The landlady also lives in the compound. Her own apartment is directly opposite yours. However, there is a huge space separating the two buildings. You can move in as soon as you are able to pay the money.” The agent explained.
“That will be tomorrow. I will pay tomorrow, clean the house and moving in the day after. Now take this.” My dad said, handing him the agency fees.
“Thank you, Sir. Thank you very much. I appreciate.”
“That’s alright, young man. Now any other ghost stories?” My dad asked with a smile on his face.
“None whatsoever, Sir.” The agent said. I suspected in his mind, he said, “You will find out for yourself.”

My dad asked me to get into the car and we drove off. As we drove home, he warned me not to tell my mum anything about the agent’s stories. He made me to expressly promise him I wouldn’t. I did promise I wouldn’t and I had no intentions of not keeping my promise. My dad was not the kind of person whose promise you would break in any circumstance. He was a great disciplinarian but very caring and loving.

My dad hadn’t believed anything he was told by the agent. To him it was an old wives’ tale. To him it was stories men told each other when they were drinking at their ogogoro joints. However, as young as I was, I believed the agent and I was very angry at my dad for making me promise not to say anything to my mum.

I believed the agent because I had experienced some strange things in our former station. I couldn’t tell if they were real or not but they were very vivid and explicit. One day, while I was at the back of the house, I had seen witches, carrying little babies on their backs, dancing. They disappeared as soon as they realized I had seen them. At night I was always seeing a black head always looking and blinking at me. I also once had a hallucination where some wizards were trying to kill me and my dad was begging them not. Suddenly my dad was dragged away and as they attempted to strike me; my three years old younger sister appeared in the form of an angel. With a halo around her head and saved me.

I had never told anyone any of these devilries. As young as I was, I kept them in my mind. I decided that as we moved into the new house, if my father didn’t want to take any precautions, I would. For the sake of my mum and younger sister.

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A day before independence

A day before independence
It was a Saturday morning, and everyone was buzzing with excitement because the next day marked the celebration of independence. However, I didn't share the same enthusiasm.

As usual, my mom was jotting down a long list of items to buy for the market. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the extensive list and questioned her about it. With a smile, she told me to fetch my dad.

I ventured outside in search of my dad and heard his voice emanating from a neighbor's house. Curious, I tried to figure out what was happening there.

It turned out to be a heated argument between a husband and wife. The man was frustrated about not being able to afford all the items his wife wanted for the celebration. The wife, on the other hand, was adamant about having everything, no matter the cost. Thankfully, my dad arrived just in time to prevent a physical altercation.

I delivered the message to my dad, and he accompanied me back home. On our way, we passed another family, all hands on deck, busily preparing various dishes for the celebration. I couldn't help but wonder if all these activities were necessary in our current Nigeria, where so many things weren't working.

My dad knew the purpose of the call from my mom and asked if I had seen the list. Although I had seen it, I decided to keep it a secret and denied knowing about it.

When we arrived home, my mom handed the list to my dad, who exclaimed, "Why is this list so long, woman?" He asked if there was any way to make changes to it, but my mom insisted that everything was necessary. My dad went inside and brought out money, and I could see the joy on my mom's face.

She headed to the market and purchased everything on the list. Upon returning, she surprised us with goodies from the market. We eagerly awaited the next morning for the celebration, filled with happiness and anticipation.

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Gaming Grandma

In a small town in Japan, a 95-year-old grandmother, known as "Gaming Grandma," has become an online sensation. She started playing video games as a way to connect with her grandchildren during the pandemic, and she quickly became a skilled gamer. Now, she livestreams her gaming sessions and has a growing fanbase of all ages who admire her passion and dedication. Her story reminds us that it's never too late to discover new hobbies and talents.

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Today′s stress

I woke up early this morning feeling tired. As I stumbled out of bed, I realized it was going to be another long day filled with endless house chores. The laundry, the dishes, the cleaning. There was a lot for me to do.

Throughout the day, I rushed from one chore to another, barely pausing to catch my breath. The laundry seemed never-ending, the dishes seemed to multiply on their own, and the dust seemed to have a mind of its own, continuously settling on every surface in the house a minute after I wiped.

Each time I thought I had crossed one task off my list, two more would take its place. My stress levels soared as the hours ticked by, and I found myself yearning for a rest.

As night approached, I realized that I had reached the end of my to-do list for the day. The house was clean, the chores were done, and I could finally take a moment for myself.

As I sank into the couch, tiredness and fatigue engulfed me.
I was in deep sleep for close to two hours when I jerked up, I hadn't posted my today's story. A hobby that kept my joy running.

And so, with a heart full of hope and a mind ready for whatever lay ahead, I surrendered to the embrace of sleep, knowing that tomorrow is a blank cardboard paper waiting to be painted on.

