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Kingsley Ukwueze @kingsleysom

Kingsley Ukwueze @kingsleysom

43 Posts 1,312 Followers 165 Following Login
Last Seen: 1h 17m Block
About kingsleysom
Username: kingsleysom
Influence: 31, Audience: 101
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Name: Kingsley Ukwueze
Gender: male
Age: 25 years old
Account Privacy: public
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From: Anambra, Nigeria
Joined: 30th Jun 2023, 9:04am
User ID: 31313

Elderly responsibility

Elderly responsibility
My sister fell ill last week, and I took on the responsibility of caring for her. On Monday, I visited her and found her lying in bed with a high fever. I was worried and decided to check on her regularly to ensure she was getting better.

On Wednesday, I went to see her again, and her fever was still persistent. I prayed hard for her recovery, hoping she would soon be back on her feet. I made sure to bring her medication, water, and food to help her feel more comfortable.

On Friday, I visited her once more, and although her fever had subsided a bit, she was still quite weak. I continued to pray for her and encouraged her to stay strong, knowing that she would get through this.
As the days went by, I kept a close eye on her, making sure she was taking her medication and eating well. I also helped with household chores to reduce her stress and workload.

On Sunday, today, I was thrilled to see my sister up and about, looking much better than she had all week. We decided to go to church together, and I was relieved to see her strong enough to attend.

Throughout our time at church, I kept a watchful eye on her, making sure she wasn't overexerting herself. I was grateful to see her smiling and chatting with friends, a clear sign of her recovery.
After church, we returned home, and I could see that she was now well enough to take care of herself. I was proud of the progress she had made and knew that my care and support had played a part in her recovery.

I'm grateful that my sister is now on the mend, and I'm proud of the role I played in helping her through a tough time. I realize that caring for a loved one can be challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding to see them recover and thrive once again.

@kingsleysom would win 2000 NGN in if this story gets 15+ likes and higher likes than other stories of Sun, 19th May. 2024.
Show some love. Gift @kingsleysom something as TIPs

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Marriage task

Marriage task
Yesterday, we held what we call "Iju-ase" in the Igbo culture, which translates to marriage introduction in English. The occasion went by swiftly, but it was quite challenging for me. My dad had assigned me the task of welcoming most of the guests, and it turned out to be exhausting. I had to ensure that every guest felt welcomed by guiding them to their seats and attending to their requests for food.

Moreover, I found myself scurrying to buy different drinks since some guests didn't fancy the brand they were initially served. It was a bit overwhelming, but miraculously, everything fell into place. We had an ample supply of rice, different types of swallow, and a variety of delicious soups.

Despite the challenges, I was certain that when the event ended, everyone left satisfied. The atmosphere was filled with joy, laughter, and the upbeat sound of music. The dance by the bride and groom captured everyone's attention, and the delightful commentaries were heartening. In the end, people were entertained, and I was relieved that everything had turned out well.

Category Competition Winner!

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Tell me why I shouldn't be dissapointed in this website.
For the million time, I am to verify my account. Now was now banning palmpay. I was cool with the procedure but then all of a sudden, I couldn't streak yesterday because I should withdraw first to my other main account. My streak was to complete that yesterday, mind you.
But then I had no time to supply the new bank details anf therefore, I lost my streak.
I lost 14 days. Thought about the pain.

The money doesn't mean a lot, but just when you have been working on something only to get sacked on the day of salary without pay.


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Has been filled with ups and downs, but God will always bear his people up.
Do have a nice day all of you.


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Nigeria is always the best African country to set up business negotiations with
“US still interested in doing business in Nigeria - Blinken - The Nation Newspaper

Opinion Screenshot

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It's a beautiful thing to learn that it's 100 days now streaking steadily on @mindviewers without missing a single day.
I'm crowned.

2 725

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I saw something about Cameron dams causing flooding in Nigeria.
The government should address this before it escalates national disputes b/w our country and theirs.


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Good morning Fam.
Wishing you a great day ahead.


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Chicago coming up with lies that mr. President schooled oversees still remain funny.


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