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Adam and his school uniform

Adam had a knack for pestering his mother and causing a nuisance to his family. No matter how hard his mother tried to discipline him, Adam determined to test the limits of his stubbornness.

One fateful day, Adam's mother cautioned him not to touch any of the electronic appliances at home. She reminded him that he was not old enough to handle them safely. However, being the stubborn boy that he was, Adam chose to ignore his mother's advice.

He plugged in the iron, disregarding his mother's warnings. As he clumsily attempted to iron, the iron lid got so hot that it burnt a large, irreparable hole in his school shirt.

The next day at school, he had to face the school authorities and receive his punishment. They assigned him additional tasks and chores each day to teach him the importance of obedience and responsibility.

Throughout the days of punishment, Adam's attitude began to change. He realized how his stubbornness not only caused trouble for him but also affected the people around him. His mother noticed this transformation and saw a glimmer of hope in her son.

Witnessing the consequences of his actions and the impact they had on his life, Adam understood the importance of listening to his mother's advice and following the rules. He started to become more considerate and cooperative, both at home and at school.

From that day forward, Adam began to thrive as a good boy. He understood that his stubbornness had held him back, and he wanted to make amends for his past behavior. His family was overjoyed to see him grow into a responsible and obedient young man.

A lesson learned from burning his clothes. Sometimes, children should be left free when they cling to the fire, there's no better teacher than experience.

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Way to Home

The cold morning greeted me with still walls, no longer the smiling face of my mum through the curtains the weight of my light niece tugging at my cheeks, or my elder sister enquiring if I was going to sleep till eternity.
Life with family is a beautiful thing, out of imaginary explanations.

It was chilly cold and I could feel my blood throbbing in effect.
"Should I boil water? ", I asked myself.
The last time I used heated water to bathe, I got skin reactions.
We were to write a paper as early as 7:30 that morning and I had spent all my night reading, only getting an hour of sleep before the troubling aggravating alarms went off.

I swallowed the shock waves as the cold fluid flowed down from my body and bit my lips, couldn't leave my teeth stuttering from the quiver. I did my thing and didn't take more than a minute before I struggled for my drying towel where it hung.

I had to buy water along the way to school, the location where they set as the exam venue was quiet a long distance. But it'd be fun since it was my last paper.

Can't wait till tomorrow so I can go back to a place of comfort, solace and endless happiness.

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Caring for my Caregiver

This afternoon, as I was immersed in my Physiology textbook, my phone rang and I saw my mother’s name flash across the screen. I picked up immediately, wondering what she had to say today.

"Hello Ebe Mummy," she greeted with a tired voice. I didn't finish responding when she cut in "I have this terrible body pain and I'm getting sick. Please, help me prescribe some medicine?"

My jaw dropped in disbelief. I'm barely surviving out here in a zoo of a school, I inhaled and replied, "Mummy, I'm just a physiology student. I can't prescribe." Breathing a sigh of relief, I continued "Well, I have a better idea. Why don't you go to the doctor? They can make the right diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment and drugs."

She didn't seem satisfied, hesitantly I suggested an antibiotic for her with the advice that she confirms from her doctor first, at last, the woman exhaled as if letting out the pains in gratefulness.
I couldn’t help but smile at her gratitude to me. Sometimes parents could be so stubborn, but deep down, they always wanted the best for us.

When I hung up, I couldn’t imagine how the roles in our relationship would change. I wasn’t just their child; I would be their keeper too. As our parents grow older, our care and concern for them become more important.

Maybe I'm ready, maybe I'm not, eventually, I'll grow into the role of a CAREGIVER.

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Last Friday marked a significant chapter in my life as I embarked on a four-hour journey to move from one house to another. The sun was just beginning its routine, casting a warm color on the familiar street I had called home for years. It was a day filled with remembrance and bittersweet farewells, especially from the neighbors we had grown close to over the years.

The morning started early, with the sun's rays gently waking me from my slumber. The to-do list loomed large in my mind as I sipped on a cup of water, taking in the familiar view from my old kitchen window. The sound of properties overturned and furniture being disassembled filled the air. My heart felt heavy with the weight of change, but I knew it was time to move on to a new chapter in life.

As the clock neared noon, friends and neighbors began to gather around our old house. It was a close-knit community, and we had shared countless moments and evenings of laughter with them. They offered helping hands, moral support, and even some tears as they saw us packing our memories into boxes.

One of our closest neighbors, Mrs. Onyi, who had lived next door for as long as I could remember, approached with a plate. Tears welled up in her eyes as she handed them to me. "You'll always have a piece of this neighborhood with you," my heart was moved by her farewell words.

As the final properties were loaded onto the moving bus, our neighbors and few church members gathered for a group photo. It was a snapshot of the bonds we had formed over the years, a picture that would forever hold a special place in my heart.

The journey to our new home felt like a whirlwind of emotions. I couldn't help but think of the memories we were leaving behind and the adventures that lay ahead. Just before sunset, we arrived at our new house. It was an empty space waiting to be filled with new memories and experiences. Unpacking felt like unwrapping a gift, revealing pieces of our old life to be re-assembled into the new. The neighbors in our new community greeted us with warm smiles and open arms, making us feel welcome from the very beginning.

As I settled into my new home that Friday night, I couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. Though I had left behind a house filled with cherished memories, I knew that the bonds we had formed with our old neighbors would endure. They would dearly miss us, just as we would miss them.

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Being good

Back when I was small, I was very obedient. I went for all errands without complaining. Always there to do chores
I was hardworking also. I always read and my dad promised that he would give me a surprise reward one day.
It was when I wrote my Junior WAEC, I performed so well that made my family happy. He told me that time again that he was going to surprise me.

But I was waiting for the surprise throughout the whole week, even the next week but nothing came And I gave up.
Surprisingly after a month, my dad called me inside and began to about at me. I didn't know it was all his plan.
I did nothing to warrant him shouting at me, so I was lost and in tears and just then he brought out a brand new phone and handed it over to me.

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Xmas Day

Christmas was always something we celebrated in our home. No matter how tough things were at the time, we never miss to celebrate.

On this very day, we had already eaten and drank and it was time for more sightseeing. We always enjoyed visiting relatives and having them gift a little pennies.

Do not eat from anybody, my mum would say. We started our journey and our pennies were growing. With my siblings and a few other neighboring children, we went from house to house to showcase our special Christmas wear.

By the time we were to visit the last place on our list, I was already hungry. On getting there, they didn't ask if we would eat as others did. They just brought in food and big chunks of chicken. While others resisted and declined the invitation to eat, I didn't. I rushed the chicken and that was it.

We went home, they reported me, I was stroked mercilessly, what a Christmas day it was.

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Enemies after Food

I was about landing the blow on my sister's back but my mother intercepted the hand before it could achieve it's goal. She held it and when I struggled to free the hand, I had a resounding knock on the head, a painful pat and was shoved beside.

"Fight someone your own size!" she shouted at me as she dragged my sister along with her.

Backfoward: I was enjoying my game console which I had just put together joining multiple wires in. The game device has been spoilt for months and it was a miracle it came on after I worked a screw on it. I had just started to enjoy it when my sister came around and asked to play. I politely told her to wait her own turn but she got emotional and put of anger, she tried to forcefully snatch it from my clutches and everything was in shambles.

Who wouldn't be annoyed after that?
I didn't even land the beating on her.
I lost my device, I lost my happiness.
I even lost my sanity after the mom's knock.
All these pain for just fixing my own game console.

I cried my eyes out, mumbled an explanation to dad though he did nothing. Finally, I ran out from the house.

I was seated beside a nearby farmland for about 4hrs when I heard my mother scream my name "Miracle! Miracle! Come and eat!"

After playing deaf for many times, I saw my mom approach me. She patted my back softly and apologized while I shrugged. She said she was sorry and even bought me a drink to go with the meal she made.

I followed back home and she brought out the drink and dropped it beside the hot meal. I rolled my eyes at my sister and gestured at my drink which should have gotten her jealous, but she wasn't moved.

Just after I took the last gulp of the drink, my sister withdrew from under the seat, her own drink. I was disappointed, this girl caused the whole mess and now she was rewarded with a drink also. What is the essence of the apology?

I angrily rushed off the house again, making sure my mom noticed how aggravated I was too. I sat back at the same spot near the farmland and waited for another apology, but it never came, no one even came looking for me.
I just had to go home and rest when I was tired sitting and wasting my whole day on that farmland alone.

Category Competition Winner!

1,000 NGN Prize successfully withdrawn to winners' wallet
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Rainy season is here , and all the farming stress on all too has come.we went to farm under a very scorching sun we did go early because I had chores to execute before going to farm so went we starting clearing the farmland then my body started to shake like I couldn't work no longer not as if I was sick before going to the farm it became so intense my mother and my siblings discover I wasn't working again buh out of experience my mum hurried fetched a cup of kunu from the jar and gave to me within a couple of minutes I was okay then it started to rain there was no sign of rain before and the farm isn't located close to where people live I was so drenched in the rain it was kind of a black Monday for me even though nobody died.


Category Competition Winner!

500 NGN Prize successfully withdrawn to winners' wallet
Show some love. Gift @targemajoy something as TIPs

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